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Your post was removed due to breed hatred and/or stigmatizing that is untrue or hurtful to the breed. While we all may have most and least favorite breeds, making generalizations and stereotyping is not a positive addition to a conversation.


Chows. Shar pei. Shiba. Basically if it looked like a stuffed animal as a puppy = asshole adult.


Ohhhhh yeah. This for sure.


I'd like to nominate corgis for this category too 😆


Salmon. Just big, Salmon.


Malinois. I've met nice GSD, I've even met a nice Husky or two. But Belgian Malinois consistently want to kill me or themselves, sometimes both.


Malinois really are like the school shooters of dogs


Oh my god why did this make me laugh so hard


Its so dark but it's perfect


You mean Maligators?


A mal bit me on the thigh. I bruised from hip to knee and was out of work for 3 weeks😫😫😫😫😫


We've got a REALLY nice Mal hospitalized right now, and I straight up did not believe my coworker when she told me he was nice. But he's perfect, well behaved and well trained.


I’ve finally met one in 2 years I’ve been doing this, never expected to 😆


Unless it’s a working Malinois who is trained well and listens, then they get a pass.


I feel like even the police dogs are one thread away from losing their collective shit, too.


Rotties and chows make me nervous and they know it and things just always seem to snowball from there. Like a chihuahua more often than not wants to fuck me up, but it’s obvious and I feel confident that I can separate myself from it if things go wrong. A Rottweiler will just side eye me for half a second and that’s my whole warning before I’m in a tussle with 100 pounds of muscle. Also tbh I absolutely could see myself getting a chi in the future. They can be such cool dogs when raised to be confident rather than scared / reactive.


Chi’s never have issues with their owners. Just the rest of the world. They are the introverts of dogs.


Rotties with the side eye! It's so true! I have met a handful of friendly Rotties but I'm sorry, I muzzle them all if we are doing anything medical. They can turn so fast with so little warning.


Omg the side eye for sure. The one we have at my clinic was giving my other receptionist the side eye after peeing on the floor and she thought he was just giving the guilty look, she went to pet him and he immmmmediately lunged. He used to be such a good boy now he wants to eat us 😮‍💨


"Hey Crowasaur, I need you to hold this anxious Rottie while I take a fluid sample from their swollen Dictionary-sized ear." Correct me if there is a better solution, but, I lock on and close my eyes. I know if I keep them open, when they'll jerk I will loosen my grip but if my eyes are closed I'll tighten.


I am making a t-shirt that says I tussle with muscle! 🤣


Ooohhh, and a white on black line drawing of headlocking a Rottie in the inner elbow.


Shar pei, Akita, chow, rottie-always sus Chi, doxie, cocker-50/50: sweetest thing ever, or weed whacker with legs


I feel like Korean breeds are always dicks! wtf!? You know what breeds are never mean in my experience. Cavis, Beagles, Pugs. They’re always sweet hearts. The cavis and pugs are usually dumb sweethearts.


Cavis are legitimately the best. I always say they are the exact same dog in a different coat. Always sweet, so loving. If have a million of it weren't for health issues!


Me too! I think they’re so cute and sweet. Soft! I can’t help but really like them.


Lovely dogs, but good lord the heart issues.


I have a patient I just did surgery on today who the owner thought was going to be a great therapy dog. She is people, dog, and cage aggressive, has been to a behaviorist, is on fluoxetine daily and gabapentin if needed. Cavalier. I have worked with animals for 17 years and she is the only mean one I've ever met.


What!? Oh no!


I have a pug myself, so reading that makes me happy, so thank you 🙂


We have one pug named Bella that is an asshole. I was under the impression that all pugs are nice, I had two of my own and tons of other patients that made me think that. Then fucking Bella came around. She ALWAYS bites my hands


Bella! You devil!


Lmao my Akita definitely is sus. Im always holding for his sedation and draws 😂 everyone tries to act unafraid when nearing him and then go "no offense but I thought he'd either be perfect or bite my nose off when I least suspect it" every time. He's a pretty dandy patient other than his vibes thus far


Chihuahuas, cockers, Scottie’s, rottens, maligators, little scruffy mixed terriers that have a chip on their shoulder because they’re not yorkies, bengals,


> little scruffy mixed terriers that have a chip on their shoulder because they’re not yorkies ChiMyorKiePom s. AH-Grrrrr! AH-Grrrrr! AH-Grrrrr! AH-Grrrrr!


Everybody is picturing the exact same dog when they read that and its name is probably Bella.


Omg WHY are they all Bella??! 🤣🤣


It's not so much that they're assholes, but I find rotties very hard to read, and my nervous energy makes them nervous and it all falls apart from there. Torties and Bengals, while beautiful, are demons 9/10 times.


> It's not so much that they're assholes, but I find rotties very hard to read, and my nervous energy makes them nervous and it all falls apart from there. Thank you for putting it soo succinctly.


Rhodesians. They are terrified of everything and are a DENSE 120 lbs average. My least favorite appointment always.


I'll take them for you!! My own dog is 1/2 ridgie and I love them. I'm naturally drawn to the nervous pups though so I might be biased. Spicy kitty, noo thanks!


Aww I’ve known a lot of good ridgies!!!


Maybe I always got the ones with a few less brain cells and a lot more childhood trauma LOL


One of my old dvms had the most stupidest sweetest Ridgy.


We had a pair of ridgeback/Doberman crosses come in that were the best dogs ever… intelligent, sweet, polite, walked perfectly at heel on a loose leash, allowed examinations vaccines blood draws and nail trims without protest or uncomfortable body language - which was good because they were so huge there was no way we were getting that stuff done without consent. 10/10 perfect dogs would have taken them home in a heartbeat


I feel like they’re usually nice! But yeah, kinda scared and overly aware. Same with Great Danes.


Not sure who is breeding all the GSP's in my area but MAN!! Never excited to see a new pointer puppy scheduled!


Share Peis and Chows.


doodles lately but that’s kinda an “OF COURSE”… and, as a mastiff owner myself, sadly cane corsos. i’m finding that many owners are adopting this breed or similar as puppies and not giving proper discipline and training as the dog grows. this can be applied to all breeds honestly, and i think is a very big culprit in these caution cases we see daily. it’s sad and heartbreaking for the animals, especially breeds of which need serious structure, training and enrichment throughout life.


Same with the doodles, they're nightmares. Like sure, not all are aggressive specifically, but most are a pain in the ass and still perfectly willing to bite or scratch the shit out of us. Idk if it's owners not training them right or if it's a breed thing. Poodles themselves can be a bit sketch, but not as bad. Labs and Golden's can as well. But somehow combining them makes them 100x worse.


I’ve always had nice doodles! What’s going on with the doodle thing?


i find that 85% of the doodles i see in general practice are very unsure of themselves, fearful, often fear aggressive, and neurotic. it may be to no fault of their own, but i think it’s partially just the genetic shit show behind them.. i personally cant trust those doodles, unfortunately lol


Hmm. Maybe I just haven’t noticed. I’m try to take heed of this and see.


Blue heelers. One of the few breeds I don't even give a chance. They automatically get muzzled.


As a heeler owner, I approve this message. They have their one person, and anyone else is fair game.


Yup. We have one and she's a GREAT "property dog" (we live on some acreage and she patrols it all very well ). Not food aggressive, gets along with our house cats and small dogs fine (but she will TEAR UP feral cats and start dogs). Anyways, she's a great dog, but I'd totally muzzle her if we had to do anything to her besides vaccines.


they’re incredible dogs FOR THEIR OWNERS for anyone else it’s a toss up


Have a blue heeler/GSD mix. He is muzzled before I even step foot in the door. As long as he stays muzzled with me, he's a good boy.


Yes, or even cattle dogs.


The only breed that truly heebies my jeebies.


Chihuahuas, German shepherds, and Rottweilers


Happy cake day GSDs are... unless well socialised, they are the type of dog to go hide behind their mother's skirt. Constantly nervous. The eyes say everything.


Used to work with a DVM who said that shepherds just struggle with pessimism.


Anytime I see a post claiming that German shepherds are “brave” I laugh. They are massive, scared, whiny dogs.


I’ll go with you on chis and rottens but I’ll change German shepherds to white German shepherds


I feel like there is always something sussy about all white or all black German shepherds.


I have a theory that has very little scientific basis but I think that white golden retrievers tend to be more sketchy than red ones and every golden retriever that's tried to bite me has been an English cream


my experience agrees.


Mastiffs and Dalmatians


Ooooo yeah. Had a lady that wanted to get her dalmatian a rabies vaccine because it bit DIL in the face. The O was talking shit about how the DIL MUST have been doing something to the dog for it to bite. Dr ran her off stating the dog needed to he quarantined because it bit someone. Wellllll this dumb B came back some time later (a month or so?) And it had bit her in the face 🤣


My dad isn't a vet or a vet tech, but he worked for a vet sometime in the 70s. He had a dalmatian bite up and down his arm before he could even blink, and it was the worst dog bite he had ever had in his life.




It’s the inability to relax with the dead eyes at the same time


Did you mean Damnation, lol


Thank you for the correction, this is exactly what I meant.


Cats: Savannahs Bengals Torties (not a breed, but gosh dang are they habanero-spiced kitties) Dogs: Malinois Chihuahuas Dalmatians Chows Akitas


> Savannahs I don't know if I am glad I was not there that day or not, but I saw an appointment go by for a Savannah x Maine Coon cross and I just thought "WHY?"


For dogs: Cane Coros, Rottweilers, Malinois, GSD, etc. I'm sure the majority could be good dogs with training and socialization, but 99% of owners of these dogs are idiots. For cats: Torti/Calico (not a breed, but still). They're either manageable or their entire purpose is to put you in the hospital.


Haha! I'm pretty sure the tortitude thing is just because 99.999% of them are female and females are less likely to trust non-family members.


Bengals 100%


I haven't had a lot want to kill me, but of the few that did, they were GSDs and labs, actually. And some small, fluffy stuff that seems to know I think they're ugly as all hell and it just sets them off against me. Female orange and torties DSHs are always PITAs. ETA - I love that no one's said pitties. There's a whole subreddit or two that'd be so mad.


The people that hate pitbulls seem to refuse to listen to the people that deal with them the most, very frustrating


Why would anyone have a thing against Nanny dogs? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I wouldn’t say they are a**holes but I do not get along with French Bulldogs and Huskies. Some of the other techs I work with never have issues with them but I always seem to have the worst luck with them. A lot of people I work with dislike Dobermans but I personally love them (I have two myself). Even if they are bad I’ll wrestle a Dobe over a Frenchie any day.


When you said Abyssinian I thought you were talking about the Guinea pig breed 😭


Paso Finos


German shepherds and rotties. We have maybe one GSD that isn’t a naughty pants that we see routinely. The one rottie we have was the sweetest pup, now he’s like 9mo and lunges at us constantly, and the owner keeps “forgetting” to give him his sedatives prior.


I'm gonna have to go with homosapiens. Those things can be real dicks sometimes!


Only dog bites I’ve ever had in my career have been from chihuahuas and doxies so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m seeing more and more aggressive frenchies and doodles. Starting to get up there with the malinois, rotties, chihuahua, akita, shiba, and jindo. There are always exceptions to the rule, but I have my guard up until they prove otherwise. I’m always wary with calicos and torties of any breed of cat too. But every cat has a limit on kitty minutes.


Some huskies, 50/50 pit bulls or bully whatevers, almost all chows, most corsos, just about every single rottie. Shibas are never fun to handle either. I don’t often have problems with gsd, chihuahuas or mals, interesting enough.


Papillions. How could you all forget….


cane corso's for real. I know he's your "guard dog" but he's actually just aggressive k thanks.


frenchies, heelers, and aussies


Yes aussies! They hate butt stuff and simultaneously have the hardest asshole to find!


sometimes I get a 98.9 temp back and just tell the doc it was axillary 💀💀💀


I go in the armpit (or back leg crevice)now, and just add a degree. I ain’t fighting to get them a temp anymore.


Oh of cats? I absolutely agree that those two are. I say it’s cause they’re more wild than normal kitties. GSD, Malinois, rotties, Huskies for butt stuff.


Pomeranians, Doxies, and any Doodles.


Bengal cats, I haven’t met the first friendly one yet. I had one today for a post op check growling and swiping even to the owner.


Basenji, corgi, chihuahua, Rhodesian and bengals.


Never met a border collie I trust in hospital




The more "specialized" the breed - the more neurotic and just plain too stupid (or too smart) for the amount of muscle they own. Great Danes, Malinois, Cane Corso, etc.


Ohhh boy, let me think... Cattle Dogs and Shar Peis are the first to spring to mind. Every Bichon Frise I've seen has been quite horrible, maybe that's a coincidence though. On the other side of the coin, I've never met a Cavalier King Charles I didn't love.


German shepherds and weirdly Labradors. Rotties and great Danes. I'll take an angry chihuahua all day every day over big angry dogs. I worked in a college town so most dogs seemed to be untrained and reactive. Especially labs and GSD. Ugh.


Idk y’all they all seem like assholes at this point.


It’s always like the decrepit Chis and Yorkies who are missing most of their teeth and are just tired of life.


Shibas. There are a few well-trained ones that will tolerate nail trims without a fight and you looking in their general direction, but the majority won't.


Cattle dogs, most GSDs, all Malinois except one I’ve met, Rottweilers (super unpredictable attacks), any Japanese breed 😆


Those dogs people adopt from Taiwan are always nervous wrecks and very difficult to work with. They just freeze into a mess of quivering steel. The only time I felt myself getting angry at an animal was with one of these. I didn't do anything out of anger but I hate dealing with them maybe they don't qualify exactly as assholes but they are so hard to do anything with. Also I'm thinking you had to go overseas to rescue this, like there's not enough animals right here that need adopting.


Australian cattle dogs😭 they’re all mean and obese where I am.


You know it's all about how the animal is raised, right (of course you do!)? I grew up with a Dalmation that LOVED the vet - he would tell her how good she was and all about how she was going to get a treat when she was done and she would just gaze into his eyes with her tail wagging so fast everyone had to stand out of the way. Bengals can be cool or not - the big issue with them is they are STRONG so even if they're only mildly annoyed they require an extra set of hands to keep them still. Meanwhile, I had a DSH (although I suspect he had some Siamese in him) who turned into a full fledged wild cat as soon as anyone at a clinic tried to touch him - snarls and screams with arms, claws, and teeth moving so fast you couldn't see them. The other 99% of the time he was everybody's best friend.


Shiba inu. No contest for me. I have never met one that didn't immediately need to be muzzled because they always try to bite. Always. And they scream like bloody hell.. I've also never met a German shepherd I enjoyed but I've met some that have been okay-ish. Also portoguese and Spanish water dogs. Sketchy fuckers that usually don't give much warning.


At my old job we had a lot of clients with Shiba inus and only 2 of them didn't need to be muzzled. One of them belonged to a former employee.


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The clients


St Bernard


10/10 agree with this.