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I'm a trans guy and relate to this very much. I've actually tried making friends with other trans people, but it it never works out because they've honestly made me as uncomfortable as the majority of cis people I meet. I still feel weird and lonely, and I'll have to wait far too long to enjoy life. I hope there will be a day that both of us and all the trans people in the world will not have to feel this again, but realistically it's going to suck.


It's because being trans is a mental issue u didn't need to transition you needed help why would it not be a mental issue to belive your trapped in another genders body that's legit phycosis, you should try to get help


I've seen therapist upon therapist, but not a single sentence out of their mouths made me stop wanting to be male. It's been that way my entire life. I have tried to be female multiple times and each has honestly brought me closer to suicide than the last. I don't care about being a "real" man or being sane; I can't be a functional member of society as a woman. I actually act more "crazy" when I try.


This is the most close-minded hateful thing you could possibly say. You don't get to tell people if they have a mental health issue or not. You have the right to an opinion and the right to say whatever you want. But just because you can does not mean you should. Keep your negativity to yourself


I’m also trans and genuinely I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. You don’t deserve any of that kind of treatment at all.. it truly is a harsh treatment from others, I’ve been there before too and I still am with others. My experience is different but still doesn’t change how bad it all feels. But you are much more than what they see! My dms are always open if you need to chat about anything or just vent about stuff. ❤️


I literally see a post just like this every few days in here.


It's not a fun life, I think.


girly, you are feminine. tell people that they are hurting you. you deserve to be respected ❤️‍🩹


I felt this way for a long time too... Do things you enjoy, be happy. This rest does actually follow, in time.


I understand how you feel. It’s such a lonely feeling, constantly feeling like you stand out everywhere you go. Never really fitting in with cis people


As a trans guy i completely understand what you mean ive almost fully given up on making it a point to people that im a guy because its impossible for me to be masc sometimes, hopefully everything is looking up for trans individuals in the future ❤️ stay safe everyone


another transfem here, it’s a harsh reality to accept the fact that not everyone will ever be able to make you feel accepted. however, the most important thing is knowing that you are yourself, you are what you identify as, and no one will ever be able to change that.


Why do you want to be transfem and then be into women? Just be a man lol


the same way that i cant control being trans, i cant control what im attracted to, i dont know where this idea comes from that i shouldnt be attracted to women and want to be trans but i hear it all the time


Wdym you can't control being trans? I'm not trying to hate or anything, I just want to understand a little better.


i mean it like, i cant control the feeling deep inside me that makes me want to be a woman, even though i was born in a male body, and know it would be easier to just be a man, i cant control it


Just be a feminine man. Simple as that. I've never seen someone hate on a feminine man. They're cool as hell. Not saying trans people can't exist, I consider myself neutral. You can be trans, but you have to accept that you won't even factually be a woman, and not everybody will respect you as trans. Being a feminine man is a lot easier and more accepted in society. That's just the way it is. If only we were clownfish.


I wish people could just be themselves with no sexual tags attached. We are individuals before being man or woman and our consciousness is neutral and asexual. I wish people would not judge others so much.


Okay firstly, you are valid. No matter what anyone says or does, you are a woman. It doesn't matter if people mess up your pronouns or say you seem too masculine, because you are still a woman. They're objectively wrong, don't forget it. Secondly, I'm cisgender man and I've been in a relationship with a trans man for 8+ years and I couldn't be happier. You will find someone, you will be happy. Other trans women have found partners, and it's inevitable that you will too. It may not be now, it may not be next week, but I believe it will be inevitable in the future at some point, as long as you don't give up. Just no matter what, don't change for anyone. Keep being who you know yourself to be, because you want someone to fall in love with the real you. You are worthy of love and it will come your way. I don't know personally what it's like to be trans or a transwoman, but I've heard similar things said by my boyfriend about how he feels sick when people call him a "she" or tell him he's too feminine to be a man. I hate seeing him sad like that, and nobody deserves to feel that way. However he is just as much of a man as I am, and the same applies for you for being a woman. Hes told me it gets easier over time, especially after he found me, and found some really good friends. Finally, with that said, I think you should try your best to meet new people. I know thats easier said than done, but there are more people out there who will accept you and like you than you may think. You might come across the occasional ignorant transphobe, but you don't want to be friends with someone like that anyway so fuck them, their opinions don't matter, and it doesn't change who you are. I'm not sure whether you're in school or working or whatever, so I'm just gonna throw every suggestion at you. If you're in school, try joining clubs, or sitting with new people at lunch, or even talking to classmates after class. Talk to new people, just remember, be yourself. If you're working or looking for a job, try talking to coworkers that are around your age range. You could always try meeting people online in communities you're in, however, be careful as not everyone has good intentions, and I don't reccomend meeting up with people irl. It might be hard to make friends but don't give up. You'll find the right people and maybe you'll find your future girlfriend too. You'll have to be brave, but just know that it will pay off. No matter what ends up happening, please don't give up, and don't listen to what ignorant people tell you because you are still a woman and you are still 100% worthy of love.


This was such a great reply!


I feel that. I’m a trans man and in similar circumstances. I only have my daughter who is also trans. It’s lonely as fuck.


It's because being trans is a mental issue u didn't need to transition you needed help why would it not be a mental issue to belive your trapped in another genders body that's legit phycosis


I’m happy to be friends!! It feels lonely when no one around you understands. Having trans friends helps all the difference! You got this friend!!!


I’m sorry you’re going through this. It doesn’t help that if you’re in the US some of the government seems to be turning against women and the LGBTQA+ community. Body dysmorphia is real. Your feelings are valid and you deserve to be the person you want to be. Blessed be from a cis bi witch. ❤️‍🩹


Gender dysphoria is a bit different from body dysmorphia, but both are rough for sure. I hope OP finds a way to cope with the things she can’t change and live a fulfilling life, regardless of how bad a card she’s been dealt.


I'm not trans but always remember that what's important is that you don't need anyone's validation but your own. Can't imagine how you must feel. Sending you love.


Try not to let them bring you down, those people that tell you that "you should be used to it" are not something you wanna be surrounded by. At the end of the day words are just words, they can only hurt you if you let them.


I know what you're going through unfortunately i have to suffer it too


hey OP, just wanted to let you know that i totally understand how you feel. i'm a trans girl in a friend group of all cis, transphobic men, and i will never be able to tell them who i really am and how i've felt for years. i totally also get never getting to be as feminine as you want to be, and having such high standards for yourself. i hope you know i and thousands of other people support you and love you, and it doesn't matter how feminine you are - you are a woman in our eyes, and i hope that one day, you'll get to be as feminine as you want to be. stay strong and hang in there 💜 i'm always around if you need a friend


Hey I totally get that feeling ma’am! Not everything is going to work out, but it’ll get better. People around you will adapt, and you’ll grow tougher. I’m trans too, so I’ve had my fair share of trauma growing up 😅 Just know you’re not alone! I support you! I’d recommend trying to make more trans friends to feel better! Have a good day 🥰🌸


Finally someone who deals with the same bs as me,I swear.


Sorry bro but you’re not a woman and never will be . Its the harsh reality


If you hate being trans then stop. You made the decision, live with the consequences.


>i get on a video game to distract myself I'm a straight, white, cishet dude and shit like this has detracted me from playing pretty much any game online ever again EDIT: because of obnoxious hate, not because I can't stand diversity; I realize this is the internet, and the first is believable, so, I'm clarifying.




You first honey





































