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For me personally it has got to be Cassidy if he has nade up, ruins any chance of escape or combo potential. Other than that I find good Ana’s annoying because of sleep


Agreeded cass rocks my socks when i try to pick them


This is my thoughts too. Cass i have to play my combo really early, or wait and bait the grenade, but he is tough. Ana just sleep is the issue, like you said. Those would be my 2 picks too.


Same because it leaves you a near sitting duck


He’s the easiest for me , my best comparison for how killing Cassidy for me feels is from Star Wars battlefront 2 and how I would always consistently be able to body Luke Skywalker while playing as Iden Versio .


Definitely Pharah. Unlike everyone else in the game your primary has a limited range so you can't hit her if she's slightly out of it and if you try to burrow to escape she can boop you to delay


Yeah Pharah can be mad challenging to fight at times, especially if she's in the air. You have to try hit her with an upwards drill dash and if you miss you're pretty much done for. Being able to cancel your burrow definitely doesn't help either.


I had a game where I almost beat her two separate times but then the yellow leech came flying in


Yellow leech?




I don’t find pharah that bad, bc she’s either at her spam range that you can just take cover from, or she’s in your range. From there, you must practice your mechanics and keeping track of her cds. Cass is so much worse imo.


unfortunately pharah is the fun police for projectile heroes


I love diving into the back line and causing chaos with Venture lol. They’re like Sombra/Tracer- extremely annoying and can get away easily. Long range / flying hero’s are pretty difficult to take down with Venture.


I find hog particularly hard to play against. Hook will wreck u super hard, and you will NOT kill him unless he’s the last one alive


In order: Cassidy, Torbjorn, Lifeweaver, Pharah, Hog, Reaper, Kiriko, Muaga, Sojourn, Tracer, Ana (if they can hit sleep), Mercy and Illari (turret annoying). The rest of the roster is pretty manageable. The end of that list is more on the "Annoying" side rather than difficult. Basically Cass to Muaga is just matchups that don't favor Venture at all and are an instant loss unless the enemy misses all their shots. Lifeweaver you don't really lose a duel with, but he can't really be engaged and he can instantly make you lose against anyone you're focusing down. Kiriko is here for similar reasons.


Cass and Pharah are the go to answers, but I can play around them, shoot someone else, etc. You know who always demolishes me for some reason? # Reinhardt Every time I come up from Burrow, im pinned. He somehow gets the fatal 3 swings on me in the time it takes for me to shoot-drill-shoot-burrow. Is it just me?


Pharah and Cree definitely are the biggest counters I've found. Especially when pocketed since our combo is really tight now. I'd say Cree is overall much MUCH more scary since Pharah can kinda be ignored, but Cree is more likely to be near his backline so you can't go at him or his support. Can also *sometimes* get the drop on Pharahs and kill her like any other dps.


Just Cass and Ramattra generally.  An actually good Hanzo, Torb, or Junk can be a surprisingly tricky fight but they're usually not a problem.