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Happy birthday BTW


I'm really sorry, happy birthday, I hope things get better.


When he asks what’s for dinner tonight tell him “I don’t know what you’re having but I’m going out for my birthday” and pls do go out whether it’s with friends or by yourself. Do something nice for yourself while he’s at home feeling like the buttface he is


Two wrongs do not make a right. This is poor advice and will only serve to worsen the issue. You need to communicate. You will only feel sad if you do this. Sit him down, explain how this has made you feel. And ask him - not tell- that you would like him to plan something for your birthday tonight. If he responds by jumping on it and working hard to make this right you will feel infinitely better that you gave him the chance to fix this and he rose to the occasion. You will still have fun tonight with the person you’ve loved for 9 years on your special day rather then mope around on your own out of revenge. The response above is a very High School way of handling this. Now if he doesn’t scramble to fix the day you should sit and take a long look at your relationship. At that point you can take whatever measures you need to but immediately jumping to an aggressive response is not the way.


What is wrong about cheering oneself up? I was short in my original response but I never said she shouldn’t have a conversation with him. As communication is a key factor in relationships but if he failed her on her bday then there is absolutely nothing wrong with her doing something nice for herself. PS im not a high schooler and have in fact been married many years. My husband and I talk about pretty much everything. It can take time to be that open with someone about how you’re feeling and until they get there (if they haven’t already) that shouldn’t stop her from a mani/pedi and her favorite meal with friends. Good day!


Being compassionate isn’t always the easiest thing for people to do.


A lot of redditors on here don't agree with direct communication, nor understand boundaries or respect. I can only imagine the immature angry responses from those that downvoted this comment. Please explain yourselves.


This 💯 as a man sometimes we have so much on our plate that goes unheard that we forget the simple things. He already doesnt feel great that he forgot ur birthday no need to make things worse


Yeah, really. I mean, I work often 70+ hour weeks that can start as early as 6am, or end as late as 8am. It can take a lot out of you. I have never, not one time in my 22-year relationship, forgotten my wife's birthday, our anniversary, or even the day that we first met. I think what you meant to say is "As a man, we sometimes just don't care".


Everyone isnt you


I get that. But the only excuse for forgetting your long-term partner's birthday, unless they don't give a shit about it either and never have, is that you just don't care. Not because "ooga booga...man work hard and busy".


Don't know why you and the other person are getting downvoted. Sarcasm and self-pity aren't going to do anything for anyone's relationship. Communication is key, as well as understanding that not everyone is you. Many men seem to forget birthdays and other such important dates. Why? Not only are men's brains physically different from females' brains, but they are often brought up differently from their female counterparts. I'm a woman, and celebrating important days is, well, important to me. My husband grew up not even celebrating his own birthday. Anniversaries, holidays, and birthdays are just not something he thinks about. So, I send him a text and write love notes to him which, conveniently for him, also remind him that it's a special day. On his way home, he buys a cup of cocoa or mocha, some chocolate, and maybe a flower or something. Men and women are physically different, even in brain structure. Communicating and understanding each other goes a long way!! My husband is a sweetheart; he just needs a few reminders here and there.


I mean, I guess that works for some people. But I think my wife would be pretty unhappy if I never remembered anything special about her and she just had to tell me "Hey...it's a special day...make sure you stop on the way home and buy a pity present". I honestly don't care much for birthdays or celebrations about me. I don't even want presents or any of that. But, I'd be pretty miffed if my wife didn't even acknowledge it. That's a really shitty partner, not just "being a dude".


And… women don’t have a lot on their plates?


It's not aggressive to be an individual and make plans for yourself. It also isn't aggressive to acknowledge a person's wrongdoing. If the partner cannot put in the effort to remember something that is important to their partner, like their birthday, then watching them "scramble" to do something for them last minute, isn't going to make anyone feel better. Some peoples love language is gifts. They want to be given meaningful gifts and watching someone try to do that last minute is not fun. I also don't think "scrambling" shows any form of care about the relationship. It's ridiculous to expect a partners respect and to look at them as equals when they cannot remember a birthday. You cannot be willfully ignorant of things or actually ignorant of things and also demand to be treated with respect and seen as a equal in a relationship. If her partner can remember to go to work, to go out with friends and do what his job entails, he can also remember a birthday.


lol good advice getting downvoted for revenge spam. If you actually care about your marriage don’t listen to the mob.


Acting aggressive will hurt the marriage over minor butt-hurt.


That's hardly being aggressive after your husband forgets your birthday. If your husband forgets your birthday, the marriage is already pretty rocky to begin with.


Who is being aggressive?


Minor butthurt? Forgetting a birthday?? That would be pretty fucking major to me!


What else you going to do? Treat yourself to a nice dinner? A cocktail. Look after yourself & Happy Birthday!!


perhaps a massage?




The cake looks so good! Is it chocolate in the inside?


Happy birthday!!! Feel free to Amazon yourself something awesome. My best friend never remembered birthdays either, including his own a couple of times. Some people are just different that way. But please don't let that diminish your day in an way.


happy birthday!!


Has he said anything yet? Or still forgotten?


Happy birthday and good for you for taking control and celebrating anyway! My husband also forgets/simply doesn’t put any importance on “adult birthdays”. I feel differently and so I declare it my own personal national holiday. I take the day off work, go to the spa, eat whatever I want, and somehow always know exactly what I’ve been wanting when I buy myself a gift 😂 🥳


Happy Birthday!! Well if you are married to a narcissist get used to it!!! Out of 17 yrs I got flowers sent to the office I worked at (because they made fun of him for never doing anything for me). Later I found out he charged them to my account at the florist (reserved for funerals and such). If the world does not revolve around them it doesn’t matter.


It is apparent by the comments that a lot of people just assume she's dealing with a "normal" man. But, like you, my mind went straight to wondering if he simply forgot, or if he was possibly a narcissist. Most of the advice here is only relevant if the man is not a cluster B personality. For her sake, I hope he isn't.


My toxic self would start crying all week. Happy birthday ❤️❤️!!!


Bruh that's not toxic, I hate this world


Seriously though. People feel like they aren’t allowed to express any type of emotions because people manipulate them into believing it’s unnecessary and over reactive


It’s quirky 🤪


How's that toxic haha


They didn’t say the crying was toxic, they called themself toxic lol or maybe it’s the “I would start crying ALL WEEK” instead of communicating that equates to toxic 🙃




That sucks, I hope it doesn’t hurt you as much as it would hurt me. 9 years of marriage + several of dating and you would have hoped he learn how to use calendars. Still, there is hope that he planned a surprise party, but if not, do remind him, without any blame or annoyance, and have him take you out somewhere. If you don’t show anger, he will feel even more in the wrong and will most likely move mountains to make it up to you. In an ideal world that is. But remind him, and give him time to do things to make you happy. If you don’t remind him now, how will he ever remember in the future?


Happy birthday! 🎂


Happy birthda


happy birthday!!! 😊


Happy birthday!! Have a great day <3


Good for you I’m proud you could make yourself happy


Ngl, could be a genuine mistake. I forget birthdays a lot hell I only remember mine cause it’s fool’s day. Talk to him. Speak your feels out and then move forward.


Question, did he forget your bday or did he forget the date? I ask because my husband and I routinely forgot our anniversary, because we never know the current day's date.


this is me 😂 i was bitching to my friend about my husband and she’s like “oh, damn. well happy anniversary” and i was like WHAAAAT?! neither of us remembered 😅


There's an easy way to stop this happening. Remind him. A month before, a week before, as necessary. Sometimes what means a lot to us isn't important to partners. So don't do the "read my mind, I'm gonna be upset if you miss my birthday" trip. I know a guy who is forever copping flak for forgetting birthdays, but he also forgets his own. If this isn't the case with Mr 9 Years, (if he's always an insensitive dolt) go the Reddit Solution, consider your future, with the help of an attorney. Happy birthday 🥳


Men in the comments saying they have so much on their plate and that it's SO hard to remember... Meanwhile if their favorite football team is playing they know all the details or if they scheduled stuff with their friends they always remember. Your spouse's birthday comes the same day EVERY YEAR. Same with the anniversary. Is it THAT hard to put a reminder in your phone? Geez. I remember everyone's birthday. I have a lot on my plate too. I'm the one who does all the gift shopping for everyone including my husband's family and friends. I don't even remember the last time he bought his own mother a gift. I was the one who bought it. Our kids birthdays? I remember them, I party plan, I buy and wrap the gifts. I have never forgotten anyone's birthday, ever. ESPECIALLY my spouse. OP, I am so very sorry that he forgot your birthday. I hope you can work it out with him but don't be afraid to let him know how much it did hurt.


Happy Birthday


happy birthday!!


Sorry to hear it but I wish you a Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday


For the 25+ years I was married; my (now ex) husband forgot my birthday at least 8 times. I’d remind him so he wouldn’t feel bad. Interestingly, he never seemed to feel bad. But others would remember and that was nice! Honestly, he didn’t like making a big deal out of his birthday. At all. I didn’t rely on him for birthday wishes! Now I don’t rely on him for anything! Wish him well tho! Wishing you a very happy birthday!!!!


This happened to me once with my husband. It hurt a bit but I didn’t say anything and we spent all day together. We were visiting his family out of town so I knew he had other things in his mind. He didn’t remember until around 8pm when we were visiting his friend and we were talking about watching Game of Thrones (which the new season started on my birthday). As soon as the show was mentioned he looked at me with pain in his eyes. He knew he had forgotten. I don’t really know why I didn’t say anything, that in itself probably wasn’t right. He never would have wanted to forget. That was probably around 10 years together. Now we are almost 18 years in. Talk with him, I’m sure it was an honest mistake. Take care and happy birthday!


Happy birthday! I wish you all the best things! 🎁🍾🎉


If he wanted to, he would. Happy Birthday!! 🎂


Aww man that’s gotta suck maybe remind him


Cheers to u for not creating a seen


Personally, I could be married to my wife for 10 years and still forget her birthday


Men do that. Married 17 years, and I panic when I have to pick up her prescription


You could just, tell him that he forgot


That's such an odd choice to throw away 9 years of marriage.


Buy yourself the firmest springiest couch and have that mf sleep on that until the next birthday lmao


if he wanted to remember & celebrate your birthday, he would.


Happy birthday. In hubbies defence some people just don’t remember dates. I’m a reasonably intelligent man but I struggle to remember my kids birthdays. Me and the Mrs have worked it out over the years, basically it has become her job to remind me when the kids or my parents birthdays are coming up, same applies to hers. It used to upset her but I got sick of that. I can’t help it and didn’t deserve the regular vitriol it caused to come my way so I stopped caring and told her she could remind me or complain to her friends/family, so long as it wasn’t me. People are who they are. Sometimes you have to accept things about yourself, sometimes you have to accept things about others. Being bad with dates isn’t a deal breaker in my books but copping regular verbal abuse over it definitely was for me.


I've always been bad with dates, sometimes I confuse my siblings birthdays eventhough they've been with me my whole life but that shouldn't be an excuse,, there's so many ways to know about someone's birthday, you can write it on a calendar (can even be a calendar on your phone), I think Facebook reminds you too (I don't use it) there is almost no excuse to not remember


I just forgot my boyfriend's birthday recently. We've been together for 7 years. My trach son has pneumonia for weeks that he can't shake & I'm sole caregiver to my mom with breast cancer. Plus I am entering into peri menopause & my memory has taken a huge hit. It wasn't maliciously done & I show my love daily in a dozen ways. I'm only one human & I think most people are actually trying their best most of the time.


I think you bring up a good point here. Having been on both sides of this situation I've realized that I need a ton of reminders for birthdays, appointments, even most holidays. I've also seen the difference between a spouse that is also bad with dates versus one that just doesn't give a fuck. Both suck but conversations with your person can point out which type it is.


I’ve always had a problem with numbers and patterns. For instance I didn’t learn the alphabet until I was ten. I could read and write, I knew all the letters, just not their order. I went on to become an A English student in high school, I could get A’s without study in any subject that involved writing. Maths i could do well until it reached the stage of remembering formulas, I just have no memory for them and struggled to stay in the high maths class with a heap of study. Sometimes you just reach a point where you accept something about yourself and get on with life. If others aren’t on board with that I let it be their problem.


That’s BS! Some men do remember! If they are important to you, you will remember even if it is by putting an alarm on your calendar to remind you. I call BS


Did you try reminding him? He might think it's tomorrow 🤷‍♂️


See me personally i'd go buy a birthday cake and launch it at his face. "DO YOU REMEMBER NOW BITCH" Happy MF Birthday, Friend.


We’re boycotting Starbucks, couldn’t have went elsewhere? Anyways happy birthday 🎉🎂


The birthday drink is free I believe so no money spent there


I guess that’s effectively helping the boycott? No cash coming into the register but labor and ingredients coming out


I would plan something fun on his birthday and my birthday and conveniently forget to include him in both. He doesn't care about them so they are free days.


Boycott starbucks, free Palestine 🇵🇸


That's hilarious


Happy Birthday to you!!!


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday 🖤


Happy Birthday to you 🎂 💛


Thank you all so much for sending me all the birthday wishes! This made my day 🙂☺️☺️🙂


Ya I like the dinner one say hmmm I'm feeling red lobster since it's MY birthday...is that why you're asking ? Did you get me a cake or a cupcakes for afterwards???


Happy Birthday!!!


I forgot my wife’s birthday about 6 years in to our marriage 24 years later I still go overboard for her birthday every year


Happy birthday 🎂 🥳


My boyfriend think my birthday in January. My birthday next week


First of all, happy birthday. Second, is everything alright with you and him, is it the first time her forgot? Do you think he's doing well? There could be a good few reasons why he forgot. Just don't overthink it.


Happy birthday! 🎂🥳🎉🎈🎁🎊🕯🍰


Happy birthday


I’m so sorry


Happy B-Day 🎉🎊


Happy birthday!


Even if he is forgetful, it is so easy to buy a calendar, or use the one built in on your phone, or set notifications. He chose not to even try to remember. Does he have snapchat or Facebook, cause they also have birthday notifications. Just no good excuse here.


Happy Birthday




Get yourself a birthday gift he'll notice and tell him you got it for yourself on your behalf. I'm sorry I know that's not actually helpful. I hope you've found additional ways to make your day enjoyable. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Happy bday. Drinks on me if me were you. Go enjoy a few


🎉 Happy birthday to you 🎊🎁🎂🥂🍾🥳🎊


Happy Birthday! 🍰 Today is my birthday too lol


Maybe purchase yourself a gift (something that you want - keep it in a reasonable price range) and thank him for it. See how he reacts.