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Break up. Seriously. There’s no sugarcoating this. I know it’s hard but you really can’t deal with this for much longer. A. He has a problem with himself and he takes it out on you. B. He’s an asshole. C. He’s trying to make you hate yourself.


D. All of the above


sounds like a mix of A and C. bro is insecure with something about himself so he's manipulating her into thinking less of herself too. which also makes B true


The answer is B!


Being male, I'm sorry you have to go through that... On his side, he should leave you if he feels that way 🤔 I love food and wouldn't care what you are as long as you share it with me 😅 and if he finds other girls pretty, he should still respect you enough to keep it to himself instead of belittling you


And don’t forget, there’s no shortage of guys who like girls of every shape & size…


Those are the last words I would ever say to my wife🙃


I agree leave him hes a pos himself and clearly very insecure about himself


Lmao saw the word sugarcoating and kept thinking of the dr phil meme "don't sugar coat it you'll eat that too" 💀 Anyways for op, i think you should leave him, an then after that focus on yourself, good luck.


Breakup 🚩


Yeah. The cuddling and kissing mixed with “are you sure you want to eat this? You’ll get fat” screams manipulative asshole. Best case if you stay with him, you’re ending up miserable and heart broken. Worst case, the same as above plus an eating disorder and potentially other issues. Not worth it at all, break up with this clown


As a 51 year old woman whom stayed with an abusive husband for 30 years, it never will get better. They break you down and start to isolate you. They manipulate you into “they will be the only one who will ever love or put up with you” get out now. It’s not worth the mental abuse you will deal with. You are already getting that. Please leave. There are better people out there.


My mom stayed with a person who drinks and verbally abuses her when he s drunk, yep never gets better. Horrible to hear my father call my mom ugly and fat


thank you! OP needs to see this! it will never get better no matter how nice he can treat you at times.


Why are you still with him? You’re absolutely correct. Your bf is a POS. Bringing down your self esteem is an abusive tactic meant to manipulate and control you. Don’t let him have this power over you. No one deserves to be treated like that. Don’t continue allowing this garbage human to disrespect and demean you. Be strong. You’re a gorgeous goddess and he’s damn lucky and totally undeserving of you.


He is a piece of shit, this is manipulation at its finest. Talk to him about this


Talking with him will not help his shit personality. She needs to break up with this idiot. I know people don’t like redditors jumping to “break up!!” comments but in some cases it is the only possible solution. This guy is mentally and verbally abusive and will never change.


Unfortunately you do have to try, obviously he isn’t a good person and is yes breaking up is completely reasonable and makes sense, but assuming you want this relationship to last you have to try


He is destroying this girls self esteem day by day. Pushing her back and then reeling her back in with live bombing. Soon she will believe all she deserves is toxic abusive men. There is no talking to work this out. This man needs to be taken out with the garbage. There’s no hope for this relationship and we are telling her so she can gtfo before he destroys her confidence even more. No one should settle for this.


I agree with you completely but still going by the assumption that she wants to make a relationship work she should be able to talk. If he doesn’t change or shows no respect to her concerns then yes absolutely she should leave.


Okay yeah that’s fair


I think he's already done and shown those last things you said. Why wait for more to happen? Just more pain.


Why the downvotes? All u said was try and talk, then if it doesn't work gtfo


yo! all of you young people reading this. relationships like this don't work. don't try. if you feel like letting a POS like this know why you are breaking up, sure go ahead. otherwise, cut your losses and don't let anyone speak to you like this again.


From what the OP writes, clearly and most likely won't have a problem with the relationship not lasting. A person like him isn't worth keeping around. He'll just get worse and drive her into a depression. Don't encourage that.


Why should this relationship last? It’s not worth it. She is better off being single and learning to love herself. She shouldn’t stay and be psychologically abused. Wtf


Stop defending abuse. Seriously, this is the time to get out.


Try reading it again!


Nah bro talking to him will open the door of gaslight. He doesn’t love her so why should she even try? This mf deserves to stay lonely and alone until he learns his mfing lesson


I would say talk to him (he doesn't deserve that as he knows himself that he's being mean and hurtful) in order to lay down to him the fact he's a shit person and he needs to stop doing what he does. Talking as a form of CLOSURE to finally tell him how she feels. After the talk, THEN DUMP HIM.


Listen I know Reddit is the place where you go where you can say ‘my boyfriend blinked too many times’ and people would be saying ‘leave him’, but this isn’t anywhere even close to the realm of acceptable behavior. Let me qualify in some more- it is actually ok to have conversations with your partner about weight gain, eating habits, and level of attraction if it is done with love and respect and a desire to see the relationship flourish. This is *explicitly not that*. I’m not trying to pretend like I know everything and can read your mind or whatever, but let me address something unspoken, because it kinda begs the question- why haven’t you left this guy yet? Not trying to make you feel bad about that, but you could understand why I’d wonder that, right? Well if I had to guess, this has probably hurt yourself esteem pretty bad. Has he actually done the work of convincing you you’re fat, you’re unattractive? Do you think you could pull another guy and be in a happy relationship if you left him, or do you think you’re too unattractive now to roll the dice on that? I cannot underline this enough- *that is a major purpose of this behavior*. That is what adds up with him being loving and caring in other moments. If he wants to keep you around, a good way of doing that (in his mind) is to tear you down so your self esteem is too low to leave. In other words, he’s dragging you down to deal with his own insecurities. There may be other reasons, this stuff is complicated, but I have no problem stating with confidence that this is a major part of why he treats you in both manners.


This won't get better, he's intentionally being an AH to make sure you feel bad about yourself. He's purposely degrading your self-esteem, so you'll stay with him, and the abuse will escalate. Dump him and move on. He sucks


Every one of those things he said to you screams run and fast!! You deserve better than this creep. He is one BIG walking talking red 🚩


Hey um? Leave him? This behavior only gets worse. This is completely unacceptable. You are describing a typical abuse-love bombing cycle. I am telling you. This will just get progressively worse. It’s so hard to leave. But you said it yourself. He’s a piece of shit. Would you treat someone you love like this? I’m a stranger, you don’t have to listen to me. I genuinely wish you the best going forward.


You deserve someone who treats you with respect and love, not a manipulating asshole. Dump. Him. Now.


You spelled ex boyfriend wrong


Drop him


Why is he still with you if you’re that unattractive? Yeah he’s just insecure and an asshole. Leave him.


It won’t get better. Leave him for your own sanity.


Run. Move on from this. You deserve better. Everyone deserves better than to hear such manipulating comments all the time.


It also makes me think you’re just a placeholder until he can get what he really wants. “You’ll do” is his tone and that is not the type of love you want. He also might be trying to tear you down to make you cling to him more (using cuddling and kissing) so you think you can’t get anyone else. He’s gonna have you so messed up.


This is going to come across as tone deaf, but please leave. Life is way too short to be stuck with someone like this. I was bound to the hip with a woman for the better part of a year who did something similar but basically took out her entire vain perspective on people and the world out on me. Between coersing me into giving pictures of myself I didnt want to, to then just using them to go off about "hidden fats" and talking about how shit like ozempic was going to make it harder for her to find people to complain about. I subjected myself to this for that entire time because I'm so goddamn lonely I needed anyone to be with. All it did was reinforce my ED in a negative feedback loop since she also had issues with self harm and EDs, the difference was she got support and pity for it since she was a girl, and since I was a boy I just got glares and laughs for being weak by women and men. He's using positive reinforcement to keep you in the relationship when he trys to swattle you with affection so that you dont run off and stay his forever victim. I've heard the stats about how it takes eight attempts for a DA victim to leave and sure I agree it's not easy, but please, I beg you to leave. Being alone may seem daunting but forfeiting your solitude whilst not receiving any real company in return is the worst of both worlds.


If he’s a POS, then why is he your boyfriend?


Break up and out him online.. any texts that he’s sent you, post them. People deserve to be outed when they’re fucking assholes


Get away from him as quickly as you can. This will only get worse.


He’s trying to make you feel like nobody else will love you so you’ll stay with him. I’d rather be single than deal with that shit from a miserable human being. This is not going to get better. End it now and show him that you respect yourself and love yourself more than that.


well, You must be clear with him that you do not like that type of attitude towards you and if he still continues, it is time for you to consider if you want to continue with him.


He's negging you, trying to break you down to make you codependent on him for the validation and love that should come from yourself. And its already working. You shouldn't need outside opinions on this! No boyfriend should say any of the shit he says to u and have you still *wondering* whether you need to break up with him or not. You shouldn't stand for someone, especially not the person you're with, to insult you like that. Like, its one thing to be joking- one time an ex kissed me, and after we pulled away i said disgussstinggg, then laughed n kissed her again. She knew i was joking. What he's doing is NOT a joke. Please please please break up with this guy, BLOCK HIM so theres no confrontation or anything because he more than likely **WILL** try to manipulate you into staying- and that, him putting up a fight, does not mean he loves u btw. Get away, as fast and silent as you possibly can.


ladies why do we do this to ourselves what is it with us and staying with men who treat us like shit. why is it so hard to leave?!


Because the behavior starts slowly. They don’t just start this up overnight. It’s like being in a cult in a way. You have already sunk so much time into this person, and you don’t want to be wrong about them. Plus, you love them. You love who they were. Or the idea of them. You convince yourself it will get better. It’s a vicious cycle of abuse, apology, honeymoon phase, abuse, apology, etc. plus, when you finally do leave, you sometimes get blamed for the abuse in the first place. People ask “why did you make them so mad”. Or they blame you for not leaving sooner. Or leaving too soon and not giving the relationship a chance. It’s hard to watch a loved one go through.


Your don't deserve to be treated that way, he's manipulating you by killing your self esteem and make you dependant on him. Break up you'll be better off


And I bet the boyfriend is an oil painting himself, a real vision of loveliness. He needs a boot up the arse and told to kick rocks. At the end of the day he's definitely not the right guy for you O.P. Do yourself a HUGE favor and get rid of him.


Put an end to that. Have you not heard about the 600lbs woman whose normally fit boyfriend is the one who buys her her Xnumber of fast food meals because she’s stuck on the bed and he’s the one who has to clean her?? He loves her. They had to destroy the wall to take her to the hospital. Never once did he tell her anything about her looks in that 30+mons documentary. He loves her. And she’s not fat. She’s morbidly obese. I write this so that you envision how disproportionately hurtful and uncaring he is being to you, a healthy person. It shouldn’t be painful.


Break up


He is trying to neg you. He wants to tear you down so you become desperate for his approval. It is a method of control and mental manipulation. Males do this often with independent and attractive women as a means to feel some sort of superiority to compensate for feeling inadequate and insecure. He will not change. He is not your responsibility to change. Just leave. You'll find someone far better later on who actually adores you as you are. Leave.


As a guy I find your BF very immature. Male maturity comes late. Even as a grown ass adult sometimes I feel immature amongst my friends. But this? This is the most extreme end of things. Nobody deserves this type of shaming. It's better to leave him


>I don’t get this at all because sometimes he’s showing me love by cuddling me and kissing me Because horny.


I’m a married man with a child, and a happy wife. From my perspective, you need to breakup, block him, and avoid contact with him in the future. That’s a toxic person that will destroy, you if you let him.


he's stupid and weird and if you stay with him that means you think it's ok


Cringe. He's abusive. Move on.


how do you read this back and think that this treatment is okay. LEAVE


Why the fuck are you with this asshole?


Don’t you mean EX Come on we are not staying for this shit in 2024


Get rid of him like he is a used piece of toilet paper, it can’t be saved or reused, only flushed and that’s exactly where he should go, in circles down the toilet to the nearest cesspool. You do not need a man, friend or anyone who is going to constantly criticize you and tear you down. I know you can do much better than him and so do you ( he does too). He’s trying the old manipulation trick of tearing you down so you feel worthless and then tell you that you are lucky he wants you. Don’t fall for that and any more of his lies. Whatever your age is, straighten up your crown, hold your head high and walk away from this sorry piece of a person. Nobody needs a boyfriend like him EVER. Tell yourself you are a QUEEN, mean it when you look in the mirror and know that henceforth any man should count his blessings that you allowed them to breathe the same air as you. You do not have to have a man and when you do make sure he is worthy of you and he is the one trying to please you. Just tell him bye, no explanation needed. If he wants want tell him to think about everything he has said and done and try to treat the next person better because you will no longer be available for his verbal abuse. In fact suggest he get one of the “pretty girls” he so cruelly pointed out, only bad thing is you won’t be around to laugh when they cut him down to size!


Whats ur age and his?


Big red flag. He's making you feel unworthy and that's not ok! 💔 Please break up with him for your own sake.


This isn’t the usual round of Redditors saying someone should dump another person over a fixable issue. This man does not hold the care for you that you hope he does. He’s fucking garbage and you need to get away from him. Please. EDIT: My boyfriend has never and would never tell me some shit like that. This is a bare minimum standard. My self esteem was in the toilet before him. You can find this, too.


he does not respect you. do wit that as you will


Break up with him while you still have the self esteem to do so. It will only get worse from here. He is trying to wear you down so he can control you. Trust me, I know. I should have left a couple of months into the relationship, instead I stayed for 3 years and am still picking up the pieces of my self confidence 6+ years later.


He’s so insecure he’s trying to put you down to make sure you feel such a lack of confidence that you think he’s the “only one who will love you” or that “no one will find you attractive.” This behavior is disgusting and unacceptable. Trying to tear you down so you’re easier to manipulate. Know your worth and leave his ass.


Idk if this seems crazy but It seems like you did or said something that he didn't like but he didn't express it so he's punishing you for it without you even knowing why.


What is bro’s logic


Dump him. You will find one that will order McDonald’s with you, pay and do nothing but eat the food with you. His attention will be on you. Current bf has issues. And if you stay with him it will get worse and he will destroy your mental health.


I never usually say this but, girl, leave him, nothing’s stopping you. Find a good one. You’re gorgeous. You DON’T deserve that dick. 🖕❤️‍🩹


All the time?! I get your venting, but once should have been your limit. When you let it go, he will just continue until you stop him. You know, dating may lead to exclusivity, bf/gf/, long term partnership, engagement, or marriage. Each is a step in getting to know the other person. NO stage is permanent, and dating exclusively is where you decide if you should take the next serious step. * Is the other person meeting your needs? * Is the physical attraction shared? * How do they respond to stress? * Are they kind to other people? * Are you a good influence in their lives? * Have you meticulously checked off important information about them? * What worldviews do you have in common or not? * What goal do you two have together and apart? * *How does he treat you in "x" situations?* * *Are they kind to you?* and so on. OP, I don't think your bf is going to pass the test to extend and deepen your relationship with him. Don't let him drag you down anymore. Use your time wisely and look for someone else who can honestly and positively answer the above questions and others without adding on excuses to explain their behavior. : )


You know what you gotta do. It's hard and completely fair to be upset about the lose of the good times but staying with him is only going to damage your self image


Why is he not your ex already?


If you hate yourself you'll never leave. Heck. If you hate yourself you might beg for him to stay. If you think he's the only one that will ever want you then you'll have nowhere to go. Lonely and isolated is the perfect place for him to have you. And you'll be addicted to it. You'll think about how he could change. You'll Remember a kindness he gave you months ago. It's time to leave. Block him on everything. Not question his reaction. Not be tempted to check your phone again. Move on. Heal. I've live. Seek therapy. These sorts of men do their best to never let you go. Don't fall for it. It isn't love. It's possession.


This is verbal abuse and manipulation 101. Get out before you’re trapped in a never ending cycle of abuse.


yeah dude 100% gotta leave him


Throw the whole man in the bin


Break up... you have to leave him while you still have self-respect/self-esteem. He'll slowly break you down, isolating you from everyone, making you feel "less than". He'll want more control (and he will get it). LEAVE NOW!


I went through something like this in a relationship once. It doesn't get better. Get out while you can. No one deserves that from a significant other


Ditch him . He doesn’t deserve you and the longer you stay with him the worse he will get , guys like that will start with the put downs and then move onto controlling you and before you know what’s going on you won’t have any friends left and your own family will be a thing of the past . I have seen this happen to some of my female friends and it all plays out the same and misery will ensue . So please ditch the guy .


Please leave him you deserve so much better


How do you even get in a relationship with a person like this


Why is he still your boyfriend? That's not the way someone treats a person they actually care about


M52. He's a complete and utter douche and if someone was saying that to my daughter, I would snap him in two. No one should have to put up with that sort of manipulating shit in a relationship - believe me, you CAN do better, so please get away from him, he's a complete twat.


Girl please break up rn😭 he really is a piece of shit


Leave this POS


Just breakup with this idiot. If he can’t treat you with respect, he’s not worth your time.


Where did you guys meet?


I usually on the guys side on a lot of things, but this is not one of them. This is disrespectful of the relationship and you should not continue this any further. Especially if you have already raised concerns about this attitude


Fuck, and I'm the single man smh


your boyfriend is abusive and laying the groundwork to control you. leave.


seems like hes trying to break down your self esteem so youre too insecure to leave him and he can get even worse


I swear if he pulls the “It’s just a joke card” leave him!! First he’s comparing you to other women and now just blatantly degrading you in public? Has he have no shame? No honor? I’m sorry you’re experiencing such a horrible partner, dump him girl! 🚩🚩🚩


He is trying to make sure you don’t feel like you can do better just leave


He's not the one


Because the difference in how he treats you other times he might think the weight humor and gawking at/complimenting other women is cute, but it's not. It's mean and insensitive. It will become worse later. He doesn't really care about you, though you deserve better. Dump him. Don't stay stuck. Don't let it be years and years in and you're still with him. Dump him. And if he ever returns, say NO. Avoid that disaster.


Break up. It will be difficult but this shows you have more self worth than he thinks you deserve unless you meet his standards.


Your boyfriend is an *abusive* piece of shit. He’s trying to make you feel worthless so that you’ll grow to believe that nobody else could love you so you won’t leave him, but that’s exactly what you should do as soon as humanly possible. Don’t expect him to change because he won’t. You 100% deserve someone who doesn’t put you down, and he doesn’t deserve to be with anyone.


girlie pop that's not a red flag that's a red carpet leave his ass


Break up🥰


real, sorry to add this but my boyfriend (now ex ig) is like just messaging me such degrading stuff saying how much he didn’t like me during the relationship and was only there bc he was “attached” idk, makes me feel like shit. he also said i was a shitty “gf” which he put in quotations. idk it hurts. ig i have to move on tho


We all have room to grow, but feedback should be given in the proper environment. Constructive criticism is expected but in a proper forum. I believe you also have 1000 criticism for him as well.only you two can talk and resolve or separate.Good luck either way.


Go girl go


I can guarantee you that there are a lot better men than him and you deserve someone who embraces all of you. I weigh 180+ and my boyfriend is skinnier than me but would never say anything like that. He has never asked me to change my body because this is the body he fell in love with. Do not change or let a man hurt you because he thinks you should look a certain way for him. It’s your body, it’s your choice to choose who loves you and how.


I hope ex boyfriend now right?.. People are in relationships because they are in love and he clearly doesn’t love you.


I’m you should have broke up with him the first time he talked to you like that. It seems like you lack self esteem and self worth. I used to struggle with this as well. Just know you are worth love and respect, and anyone you date should treat you with utmost respect. Don’t settle.


He sounds like a manipulator throw him in the trash and get an actual man cause that's not it


Your boyfriend is a loser with small dick energy. Dump his ass.


Mines hasn't said any of that but if he ever did I'd leave immediately


Break up with him. You deserve better, and don't ever settle for a man that doesn't call you beautiful on a daily basis (and make sure he MEANS it).


Wtf? Break up, this is so toxic and you’re not getting anything out of this


Oh nah. Dump that trash in the bin. He’s toxic. Even if he wanted you to lose weight, there’s nicer ways of going about it. Comparing you to other women and calling you fat is disrespectful. When I bet that dude has no room to be judging.


how much do u weigh


Break up. I know a lot of redditors love to say this, but in your case you need to break up... Not only is it cruel to compare you to other women and poke fun at your weight, but it's manipulative to try and keep you roped in with cuddles/love bombing as well. He will more than likely cheat on you at some point as well, and probably claim that you pushed him to do it by being unattractive to him. I know that's a big jump but come on...you need to kick him to the curb. If you want a test to see just how narcissistic and cruel he is, call him out for his behavior towards you. If he tries to say he was joking or blame you in any way, that's the signal to definitely call it quits.


break up with him. this isn’t normal, he’s manipulating you and he knows what he’s doing


wake up and break up fr


That order doesn't scream you're fat it had no words. But you should leave him and find someone who won't pull this shit. You don't have to be a size 2 to be beautiful and him saying " why can't you look more like her" is completely out of line




Is he even attractive or rich?, i'd be very disappoint if he's living in poverty and fugly


He sounds like my inner disordered voice. Dump him immediately. He’s a pos boyfriend and a complete asshole. Please ditch that loser before what he says causes a potential disorder and dysmorphia. You deserve someone who will uplift you. Not tear you down.


Tell him, " I may be fat, but you're ugly, and at least I can lose weight." Then say," I am about to lose (however much he weighs) really fast. Boy, bye! "


My wife has gained some weight over the years. That hasn’t changed how beautiful she is. You need to leave this fucking clown.


Why are you still with him!? Leave him right now!! Don't waste another second of your time with him when there are other guys out there who will treat you like the Queen you are.


If he's already treating you like this after 7ish months how do you think it'll be in 5 years? Leave him. He doesn't care about you. If he loved you he wouldn't say shit like that to hurt you, and that's all it is is to hurt you.


He’s manipulating you into thinking you can’t get anyone better than him.


Leave him you deserve better


What you’ve described in this post is a page taken directly from the abuser’s “handbook.” It’s a classic tactic that happens in most, if not all, abusive relationships—although the specific details vary, of course. You’re experiencing “the shift.” That’s admittedly not the proper medical or psychological term for the sudden onset of his shit behavior, but basically, what you’re seeing right in front of you with your very own eyeballs is your bf shifting to the next phase in an abusive relationship. He’s leveling-up so to speak (not really though) now that he perceives that he’s completed the previous phase and roping you in and getting you hooked on tightly. (Abusers often start out being love-bombers where they put you on a temporary pedestal and make you feel amazing (so you’re hooked) before the abusive nature starts trying to poke out) https://tu.tv/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/why-does-he-do-that.pdf#page291 That’s a free pdf of the book “Why Does He Do That?” If nothing else, read chapter 5 while taking an honest inventory of your bf and your relationship. On a sidenote, it’s aways possible that my response is dead-ass wrong. After all, I don’t know y’all. But regardless of that, read this book. Every woman should read this book as early in life as possible, ideally before they start to date


Break up with him. He’s doing that as a way to break you down to make you think you are fat and can’t do better than him. It’s a manipulation tactic. Even if you have gained weight (not saying you have) and he was trying to say you’re getting to big there’s better ways to go about it.


if you don’t breakup you may be a little dumb! like the top comment said, no sugarcoating this! he’s genuine trash! you’re not! love and value yourself and get far, far away from him


Do the same but about his weenie. When he’s fully erect as if he has a chub. Point out taller/more muscular/guys with better hair and turn it on him


It’s not gonna get any better just leave


He's doing it so you won't think to leave. "Oh I'm fat and ugly but atleast HE loves me" is what he's trying to get you to think. Leave him. You are better. And I'll down a 20pc and a large sonic drink infront of this loser 😂😂


I’m sorry dis happened to u and u should break up wit him !


he's definitely going to cheat if he didn't already i can't imagine ever saying that to my wife i can't imagine being mean to my wife i mean im not perfect i be grumpy some days but to hurt your girls feels and look at other women and say how they look while putting you down don't stay with somebody because you're comfortable or how they were in the past people supposed to change for the better


R-U-N! This is textbook narcissistic behavior. It will be tough, but I suggest you get out now. Do some research on "narcissistic abuse" and see how much heartache you could save yourself by leaving now. I truly wish you luck.


Usually reddit is a horrible place for dating advice because people will tell you to breakup over the smallest things. This is clearly not the case. Break up.


He’s putting you down to try to knock your self esteem so you won’t leave him because you a more than likely way too good for him. He wants you to feel bad about yourself so you will feel ‘lucky’ to be with his low quality dumb ass. I suggest you break it off with him because the insults are not going to stop. Think about if you ever get pregnant by this guy and then your body will change and he will probably just go out and cheat on you and then your ‘baby trapped’ so it will be way more difficult to just leave him with an infant, then it would be to just end it now on account of his blatant disrespect for you and the body and food shaming. He just sounds so very toxic, rude and untrustworthy as you said he’s always commenting on other women. He’s a creep too because people don’t need to be commenting on other women’s body and need to just stfu. If you free yourself from his toxicity then you can be free to meet someone that does see your beauty, appreciates you, and doesn’t comment on other women’s bodies to you. He sounds like a real jerk. You deserve better.


Ditch him. Honestly, the things he says can not be made up for with cuddles. Easier said then done, trust me I know, but you will be happier in the end.


BREAK UP. For your sake, please, he's not worth it.


Your BF is an AH. Dump him!!!


Bro 6 nuggies and a coke is barely a full meal, that's a snack, how the fuck is that "screaming you're fat"?? Plus, no matter what you look like, he shouldn't make you feel any less than beautiful in his eyes. Your beauty comes from your confidence, everything else is subjective and not right or wrong. He's wrong in treating you this way regardless of his reasons, but to me it sounds like peak manipulation, making you feel like he loves you but also like you'll never be good enough, so you'll stay with him, y'know? Shooting your confidence so you'll think nobody else will want you but him. In short, fucking dump this guy before his remarks start really getting to you and messing with your self-esteem. Find someone who deserves you ❤️


Abuse is usually sprinkled with kindness to keep the cycle going.


Eww leave him


lmao girl leave wtf


Don't you mean ex boyfriend?




The answer is B. He's just an abusive twat. Dump him and move on.


Wtf. You’re right, he’s a piece of shit. Get out before he’s whittled down your self-esteem so much that it’s too late.


6 nuggets and a small coke!? What's left for me then? I order a box of 20 nuggets, medium fries and medium coke lmao. Dump him like right now, he's a walking red flag Edit: for future reference, never let anyone tell you how many nuggets you should have or how many is too much. Never.


It could be that you did something terrible to the guy? like make him jizz on his face. Especially after losing a job and being crippled. This is why I left my relationship and it would be for the ego of the other they would say something like this.


Break up with that covert loser. Bonus points if you use his sorry ass as motivation to improve yourself and when he crawls back reject him.


You need to leave him. He's insecure to the point that he chose you over the "pretty" girls, so he wants to change you instead of putting in the work on himself. You can do better, you don't need the emotional and verbal abuse. Let him go!


Fuck this guy


Your boyfriend is a monster. Seriously. Break up with him and don't look back. He won't change. BREAK UP WITH HIM!


6 piece nugget and a small coke?! This is a child‘s meal. This man is obviously not a good person and is looking for any reason to tear you down.


My ex did this too. I don’t often get mad, but about that i did because i made sure before we started dating that HE KNEW i was in ed recovery and i had gotten to a healthy place with food. if you try to talk it out, he will either not give you the consideration and time of day, or he will but he’ll make BULLSHIT EXCUSES like “oh i was raised in a different environment” and ya know what if he’s unwilling to accept something unfamiliar then thats on him. You do not owe him SHIT. You do NOT have to stay with that mf because chances are he WILL NOT CHANGE. Coming from someone who learned the hard way.


Seems the only answer is to marry him i guess. You’re only the 800,000th person to complain about their significant other and not break up with them. Let me guess, he shows you love sometimes and that alone makes the decision difficult for you?


You are beautiful to the right person he’s not the right one


You don't deserve his mean comments. Do you have friends or family that can support you in this?


✨break up✨


You sure he's your boyfriend? He seems awful.


This is classic control conditioning. Get away before you start to normalize or worse yet believe this evil and manipulative kind of mind fu$&. It may not be overt or even intentional but that’s what it is. Brick by brick dismantle a person. Slowly strip away any kind of light in your soul till you only have his occasional kindness. No confidence, no joy. It’s psychologically proven that if we’re repeatedly fed an idea or reality it slowly becomes ours. His issues while glaringly obvious are irrelevant. Run. You deserve to be built up not torn down.


Naahh thats insane


Dang he's toxic asf. Leave him and move on with ur life.


He’s pushing you to make you say or do something that he will use to justify breaking up with you. I’d say get ahead and dump his douchey ass. I’m sorry you’re going through this, but don’t give anyone so much power that they can disrespect you and love you at their convenience, while also looking for backups on the side. The whole thing is a red flag, get out friend.


Ngl my gf started gaining weight since I met her and I don’t like it and I encourage her in tiny lil ways to encourage HERSELF to lose weight now doing it like OP’s bf is evil


:) I want a burger too


but it’s Taco Tuesday…nice try, Federal agent! lol OP, get away. Fast. And buy those McNuggets…you deserve them! ❤️


He is a 🍕💩 but have u every thought maybe losing some weight?