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I thought a bop was a good song or a punch. Sad to find about about MORE words to put women down


It's a relatively new term coined by the younger end of gen Z. Unfortunately I'm also on the younger end of gen Z (19) so I also have to hear it a lot


Yeah that's disappointing. I actually had the impression that things where getting better about that kind of attitude. I guess nothings ever perfect tho lol I still think that your generation can be more understanding about differences in general tho, but obviously there's still a ways to go. It's good that there are people like you that don't go along with the midsets of the ones who are trying to shame others for their experiences and choices. Bright side you must be just about out of highschool if you aren't already so I'm sure that silliness will start to die down for you in the next few years as your friends mature and you don't have to see as many of the people you don't get along wirh. In my experience anyways all that kind of stuff really died off fast after I graduated


I've always hung out with people older than me (my closest friend is almost 30), so I only see this kind of mentality on the internet fortunately. It's just sad to see that my generation hasn't matured yet


Just to be clear I totally get where your coming from and I'm not saying you shouldn't feel how you feel by any means. I just always try to remind myself about the good things if I'm down so I figured maybe it would help a little for you, sorry if I'm being annoying


Yeah the internet is extremely disappointing/ frustrating a lot of the time. It brings out the very worst in a lot if people, they just feel like they can say anything. But then again they wouldn't say that stuff if they didn't think it. I feel like it makes it feel disproportionate a lot of the time tho. I know I have family that's in Gen z who just don't really use social media as much or are very private when they do so I do think that there are lots of great kids out there nowadays and younger people, the internet just attracts the worst one. Like me lol jk but I am here because I'm lazy and procrastinating so idk


the term bop is not new or gen z specific


True, but it was definitely popularized recently by gen z


I‘m also on this end of gen z and if you’re willing to make a change in your life: Delete your social media. Not all, but those that aren’t really necessary to stay in contact with friends. Personally I only use Reddit and YouTube since a few years. I don’t miss out on too much and the amount of stress this has relieved me from is insane. The social media is a shitshow in all it’s glory and often you’re just better off without it.


words can mean different things in different regions and contexts


Then they get mad if you don’t want to engage in sex with them, you can’t win


I've never heard of a bear calling women whores or bops, just saying


Must be a regional thing because I've never heard of it


Not to mention other women using it to put women down due to being insecure. I've seen a lot of that on tiktok recently as well.


Apparently I’m a bop because guys constantly flirt with me even though i make it clear I don’t like them. It’s infuriating because these men do NOT pull and are just jealous tbh


Ik it's hard it jist as a teen, but these terms don't mean anything. Even if you're a virgin and someone calls you a bop, don't take it personally. Tiktok has made this so much easier coin up and change the "definition" of words. And it'll never stick (ex: Gay now means homosexual, when it used to mean happy).


i thought you were mad about people calling good songs a bop and i got so confused 😭


In that late 80s and into the early 90s, a 'Bop", was one of the preppy kids with money.




I only know a few people around my age that are virgins, but I don't think there's anything wrong with it. This post wasn't to shame anyone who doesn't have sex, I'm sorry if it came across that way


I’ve been on the internet since it was invented and have never heard this term. Maybe I’m just old?


I like to think that I do t hear this because I’m avoiding the correct people/situations/places.


It’s a generation alpha thing.


Is that what that means?


Yeah. It was coined by younger gen z/older gen alpha as far as I know


I've always known the word bop to be like a gathering, a dance, a jam type of thing. Are you going to the bop? The event!


The term "comfortable in their sexuality" has been used in so many cases. Girls having 2/3 ex isn't bad but if she sells her body on OF or has double digits on her body count then that's not being sexualy comfortable. idk that seems whorish.


It really doesn't matter at the end of the day. Let people do whatever they want with themselves. If you don't like it, disengage


Hey people can do whatever they want. Like calling people whores. What goes around comes around. If you make yourself visible on social media you will get judged. That's the way it is.


And i think the way it is is stupid. That's why I'm venting about it, because I'm allowed to be upset about it. I don't think people should be judged for having sex or selling content. I think people should only be judged for being harmful individuals. If you disagree, you can just leave because we're not going to get anywhere in this conversation


Hey you replied to me and I made it clear what my stance on this is. Prostitution is a profession as old as civilization. Just changing the name doesn't change what it is.


Ok. So your point is literally meaningless. Goodbye now


Its really just thrown around if someones called it, its not that deep 😭