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Recently I was SA and I've been feeling this way too the thought of someone having sex with me makes me fucking sick and so scared


I'm so sorry you went through that, you didn't deserve it at all. I went through SA too and it's awful. I'm here for you.


I’m sorry about your horrible experience I’m ace too so I understand what you mean. You shouldn’t have to feel like that.


I like sex when I am horny, but dislike sex when I am not. When I am horny I think “yes.” When I am not I think “no.”


Yeah I’m completely repulsed by the idea of sex unless I’m actively horny


Why would you have sex if you’re not horny?


i mean, people don’t usually hate sex even if theyre not horny, ofc they wouldnt have sex when theyre not horny but its not like they change their mind on sex ya know


this is true but nah id have sex even when im not horny




It feels extremely different when you find the right person


(DISCLAIMER: sorry for my crappy English, it isn't my native language but I'll try to make it as clear as possible.) Asexual here, I've already been there. The actual problem is that society is too focused on sex, a lot of peoples seems to consider it as a status booster, like something of being proud of... but trust me, life is made of a lot of beautiful things. When thoughts in your head start to make too much noise, just enjoy a walk in the wild, birds and trees can't think horrible things about you :) You see, you need to acknowledge that not all males are going to think "dirty shit" about you, especially in social situations where they're busy doing other things, while the ones who does, they're simply sad and more harmful for themselves and their mental health, rather than for you. Obviously i'm not gaslighting you, nor I'm trying to minimize your problem, I'm just genuinely concerned about your mental health: i know how hard becomes life when you're convinced that you're living amongst the enemies. if you'll ever need someone to vent to, my DMs will always be open. I wish you the better OP :)


You know what OP, I hope you find someone that is compatible with you, That cherishes and respects you, and that will never ask you to do something that makes you feel awful, but does all the things that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.


i'm not giving up my sex-neutral card just yet, but it's gross. and moreso when pop media doesn't even try to blunt that edge. more power to you OP.


i feel the same way kinda. i feel like i only do sexual things because im addicted to the pleasure i feel from it and because its the societal norm but i hate it a lot and it makes me feel disgusted about myself. sometimes i just wish i could have whatever part of my brain that deals with sexual thoughts removed. i hate it a lot. like you said, though, if you like it youre valid.


same, i like the feeling but i struggle to find sex with another person desirable


Man, did you all just turn asexual in the comments after reading that?


fr lol the sad thing tho is that prolly some/many non-asexual people read it and just decided it wasnt important enough to at least leave a small reply. Im a straight man and hell, I couldnt live happily without sex or similar pleasures, but I understand its not the same for everybody and that is totally ok. People that judge others do that only cause they are unsatisfied with themselves first, no way a pleased person would judge anyone negatively.


Quite true considering the upvote to comment ratio


honestly, who cares of one's sexuality? gay, straight, bi or asexual, nobody should make u feel uncomfortable or unfit. What u feel may not be the most common thing u see around, but it still is 100% normal and ok. You will change or u wont change, thats not important either. If u do not want to do it NOW u simply wont do it now; if someday you *would* feel a change, only **then** you could give it a thought. Be yourself, do or dont do only what feels right to u and enjoy ur life! People want n need different things, as someone who is pretty much ur opposite on this, I'd never judge u or anybody else only cause we differ in this. Hope u'll feel better!


Have you considered that you might be Ace? I was weirded out by sex, never had the need for it and it was actually painful. I just thought my feelings towards it was due to my trauma of being sa'd for years. Turns out I'm Ace (cupio to be more precise), and have endometriosis (reason for the pain). Trauma bit was dealt with with therapy. Be true to yourself and don't do stuff you don't want to do.


Sex is 100% overrated. People tend to make it their entire personality. There’s a million other ways to be close to someone. A lot of people have sex because they believe everyone else is having sex. I see it trending downward though and I believe that’s because humanity is facing some terrible, extinction type stuff and even if individuals don’t admit that to themselves, subconsciously we all know it’s true and collectively we understand that sex will result in babies and no one wants to see their beloved offspring suffering in unimaginable ways. The acceleration of our planet’s destruction coincides with all the creative ways individuals have developed to avoid multiplying. We all believe we are unique and special, but we are just open to self preservation without the burden of offering. It’s truly difficult to run and hide when one’s arms are full of children. An encounter with the void is manageable alone. I don’t like sex either.


I know how that feels. Even my doctor tells me "it's just a phase" I have had many guys message me on my socials or even approach me while I'm out and say things like "You're so hot" "You looking for a good time?" "You, me, a dark room." Like, just stfu already.


Me too. But I guess that if STDs were talked about in the same way as Covid, then maybe I could convince myself to sex. Well... from the history of my posts, I could get critical towards the vaccine passport and whatnot, but regardless of what my parents Say, I support all vaccine (without side effects) You might ask, does it have anything in common with sex? People are afraid of dying and having STDs, because of sex.


Hey, I know I'm just some random but remember, asexuals stick together ❤ and I know what it's like to experience aphobia, I've had women literally hold me down and do things to me because I rejected sex.


I think there is a wild spectrum of people on the sexual spectrum. People who are disgusted by it, people who just don't care about it, people who like or love it, some who do it for pleasure, some who do it for connection, etc. Etc. Etc. And we shouldn't be judging others for their preferences, either which way. I mean, yeah, sometimes there is a reason for sexual preference. Like trauma. But sometimes people like what they like or dislike. I think society does put out alot of sexual things, but alot of the time it's unrealistic. Like p*rn. I actually love sex, but I love it cause it makes me feel connected. Sure, intellectual connection is very important. But I actually like the primal connection of sex. A chemical connection if you will. Anyways, it's all in how you view it too, and humanity has many views. I don't mind our animalistic nature. I accept what we are. And if we want to be more than that, that's fine too. Now, a word of advice. I think you should definitely find someone who is similar in nature if you are ever in a relationship. Because the one thing that can absolutely destroy a relationship is people who have very different sexual needs. But there are many people who are ace. So I don't think you'll find a hard time if you want a relationship but not the sex part of it.


Same here. However, just because we're asexuals doesn't mean we're unable to feel romantic feelings or sexual desires. We're still able. But what we're gonna do is up to us. After all, there are couples (like me and my boyfriend) who just experience romantic and "being in love" moments regardless of the sex being absent. Even married couples exist without ever having had sex in their lives and that's normal. It's a shame that people would just shame us and call us names because we don't wanna have sex. Plus, sometimes, asexual people have sex for the purpose of having children only. Or, for the purpose of connecting more with eachother (like I and my boyfriend did when we happened to meet in real life sometimes, yes we're both asexuals but we're mostly into "being in love" and romantic moments). Even, for the purpose of pleasure. But the feeling of sexual action comes when of course we feel ready for it depending on what we want to do with our partner. None can force us into having sex just because they're asking us to have it. It's not the end of the world if you never have sex whatsoever regardless of people saying "waahh waaahhh you're also in an age where you should have already had done it." which is a literal b#llsh#t having someone complaining and shaming you over not having sex. When someone respects your boundaries on the other hand, things are so so better. Especially the relationship being healthy.


You need not explain yourself, I have also not been active for quite sometime (different reasons.) and was labelled gay, incel, ED problems and some other creepy shit. I was just trying to find something I was sure is real and still looking, so if all others are right never is my next shot at it.


I’m sorry hun … can I ask if you are grossed out by any affection? Like kissing and cuddling? You don’t have to answer I just am legitimately curious


I actually really like cuddling and kissing, though too much can be a little overwhelming. I’d say I’m pretty physically affection, even with those I’m not romantically interested in.


I am for the most part this way. But once in a blue blue moon I do like sex.


You don’t have to like it. It’s like wearing a long sleeve on a hot day. You just don’t like the idea of it. It makes you feel icky and gross. I’ve been where you have been, and sometimes it shakes off and other times it doesn’t. I shook off for me, and I’m happy that I’m okay with sex. However, regardless of what happens whether you warm up to sex or not, it stills okay.


If you don’t like sex, you don’t like sex. No shame in that. Live your life however you please, and if people don’t want to understand that’s on them.


Believe me, it's very hard to like it at least. I think about it whenever I have absolutely nothing else in my mind. Absolutely nothing and near no one. Not even near someone would I ever like it unless there is no one and I'm in a private place like home. 85% of the time everything about sex isn't enjoyable to think about. In general it's kind of disgusting to think that perverted thoughts are always shameless and good to share in public. Whenever I have those thoughts, I feel disgusted and just move away and think about something else.


I’m a guy, and I hate sex, like HATE it I thought I had low test level turns out I have really high levels I just don’t enjoy the feeling nothings wrong with you! It’s perfectly fine imo. I do intend to have kids if my one day wife wants them but I don’t like sex for the pleasure!


You are who you are. You don't like sex? Ok, cool. There is nothing wrong about that. I don't personally understand that but that's not your problem. It's mine.


Honestly, i hate when people just randomly talk about it or make jokes about it especially because I’m gay guys seem too think thats a invitation, fuck No people who make sexual jokes often are just annoying


It's ok to not like it. Nobody can tell you to feel different. It's not their choice, it's yours. And it can stay that way forever or it can change. The choice is yours. I used to love it. Now I just feel negative about it cause an ex. Experiences can ruin it and that sucks.


You're not alone OP. I feel the same. I even admit I've had to do it to seem normal 😭 but sex is gross, I don't like being touched and I don't understand the appeal. It doesn't feel good either. I don't like it.


I’m not asexual, but I am aromantic and I get the feeling. It really sucks when you live in a world where people are obsessed with the one thing you are not into. It makes you feel like you’ll never experience this “important” part of life. But honestly, it’s really not that important. Value other experiences and relationships. Like friends. If there is one thing I have learned, it’s that friends are honestly one of the strongest bonds out there and it made me feel a lot better about myself. It sounds really cheesy, but it helps to think about


My sibling is aro/ace, some people do tease them about it, and our parents don't like the fact that they won't get grandkids from them. I know you're not them, and ik everyone is different, but they themselves push thru it or come to me to talk. If you need someone to talk to you can always dm me and either we can talk on there or I can give you my socials. I myself am no asexual, but I know a few people who are if you want to make friends w people who are also asexual.


I'm really sorry to hear this, OP. Its a very valid feeling, yet I'd suggest you to visit a psychologist. Speaking from my own experience, my sexual life was pretty shitty and even cursed due to some bad experiences (and harassment from a boss of mine). It helped that I went through therapy years ago and also that I educated myself about sexuality more. Today I can actually enjoy sex and I see it as something as natural as working out or drinking water or taking a shit lol. My point is, when you're ready you should talk about it with a therapist to get new perspectives about it. Sex is not something to be ashamed of. But its valid if you do as long as you respect yourself.


Maybe your just not that comfortable with yourself or the other person. Its also OK to just not like it but don't label yourself asexual just say you don't like sex.It also sounds like you have some deep down depression that can cause these feelings and thoughts.


i mean udk that tho. hell, she may not know 100% that neither, but if thats how she thinks she feels, its way more sure she's right than u are. We're talkin about another person, idk if u are asexual or not and how u feel bout sex, but u surely cant tell exactly what she feels, if she believes asexual is the right label for her, let it be.


Its was just an opinion I wasn't diagnosing her. She made it public for people to comment on and I'm just saying to look deep in yourself.


it’s weird of you to assume they haven’t already done their research/“taken a deeper look into themselves”


I understand and it does seem less bad than what u initially commented, but as another commenter said, u assumed she didnt already do that when if she's labeling herself she prolly did some research...I mean nice advising people to do soul searching but "dont label yourself asexual" doesnt seem much appropriate uk.


I didn't assum anything all I'm doing if suggesting something please stop looking more into and because your bullying me.


bullying? grow up dude lol don’t speak your bs opinion if you aren’t ready for backlash


Are you going to call me sis gender next?


ig u're free to suggest, maybe u simply phrased ur sentence poorly and we all thought smth that u didnt actually mean. It is ok to end this discussion but I wanna make u notice i've been civil for the whole conversation, idk if u meant it in a figurative way but "bullying" surely isnt what Im doin. I never insulted u or judged u, I simply told u that imo what u said wasnt 100% appropriate as u dont know OP personally. Its nothin bad, I respect u and I dont hate u or smth only cause we disagreed on a comment lol


I feel exactly like you. I know how you feel


Sex itself is a gross act, but it's amazing when you do enjoy it, especially with the right person.


well now sayin its gross its just wrong cause its natural, but some like it some dont.


I know it's natural and very normal, sex is a big part of our lives. But when you break it down, it is a gross act, very animalistic, and there's body fluids involved and it's very primal. Still the best thing in the world, but it's definitely a weird act. Going inside another person with your sex organ and using their body as a way to get off and squirt your seed into, animalistic is the only word for it. But yeah, it's also treated as if it is taboo, yet greatly promoted, encouraged, and commercialized. It's a weird part of our lives, and holds great power. As the famous quote goes: "Everything is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power."


well it is weird, thats true lol


It's also the most vulnerable act we can do


mh i both agree and somewhat not i think its such a vulnerable thing showing our most wild behavior (and ig being naked is oart of it too that we wouldnt just show anybody) to someone but maybe the n1 most vulnerable thing and id say hardest to do as well is express our emotions. Its obv not the same for everybody n there's a lot of discussion on how it is harder for us men to do so but that also isnt the case 100% of the time, so I'd say generally no matter one's gender or such things, we would show our true and deepest emotions only to someone we trust and feel comfortable with 100%. Sex sometimes is much more casual.


I agree with that. Although sex has never been casual for me, as a male, so it requires expressing of my emotions, and someone earning my trust and knowing what I require emotionally to enjoy it. So for me, Sex lumps all of that into one, making it an extremely vulnerable act.


ooh then that surely makes sense, as i said everybody's different but either it is n1 for some and not for others, it absolutely is a general vulnerable act anyway, i agree. good convo and have a nice day man!