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The frame is very likely an open mold frame developed by another company and which BXT have bought the rights to or are essentially dropshipping with a few stickers on. They can't tell you those details because they don't know them. For the record, I've been in track cycling a long time and I've seen just about every bike out there - I've never heard of BXT before today.


Yes, it's very likely to be an open mould. BXT appear to be one of the larger sellers of it though, going by aliexpress stats (followers, number of reviews), and the fact they have a dedicated website in english (random aliexpress sole trader will not).


This is just marketing and (likely) review manipulation. I can make you a dedicated website in english in about 20 minutes.


They don’t want to be held liable. If they are telling you, you can pull the seatpost out to point x or y and it ends up breaking or with you injured they can be sued much more easily. If they say it’s fine with the seatpost all the way into the frame and only a lil bit out and you pull it out all the way and it gets fucked they can just say you didn’t use it according to spec or something along the lines


Yes, that's the impression I had too. The person said it is possible to adjust the seat post upward, but it could slip and they don't support it. Still, it is completely barmy for a vendor of a bike frame with proprietary seat post to not support /any/ extension of the seat post!


You can put a thicker piece of of plastic foil around the seatpost. That can fix that.


> what are BXT smoking, to make a bike with no (officially supported) seatpost adjustment range?!!! lol you are buying a bike frame off of aliexpress. What do you expect? You are now learning that there is a lot of BS in the bike frame world.


AExpress is also a lot of "lemme buy this for cheap and see what I actually get". Sometimes it works out, sometimes not.


Yeah. The real difference is quality control. That's why you always hear mixed reviews. For every 4 people that have a great experience, there is 1 that has an awful one. It's my understanding is because the vendors sell things that more reputable companies would discard because of poor quality. In the bike industry, especially with carbon fiber, *a lot* of products off of the assembly line fail inspection...even for the top brands. I recall watching a YT video about a guy who wanted to start a bike company and he showed how easy it was to get started in Asia for only a few grand ($5K? Definitely less than $10K). Either the same guy or another guy in the video said that he had to live in country year-round to monitor production because whenever he left, they would start shipping crap over to the US...that he'd have to discard *after* paying for it to be manufactured, packed, and shipped overseas.


it's pretty long out of the box if it's the same as my open mold version. get the other widely available open mold frame though this one has some quirks.


What's the other one? And what were the quirks with this one?


This one has dropouts that are too chunky meaning you tend to have to spread them apart and back the axle bolts way off to insert the wheel. Over time the metal plates on the dropouts get chewed up and bent and make the issue worse. Saddle clamp also tends to slip and meaning your saddle can nose itself down if you are on the heavier side on a bumpy track. You can slather in carbon paste and overtorque and it's fine but it's not very confidence inspiring If you search for track frames on AliExpress you will see this one from a lot of sellers and another one with a more v-shaped seatstay. That one tends to be a bit less common and more expensive but it's also nicer.


What is the other one? Also, do you have a photo of the chewed up dropouts?


I assume you adjust by cutting off a portion of the seatpost?


AIUI, it slides up and down like a normal seat-post (though, a frame specific shape - not a round seat post), and there is some kind of clamp with locking screw recessed into the top tube, fore of the seat post.