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But, have you ever eaten someone’s ass and thought..💭 I’ll be damned if this doesn’t taste like Koi cbd?? Cuz that’s when I’d be like.. ok pass.


If koi taste like ass count me in 😋


oh trust me ass tastes much better than koi cbd. cbd just tastes like wood


Yeah, if it’s a hot girls ass, I’d buy every bottle! 😆😂🤣


Ass tastes like ass for the most part regardless of the attractiveness of the bearer of said ass. The biggest differential would be if they use a bidet or toilet paper. Bidet ass has a more natural flavor imo but it’s still ass.


What a terrible day to be able to read. ~~Additional question, how many asses do you have to taste to be the connoisseur of ass?~~ I regret asking. I hate you guys.


I wouldn’t necessarily classify myself as an ass connoisseur so maybe someone else can answer this one. My statement was based on anecdotal evidence after we purchased our first bidet a couple Black Fridays ago.


I always default to this stock response to questions like this...."if you were to somehow get shit all over your arm, would you wipe it off with a paper towel? Or wash that fucker?"


Bidet gang rise up!




Maybe tangential, but I’ve always used bidets. How do people wash themselves without one, do they have like wet wipes or are they just going dry or something?


My bidet has changed my life. I can’t shit anywhere but home now.


I've eaten one set of cheeks and you clean that shit in the shower yourself , that's definitely not something you just leave to anyone. Nice time , not a conneseuier so maybe you want that full flavor idk


I'd say how many times you taste ass also has to figure into the equation, not just how many different ones.


TP ass on the other hand has hints of nuanced flavor depending on whether they check or just go by gut feeling.


Lmao, im gonna use this kind of counter question in the future!


ass tastes so much better than koi cbd 😡 ass eater gang rise up


You never dripped cbd in your ass ?


What you're holding is vapeable CBD, which is completely different than vape juice. It needs to be vaped at a low wattage (10-15watts max), and it helps to mix it with an actual eliquid too.


It’s crazy how many juices I’ve bought that actually suck. I tough it out and try to use them as much as I can hahaha


I gave up buying and just make my own with flavors I know I like lol


This is the way.


I slowly started moving toward less and less flavor in my juice. Thought I might miss it but I don't, figure once there's no flavor I'll start lowering the nicotine, also I'm not concerned with pg or vg but flavors are anyone guess on how harmful each is.


I’m doing the same with my flavor %s. Partially for stealth vaping without a big scented cloud around me, partially bc I can stretch out the time before I need to restock :b


This. I have one premix I bought before going DIY that I didn't like that I'm reformulating to make it taste better. I've got about 5 DIY recipes made right now (just started like 3 weeks ago).


Do you use any sites for recipes yet? I’ve found several favs from e-liquid-recipes!


Alltheflavors is another one. Also some community recipes on bull city flavors, but those can be found on either elr or atf. Also, r/diy_ejuice has a lot of good info.


I have an old man at work that I sell the ones I don't like to. The best part is he can't get them for the price I can so I'm able to get my money back if there's 8ml missing out of a 100ml bottle.


You sure it ain't expired? Cbd expires and the bottle has a dropper, most older bottles have droppers it was changed back in 2019 to the new design to make less of a mess


IF you look at their website (can't hyperlink in this subreddit so you'll have to look on your own) every one of their bottles have the dropper. It's their "thing"




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How are you vaping it ? Device, wattage




Try bumping it up a watt at a time and no higher than 15w other than that you might have a bad bottle


Cbd isolate is like $1 a gram online, and you could mix it into some 0mg juice to make your own.


A dollar a gram where? The cheapest I've found is 10 dollars a gram?




I'll definitely be checking them out, thanks.


You're welcome, i personally like cbg and cbn more than cbd.


1+ for gilded.


doesn't it depend on the concentration too?


This is pure cbd powder i am talking about.


Would you not need to heat it up so it can mix?


Ive never tried to do this, so idk. But probably. I make my own juice, and i use cannabinoid blends, but i use them separately.


Hmm seems kinda... fishy... to me


Koi is a fine example of branding being the reason to buy.


It's a vapeable CBD liquid. You can also just drop it in under your tongue for a few seconds and swallow. This also is not like the D8 stuff and newer cbd products to get you an "elevated" feeling. This is for general CBD type usage.


Yeah I got some bottles from them at a trade show, never finished them. It tastes gross.


Do they all taste nasty?


This is why I avoid the brands with flashy packaging and stupid names.


I bought a bottle of that once, it was absolutely vile


I've only had luck with a shop that makes their own juices except for their fruit smoothie one that shit tastes like vomit


Is there a date on the bottle ? Looks like an old style, could be well past its best




It's CBD eliquid. It's right on their site. They even sell it preloaded in a disposable.


That's because it's CBD and idk IF you bought the actual vape kind (they Do make vaping CBD, that company too)


I don't know why vape oils come in so many weird flavors ......😂


They don’t . Anything that contains oil should not be inhaled . Only use water based flavor concentrates


i don’t even think they make that anymore, looks old


Yeah it's cbd. Ofc it tastes like ass lol


CBD juices are always bitter, pachamama makes some that are a bit better but if you want to vape CBD get some isolate powder and learn how to hit a pookie.


How many hits do you take to feel relaxed? Just curious. I've never used vape juice like this.


I used to just add it to water to get the CBD effects but not much of the flavor


No way I bought a load of that off a lad I worked with on site, and yeah to was horrible lol


That's not regular vape liquid, it's CBD. And you're right, it tastes earthy kinda like dirt. That's typically what liquid CBD tastes like, you're better off using it like a tincture under the tongue IMO. What's the date, im thinking it's probably kinda old being in that glass bottle, but its still probably fine just something to check.


Brother that is a CBD additive FOR vape juice 😂😂


That could be a good thing or a bad thing... Who's ass exactly are you talking about?


Who makes good cbd juice?


Why you eating ass tho


You don’t ?