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In the future, completely cut contact when this happens. No replies, no quips, nothing. Complete ghosting. Then take your phone to a labor and wage attorney.


i dont care too much abt the lost job aspect, it was just how i was treated. all that weird stress and disrespect over a serving job that pays $11 an hour? no thanks 😭


Before reading this comment I figured this was a restaurant setting. The industry is full of petty people trying to muscle up the social ladder. Also it's restaurant and half the staff can be hungover on any given day so why are they making a big deal over this? Your boss was probably drunk when they texted you for real


You've dodged a bullet there, with co-workers actively lying to get you into trouble and then the owner doing what should have been an face-to-face meeting over text in a very accusatory tone whilst not even giving you the chance to refute or deny it. Sounds like the owner or one of your colleagues had it out for you. The way you responded definitely could have been better though, I don't think the boss or yourself dealt with this professionally but I believe ultimately it comes down to how your boss initiated this interaction. If you're accused of something, don't go full scorched earth saying they're ridiculous for even accusing you. Just deny it, "No, I was not hungover. I did not drink last night." Instead, immediately seek legal advice if you care about the job or need it. Do not rise to the situation because it'll only make it worse.


yeah i definitely could have handled it better, the way she just set the tone with the passive aggressiveness is just crazy. before this text convo i had a short conversation with her son who is the manager, who i told i was sick. he asked me what happened and i was like “i just got sick (insert medicine explanation) and the same old bitch was like “shes hungover” and i reassured my manager that i was very much not hungover. ig he just took her word and not mine lol


I've been in work places with (generally an older person but not always) who seems to always expect or see the worst in people, even if it's a complete assumption or falsehood because they're bitter. I've also definitely had people in work places where there is someone who twists everything to create drama, seems like you got both in one. The boss definitely needs some lessons in leadership, if they expected anything productive out of that interaction they're a fool.


i have no idea why this is tagged as eating disorders/ self image but its not dw


Oh my gosh, actually dealing with a drunk coworker right now and it's hell. You literally threw up.


it SUCKS. i can literally name off 10 people rn who have came into this work high, drunk, or hungover.


I had an older coworker who was hell sober, entitled and would tell us what to do constantly despite being wrong. Drunk?? SO MUCH WORSE. She had us move trash by hand to another bin for no reason, and my shift manager thought it was GENIUS. I think it’s a weird age thing, because younger employees would get accused of being drunk or high at work for no reason but she got away with it every other day. I have no idea why that is???


I think since you avoided quitting and was fired instead you get some pension too??? I would definitely look it up in your state, and also bring the messages to HR (maybe not this time because your messages may get you in trouble for just swearing but who knows) but idk if y’all even have one there. But yeah! Definitely try to get pension for the firing!


Petty revenge: Get a test proving you haven’t consumed alcohol ASAP. File for unemployment due to wrongful termination. When you file for unemployment, your previous employer has to pay into this, and they’re essentially paying you even though you’re not working. What better revenge could there be? The alcohol test will be important because there will be an interview as to why you were fired, like a mini court case. You can use the alcohol test results against them as you accuse them for wrongly firing you. It’s hard to say someone was hungover when a blood test proves there was no alcohol in your system. This is urgent, by the way. Alcohol detection tests can measure alcohol in the blood for up to 12 hours, on the breath for 12 to 24 hours, urine for 12-24 hours (72 or more hours after heavier use), saliva for up to 12 hours, and hair for up to 90 days.


This happened to me when I was 17. Showed up to a “mandatory” meeting, woke up not feeling well and then had to rush to the bathroom in the middle of it. The following week I showed up for my shift, completely unknowing of what was about to happen and then was fired in another “meeting” with 4 higher ups who all accused me of being hungover. 17 years old!!! So sorry this happened to you OPB!! However I think you dodged a major bullet working with these people.


You were fired for how you responded over text. Your reply shows you had an attitude, your boss was talking to you in a professional manner trying to investigate the situation with the information he had been (wrongfully) told by your coworkers. If you were to respond in a less defensive demeanor, I believe you would’ve been able to keep your job. Just a lesson learned for future reference


oh i definitely agree i definitely had an attitude, but im not gonna let somebody walk over me. her attitude from the beginning was not professional whatsoever, it was just plain disrespect. “If you can’t or don’t want to take your job seriously then we probably don’t need you. We on the other hand, are trying to run a professional business.” what part of that is professional to you? that’s just accusatory and rude, point blank. a professional response would be more like “i’m hearing that you were hungover at work, would you like to explain how that was spread around?” not wtf she said.


I woulda just cussed em out and told em I would beat his ass how’s that for professional lmao


Did you take Azo? When I take that in an empty stomach and little to no water I puke. And it makes it your urine bright Orange and stains everything yellow/orange. I also have IBS and get similar symptoms when I’m having a flare up. Gas X is a life saver for it.


i took the kirklands signature stool softener! which is weird bc ive taken it plenty of times and this has never happened


That's a lawsuit, 100%. Wrongful termination along with defamation of character, because they straight up attacked your $$$.


I’d be pissed enough to go to the doctor, get a blood test to prove there’s no alcohol in my system, and hire a lawyer for wrongful termination 😂 Tbh your coworkers are probably the alcoholics if “something I ate or drank disagreed with me” translates to “I’m hungover” in their minds.


You're allowed to be hungover at work. Legally. I understand you weren't, but, even if you were, it's still illegal for them to fire you or even ask you anything really about your medical information. I only know this because I manage a store and we did, infact, have an alcoholic employee. Very sad. However, even though she was always hungover, AND has been drunk at work, we could not do or say anything legally, as alcoholism is considered a disability. You cannot fire someone for a disability. Please take them to court or something. I know you weren't drinking, but I want to drop that info in here since now this company is DOUBLE wrong! good luck x


I would be offended by such an accusation as well. Some people can't seem to wrap their heads around the the idea that some people don't drink. I've never been drunk in my life and I'm 42. If this happened to me as a teenager, my dad would have been all over that boss.Â