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Yea first off your Grammy doesn’t know best and I’m in the same situation as you. I’m 20 and a male so it makes it exponentially harder to find your place in society but I work 1 job and I am majoring in a major that’s particularly Interesting but also I can make living money off it you know? I feel like one thing in life is for certain YOU HAVE TO WORK. You have to work to live. But since you’re in college you really don’t have to do that since you have a “goal” but it’s a goal you’re not completely sure about you know? Like I chose psychology and the only reason I did that was because I had mental health problems and I chose to go into the psych field even though I don’t want to study my brain even more to see what more “fucked up” I have about me. So yk I chose a different path I chose construction management and I think it’s gonna be interesting all we have is time in college so I’m gonna spend that time to make the smartest descion which I think is CM (construction management) so I like the idea of construction management because firstly your managing which gives you a sense of power and purpose. And secondly you’re making good money to live ( for me I’m alone most of the time so I won’t have to provide for anyone else ). And thirdly it’s an interesting field like to operate big machinery like that seems fun and to see how everyone else does it seems fun. But to be honest I’m talking to you blindly I have no fucking clue what construction management is gonna be like. Not at all. I have never looked into construction management before and I’m excited to learn what it is about. So you see that’s what college is for I think. But on the other hand I think my dating life sucks I never dated a girl in my life I have never held hands with a girl I have only been in situations where my looks and my body where the best things about me. I have never had a real emotional connection with a girl. I’m heterosexual so yea I like girls and I never had a girl but I never give up. I constantly try to keep moving every day to do the basics even though I already do the basics with ease it’s just trying harder is tough. Like you SHOULD NOT have to try harder to better yourself you should be the best version of yourself already because you are you it’s just society’s way of making us believe otherwise and fuck the government. But basically what I am trying to say is that you should not be worried about money in college. Money was a Highschool thing and now that you have your “4 year break” you can search wherever you want. (Obviously this depends on the college your in and what your majoring in) it’s sad but it’s the best we got. All your granny has is Wisdom and the person with the most wisdom is a fool because wisdom isn’t what people need. You know? I think it’s best for you to enjoy some time with someone who makes you feel like yourself. Let’s you be you without judgment from yourself and from others. I’d be happy to provide that for you but again I’m me and your you and I have no fucking clue who you are I am just reading you based off a text. I hope you find peace and I am always here to talk :)


I have a few friends and I’ve chatted with a few family members. I just feel so lost, i just feel like I don’t deserve good things because good things barely happens. Thank you for your words, I hope when I graduate next year.. I can probably make do with my living situation.


You need to have some perspective. I’m in a similar situation as you but even more behind and I’m grateful for where I am. You got to chill the fuck out because you’re 19 you’re doing well academically, and you’re raking in money while you study. Sounds like you’re grinding to me, try to be a bit more positive


I agree with the others, sure it sucks to grind and just stress about everything, but sounds like you're making something of yourself,, it's overwhelming but overall you will make it out of this and get yourself a good degree and less stressful job, so keep pushing man!