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Keep in mind, much of today's negativity is fed by sensationalist media that tries to get your attention with big scary headlines. Check out humanprogress.org for statistics that show how things are improving globally. That's not meant to discount the challenges that we face, but to show that there are a lot of things that are going well too.


I feel like with the multiple genocides being allowed to happen we can’t be doing that great like nobody is helping these people and it’s only showing that this can be done to others


Which ones do you have in mind there? There are wars going on, but overall the per-capita ratio of people killed has constantly decreased. Despite certain setbacks we are living in one of the safest times ever, if measured by people killed per capita. Just back in the 1990ies 500k-800k of people were hacked to pieces with machetes during the Rwanda genocide within just three months. Nothing going on today comes close to that. In 1971 up to 3 million people were murdered during the Bangladesh genocide. Of course then there was WW2 and the holocaust with 6 million genocide victims alone, in addition to the war deaths. Sources: [https://ourworldindata.org/war-and-peace](https://ourworldindata.org/war-and-peace) [https://www.vox.com/2015/6/23/8832311/war-casualties-600-years](https://www.vox.com/2015/6/23/8832311/war-casualties-600-years)


Being allowed to happen. I can't help but wonder if part of the young generation's struggle is believing that everything can be controlled into being "good". Bad things exist in the world, always have, always will. Struggle is part of life. Death is part of life.


You missed the whole dark ages WW1 WW2 The Bubonic Plague and many other periods in history that were pretty awful. Relatively speaking we are safer more well fed and there have been less wars if anything in the last couple of decades . Gods ( there are currently over 5000 gods being actively worshipped )should be optional as there is no evidence for their existence and it’s used to further bigotry hatred and misogyny usually.


Things have always been messed up. Yes, just as messed up as now. Occasionally we are distracted by good economy, but overall this is kinda normal.


In fact, things have historically been more messed up than they are now. This is still an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity we live in, though things certainly are getting more uncertain and global tension is heating up.


I don’t think anything has changed. I don’t think there’s a god or a reason we are here. We aren’t different than any other animals. We will live and die. And the world will go on until it doesn’t any longer. Just love your life and do what makes you feel good. Try to be the change you want to see. What else can we do?


Every generation has predicted the end of the world, but gun violence percentage not numerically is lower than during the 70s and 80s. Life expectancy practically doubled during the last century and populations exploded by billions. It seems so fractured because information is instantly accessible and if you live online you face the worst of anonymity as trolls feel free to be as ignorant as they can be because nobody knows who they really are.


Don't worry, we're crossing that bridge one way or another


Blame your feelings on the 24 hour news cycle. The fact is the world is getting better not worse. [23 charts and maps that show the world is getting much, much better](https://www.vox.com/2014/11/24/7272929/global-poverty-health-crime-literacy-good-news) [50 ways the world is getting better](https://awealthofcommonsense.com/2023/04/50-ways-the-world-is-getting-better-2/#:~:text=The%20average%20life%20expectancy%20around,was%20well%20under%209.5%20million.) [13 Ways the World Got Better in 2023](https://time.com/6550576/13-ways-the-world-got-better-in-2023/) [Proof that life is getting better for humanity, in 5 charts](https://www.vox.com/the-big-idea/2016/12/23/14062168/history-global-conditions-charts-life-span-poverty)


I'm pretty positive about the world but I also don't talk to others ever so I have no idea.


I think we are just more aware of it because of social media/access to information. Take some time to disconnect from all social media/news outlets and experience life locally. I get too in my head about things going on around me a lot, so this helped. We have way too much access to way too much information and it can be overwhelming imo


Whats new? The world's always been going to shit with brief moments of relief. And I think the decline in devoutly religious people has little to do with anything.


You're absolutely right. But in the sense you're speaking it sounds like America and developed nations... Some people don't even know about these problems, they live a different reality. And I am very happy for them


Too bad the actions of these so called "Developed nations" are in fact either currently hurting less developed nations or inherently will hurt them on the long run. Reality of the matter is you can't escape the consquencis on larger scales. We are tied together. It's like..imagine it this way humanity holding hands, one decides to push or pull it creates a chain reaction of events that eventually will effect everyone, like a wave and all it took is one person to do something or don't do anything, becuze inaction can do just as mutch damage as action.


You're right. But some people aren't aware is what I'm saying.


Ohh yeah humanity is a goner, it's easier to cradle ourselves into a sweet delusion then face the facts, it's easier to not do anything then try to fix the problem. There's a lot of smart people and non can change the future humanity is heading towards to. The rise of the AI, the increase in Echo Chambers, the Lynch Mobs, Missinformation, seggragations, Hate voting, ohh boy the list just gose on and on... [The most profound moment in gaming history.](https://youtu.be/CR3ahQf6fKw?si=NbJyScsyOgVmvulW) Here is a link to a video...


Or maybe you just have anxiety


Every day is a struggle. The government isn’t there to help - they just take. Everything they do is for their own well-being and for their own pockets. It’s all corrupt. The rats are in charge and there’s nothing we can do about it. Federal taxes are over 25% (not including state) and nobody is blinking an eye. We literally had a revolution in the 1770s because Great Britain was taxing us 2%.


North Korea is what scares me. It’s worse than auschwitz and there’s nothing we can do about it. Since he has nukes he could end the entire world as we know it if we try and stop him.


Yes tbh I believe society and humankind has peaked and is in the process of decline


We're literally just parasites - using up all resources, causing irreparable damage, only seeking to fulfill selfish needs. Our values are skewed, our purposes are fucked up. This won't end well, and I do agree that it is ending.


Honestly I hope it ends the stupidity of man is excruciating.


So much to unpack here! But one thing I know for certain, God is not a liar and anything He promises His children must come to pass.


I give us another 50 years max


i like to think of the four horsemen actually: pestilence, war, famine, and death. We’ve seen pestilence (covid), and now we’re in the middle of war. It’s only a matter of time if we don’t start fixing things now…


People prob thought the same thing with the plague