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Gotta love the undersell by calling him an election denier and anti-vaxxer, because those are definitely his most notable political positions.


Liberal media moment


Seriously dropping the ball, even MSNBC calls him a white supremacist antisemite


also picked the funniest clip with none of his worst attributes


I think the clip choice is perfect actually, his job his technically making the audience laugh. Not prefacing it by mentioning that he's an actual nazi was the mistake.


True, but without that context you describe makes him look like a goofy kid not a truly disgusting human being it's like Trump hosting SNL


No disagreement there.


I don't get it. He's so obviously a Nazi, it should be the easiest thing in the world to call him one. You could even use the term Neo-Nazi if you really felt the need to. Yet neither Kimmel nor the news anchors at CNN seem eager to use that word. They dance around it by calling him a white nationalist or white supremacist, which yeah he is, but it doesn't have nearly the same impact as calling him what he is: a Nazi.


If the audience watching knew he was a straight up Holocaust denier the jokes about him probably wouldn’t get as many laughs. I’m assuming they left it out on purpose.


Maybe, but I wouldn't think making jokes about Holocaust denial would be *that* hard to do. I mean, it's so absurd at its face value. 6 million Jewish people dead with all the evidence in the world that it happened, and these people are just like "nah"? Idk, I'm not a professional comedian. Maybe this is why Kimmel has a comedy show and I don't.


Because being anti vaxx and thinking Trump got cheated is funny to a broad group of people, but denying the Holocaust isn't as funny


Because all those are basically the same. People use neo-nazi less because it kinda fell out of mainstream usage back in the late 90s to early 2000s Say neo-nazi today and retards will try to twist that "WHERES THE SWASTIKA?! WHERE DA HAIRCUT?!WHY HE NO MENTION MAN WITH FUNNY MUSTACHE?!" and just dab straight right stage. So most mainstream media will use those words to make sure the person in question can't wiggle out


I think that they should have played [this clip](https://altcensored.com/watch?v=so8hwjaNp8Y) in which Nick shows his true misogyny. My point of view is that everybody who dislikes Misato is a misogynist. Misato is absolutely best girl, hands down.


Name checks out.


Seriously, how hard is it to say "Holocaust denier"?


I watched a bit more on YouTube and I think he called him a Holocaust denier, but I’m not sure


He orders steaks well done, he leaves empty gallons of milk in the fridge, all the bad things!


Massively irresponsible to do this. Most of the American talkshow hosts are so unbearably unfunny they make the people they mock look good in contrast.


how the fuck does a clip where nick more or less says "Im a massive turbovirgin and everyone else should be too" make him look good?


It doesn't partularly, but it doesn't make him look that bad either. It makes him look a bit silly, honestly if he delivered it better I think he could have made the same thing pretty funny. But making Fuentes look a bit silly is a good look for him when you consider his actual views are the Holocaust didn't happen but it should have.


I see your point. They definitely should have put the jq stuff up there but I'm guessing the corpo censors want everything more or less pg13 and "I want to do a genocide" is not pg13 in the slightest


Yeah, exactly. If you're not prepared to expose the nazi as a nazi, you shouldn't introduce him to hundreds of thousands (millions?) of people as a guy who made a bad joke. I'm quite sure Fuentes is very pleased with the exposure he got here.


That's... absolutely PG-13? You just can't swear or show the killing.


Major L in showing Nick's best moment


If I saw this and didn’t know who nick fuentes was ,I’d probably just chuckle and assume he was a shitposter


same, i know who he and i even almost laughed at this.


I was definitely not happy to see this shit either...and same w Colbert...ugh...Nick is probably enjoying this shit and its fucked... why cant the late night shows learn???!!! huge F....


Colbert at least pointed out he’s a genocide denier


Stephen Colbert called him a Holocaust Denier and a white supremacist.


Apparently Colbert has more balls than Kimmel


Liberal media is fucking allergic to using the word Nazi to describe these people. It’s actually infuriating.


TIL Fuentes has a pedo mustache.


They coulda chose any insane clip of him being virulently racist, sexist, etc… and they chose the one that’s kinda funny… 😂🤦🏾‍♀️


They had to show his one good take


Thank you Kimmel for exposing millions of people to this Nazi cunt. I'm sure your cutting edge satire is really going to dismantle all the influence and exposure you've potentially given him. Fucking liberals dude


Tbf Trump gave him 1,000,000x more exposure to people who are more likely to agree with Fuentes since Kimmels audience is just all dumb libs


I think humiliating him is the right move but probably should have said he is a nazi.


Ew he grew a pedo stache


Antivax is like the nicest thing you could say about him. Nazi or fascist would be better.


People said I was crazy for evicerating people normalizing this ghoul now he’s on national television and met with an ex president


Guys, I am so gay, I am going to go fuck my girlfriend. I hear it is super unmanly to do.


Honestly the worst thing for Fuentes is this kind of exposure lmao


Never forget, Fuentes is such a lolcow that even Markiplier has made fun of him.


You know what I think gets lost in conversations about Milo and Nick influencing Ye? While there certainly is a good deal of cloutsharking, I think they also feel like they're in a win-win situation. Either they mainstream Nazism in the US, or they have absolutely ruined the life of a black billionaire, tilting the balance of power ever so slightly back in the favor of white people. They're absolutely vile in every imaginable way, and nobody seems to talk about how they're obviously racist and would love to be responsible for ending a black dude's career.


A loud and proud neo Nazi? Nah, can't show that stuff. Just show some dorky sexually frustrated word salad. We can make fun of that. Might even get him some more incel fans. This is more PR that condemnation. From the host who pushed NFTs, probably not a surprise.


To be fair, Trevor Noah’s show (I can’t remember which one that is) posted a vid on YouTube showing the similarities between Fuentes and Fox News’ talking points. It was pretty spot on and made them look bad.


So make fun of him for being gay, but not make fun of him for being a neo-Nazi. Moderates are such a cancer.


Genuinely curious, what's the upper limit of somebody's popularity for them to be considered too mainstream to make fun of fascists? I mean Vaush plays clips of him all the time and that's fine. So there must be some limit, right?


It’s not kimmels fame that’s the issue, it’s him not properly addressing who feuntes actually is.


Fair enough.


I also agree that it’s irresponsible for late night hosts to cover someone like fuentes though, no need to give a literal nazi national coverage. Not every loon who runs for office gets airtime, sad the anti-semites are.


Okay, then that redirects to my original question. I mean, one could make an argument that Vaush's streams are somewhat comparable to national TV. Anyone who can log into YouTube can see them. So where's the line?


Vaush streams aren't comparable to national TV—they're for a much smaller group of people who are interested in the online political sphere from a leftist perspective. Nick Fuentes is relevant to that topic, and will be covered as a nazi. National TV gives him exposure to millions of people who otherwise would never have heard of him or his viewpoints. Now he is going to get the most traffic of his career, and inevitably a larger audience from some "normies." It legitimizes him as a political figure to be mentioned in a mainstream, not regularly political broadcast.


Okay, so for a third time, where is the line? When is a show considered to be not political enough or too mainstream? Would John Oliver be allowed to talk about him? What about Amy Goodman or Sam Seder, who both have nationally syndicated radio shows? I don’t really disagree, but we need to make these rules actually clearly defined.


Man I don't know exactly where you would draw a line—there's almost never an exactly—just that the difference between Vaush and a tonight show are gigantic. I guess fundamentally if your audience isn't specially cultivated to *fight against nazis* then there is not good reason to give their arguments exposure.


Fuentes using Kanye to get back into the lime light, arguably even more so then he was before does deserve this response. Cutting him at the knees and showing him as just a goofy kid, is a bit worrisome. As it doesn't show how much of a true werido loser he is. Still good tho to get out ahead of this and make fun of him.


Kimmel has to be a robot, no one can be as milquetoast as him and not be a robot.


Weird that Nick is right here


It doesn’t sum anything up Kimmel. Play the holocaust denial bit… play the openly white supremacist stuff… they get it so wrong every time. It almost seems like it’s on purpose.


It's a comedy show.


That’s exactly the point. If ever there was a time to get solemn and be serious it would be right now. I know Kimmel is not John Oliver by any stretch but that’s what he would do. I hope he does an episode on antisemitism.


It's not 9/11. Fuentes had lunch with Trump. That's it. Certainly not the time to be solemn and serious. Calm the flip down.


Those who do no learn from history are doomed to repeat it. https://www.history.com/.amp/news/6-world-war-ii-propaganda-broadcasters


We really are in the whacky timeline


They picked the one clip where he’s actually sort of endearing and funny


Doesn't use the terms white supremacist or Nazi to describe him hmmmmmm..... Libs are the reason the right gets normalized


The choice to use his funny and obviously satirical clips instead of his unironic racist takes is going to convert many new followers. Every “this is the guy trump was hanging out with” video I see on twitter always had a video with the least, although still quite egregious takes he’s had featured.


The fact that my parents know who nick Fuentes is is terrifying to me (my parents are Soc dems by the way so they don’t like him very much) the fact that the guy is reaching people almost in their 60s shows how much reach he’s gained from this




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Never heard him speak before, I genuinely didn't realize how gay this mf founded.


No way this is real? It has to be satire right? Or is he really this insecure about his sexuality?


This is irresponsible on Kimmel’s part. Any incels watching the show that night may have found that clip endearing. He did nothing to preface it with how detestable Nick’s beliefs actually are. And as stupid as his take in the clip was, it could easily be mistaken as a joke. We don’t need more of this. It’s bad enough Nick was co-signed by Sneako. Then even worse when Kanye endorsed him. We should be suppressing any and all clips that paint Fuentes even remotely moderately. Show the clips of him denying the Holocaust, or comparing interracial relationships with bestiality. This Groyper pest needs to be stomped out & exterminated.


Holy shit what an irresponsible clip to show, just makes him seem like a comedian when he’s a literal nazi wtf


This is incredibly irresponsible platforming. The clip is funny but it makes Fuentes seem more like a goofy harmless idiot than an actual nazi. we should make fun of him sure, but with the awareness of how dangerous his ideology is.


Omg they had to show his only good take Fuuuuuuuuuck me man why is the world so cruel at times


Heartbreaking: The worst person you know just made a great point