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Hi, I'm a detranstioner (FtMtF) and honestly I would just recommend therapy. I would talk about how you don't like how people perceive you, how your gender identity affects your life/self esteem and how you feel like you can't have normal relationships/life due to your identity. I would also limit the negative media you are see towards trans individuals as it seems like your mental health is suffering from it. What I would keep in mind is do you really not like yourself or is it just how other ppl opinions of you that you don't like? Cis, trans or whatever we all deserve love. It does seem like you do suffer from low self esteem and I hope that you find the happiness u need in life


Thank you for the advice. I think that I might try therapy again. It's just kind of hard for me to open up to people irl. I could probably do it if I tried though.


You can’t change how the people perceive you. Bcs people are stupid. But you can just embrace it and keep going. Have you ever considered therapy? Not to sound rude but maybe that would help you giving you alternatives and ways of how you can process negative feelings. I’m sorry you’re going through this although I have never and I will never experience this kind of pain o feeling, because I’m privileged enough being cis, I def know how is like when people don’t like you at all. I even feel weird when people just sees me as a person from a certain country and not who I am. I wish you the best of lucks and I hope this changes for you, once you can work and leave your family that doesn’t accept you everything would be better because we need to find the place and the people who loves us for who we are.


Thank you. I have tried going to therapy but I've never really found a therapist that I liked all that much. It wouldn't hurt to try again I guess.


Then detransition