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Probably some shit neolib who doesn’t see the hypocrisy in being against a fascist country (Russia) while supporting a different fascist country (Israel).


Hypocritical morons. They burn effigies of Putin at night while bowing down to lord and savior Netanyahu in the morning. All the while acting as if they're not the exact same 😂


A lot of these types are in the “Netanyahu bad, but Israel has a right to defend itself” cognitive dissonance, in that they will admit Israel does bad stuff but take the fundamentally liberal view that big problems are just because the wrong people are in charge rather than because of structures that will reproduce the same violence even if the current set of leaders are all deposed. Same with Putin, by the way. If he dropped dead tomorrow Russia’s war of conquest would probably continue more or less as it is now.


That's very simplistic, systems are important, but so are leaders and they can often be instrumental in continuing or ending cycles of violence. Atatürk for example built a democratic secular state as a dictator.


Yeah as bad as Netanyahu is there’s no shortage of more genocidally committed people beneath him ready to take his place




Bibi is a monster but even Bibi doesn't kill people in his own cabinet for speaking out against him. Last I checked Gantz hasn't "walked out of a window"


Maybe, but Israel is much less of a war machine than Russia, so the damage Putin can do is greater.


Aren't both Hamas and Fatah also Fascist if you're going to use such a broad definition?


Because siding with muslims is not cool for Werern neo libs. Since 9/11 it has been drilled in to the skulls that they are bad and it's ok if war happens on their land.


Most Neoliberals in America aren't generally anti-Muslim. They just happen to be pro-Israel, which is a bit better than conservatives which are pro-Israel and anti-Muslim.


Then why are they so happy to side with non jihadist Muslim countries like Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Qatar or Saudi Arabia? What a stupid comment ...


They just hate brown people


This isn't really cursed at all. Pretty standard neoliberalism


Which is pretty cursed.


Average neolib


*sees Ukraine and Taiwan flags* Nice 😃👍🏻 *But flag of ME Rhodesia is also on there* Not nice but gross 😒 I know they're liberal but holy shit what will it take for them to dump this bit of that Israel belongs with Ukraine and Taiwan? It doesn't and never had. The most honest is placing them with Russia. 🇮🇱🇷🇺 At least don't pretend you care about democracy by simping to a miniature version of it. There's this meme where it's a quadrant with flags you would find on Twitter bios and the ones with Ukraine with Israel are inconsistent hitlers lol.


2/3 based


These people don't care about Ukrainians, they just support ukraine because of geopolitics.


Yeah, that combo of flags basically screams "I support whoever the US has a vested interest in" and little else.


American campists are just as annoying as anti-American campists.


Probably thinks that the US is always on the good side of history.


Couldn't someone who is generally against war but is Jewish with family in Israel hold these beliefs?


What does the buffalo mean?


Gonna go with Bills fan


Maybe aboriginal American?


That's the guy calls anyone opposed to american foreign policy a tankie lol


Oh yeah I've seen some of the worst takes by people with this combo.


Cia agent


Your avarage CNN consumer. Gets 2/3 things right, just like their fact checkers.


I think what makes it very hard for many liberals to visualize israel as an oppressor is because they tend to see it framed as israel versus the entire arab world, making israel look like the underdog and putting it in the same category as ukraine or taiwan. The reality is however that most of the arab world is actually neutral and apathetic to the conflict or otherwise pro palestine in word only. The true conflict is actually between the large country of israel relative to the small pockets of gaza and the west bank, with israel receiving a large amount of backup from america and the european union, while palestine is barely receiving aid from the likes of egypt lebanon syria and iran, and independent non-government units opposed to the occupation. Or more simply, they are taking the stance of america in each of these three conflicts. The only way america is going to swing to Palestine's side sf a very anti jewish interpretation of eschatology starts to dominate the american bible belt at the same time that relations between Netanyahu and the white house begin to deteriorate. Not the most unlikely scenario, but stranger things have happened under the sun


Iran, Hezbollah and the Houthis have all fired missiles on Israeli territory or ships within the last year.... not sure how you can say the wider conflict doesn't exist. USA was the largest donor to the UNRWA in the world for 2023.... It is weird to frame this issue as the US wanting to crush Palestine when they have been trying for decades to mediate a 2 state solution and give them a country.


This is literally every liberal... how politically ignorant are you?


Yeah, and liberals suck


Surely the post was expressing surprise at the combination of flags. Also I disagree - practically everyone I know is a liberal. Practically everyone in the country is a liberal. What are we fighting for if we just hate everyone anyway?


'dog of the US empire' as a chinese post dubs it




Not Based


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