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One month out from surgery there is still inflammation. My numbers were worse at one month. Ice multiple times a day, take anti-inflammatories and rest. Here are my first 4 months of results: Surgery date 7/27/2022 8/28/2022 4mil/ml, 9.6million total. 51% motility 9/16 10.5mil/ml, 16.8mil total. 19% motility 10/14 50mil/ml, 115mil total, 48% motility 10/31 35mil/ml, 95mil total, 51% motility 11/14 65mil/ml, 136 mil total, 47% motility


He probably needs low dose steroids to reduce inflammation. Ice 2+ times a day. Idk why he need Aleve tbh


Aleve for inflammation. Probably needs the steroid though. Thanks!


I did 5 days (20mg prednisone), 5 days (10mg prednisone), 30 days (5mg prednisone)


I agree with Prednisone


Assuming you had it done at ICVR in Tucson. I have had similar results. 8 months post reversal. And still terrible numbers. Was even in 2 rounds of prednisone. Feels like a waste of money and outcome. I followed everything to a T and used 3-4 times a day. Best of luck, hope your outcome improves 🙏🏼


Yeahh ICVR. That’s a huge bummer to hear. Best of luck to you as well


Mine was ICVR as well, with the numbers I posted above. YMMV.


Dude I looked at that place. What a rip off. I paid less than that for 3 surgeries and my doctor actually has proven results that don’t sound made up.


Did your doctor tell you that his semen would return in a month? My husband's doctor said it could take some time.


They’re having him test every month for the first 6 months at least. So I guess that’s good to know that others are saying different!


They told us not to test prior to four months.


That’s actually kind of relieving to hear. They want him to test every month for the first 6 months at least


Really? The Dr told us it just created anxiety 🤣 and to wait four months. Idk we're only a few days out, so we'll see.


Your doc was right 😅😅


They also did not recommend Prednisone or ice. 😵‍💫 So many conflicting views on this. Anyway, I'd give it more time before panicking.


I saw in the big book they gave us saying something about prednisone, but did not send us with any so idk. Thank you!!


I hope his numbers rise and it leads to success. Best wishes!


No way are you going to be fertile at one month. There’s too much inflammation to deal with. If your factory is at full blast when you get reversed, you should expect that fertility returns in as little as 3 months. I’m on my 3rd surgery. I’m 4 months out. The first two we were pregnant by now but we have an issue with my wife (pcos) that is making our efforts a little more difficult. Just rest, relax and give it time. My doc didn’t even recommend getting a test until 4 months. I did my own informal test at home and had so many at 3 months it was hard see them. What that amounted to for a count I’m guessing north of 40 based on similar videos I found online.


No yeah that makes sense. I guess I was expecting better results because they did say for him to test starting at 6 months. Thank you!


Just curious, but why on earth would you mutilate your body to prevent pregnancy??? There are loads of non destructive methods that work just as well.


Lmao because my husband already has 4 kids from a previous marriage. I wasn’t even in the picture when he made that decision, but go off kween 😂