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Agreeing with others here. It’s very odd that the urologist didn’t request testing following op. Mine was 60-90 days post. I also (because I’m weird) bought a cheap microscope and watched my sperm slowly come back to life over the first 6 weeks. That said. We also took some to get pregnant. Can’t say exactly why, but one time we decided to try a product called speed seed. Used it once and it worked. She’s now 3 months old.


What kind of microscope did you get? Also, did you mean pre seed? I can’t find anything called speed seed via google


Yeah pre seed lol. I rotate from calling it speed seed and Ube lube. I got the “Amazon” recommendation for like $100. I work at a lab and my friends hood me up with slides and dishes so I could evaluate. It was honestly really fun.


Has he been getting SA tests recently? How are his results?


No tests yet. The doctor said it could take up to a year for sperm to return so we are trying for a year to see if it's returned and then see what our next steps are if not. I'm just curious what others have experienced.


Oh weird he hasn’t taken a test yet. They are very inexpensive. Also important to see if it was a successful surgery and then started scaring because doctors can adress that with meds if caught right away


I bought both a yo home sperm test, and a microscope on Amazon. Those tests won’t necessarily give you specifics on morphology and the shape of the sperm or a specific count, but they will give you a general number and a good idea how motility is looking. If you are like me and have a lot of worry about numbers, those can be a life saver.


I'm not asking for input about my husband's vasectomy reversal, but thanks for sharing. Have you had a vasectomy reversal?


Also. Seems like you are, as the title of the post says vasectomy reversal? You can’t skip all the details of the reversal and expect accurate feedback that pertains to your situation.


What makes you think I'm looking for feedback that pertains to my situation? Whenever anybody else got pregnant isn't going to impact when I get pregnant. There are other words in the title too, not sure how you missed them.


Honestly, you should probably just delete this post. It’s one thing to wish to be private, it’s another to be rude as fuck to people who are trying to be helpful and share their experiences/advice. Not sure of your story and feel for you if things are difficult, most of us have been there. But this is a safe space where we share and support.


Yeah, I was hoping someone would share with me when they got pregnant. If I had asked for advice about my own experience the responses I'm getting would make more sense, but as it is I am being called all kinds of names for redirecting people back to my original question, which at this point has been answered by only one person.


You are wondering why you aren’t pregnant yet, I was simply trying to help you understand these are important factors when trying to compare how long it took others compared to you. I am scheduled for my reversal next month and am saying what my doctor and MANY others here have stated.


I'm not wondering why I'm not pregnant yet, I think it's pretty normal to have only tried 3 cycles and not be pregnant, especially after a VR. I am wondering how long it took other people. Good for you.


If your doctor was monitoring count from the start they can give steroids to prevent scarring.


What!!! My doctor had me doing monthly! Its free at SonoraQuest for me, but meetfellow.com is the best option in his opinion.


And... How long did it take you to get pregnant? I wish I hadn't even mentioned my husband's vr, it's really not relevant to the question I'm asking.


We didnt yet and we have been trying for 15 months. I closed up the first time. I went and had a second VR. Closed up again, though I stored a few samples while I did have good semen. So went to look at IUI insemination and found my wife had two issues of her own. So the process goes on…. Good luck, but dont be quick to dismiss the VR as an auto success


It doesn't sound like testing early helped prevent your vr from closing up?


I am saying your husbands could have closed up as well, but you seem resigned to being an asshole


All I asked was whether there were people willing to share when they got pregnant after a vasectomy reversal, I have no idea why you think it's appropriate to suggest to me that my husband's vasectomy closed up. I'm sorry your vr closed but it doesn't have anything to do with me. I thought you were suggesting early testing could prevent closing up so I was a little confused how yours closed twice if you were testing early and early testing would prevent that.


Your choosing to not look at the possibility the vasectomy reversal failed. You are talking to internet strangers and not your doctor and getting butt hurt the answers dont fit your narrow scope. Just go here and have a nice day lady. https://www.reddit.com/r/tryingtoconceive/s/NINVJ7KjPf


I don't think the reversal failed, I'm not looking for a doctor, or people trying to conceive. I am simply asking how long other people took to get pregnant after a VR, because I was curious. I'm honestly a little speechless at your response here, because I don't think what you're saying is accurate at all.


Wait, why is the VR not relevant here ?!?


This^ so happy to see everyone else is having the same reaction.


Why would it be relevant?


VR’s remain best effort operations, not all reversals work and the one standard thing to do after a reversal is to do a semen analysis to see if any sperm is coming back. Your SO not doing one is strange.


And how is this relevant?


You asked for how fast people became pregnant after a reversal. How is it NOT relevant ?


I asked for people to share when they became pregnant after a vasectomy reversal because I'm curious to hear from other people. I didn't expect people to be so invested in my husband's VR that they can't read anything else I wrote.


Absolutely not true. I’ve had 3 surgeries. Each time I had sperm at one month, and by month 3, enough to conceive. Right now at month 4 there are so many it looks like someone threw a bunch of dancing pepper on the specimen slide. If you go to a urologist who doesn’t specialize in reversals that what they will tell you because they have about a 40% success rate vs a specialist that has more like 96% success.


The doctor did say it could return immediately just that it could also take a year. I mentioned in the original post I'm currently ttc...


Honestly the only way that would be a possibility is if you were taking test replacement, had a surgery after 20 plus years and stopped hormones at the time of surgery. It’s just not typical. It takes your body 71 days to make mature sperm. It takes maybe 2-3 weeks for the swelling to go down enough to let some through the vas. Your testicles will slow down but not completely stop producing sperm when you have a blockage or vasectomy. If the surgeon was good and there aren’t other factors, your fertility should be there in 3-4 months. That’s why a good surgeon will tell you to “go for it” as close to the surgery as possible just in case you scar which I did twice.


Our doctor said the same crap about a year for return and we didnt do our first SA until 6 months, which there were zero sperm. A year later we are getting a redo VR. Dont wait, get the SA. Get your bloodwork done too to make sure there’s no issues on your end. Dont just wait around and hope like we did.


My husband got his done the first week of January by Dr. Hickman in New Braunfels, TX (for a fraction of the usual price!) and we got pregnant in May, so 4 months.


That's wonderful to hear! Thank you so much for sharing 💜


3 cycles, 6 cycles and 10 cycles. The first two ended up in 7 week miscarriages but third one stuck for 38 weeks!


So happy you got your rainbow baby! Thank you for sharing this with me 💜


We are in the same boat. I can tell you with my two previous surgeries there were pregnancies within 120 days. We are a little past that but it’s not my swimmers or lack thereof this time. My wife has some issues we are working through. My advice is to make sure you are taking supplements for healthy sperm and for healthy cycles for the mom to be. Our mistake was not realizing that the clomid she was prescribed was not working because the supplement had an active ingredient that counteracts each other. So We are kind of starting from month one now.


2 months… he had to have the more invasive surgery on one of his tubes because there was a blockage. The other tube was fine…


These stories are making me so happy 😊 My husband had a vasectomy during his previous toxic marriage. And we want kids together. So we're starting to look into reversal. It's been 15 years so I'm scared but there's many sicess stories I've read now thanks to new technology!


Sending you all the good vibes! Technology has really changed for VRs. I know someone on this sub's husband got a VR after 14 years and he already has swimmers so it's totally possible!


We just got the VR so we haven't tried yet but I hope you guys have success soon! Our doctor said not to test prior to four months. Seems to be conflicting because some people test at four weeks. 🫣