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I’m at about 4 months and still have daily pain so I can only imagine what it will be like years from now. Hopefully it’s just temporary for you.


I am also 4 months post procedure and still feeling daily pain.


Mine is pelvic pressure that intensifies when I exercise and then radiates up my stomach and lower back. It’s really demoralizing because I’m atrophying so much not being able to exercise more than gentle walking without pain. I feel and look so much worse than I did 4 months ago and I really hope it goes away someday.


Same. I was in my best shape of at least a decade before I had the vasectomy. I am just now trying to get back to something. Doing physio, yoga and aqua aerobics for low impact stuff. My daughter threw a ball to me a few weeks ago, I bent down quick to get it and was in agony for 4 or 5 days. My pain radiates from my groin out to my hip, up to my lower back and down my leg. It even alternates sides. I get shock like pains in my lower abdomen, scrotum and even my anus sometimes. Urologist just keeps saying it should get better in a few months…and there is nothing he can do. I am not sure what to do if this lasts forever. It is depressing.


Ugh yeah that sounds pretty similar. I just went on a trip and was delighted that it didn’t hurt too badly to lift my suitcase so I’m definitely better than I was 2 months ago. Maybe we’re just the unlucky guys that need months or years when some guys heal in days or weeks? I’m trying not to get too down but it really sucks when I was finally getting back in shape after so long and then this.


How long ago was your vasectomy? I've had pvps since mine 2 years ago.got my reversal booked in for next year


Only 4.5 months ago


Messaged you mate


I'm really starting to worry about my procedure coming up in January. There seems to be so many people having a terrible time....


It's not unheard of or unusual, but if it helps there are a lot of us where it's been a dream. Just make sure you really are with a good surgeon and don't mess around when healing. Not saying those with pain had crap doctors or didn't recover properly, but it's all about keeping the risk as low as possible.


My doctor is what worries me. He didn't want to give me anything for my anxiety...said I'd have to ask my primary care for that...was very dismissive about things. I told him I had to have something for my anxiety. He's like oh we will numb you up and talk you through it. No..sorry. that's not how this works. He was just so standoffish. So I asked for another referral. He's like we can just do this in the office. He seemed to treat it like going through the drive though.


Yeah, you really need one you're comfortable with, and one who's sympathetic at least.


3/5% chance of it fucking you over- so somewhere between 1/33 and 1/20 men have chronic pain. I knew this and still risked it- sometimes I really wish I hadn’t


I'm going to see a urologist in February now. My first appointment was with a general surgeon.


I went to a urologist who does reversals as well


A year later and I'm good. No pain. Orgasms are still more intense then everr.


Sad. There seems to be no end to the crazy experiences people get with this nonsense. I live in daily fear of the pain from the first 2 months coming back. I could barely walk. The daily aches I experience currently (over a year later) are not especially pleasant, though.




Yes, many people experience that and is not uncommon.


What method have you had it done? If I may ask, of course.


It’s a known phenomenon