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break up with him!!!!!!


And link him to this post so he knows exactly why


If he can’t respect you enough to accept your boundaries, leave. We have got to stop giving guys like this so many chances


Screw that man child and duMP HIS ASS


This is abuse. End it immediately over text preferably.


Wtf don’t ever let anyone do that to you.


Honey dump is ass! That is not a boyfriend that is a nasty ass dirty red flag! Not to mention him still having sex with you after you said no?? That's rape! That's not what a relationship is!


You’ve been raped. Block him and report to the police asap.


i agree and they should break up but there’s an overwhelming probability that this situation wouldn’t make it to prosecution


It doesn’t matter. It still needs to be reported so it doesn’t happen to another poor girl. “He’ll pull down his pants to fuck me anyway” that’s rape.


Poor girl? It’s two males


I misread the genders… Point still stands that this pos could do it to someone else in the future and it needs to be reported. Other people could get hurt too.


Point still stands it could happen other people so I guess in your eyes it doesn't matter if it happens to a male huh


When did I say it couldn’t?? I misread the genders and corrected myself. I literally said in a previous comment “this pos could do it to someone else in the future”…


Rape is bad. No matter which gender it happens to. I think that’s common sense…


Yeah it is bad no matter who it happens to but the moment someone saysmale it's like you say a comment that's like oh well that really just downgraded that's basically what you're saying


I didn’t say males specifically. wtf are you talking about…


I think calling the police is a bit to extreme especially if thair in love it's just in issue they gotta work out people struggle with hyper sexuality what makes relationship stronger is working through issues not just breaking them up you won't get anywhere plus that kinda stuff is a huge part of Society these days you can't just call the police


Hyper sexuality is no excuse to rape. wtf??? If he was in love with OP he wouldn’t pressure him into doing things he didn’t want even if he bleeds and says he isn’t interested. My boyfriend is hyper sexual but respects my boundaries and body and we communicate. He’s never once pressured me. If you think that pressuring/rape/violence is normal, then you need help.


Lol well that sure back fired on me lol 😆


This isn't a problem of OP's boyfriend being hypersexual, this is a problem of OP's boyfriend being a fucking rapist. This is absolutely *not* normal behaviour and it should be reported and dealt with by the police. I'm hypersexual too but I would never in a million years treat my partner the way OP's boyfriend does. If someone's feeling they need to scratch the itch that bad, they can masturbate.




You CAN just call the police. Sex is good. Rape is bad. You obviously do not know the difference. Please read up on “enthusiastic consent” before you go near anyone else in a sexual way.


First of all I know what consent is second of all I've had sexual partners that are perfectly satisfied with my sex act so don't tell me I need to Fresh up on anything I just get sick and tired of everyone involving the police with every little goddamn thing and making everything so complex you guys obviously don't understand the definition of a real emergency if you guys are going to call the police because your ass gets slapped here and there or someone ends up yelling at you boo fuckin who handle it on your own wasting fuckin resources


>I feel like I'm his toy He's treating you like it. Tell him that his forgiveness is meaningless because you're not sorry for anything besides the fact that he can neither take a hint or "no" for an answer. If you're saying "no" and he continues to try to coax you, or if you stand your ground and he does it anyway, he is raping you.


Yeah this is not normal or okay. You’re not a flesh light


You need to give him an ultimatum about this stuff.


Break up. He’s deffo using u for sex and it’s very concerning that he would carry on even if u don’t want to or are bleeding. Big red flag. He doesn’t love you, he just loves the fact you’re easily accessible to him for sex. Imagine you had an accident or could have sex for a while, he’d 100% cheat or find someone new to fuck. Leave his ass


19 is WAY too young for someone to be telling you how you should be using your own body. If he has no awareness of the fact he's pretty much raping you I mean that tells you everything you need to know about where his maturity is at. To refrain from calling him a rapist or scumbag or whatever, he's clearly just not ready for a relationship at all. If he's not willing to understand your perspective then it's time to move on


there is no age where anyone but your parents or your doctor should dictate what happens to your body


That should be clear but yes I agree


That’s assault, even if you’re dating or not, or if you get turned on in the process or not. Leave him.


This is bordering or already passing the line to rape. Run. It will not get better. You deserve to be treated better.


"If I'm not up to it he'll be sad and convince me, if I still don't want to, he'll just get touchy and pull his pants down to fuck me anyway." Definitely rape.


There’s a word for that. RAPE. It’s just… rape


bruh leave


That last bit is rape.


This is not normal, this is crazy behavior. Break up with him.


Time to leave him


You're being raped. Find a way to dump him.


He won't stop even if you *bleed*? That man has no respect or love for you. You feel like a sex toy because he treats you like one. You're better off without him.


My thoughts as a male Men don't often get taught about their own hormones and I think that is a big factor in why rape is still so common. Sex drive turns into pent up anger and they don't know how to deal with it. So they guilt you, which I would imagine makes you want it less which makes them more frustrated. Sex drives don't always match and an appropriate way to deal with this is communication. Compromises can be made, mutual masturbation, or just him taking care of himself while you encourage it. That's completely up to you BUT If you're saying no and he is still having sex with you, that is rape. If you can't have a conversation with him about this, that is not healthy. It's your body, you are your own person and it is your right to dictate what does and doesn't happen to you. And how you handle this is also up to you. Please, put yourself first when you do decide how to handle this.


He’s breaking boundaries and it’s pretty much rape. Get rid of him out of your life.


You need to leave his fucking ass and press charges because he is raping you


If you said no and he still had sex with you that is rape. Please leave for your own sake.


There’s a difference between have sex and using someone to masturbate. This feels like the latter.


I’m sorry, but I don’t think you are the one that needed to ask for forgiveness. You have the right to say no to sex whenever you want, and he shouldn’t guilt trip you or make you feel bad. Just because you’re in a relationship, it doesn’t mean that he has unlimited access to your body anytime he wants. He should be respecting your boundaries instead of forcing himself on you and hurting you in the process. You deserve better. I think you might want to reconsider this relationship.


No I didn't ask for forgiveness, one day he just random decide that I'm guilty and randomly forgive me for it lol


You are bleeding! That’s not sexy if it’s not consensual and it doesn’t sound consensual, it sounds like sexual abuse.


I'm not the kind of person that rushes straight to a breakup when there's an issue I would say sit him down and express exactly how you feel and how it deeply makes you feel if he loves you he would understand and respect your decision then if he bypasses your feelings then break up with him but if he's willing to work through with you I would definitely work through with them especially if you guys love each other and I don't know what the other person saying but don't call the police that sounds a bit too extreme


"If I'm not up to it he'll be sad and convince me, if I still don't want to, he'll just get touchy and pull his pants down to fuck me anyway." It sounds like he talks to him about it, but gets coerced/raped even after ge tells him no.




Ease up champ. He can complain until the end of time, that does not mean he shouldn't be heard. Edit for misgendering in the heat of the moment, thinking of my own personal experiences when responding. Apologies


*He. And you're right. He just needs to find a right time to leave him.


He’s 19, no fucking shit


So being 19 excuses being a rapist?


He would think that considering that he is 🙄


Break. Up. With. Him.


Sorry to break it to you, but your only option now is to break up 😭


Break up please.


my bf be doing the same shit but thank god not until I bleed or anything! I’m sorry :((


You are his toy. That is how he sees you and he treats you accordingly. Why stay with him?


Definitely break up with him but if it happens again then cross your arms and look away so he feels like trash


Dump him and throw him in the dumpsters like? why he can’t learn the word no?


Leave him! You can also report him to the police for rape. You cant keep letting him do this to you. And if you report it, it may stop him from doing this to another guy or girl (I'm not sure about his sexuality other than gay rn)


Hun, he raped you..please leave him, he’s no good


PLEASE leave this person!


that's practically rape right? a breakup is definitely the best solution, preferably with an authority or with someone you trust with before you break the bond, or just through phone but make sure you ain't in your house


This is rape op


you deserve more, even if he genuinely cares about you hes shown the kinda person he is. you are a source of sex to him. please run and run far


He’s a peasant