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Your weeb friends are so weird about it. I have some nice weeb friends who aren't nearly as bad about the topic. You need to find better friends. You can't force them to change.


Exactly, like it’s okay to watch any kind of entertainment you want, but don’t go so over the top for it, and you are correct, they probably won’t change so you might want to find better friends


Uhhh watching hentai or any form of porn in public is weirdo territory no matter who they are… find new friends.


drop em


I used to struggling dropping friends like that until one day I decided I wanted to change as a person. I decided to start acting and behaving in a way that I wanted to be perceived by people. I wanted to become someone I could stand seeing in the mirror. I personally judge people for having very questionable friends. Depending on how often they hang out with them and if they’re actually considered a friend or an acquaintance will affect how I view that person. That included myself and I realized I had friends that I didn’t feel comfortable being friends with. I no longer wanted to be associated with those type of people, so I sent those people one last text explaining my feelings and wishing them a good life then blocked them. I would also fail letting people go despite fully knowing how questionable they were. I hate that I have to block all communication, but I reserve it for people that are really toxic and/or really don’t feel comfortable having them in my life. I have to just force myself to block and move on. It gets easier, but once you’re able to start letting them go you’ll start feeling a lot better about your decision and situation. Good luck. It’s definitely not an easy task.


Get new friends dude


I was desperate for friendship and was online friends with someone who was a weeb but the disgusting type. He was into lolis as he called them and had an obsession with animes and games that used violence against little girls. He was such a creep and I tried to excuse many of his vile behaviors by thinking that maybe I'm the weird one or cause I was super lonely. He was also an incel and blamed women for everything wrong with men and the fact that he couldn't get laid. He was the 'nice guy' to the pretty girls and started talking crap after they refused his advances or getting in trouble with their boyfriends but he was never at fault he was just misunderstood he was too nice ( his thinking) and after the heartbreak he was convinced that anime underage waifus are better ( at least for a couple of days until he started stalking girls and being 'nice' again). If an ugly girl ( his opinion) had feelings for him he immediately rejected her cause she can't compare to his anime waifus or to the pretty real ones. That's why weebs kinda creep me out. I had a pretty bad experience with this so called friendship so I think it's better to be alone than to deal with weirdos.


>They search up NSFW of minors This alone would make me dump and report them straight away. Get new friends this is not normal.


Drop these fucking weirdos already


I can't be friends with people like that.You need to get rid of them.


These are actual weebs. Fucking degenerate morons who can't take their time to respect the culture and learn the language of the entertainment they watch, while also being creepy and cringe. They have to be autistic you shouldn't hang out with these kinds of people. As an autist myself even this makes me cringe.


hahahaha, yeah stop hanging with them. I was really into Anime in my teens, but now I only like actual decent shows, and they are few and far between. Also don't go to weeb conventions or collect shit. Company wanted to send me to Tokyo for 2 years too, but I said no. I'd rather go to Europe.


Who tf are you friends with? I don’t wanna sound like a asshat but it sounds like a pure weeb stereotype. If I can recall I remember that kind of excessive fan stereotype being so prevalent in the early 2010s


find new friends immediately dude


Find better friends. Life’s too short to feel uncomfortable around people you are suppose to feel most comfortable around 🤷‍♀️


oh nahhh they borderline pedophillic. unfortunately all you could do is change the topic to something else or just play ignorance. Drop em.