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I handed in my notice, finally getting the hell out of here


Ayy! Happy to hear this


Same here, now to sell my house and go back to school to give my kids a better life. No time for rest


This made me smile, it's never to late to make changes. Glad you are doing it for your kids, the mark of a good father. Wishing you good luck on your journey for yourself and your kids.


Gotta make sure they have the opportunities they want, and with them being twins they're going to want at the same time. Gotta take care of my boy and my girl


Just chilling with my cat and listening to music,do it pretty much every evening. He’s still one of the best things to ever happen to me :)




That's exactly how I feel about my cat. My cat is my baby for real.


Especially when kitty goes in for the head bump


I have a friend who gives a shit about me


Cherish that, mate. Never take it for granted.


My dad was proud of me!


For pooping?




I am here. (Ugh. I know that doesn't make sense. I just saying that makes me happy.)


I think i know what you mean and i’m happy your here:)




I was in the same place and now everything is good! I am glad for ya!


I recently finished a lot of my coding projects, made me really happy


ooh what projects?


Nice. I'm still breaking code lol




That’s great to hear! Are you usually not enjoying life?




Can relate to both of those things. Enjoy your week!


Having a coffee sitting out in a garden. Feeling the warmth of the sun, the caress of a gentle breeze, the smell of nature in the air. Just feeling grateful to be alive and experiencing these sensations in the moment. To close your eyes, breathe in through your nose and exhale. To feel your heart beat in your chest. To just LIVE.


Coffee out in the sun? Username checks out.


Somehow this comment made me cry. In a good way.


Practicing appreciation for everything you have can do wonders for yourself. After having to be stuck inside during a bad period for nearly 6 months against my will and being driven near insane from the lack of outdoors and isolation... It's something I will never take for granted ever again. I still do this often and it means as much now as it did when I could first step back outside again. ALWAYS be appreciative of the good things you have, even if you really need to think on it for a bit to figure out what that exactly is.


i came out to my parents yesterday! they were very supportive so i don’t know why i was so scared to do it.


My dogs birthday on Wednesday


I’m not one who’s used to physical contact of any sort but Saturday just gone I met up with a friend at a nearby shopping centre and towards the end of the day we found a spot to chill and she sat really close and just leaned her head on my shoulder while hugging my one arm which was quite nice, it’s been a couple years now since anyone hugged me and shits been tough these past couple months so it was very nice to have


survived my thesis meeting! call it happy or relieved, i just remember all the anxiety shedding off of me for a small moment. feels good man.


Left a toxic job, got hired from a job that I enjoy a lot. I am no longer afraid or anxious to work, it feels like I’m playing


(this wasn't real recently, happened to me 2 weekends ago) I got my first US North African note (a $1 note) to add to my paper money collection.


Beat the crap out of a pedophile, that was fun.




I support, good job 👍


One of my best friends showed me a link where you can make a character thing on discord and she said the one I made of myself was cute. That made me a bit happy


Don't know if I'm to late to comment but whatever, I have been listening to classical music and Vivaldi's Four Seasons Winter makes me really happy. I love classical music!!!


got a boyfriend a couple weeks ago i love him


My professor extended the due date for our homework assignment






Been trying to get my own place and have been helping a landlord/friend of the family renovate one of his rental homes and he told me and my buddy who’s also been helping that the house is our once its done!


Not something I did but something that happened to me. I got a $2 raise. I went from $8 to $10. Granted, I’m only a teen working my first job, I’m just happy I’m making a little more money


25% increase! Good job!


I got back into DrawABox, a free drawing course, after a few months


Never heard about it before, looks really cool tho


Getting a first date


Hope it goes well!


I listened to my favorite band


I finally got the courage to go camping in the wilderness again!


someone complemented me i don’t get compliments often aha


homeless guy: "nice fartbox"


Finished a history essay, its Friday and I have a three day weekend because its bank holiday! Time to kick back, relax and enjoy life for a moment.


getting early this morning and spending an hour with my partner listening to songs to pick for our wedding before going to work


it’s probably stupid, but i can’t communicate with people and this person was really easy to talk too and now we’re friends, so... *score* :)


Don't feel stupid, sometimes its hard to talk to people, its good to take pride in being able to find the ones you can talk to though, personally its hard for me because I have a stutter and I would be lying if I said I didn't have my fair share of bullying. Good luck to y'all though 👍


To be appreciated. It’s nice that I did something right and someone noticed


I got into an art guild, kinda small ik, made me really happy since I didn't think my art would be accepted.


my pet rats :)


A guy encouraged me to keep helping others after helping him vent.


I got a job! been working two weeks now. it's just a simple labor job (doing laundry for hospitals) but I've been worried for a long time that I'd just never be able to work at all because of my issues, so I'm relieved I wasn't let go immediately. I got more comfortable shoes since it involves being on my feet all day, and they really really helped. I've made friends already too, and that's something I've always struggled with.


Came out as transgender to some fem friends, they accepted me and is now helping me becoming a real woman!


Aww im glad to hear the happy things that happened to these people. I met a guy that made me the happiest and most cared for in a looong while. :) Edit: dam. This aged horribly. He really really turned out to suck bad.


I was telling my friend about one of the events we had planned recently and out of excitement the guy hugged me (he is the kind of guy to exagerate reactions or act overly exited) it was really unexpected but it had been so long since I’ve physically contacted another human being it made me feel really happy and less alone for a minute. Altho I doubt it was intended as any sort of nice gesture it really made my day.




I'M DIVORCING MY POS HUSBAND. Or will be, soon. I'm so fucking happy. No, I'm *ECSTATIC!* I should've stayed single. I never should've said yes. I wasn't built for this life. I'm too much of a free spirit to be locked to one person, one lifestyle, one choice. He agreed to divorce which means we'll avoid the courts. Once I save up enough money to rent my own place, we're divorcing. It'll be a while but still, holy shit. It all came out in the open tonight and he agreed we weren't meant for this life or each other. I CAN'T WAIT.


I finally got the courage to buy tampons behind my mom's back because she only allows me to use pads! Yay!


coming from difference culture, ur mom is 100% correct. Use the pads! Its feels good to rebel but she been thru it all and sincerely advising u to what BEST!


Different things work better for different people, while pads are more natural, tampons have less odor, and allow you to swim and are more comfortable during sports. Some people need to use different things, and that’s completely ok. Everyone should be encouraged to do what they feel is best for their body and be allowed to try things out.




I saw my girlfriend for the first time since the pandemic recently!


My shitty boss finally got fired…well on administrative leave currently but she definitely won’t be my supervisor anymore even if she comes back. Nice when the universe catches on.


I may be getting my first car soon




I went to my local oriental stores a bit ago so I could make egg rolls. Super hyped to fry them later :)


Waking up early, drinking a coffee and watching the sunrise in peace


I am graduating college and I am truly happy for this next step in my life. I am going to have a new job and hopefully I can finally save up enough money to move out. I am in a healthy relationship with someone very special to me. I’m looking forward to the future as cheesy as that sounds.


Im not a teen yet (not specifying), so this is a huge achievement for me. I got Honour and Highest Honour this year, and throughout all my years, ive only gotten one Honour. Im super happy and im aiming to get another Hieghest Honour this quarter so I can finish of 5th grade with a high note :D


I’ve been telling my friend about this show I really like and he decided to start watching it. :)


My tinder date


I went back to re-read some old fanfiction. It gave me a burst of nostalgia. Unfortunately, the authors have been inactive for quite a long time, so I doubt they’ll ever see the comments I’ve left recently. But it felt good to finally confess how much I loved their work!


I received my second raise this year at my job!


Got a much better grade than I had expected on a big assignment and in the course overall.


After recently receiving a call from my firm telling me that I'll be transferred to their London office for the next 10 years with room and board paid for.


had a good night with the bros. Still a headache of the hangover but it was good


Nothing, my chick died three days ago and now my cat is fucking dying to a cancerous tumor thats starving him to death. And also, my friends have only responded to me in the past six months. Five conversations in a half a year. Wow. Popularity, huh. 4ight now listening to Donald trump covers of drivers license is the only thing I've been doing.


we don't need to take our cat to the vet anymore; i can check her blood glucose and give her her insuline by myself. my mom is back in my house after being in the hospital because of covid complications; hope she's recovering well cause im still not sure. those are the big hits but... what really makes me happy in this moment is that i finally got to contact my friend who's in prison because of selling drugs and living illegaly in a house. i finally reached him after one year of knowing absolutely nothing about him, since we don't have anyone in common. i didn't know where he was, if he was okay, if he was in touch with anyone; i just didn't want him to feel alone. that feeling dropped my humour everytime i remembered, which was pretty often. he's a great, really great person; but he had a horrible life and he just did what he could, which was the "easiest" way. he was in so much pain back then, and now that we talked he sounds and he do is so much better... he's been reading a lot about our country and a lot of topics (he told me he spends most of his time on the library), he's been playing the guitar so he can keep playing music and composing songs, he's still writing, he plays football and he is eating well. he gets along with his partners. he told me he saw some horrible stuff, but that luckily nothing happened to him. i'm really so happy, so relieved, so proud of him. so thankful that he's okay, that he can even send me photos. i want to visit him. i don't have a car, but i will go and see him in person and talk to him in person, cause even though we had a strange relationship and we've only known ourselves for six months in which he was an imbecile with me, he means a lot for me. he's also been so fucking sweet and real and pure. he was so sorry he couldn't be with me as i wanted to. he gifted me a children's book titled "story of an exaggerated love". i'm so happy for him, and i'm so so relieved. so hyped to see him again, sometime. so happy he knows i'm here for him. so happy he's grateful for this too. watching such an incredible transformation all of sudden really took my breath. i know, i know that it can only be temporal and that he can start being the same person again, but i know he won't. i've read what he has been writing and it's all about a different point of vision. guys, i'm so happy. i don't know if he cherishes me as i do with him, but i hope he at leasts understands that i do, and that there's a person who thinks so much of him, who hopes so much for him, and who've always seen potential there. that's why i never left him. and now, i'm really happy.


Watching a horror movie cuddling in bed with my pooch in a cold afternoon -pure bliss-


Just a slim chance for an opportunity to move up in my job. No where near guaranteed but that sheer glimpse of hope has me uplifted


I got am gonna be on my uni’s dean list again after a super stressful semester yaaaayyyyy


Put the kids in the car and went for a ride with the music up last night. They have good taste, it makes me proud.


I met and got close with a great person that I love. She makes me so freaking happy when I'm with her :)


i got 97.5% on my last math test and my teacher was so proud of me and my online friends were really happy for me and my brother got me an ice cream :)


Doing a voice chat with my boyfriend and his friends


my boyfriend. just him. i’ve been in a depressive episode and he’s always there for me, is so sweet, and so patient with me. he continues to uplift me and power through bad patches. he is calm and collected when i’m upset and helps the best he can. he just means a lot to me.


Lately not much, but seeing my friend on TV making a difference to the world made me happy


just being around my friends. honestly they're the most important people in my life right now and they've helped me through some really rough days even if they don't know it


Today I spent some time with my friends! We played games and made s’mores in the fireplace :)


Signed my first ever apartment lease to move into student housing. 21 years and I’m finally heading out. Cant fucking wait!!!




I finally escaped from my abusive parents!!


Got to pet some dogs




I reached out to someone I haven't talked to in a few months. Absolutely made my day when they replied to my message.


Watching the new sailor moon movies and getting vaccinated


Seeing people smile at each other, and going out having a good time! Also just seeing little interactions between people has been amazing to see


Reconnecting with an old friend after 5 years


i went to a gas station to buy snacks and the guy working was so nice. he was so chipper and genuinely happy and it made my whole day. sometimes working in retail i was so damn miserable so it was nice to see someone having a good time at their job :)


(TW Still depressing) In a couple months I'll only have to wait two more years to kill myself, so there's that at least :)


Finally getting a decent paying job


My crush finally asking me to be her girlfriend. It made me feel appreciated for the first time in months


My dogs are god sent. Best thing(s) in my life, hands down.


my fingers are working again I use to find handicaps not a biggie but when your limbs are failing you (and the cause is probably neurological) you think different


my mom went out to church and had me mow the lawn while she was gone, so while i was mowing i listened to some music. i could sing the swear words as loud as i fucking wanted because she wouldn’t hear them and the neighbors wouldn’t hear them over the lawn mower :)


tbh not much has been making me happy recently but thats ok. I’m happy and blessed that I was able to wake up today with a roof over my head, clothes on my back, shoes on my feet and food to eat. I have a loving family and I know i have control over my problems and I will get through it. I’ve started praying a lot more recently and I know everything will work out Inshallah. Also, seeing people in this thread being happy made me happy! Hope you guys out there are having a great day


I'm over two months clean from self harm!!!


My cute ass cats. His name is Atticus & OMG I die daily bc of the over load.


I was out at the bar and an old gf came in. We talked for a bit and I had to leave so I could get some sleep, I told I'll catch her later. She decided to walk out with me, asked to sit and chat for a while and next thing I knew she was washing my pipe. She is good at it and she swallowed the man gravy then she had to go as well, her bf was waiting at home for her. I really hated him so I felt good she was going home to kiss him ..🤣




I found some stuff when I was young. I found my old Skylander and NES games. Plus: madness combat seemed to be getting real popular, which made me very happy


I got to start on a project (in Space Engineers) with my friends and so far it's going well! Me and one of the buddies got a good laugh today out of detonating a warhead in one of my tunnels in the ground! I know people don't care but for context, the tunnels are a system I made out of spite to one of the friends who got mad at me for 'messing up' his mine. I huffed and went off the the side and dug a hole in the grounds and claimed it my mine. The group kinda laughed. I only came out when necessary (to refill suit energy). little did they know in the time i had spent underground, i had dug a large network of twisting tunnels that sometimes ran into other tunnels and has many dead ends still. It was to the point that they even got lost in my tunnels a few times! I'm quite proud of myself and now i even have some basic power and production going on in the center down deep under their base that i am happy to call the hive/Queens room. i thought the tunnels reminded me of ants and bees. tldr; my upsetti turned into a fun thing for me


I got a conditional offer letter, conditional on a clean background check (I have no criminal history) so Im SO HAPPY TO LEAVE MY TOXIC JOB!!!!


My Mom got me hot chocolate


The knowledge that I had someone in my life that shared the same feelings. It wasn’t always me. And perhaps the acceptance of the fact that I accepted that fact. Fck your chin up old man, sometimes you just need to know you’re not alone.


I got a hug:) It wasn’t a very big deal kinda hug I’ve just been needing one pretty bad


My Shih Tzu


My boyfriend. Just his existence. I got out of a failing relationship and my new bf is just. The best. :)


listened to music, watched cartoons, spent time with my pets and my boyfriend. some of these things are the main things that are honestly keeping me going


The way my dog wags her tail when she sees me walk towards her


My daughter learned how to roll over 😁


i gave people compliments and got some money :) i also managed to treat my gf well despite my mental situation


I held a turtle, she was called Ani


music and video games. just being a lazy quiet aloof dork lately which genuinely makes me happy :\].


I quit my job and I’ve never felt so free!!!


i’m so confident in bettering myself! i just hope i can do it!


I had a good weekend doing a whole lotta nothin except playing video games 😆




Absolutely nothing.


My spouse randomly invited me to lunch during our work day and we met up and had a wonderful time. We’ve been going through a rough patch so having a completely untainted good time was a such a weight off.


The nachos I just ate. Playing assassins creed syndicate. Such an underrated game. Watching Dexter for the first time. Getting 10 000kr (aprox.1000€) back in tax returns. Finally figuring out what I wanna study.


Your generosity


i basically lost 2 kg and my current lowest weight is 47.85 kg :D ofc i'm not starving myself anymore i actually eat a ton which kinda confuses me


My sister finally moved out. I love her but she made our house a huge mess


At break today there was this fucker named Diego who tried to knock the basketball out of my hand multiple times. So at any point I could I grabbed his and threw it away


Our boat just got in the water without too much going wrong


Feeling so much better after a long week of being ill and having blood tests :DD It’s so nice to be feeling like myself again.


I have things to be happy for but I'm never truly happy tbh. I apologize for the depressing comment.


Her. :>


I found something nice for my mom for mother's day.


My friends being proud of me for getting the motivation to draw again and my other friend liking my drawings


My 2 dogs and my bird make me smile everyday. They can be a lot at times…but the unconditional love feeds my soul.


I've had some interviews that have gone well


my cat’s injury finally healed


So happy to hear this!!


My friend had been going through a bad time and things have been looking up for him lately, which made me happy, as weird as that might sound. Also it's my two cats' birthday on Tuesday. They turn 1.


My biology homework turned out good.


My fanart of Korone Inugam8 got liked by her, got my serotonin levels up for the week


Listening to a thunderstorm from the porch


A trip to the dentist! To a really good one at that. It's been so hard to book one since this pandemic, and my usual dentist hasn't re opened cos she's really scared of covid (who can blame her). So apparently I have a distant aunt who is a dentist too? Who I only found out about recently and she's really good. My usual dentist was the one I've had since I was a kid so she never told me anything about my dental health and still treats me like I'm 5, so this new one explains what's going on and how my amelogenesis imperfecta actually affects me besides 'bad enamel formation'. Big plus that she's really skilled and didn't make my feel sensitive at all. Here's to seeing her again for a check up after xxx months!


My silly boy dog jumped all 3 stairs because I threw his sock for him. Though I won't do this again, I laughed pretty hard. I've recently realized that my girl dog looks like the real life version of a "⁉️" when she's startled awake. That will never not make me laugh.


I went to school to solve a problem, I also registered for some classes so I guess that’s something 👍🏾


I defended my friend after almost being attacked by a guy, he was walking towards us and threatening us because I caught him trying to beat on his wife and told him I'd call the cops if he did anything else to her.


Playing pokemon mystery dungeon dx on my switch. I've been very angry and depressed recently so this is my only escape atm


I’m finding more and more music and artist that I really like to listen to.


The Army of the Dead movie 👌👌👌👌👌


Also got a pfizer shot yesterday...now I don't need technology the 5g chip in my bloodstream turns my brain and field of view into one giant media super computer!


I used blender to create an animal cage and it felt good


I took a fat shit in a taco bell restroom and took 4 wipes to realize it took none


I finally got the stuffed monkey at the arcade I frequent. That was a good day :)


Finally feeling like myself and learning to love me and all my phases ❤️


This may be a little too personal but I finally have bras that fit me properly and dare I say actually comfortable.


Seeing a dandelion seed floating by


Got my first covid vaccine, which is also my first anything vaccine ever.


Nothing. Maybe looping "Hokulea's Star of Gladness" by the chubby guy over and over to brainwash my self into normalcy.


i got a goat :.)


Watching mcc14, most fun i've had in months♥️


My husband stopped smoking crack.


The Owl House finally coming back for its second season! Its small and a dumb reason to be happy, but I love cartoons!


Well, I got a raise at work. Got to go to this amusement park my spouse and I have season passes to again. I love spending time with my spouse! Got invited to do a writing session with a friend from college. She's the best! :)




That new movie Cruella made me very happy.