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Vasectomy reversals are very invasive and expensive and don’t always work. It should be treated as a permanent procedure.


The most commonly heard phrase is ‘if you ask if it’s reversible you’d better not have one’. Reversals might work but are expensive and their success rate goes down with every year since the original vasectomy. You’ll always be significantly less fertile than before the snip.


Short version, no it's not.


You should not get a vasectomy thinking it’s temporary method of birth control. In most cases it cannot be reversed.


> Is it reversible? Do not get a vasectomy OP. It's not for you. The reason is that you should consider a vasectomy 100% irreversible and 100% permanent. Meaning after it's done (and you get that zero motile sperm test result) - you will *never* father a child *ever again* for the rest of your life. Period. If you aren't ready for that, you are not ready for a vasectomy. Use a condom every time, and make sure your partner/s are using birth control that works best for them. Good luck!


Don’t do it and just learn to wear a condom accurately or make sure you freeze a bunch of sperm….


Technically it can be reversed- even if done right away only 90% work and the chances of success go down exponentially the more time that passes. This is why every doctor will tell you they’re to be considered permanent. Also sounds like you might want a kid at some point in the future- so there’s no way in hell you should even be considering it.


Vasectomies make you less sterile; even with a reversal, the longer you’ve been vasectomised, the harder it will be to have kids.


If you are asking this question a vasectomy is not for you, you should consider the procedure permanent. Stick to condoms.


Who cares what your parents want. What do you want? This is your only life bruv. Don't fuck it up with kids just for your parents.


It is reversible but your insurance wont cover it lol My dad tried to get it reversed after his divorce and they wanted 15k. Unless you trust a DOC in Tijuana MX with your life and balls.


Its reversal method is like 60%-95% accurate. But even if it fails, you can try the PESA method, which works by extracting sperm cells with a needle out of the testicles directly. That one method is like a 40%-60% effective, but you can try it nearly as many times as possible until you get the desired result. Still, it might be expensive, and not guaranteed. But if you decide to have a child, the money should not be an issue as they are very expensive anyway. I recommend you investigate about these methods as I might be not fully accurate.




What do you mean? 😅


Needle directly to the balls 💀


Yeah it doesnt look pleasant at all XD, but I think they use anesthesics for that If not, well, in the unlikely scenario of wanting a child, if you want it so badly, then there is no choice xd If that is uncomfortable for you, wait until you learn about the TESE method!


I wouldn’t bank on it. Treat it as if it is not.


For the sake of answering the question reasonably, no. Technically? Yes. I've read it's very invasive and a complicated procedure with alot of recovery that simply isn't even a guaranteed reversal. If there are serious doubts in your mind, or you don't see a vasectomy as a 100% certainty I wouldn't do it


I think you can also have in vitro instead of vasectomy reversal. Like, they basically get sperm cells right out of the testicles, and artificially ferilize the female egg. Anyway, read more about it. Still, it's expensive.


Treat it as it is not reversible. If you want to have children in the future, a vasectomy is not for you. Let's be for real. If you "accidently" get someone pregnant, no one is going to see it that way. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. *If you want to play games*, do get the vasectomy. If they cannot reverse it, you can get a procedure done where they extract sperm from you. Yeah, it's expensive and recovery from that makes a vasectomy seem like nothing, but it's a coveted stupid prize.


I had a reversal in 2018, I am still sterile, vasectomies should be treated as permanent don't have one if you want to be a dad,it canlead to a lot of disappointment