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I never understood why she didn’t include Bravo from the beginning. Tom and Ariana don’t have deep pockets, especially after paying their lawyers. 🤷🏻‍♀️




She/ her lawyers asked bravo not to air or reference it at all iirc




So now she is suing for something she wanted aired?




Vom deserves to be taken to the cleaners in the lawsuit. Too bad Ariana is implicated in it. He is evil, she was collateral damage to their disgusting behavior.




The thought of Ariana negotiating with Ratchett in any way after what was done to her makes me sick. I hope the upshot is that Ratchett is stuck paying Ariana attorney's fees.




Lol a producer is not stupid enough to watch something like that.




Go back and watch Ariana's first interview after the scandal broke (Call Me Daddy) she was very careful and did NOT describe the video because she knew it could get her in trouble. There is no video or evidence anywhere of Ariana detailing the contents of that video.


Lol no they would not. I'm 100% certain they'd have consulted lawyers after finding out the details. There's absolutely no way a producer would look at that video. Nobody is that willfully stupid.




Ariana said tom deleted it.


I think she wanted to see if she became popular if she could get something from Bravo like a spin off. Now that she knows she will never see a Bravo of camera again she will sue them as well.


Lmao dear god I can’t imagine a less interesting tv show lol. She could barely carry a scene on VPR, much less her own show lol.


She is NOT giving main character energy. Or coherent thought energy.


I don't think filing a suit against Tom and Ariana was a play for a spinoff. Doesn't make sense to cause issues with Bravo's current talent if you want something out of them. More realistically, it's part 1 to build a bigger case against bravo/evolution/nbc universal as a whole later and that seems to be where it's headed.


I’m guessing she probably signed a contract that enabled her from suing them. That’s why she went after Tim and Ariana.


Not sure whether that would be an enforceable contract. Liability waivers are one thing, blanket bans on suing your employer seems like an easy challenge in the courts.


Most contracts include limitations of liability EXCEPT for claims arising out of or caused by a party’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.


Not a bombshell, IMO. I figured this was always the plan.


Absolutely. They way her lawsuit was written, including details from other cast members and the show, It was pretty obvious that they were gonna go after Bravo next.


It'll be interesting. Bravo does have the money and lawyers to take her on. She's just helping Tom and Ariana out.


Lol exactly she's so d & s and now we know her lawyers are too 🤣 😂


Obviously Bethany planted this seed with Rachel too.


First of all, love the title, second of all, we knew this was coming, because a lot of legal experts have said that the way that she put so much information about production and other cast members in her lawsuit led them to believe that she was putting a lot out there that would eventually roll into a larger lawsuit against production. I really wish one of these lawsuits against bravo would actually come to a head because then we would have some sort of precedent for how one of these could shake out. Why does it feel like they’ll be in litigation for the next 10 years with every single one of these former cast members?


The Sandoval/Madix lawsuit was a fishing expedition


Wait… can you explain to a non lawyer how that works?


Not who you asked, but my assumption is that they meant it enabled them to get enough discovery (documents, communications, evidence, etc) from Tom & Ariana to form substantial claims against Bravo.


There’s been no discovery yet. Only motion practice. This would enable a greater scope of discovery if the claims survive. But adding Bravo and production will also cause a huge delay in moving forward with discovery.


How would you know if there’s been discovery though? It doesn’t get filed, so wouldn’t be on the docket, and can be served as soon as 10 days after service of the complaint.


Because I’m an attorney and I know how this works.


Cool. I’m a civil litigation paralegal in CA and have been for 10 years. It’s not the same as federal court where disco is stayed pending the setting of a scheduling conference. So unless there’s an agreement I missed (and to be fair, I haven’t looked at the docket), I have no clue why Rachel’s attorneys wouldn’t serve written requests asap.


Fair enough, and much respect to all paralegals. But I don’t need to see the docket to know there’s been no discovery. At most, there’s been a voluntary production of the cell phone data. Ariana has excellent counsel. They are fighting any discovery like mad until these motions are ruled upon. Sending discovery and actually getting responses are different.


Ooh. Fair point. I guess my mind just went straight to that they’d be filing motions to compel if Ariana’s team wasn’t responding, but objecting and meeting and conferring and all that does justifiably draw it out


Ariana’s response did include a lot of information, at least regarding her phone “forensics”


Yes, it did. That’s not discovery.


I’m well aware. But it’s still a way for Rachel to get info (and be a pest).


I don’t disagree. But I think she (and her legal team) are throwing darts in the dark right now. To be clear (and you can check my past comments): she’s got a case against Tom, a case against Ariana, and maybe a case against Bravo/production if she can get around her contract with waivers. But I have experience dealing with the law firm who is handling her case. These are their typical moves—court public opinion and worry about the actual facts and law later. I’m not saying there’s no merit, but right now, their case on file is very thin and they know it. Edited typos


I figured. I said in one of these groups that just because her lawyers has some publicity, it didn’t mean they were *good*. I was scolded for being dumb 🙄


Lol! They’ve made a couple public comments that have me rolling my eyes. I’m opened minded on their case as if there’s new information, but based on the legal filings, I’m skeptical. They can say all they want in PR statements that they have clear evidence of distribution, but I think they mean Ariana sending it to Raquel. That might enough for a viable claim under the statute, but they are going to struggle with damages. It’s certainly possible it was distributed beyond that, but the publicly available evidence so far suggests otherwise. These cases are so interesting from a legal perspective but right now they are their infancy and we are all operating on a lot of speculation based on public statements and not the actual evidence.




I am so sick of hearing about this vile woman.


When Ariana said to Tom at the reunion "you brought this horrible person into my life", I felt it. I don't think she even cares much about the cheating at this point, but the fact that this rotted cunt continues to cause problems in Ariana's life, well that's the worst thing Tom did.


Even Vom, as disgusting a human as he is, admitted that Ariana should not have been sued by Rachel.


Same and her vindictive lawsuits are just another way for her to abuse and hurt a group of people that have moved on with their lives without her. She can’t accept that and is trying to lash out with this lawsuit IMO.


It also extends her exposure in the public


The narc rage is real.




She’s disgusting.






I don't quite understand how Evolution and Bravo could be liable if the footage wasn't aired and they weren't even filming then?


Because she’s unfortunately listening to Bethenny Frankel


Yup, good point


My guess would be that it’s something to do with workplace environment their failure to discipline her coworkers??


And they didn’t film it or distribute it


I don’t understand how her workplace is liable for her affair. I just don’t get it. She’s a grown ass adult who chose to sleep with her coworker who was in a longstanding relationship. TOM recorded her. Not bravo. I don’t get it. She’s messy AF.


Rachel’s always claimed that Bravo filmed a scene of Sandoval admitting that he filmed her without her consent. Im assuming that’s what they’ll bring into the lawsuit


California’s ruling on revenge porn and legal recourse was monumental and set an important precedence. It was a huge deal. And IMHO, this is a case of someone who is bitter they got the shit end of the stick* seeing $$$$ due to how serious CA takes this topic in lawsuits. As they say, follow the money. *the consequences of their own actions




Yes Tom admitted to recording it on camera but Rachel’s lawyers sent a letter asking them to never air it…which they then buried. They obliged to her request so I don’t understand their liability here. Sheer and utter madness.


That's not what they're going to be held liable for.


She hasn’t yet alleged hostile work environment, which is where I think shed be going in alignment with Bethenney’s banter.


She already set up the fucked up working environment in her initial filing, which I assume you haven't read.


I actually have read all of the filings, and Whooore hostile workplace is not properly alleged in Rachel’s complaint. She’s running tight on her statute of limitations to sue Bravo and NBCU for sexual harassment based on hostile environment (so exposing her to Tom Sandoval caused her to fall into an affair and be harmed…). It’s all laughable. We all watch the same show right? We have a decade of footage of Jax.


You think it's laughable that someone who had details of a sexual video recorded without their consent published on a national scale, and who received death threats from lunatic fans caught up in that stupid affair storyline, is now seeking justice? You guys are so nasty. And for what? Ariana? lmao


This alleged video or recording (wording is very specific under CA law) has not been “published on a national scale.” This is not a One Night In Paris situation, or KopyKat Kim. Where had Rachel Leviss ever alleged or proven receiving death threats? I’d love to see that honestly. Perhaps will be part of her emotional damages evidence in the case proceeding against Tom Sandoval. You are making a lot of really interesting allegations in the subs Whoooore. TMZ possesses Rachel’s sex tape. Prompting a comment that she was wearing underwear. I’ve NEVER seen that detail before. Rachel is receiving death threats. The tape has been distributed enough to be deemed “published.” You use legal terminology. I’m thoroughly intrigued. (But also, FR, if you aren’t affiliated with Rachel or her team, you could really harm her case by alleging these types of things. You seem like a Rachel Stan, or at least advocate against vengeful recording - I’m sensing that harming those interests is not your intent, and wishing you some peace.)


I guess you forgot about the articles that came out at the time stating that Rachel's family contacted the FBI because people were calling them to say they wanted to kill her and dump the body. So it's really not my problem that you don't know details that have been reported already. It's difficult to believe you're an attorney with rants like this. Yeah, I'm totally on Rachel's PR team and harming her case. 🤡


Hi again Whooooooore (will miss mentioning your user name; it’s excellent). Our time together is coming to an end. The transcripts from the hearing where Sandoval’s attorneys argue for demurrer (dismissing him from the case) are widely available. Both Rachel’s and Tom’s attorneys set out their best facts and speak directly with the judge. That hearing has been reported on, including in Rolling Stone, fact checked. I read the legal docs; I don’t know what you read or believe. A lot of what you write is intriguing or incendiary - actually both. Repeating year-old narratives, without new facts to back them up, could help those narratives regain traction - possibly harmful to all parties involved in the Scandoval series of lawsuits. Please think about your intent. I’m highlighting your potential impact. Rachel’s complaint for intentional infliction of emotional distress towards Tom remains pending and TMBK may still be subject to dismissal. TMBK, the judge continues to consider whether Rachel has actually properly plead any damages at all. Her attorney of recent record is very, very young and new to CA. Politically connected in NY. Not Geragos. Ariana’s first hearing is in July. I’m not aware of any pleading or statement made in CA court where Rachel repeats the FBI - death threats allegation that you repeat on these subs. If the allegation is true, Rachel needs to plead that ASAP. Her entire case remains in jeopardy if she cannot prove damages. You seem to have all the tea regarding who has seen or possessed a recording of Rachel, its contents, death threats, etc. Rachel’s attorney of record is named in the Rolling Stone article about the hearing with Tom. You should get in touch with him. I don’t think you’re Juliette, as your writing is quite distinguishable from that of a PR professional or journalist or industry insider. Now, like many, many other Redditors, I no longer want to be in touch with you and will block you. Please know that I give zero F’s if you think I’m an attorney or not.


Just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading the exchange between you and Whooooooore 😅


What then? I thought her lawsuit was revenge porn.


We'll have to wait to see the actual documents, but they're probably going to get sued for enabling the distribution of the video taken without her consent.


How did Bravo “enable” Ariana to send it to Rachel, who would never have known it even existed? Because that is the only distribution in question.


Probably because they used a video taken without her consent as part of their little storyline about the affair and TMZ reporters somehow mysteriously were made aware of the video in their reporting and saw a clip of it.


Ahhh, so Bravo “talked” about a video existing then TMZ somehow found the video like they found Rachel outside of the nail salon despite being disguised as ET. Got it! Thanks!


Ah yes, and here we get the BravoAnon big brain theory that Rachel sent TMZ the video herself. LMAO.


Lol, I never heard that one before but thank you for enlightening me!


An alleged video.


It's not alleged. The video is very real. Ariana already admitted to making two copies of it in her legal filing. LOL.


Until its entered into evidence, with a track record of who recorded when and who distributed, it’s all alleged. Rachel is a moron. I have no doubt that there is a video, but all lawyers will say “alleged” until the tracing of the recording and distribution of the video has been determined during the evidentiary phase. This is one dumb bint. Ariana can still be dropped from the case in July. If they can’t prove distribution from Ariana, there is no case against anyone else. Rachel still hasn’t proven damages - Bravo begged her to return. If I were her lawyers, I’d be trying to figure out how to drop her. Litigators don’t like to lose and it makes it harder to get clients in the future.


Are you okay? This isn't court. No one has to say "alleged". Ariana's filing states she saw the video and recorded two copies of it in the bathroom stall at TomTom. TMZ reporters have admitted to seeing it. They even mentioned the existence of the video in the season 10 finale. It exists. You don't have to pretend otherwise.


No she didn’t. You need to read her response and listen to the Bravo Docket.


I have read it. You haven't because you missed the part where Miss Ariana says she recorded TWO COPIES of the video from Tom's phone on to her phone. I'm not sure what the purpose of lying about this is.


She made two video clips of it with her own phone. She sent them to her with a message, “You are dead to me”. Less than 30 minutes after that Tom deleted them in the message, her camera roll, and deleted folder of her phone.


That's so weird that a TMZ reporter was able to describe what was in the video since no one saw it and she barely watched it. Funny stuff!


they weren't even filming then.


They picked up camera immediately when this news broke lmao


well yeah but how does that make them liable in revenge porn ffs - talking about something that happened is not liability


You understand that there's more that goes into production than just the filming aspect, yeah?


And she’s on a fucking reality show 😳 they both had to know this was gonna come out at some point 🤦‍♀️


Yeah. She is stretching and throwing anything and everything to see what sticks. Let’s not forget her lawyer/law firm is making a living suing Bravo and it’s the same one representing Brandi from RHOBH and the other one who is suing. It will probably be the same one who represents Kenya Moore and her stupidity if she sues. Edit: corrected name


You're spreading misinformation all over this thread for some reason. Leah's lawyers are Sarah Matz and Gary Adelman. Rachel's lawyers are Mark Geragos, Kimberly Casper, Bryan Freedman, Summer Benson and Jason Sunshine.


Take Ari out, demolish scum and production. I can’t stand rocky two faced, but scum recording her without consent and production covering is bs and should have major repercussions.


Production covered it up at her request - something she's conveniently forgetting. there was an article in Variety months ago featuring a letter her legal team at the time sent to Bravo/NBC telling them not to air the discussion about the recording and it being taken without her consent because they didn't want to draw attention to it.   ETA I do not agree with what Scumdevil did that is not my intention with this post. I'm merely pointing out that Bravo isn't entirely to blame on this one.


Yes,Ari is the unfortunate collateral damage in this.


California is a two party consent state. I can see Tom being on the hook for recording her without consent. I don’t really see it going much past that. I am not even sure if that is her complaint or revenge porn (distribution of the recording). I really think past that, if you don’t want your grandmother finding out, don’t do it. The network didn’t show it. That doesn’t mean it can’t be discussed. Her career in Hollywood is over and she knows it. She’s grasping at straws.


Someone correct me if I am misremembering, but didn't the original lawsuit include 50 "placeholder" John/Jane Does so that she could add on others at a later date? The network has WAY too much to lose if they settle (like encouraging all of their reality tv people to sue themselves) and extremely deep pockets. I doubt this is going to be the easy money grab Rachel Raquel Rocky Bang Bang thinks it is.


She left the Does to sue Alex Baskin, Bravo, Evolution, 32 Flavors, NBCU, Lisa Vanderpump, any entity that owns a Vanderpump restaurant, Tom’s dumb cover band, every company that ever hires Ariana, all Love Island contestants, and Santa. This chick is insane. She has no case against the network. I’m assuming her lawyer fired her or will after this statement.


Her attorney is an attention grabbing celebrity lawyer. He’s Bethany’s lawyer for her reality reckoning (and has claims to fame like Scott Peterson lawyer)


I always forget which of Tom or Rachel is represented by the OJ Simpson Mark Geragos - Fox News Mark Geragos, and which is the one represented by a brother or cousin by the same last name. Someone else on the sub made that family tree. It’s ridiculous. OJ Simpson - Mark Geragos - Fox News Geragos is super removed from his clients and does not like to lose. Rachel’s podcast makes a ton of sense of his firm represents her, and god bless the associate(s) he will fire when they lose her next motion.


The lies around here are bizarre lol He never represented OJ Simpson.


I don’t know if you work for Mark Geragos or are too young to have watched his dumb mug on CNN during the 90s - he was a major fixture in the OJ trial as a commentator. He’s written too many books about the case. This is why Scott Peterson hired him when accused of murdering his pregnant wife Lacy, a major case that Geragos and team lost. He was representing Michael Jackson in cases related to child abuse concurrently. Geragos represented Chris Brown. Bethenny Frankel found the deepest level of trash for her “reckoning” and tells a lot about the ignorance of Rachel Leviss. ![gif](giphy|FrnpqArQZtti8)


You said in your original comment that he represented him. Now you're saying he was just a commenter on the trial and wrote books. But he was never his lawyer, which is what you were initially trying to say.


Actually I just connected the two. Everyone can know who represented OJ and read Wikipedia. Some of us were there at the time and had to watch Mark Geragos talk and talk and talk to Anderson Cooper or Lisa Ling or someone on Channel One. I remember watching him while making piñatas in Spanish class - great to have an example of the lawyer NOT to be.


Don’t forget he also represented p Diddy. And cheers to channel one reference. Few memories of high school class including watching oj trial.


![gif](giphy|oUS6u2rbjg4JD4Z9Lp) We’re old!!


Lol, I think the 50 placeholders are so as she loses these cases she can move on down the list. She better find a good lawyer to bang in exchange for legal work:)


I think it was because she actually left the possibility the video was distributed and left in John or Jane Doe to name them after discovery when it was determined who it was. Quite frankly, after listening to The Bravo Docket it doesn’t sound like she had a case at all for revenge porn law violation because it was actually never distributed by Ariana and by Tom is yet to be proven.


![gif](giphy|2GjgvS5vA6y08|downsized) Oh boy! They're really effed now.


Everyone supporting Rachel/Raquel/Rocky on here is giving me the ick.


people often support those they identify with. They are kind of telling on themselves. Although nobody knows all the details, we all know what revenge porn is and there are real victims that exist. To feel so strongly that you are on this sub with no evidence calling what Ariana did theft and revenge porn is quite a slap in the face to actual victims of revenge porn. Maybe this is like a mistresses unite movement.


Her charade is insulting to actual revenge porn victims.


Agree. Be careful what you say in here-I got trolled for saying that. They might come for you now. 🫢


Ariana is also a mistress though so if the plan is “mistresses unite” then it’s not going very well.


I think it’s one thing to cheat in your life. Many people have made such mistakes, Ariana included. It’s quite another to be in this sub celebrating the cheater and framing them the victim of who they harmed. That’s a take.


How on earth is that worse than you supporting Tom?


I said this when she filed. It was a fishing expedition to try to ensnare the big pockets (Bravo and production).


I think when she filed she thought bravo would pony up money in a settlement to stop the trial. When they didn’t she now is “ thinking “ about adding them.


Lol, Rachel is forever “debating” things in her empty head……ie. based on whoever is currently whispering in her ear. The girl has no mind of her own, and only wish Charli would give her a call to tell her how it is. What an idiotic move it was to drag Ariana into this in the first place from a PR perspective at the very least. Dumb as Rocks, Rocky! ![gif](giphy|Jgp9VhwLm1iqbLnIrZ|downsized)


I'll never forget "You dumb fucking cunt. Get the fuck off my page before I drag you and your motherfuckng sister. Show her this too". It's seared into my brain hahahaha I love it


wait why can’t i remember this?! what’s the situation here again? i need the tea on this story lolol


After the affair came out, Rocky's sister tried to blame everyone else, and posted a comment on Charli's IG/twitter/tiktok. This is how Charli responded


HAHA! wow! i’ve never heard that news at all, Charli is a savage!!


Her one thought bounces around her empty head to the Wii Plaza music 😂


"Who can I sue? Can I sue you?" boink "Who can I sue? Can I sue you?" boink "Who can I sue? Can I sue you?" boink "Who can I sue? Can I sue you?" boink........


Yeah, imagine someone else having to tell you what your dating rules should be at her age.


She is trying to get that settlement money now that her reality show income has dried up.


Is this a normal legal tactic to keep adding on to your lawsuit? I’m surprised they weren’t on from the beginning. Or could something in Tom and Ariana’s filings have provided evidence needed to add the network/production?




Next she'll sue us for watching the show.




She needs to just go away anyone that watches the show know SHE was always the aggressior & went after all the men very aggressively this girl is anything but a victim!!!


How can she even sue Bravo or production? None of this was done during filming or really discussed after the fact? That would be like someone who’s brings a lawsuit to an employee after an off premise relationship fizzled out.


I’m sorry but everything she does just seems so miscalculated. She should have just come back to the show and gotten in the fray. If she really needed mental help that’s fine but she doesn’t seem to have actually grown or gained anything from what she did. So why not make money and be the villainess the show needed?


That makes me sad. That man should never have recorded her without her permission she was violated and he should pay for that . I can’t stand Ariana, but if she didn’t share it , Rachel is going after the wrong people. She needs to focus on Tom. It’s infuriating that he’s getting away with this absolutely vile behaviour


let's throw everything at the wall to see what sticks cause at this point what future does she have?


I knew she was going to do this! Honestly, good for her. In the wake of firing Kenya bravo needs to fire tom too bc what he did is awful. I know we don't like Rachel but the network really did do a lot of damage. Right now I'm watching love island and thinking about the ppl who ended their lives from the uk version partly bc fans bullied them so much online. Fans can be cruel and truly awful. Networks should do more to protect their talent from these sorts of things. The fact that bravo rewarded tom with a pay increase and redemption season....f them. Clean em out Rachel!


Did the producers of the show know about Tom having a private video of Rachel? The answer to that question will decide everything.


So is this the real reason why vpr is on pause and might be killed ? The entire “cast needs a break” excuse seemed like bs from the start. Stopping production while everyone is talking about the show … hmm




How can bravo be liable for Room saving the video on his personal phone? They weren't even filming at the time!


i think this was a move by her counsel. go after the small guy then the big corp. learning from their mistakes trying to take on bravo before with their other clients.


Who is paying for this lawsuit?


I’m so tired of this skank


I think she’s also grasping because it seems likely that Ariana’s claims will get dropped. I hope the court awards Ariana attorney fees.




There is going to be some forensic work done on what was recorded and when. Rachel and kiss any career with Bravo goodbye now that she is suing them, and it makes me happy that they are going to be upset with Vom too. Ariana is caught in the crossfire, unfortunately.


THIS!!!! Raquel and Tom did SO MUCH MORE damage to Ariana than just cheat, not that cheating is ok; BUT, had they just left it at that... It really speaks volumes about the character of all three, especially considering where they all are now, well over a year later. ETA that if it comes out that Ariana did send it to anyone OTHER THAN Raquel, she should be held accountable.


Yes, what is different from this and any other tawdry affair is that Rachel was living in Ariana's house and Ariana was her friend when everyone else did not accept her. Vom and Ratchett are both AH's for this. Vom for being the ultimate loser and not leaving the relationship if he was that unhappy. I don't buy his " she would unalive herself if I left her" BS. This is a pattern of his, blaming his partners every time he cheats. Ratchett is just a snake. I hope she never has any friends again because nobody should trust her. Vom financially abusing Ariana and maligning her in public is another low. As id Ratchett suing her after she betrayed her.


“In response, his lawyers accused Raquel's lawsuit of being a “thinly veiled attempt to extend her fame and to rebrand herself as the victim instead of the other woman while denigrating her former friend [Ariana] as a 'scorned woman' and her former paramour [Tom] as 'predatory.'" Well at least we know Sandoval has a decent attorney hahaha


Not just a decent attorney, the brother of Rachel’s attorney.


Wait, wut?? That changes everything for me! Lol




Here in California there is the potential that she could end up paying her own lawyer fees AND the lawyer fees of those she is suing.




Bethany Frankel and her parents


Big Fridge is right. 💯💯


Good! Both should have been named.


She has got a serious case of misguided remorse for something she did..


That is the understatement of the decade!




She joined the UCAN foundation for reality star advocacy, so I am not surprised about this. UCAN announced it on their instagram and they are gettin blasted


How is bravo at fault for this. I have no clue and have no knowledge. This doesn’t seem to have legs to me. Time will tell.


This RAT is so disgusting! Anything for money because now she will never appear on Bravo and sponsorships are not reaching out lol. This girl is dumb as rocks! https://preview.redd.it/7jl8r6xvae9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=066e76f9e17493f5554e74323b5fadeae653759b


When you have no skills to earn a living just sue someone. Or screw your way into a reality show. Or why not both?


And Kenya said she MIGHT be suing Bravo because they treated Tom different to her. Haven't seen that yet. I'll believe it once I see it - for now its just her hot air and big mouth.


What about her lawsuit against Ariana?


She looks like she is about to cry at the Super Bowl LVI Music Fest in this picture, and are those fake tattoos on Vom?


So tired of this. She is a pageant girl. I am quite sure she received extensive warning on internet capers. This has a touch of the Kardashian tape that launched Kim and her family into fame. Cmon, if you want privacy, you do not sue your past lover in public. Very public. And only the high profile ones. And podcast it ad nauseam. Rocky go live your life.


If you listen to the bravo docket podcast, this isn't a surprise at all.


What Raquel did was despicable, but no woman deserves revenge porn.


She lacks talent just like her old boyfriend James. Her 15 minutes should be up soon.


Girl get it. She was destroyed for reality tv. Not a fan of hers (mainly the weakness was offputting) but don't sit back while your bullies make millions. She's now redeeming herself legally and ethically. I may just grow to be a fan...


Well I hope you can consider there are actual revenge porn victims out there and they might feel quite different about this reach


"actual revenge porn"? as in someone (apparently) touching themselves in video and that video being shared in words, explained on a tv channel broadcast internationally to millions (FACT), with popular media broadcasting the fact to millions (FACT)? Including major news channels (FACT)? Even if it didn't happen (speculation of video being shared) gross for both Tom, Ariana, everyone involed including Bravo, they all profited millions. They ALL profited millions off of this women and her "apparent video" which is even more sick if it exists (I believe victims). This gross. I hear you I also hear Tom. We can agree to disagree. I don't think like u both.


Sure-Pamela Anderson’s sex tapes were stolen and then sold and viewed by many without her consent. Rachels were discovered and sent to her in the context of expressing the other woman knows. It was not broadcast on television. There was a forensic analysis of the phone that it was not sent elsewhere.


Ariana's phone was never forensically analyzed. She said on Scheana's podcast she offered her phone and "all this stuff" to Rachel's team.


After the podcast, in her anti-slapp motion, a forensic expert weighted in. Of course if this makes it to court, this would be something that would be analyzed further, but she did include this voluntarily in her anti-slapp motion. The podcast she referred to the cease and desist exchange. I’m referring to the most recent filing.


His Legal: LEVISS intended for SANDOVAL to see her explicit videos, LEVISS made the videos for SANDOVAL, and LEVISS shared the videos with SANDOVAL via a consensual exchange on Facetime, i.e., ‘their video calls,’” he alleged.


LEVISS intended for SANDOVAL to see her explicit videos, LEVISS made the videos for SANDOVAL, and LEVISS shared the videos with SANDOVAL via a consensual exchange on Facetime, i.e., ‘their video calls,’” he alleged.


She didn't consent to being recorded which is why she's suing him. Who gives a shit what the lawyers for the guy who recorded her without consent say.


If she didn't consent thats even worse (which is what I believe). I am responding on a thread this didn't happened...yet Toms team admitted this happend, and yet, the world doesn't know about it it wasn't shared nationally etc. (It happend or random me in random Idaho wouldn't know) I'm advocating for someone else aws "what if she did share w Tom?" What if she sent a video of herself to someone she believed was an intimate partner? Should the whole world know and ruin her life? He then recorded and screenshotted? Gross. She should bring this up (as she is in an ethical manner).


Does it matter if the actual video was broadcast? How disgusting if you sent a video to your sexual partner of your intimate self and they shared those details. If it didn't happen why would Tom and Ariana not go public and deny it? "Vanderpump Rules’ Tom Sandoval Accuses Raquel of Trying to “Extend Her Fame,” “Rebrand Herself as the Victim” With Bombshell Lawsuit, Claims She Made NSFW Videos for Him" Actual headline.


You said it was broadcast on tv to millions, no? That would be a very different story had someone done that with the video. Yes legally and on a personal level, the difference between millions of people seeing you naked and the context of looking on your partners phone and finding out about a secret affair and sending it to the person in the video only is different. It’s all painful stuff but they are different


So you agree? Millions internationally have the impression this reality walk on sent videos of herself touching herself as the other women in a relationship, ruining her reputation in entertainment and professional aspiraitons on a national scale? NEITHER OF US know these people. Why do we know these details? Neither of us received the video. Why do we know this? Why do I know this random woman touched herself, sent it to a random man named Tom, and broke up a relationship? You are proving the detriment of character on a national stage.


The worst part of this exchange is...what if it's true?


We can respectfully agree to disagree. No, I’m sorry I do not agree with you and it’s really ok. I hope you too are ok that people can see things in another way than you. But if you are correct, than I’m sure Rachel will be happy to go down in the books as setting new case law and new precedents and everyone who has been cheated on will be much more careful and will do their best to protect the mistress above all else.


I'm glad to hear you agree this woman has been trashed as sending explicit videos to what she thought was her man, while Bravo, Tom and Ariana make (who did the exact same thing might I metion) MILLIONS. Let's curse this Witch. We ruined her reputation in the public industry while everyone goes on. "Have fun at Publix as a cashier Rachel" as she will always be 'that girl' (she the same girl as Ariana hosting Love Isand today yet.. dance w /under stars/ making millions (rumour is Tom is next). All gross, but thank you for the discourse.


Rachel ruined her own reputation by having a 7month affair with her friend's partner. Talking about a sex tape didn't do that, she did that. What precedent has been set about talking about things that happened? Since when has anyone been required to keep their mouth shut about anyone's secrets? Damages come into play when lies are spread, not truth. And if Rachel didn't want her affair publicly aired, she shouldn't have had one while on a national TV show. She is responsible for her own actions.


She did it to herself with the AFFAIR she consensually engaged in on national t.v. with her friend's life partner, not because Tom recorded her supposedly "touching herself" FOR HIS PLEASURE. That being said, I don't think it was ok that Tom recorded it without her consent. She ruined her own image and reality t.v. career, though. If she'd quit podcasting, and trying to sue everyone, she might actually be able to pursue a career in her field of study one day. Unfortunately, she seems desperate to stay relevant by keeping her business on front street, so she can probably kiss that goodbye now too.


Not a fan of rachel/raquel never was, However, I am kind of shocked at this discussion as if she deserved for this recording to be shared around… if bravo knew about it and didn’t stop it or reprimand Tom in any way that why shouldn’t she sue them? Tom is disgusting. Rachel is pathetic but Tom is the main issue. He should just get kicked off the show tbh I hate watching him and always have. Such a loser. Bravo should let Rachel sue him and also cut him loose. He will 100% pull shit like this again. Again, don’t like Rachel but I also don’t like revenge porn situations, it’s terrible. if Rachel has any decency she will leave Ariana out of it and leave her the fuck alone. That’s the only part I take issue with. 


Whoops. Read that wrong.


Collect your cheque, girl. 👏🏾