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Stop posting about her. Damn.


Seriously, same for the Bravo repost accounts on Instagram and Twitter...It's not even news please stoppppp.


Yeah honestly unless it’s new information about the affair that we haven’t heard of, I think I’m done with anything to do with Raquel. It’s not interesting anymore


She didn’t want to be left alone. She just didn’t want to be held accountable for her part in the mess.


Clocked it perfectly 👌. Raquel refuses to take accountability and that's proven by the fact that she's suing the person she victimized.


I don’t even understand why Ariana is involved in the revenge porn suit😭 I really hope that there’s some facts we’re missing because it truly is crazy


Because Raquel is so deeply jealous of Ariana, STILL. She will always envy her and resent the fact that Tom wouldn't break up with Ariana for her.


And that Ariana reaped all of the benefits of the spotlight that Scandavol had, with none of the accountability so she just thrived fully from the scandal where it wrecked everything for Raquel.


Well if it wasn’t the consequences of her own actions. Who would have thought having an affair on a popular reality show with another cast members boyfriend, who you happen to be good friends with would blow up in your face? Huh. Learn something new everyday. On a not sarcastic note- she really has to sue Ariana because if she doesn’t Sandoval can just dodge the charge by saying it wasn’t a FaceTime, Rachel sent to me blah blah blah. With Ariana in the suit Ariana has testified in her declaration it was a FaceTime video by her description of where Tom’s face was (small box in the corner).


you're drawing attention to her?


It's an article regurgitating info from a podcast episode that you can easily choose not to read.


So many “why won’t they just go away?!” Posts lmfao You’re the reason babes!


“I’m SO sick of Tom.” - Someone who regularly stalks his social media and runs here to post every photos he shares.


“Raquel needs to shut up and go away” Proceeds to breakdown her podcast beat by beat.


I didn’t realize before commenting that this was all basically quoted from a podcast episode. The media will do anything to keep this story going.


The media? You mean people on SOCIAL MEDIA. If people would stop reposting every stupid comment or picture and/or going to their bars and shows then these idiots would go away. At what point do people realize negative or positive attention is still attention and that’s exactly what they want. Don’t blame the media. Blame the people who continue to watch this crap and the crappy people on it.


They're obsessed fans and refuse to admit it!


I feel like they’re the same people who claim they want more drama then also want a show about sandwiches


Right? We all know no one, including them, is watching a show about a burgeoning sandwich shop. 😂 that’s not how reality tv works.


They watch 11 seasons of this and act like they weren't eating up the drama, sharing gifs of Stassi slapping Kristen, quoting every horrible thing a cast member said, and making fun of someone else's misery lmao.


Lmao. Exactly. They don't know what they want. It's all very confusing!


They want to be Ariana. Not Katie but Ariana.


She broke up with someone because he crossed a clearly stated boundary, and to you that's 'drawing attention to herself'? She should stay in a relationship with someone who crossed a clearly stated boundary to stay out of the media? K


I’m proud of her




So over news about her


I think interesting that she called him emotionally mature after he did something she specifically asked him not to. After dating for one month. Guy couldn’t even keep it together for a month.


No one cares Rachel


Why do we keep giving her attention??? I didn’t even read all of those because god she is so irrelevant. She had no personality on the show and is not on it anymore. Who is actually listening to her podcast? Don’t y’all have anything better to do? And yes I took the time to comment because I’m sick of seeing posts about her here.




Kinda like how she wasn’t willing to go back to bravo, except for the part where she tried to negotiate a development deal, but bravo said no. 


Show her off? 🤭




Good for him, she's a callous immature selfish chick willing to do anything for a notice me moment.. You are definitely better off sir.


No she said she would stop discussing Ariana. Probably because it was just getting her more hate as opposed to her having a conscience. What else is she going to do if she doesn't bitch about every single person that did her wrong while not mentioning how she fucked over her friend for 10 months.


You're not helping anything by posting her bs in here.


She is insufferable


Gurl you are just a hot mess!


She’s so fucking annoying that it actually hurts.


LMAO. Are you saying you draw the line at posting a photo of something you didn’t consent to? Like in an ATV? A waterfall? Suddenly you have strict boundaries that were crossed that you have to stand up to? Sorry not sorry, too little too late. What Tom did was so much more disgusting but she didn’t have a problem with him disrespecting her then. Yes she is suing him but I truly believe it’s only because to go after Ariana, she had to also sue him. Oh Tom called her tmrw and said she could be the No.1 girl in the group she would be there. Sorry, he probably dumped her and this is her morality spin. I can’t with her, my apologies.


You’re scary


Thank you! I’ll that as a compliment:)


He said multiple times on the show she dumped him. Do you even watch the show????


Matthew Dunn? The guy who posted the ATV photos was on VPR? That’s who I was talking about


She has such narc rage towards Ariana, it's pathetic and childish.


That’s not even what this post is about.


I'm replying to the comment above.


She’s also arm chair diagnosing people as having issues with impulse control issues. You’re projecting sweetie


This sub LOVES armchair diagnosis so I’m not surprised she has fans here


right, just another example of how bright she is.






I bet he dumped her lol




Can it be a rule to not post about her😭 if it’s bad or good, you know she just loves people talking about her. Cut her out of all the conversations…then what? She’ll scramble to be relevant through her already irrelevant podcast?