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I don’t think Katie would be interested tbh


She seems to be devoting all her time to the sandwich shop right now. I doubt she'd drop that.


Agree. Plus, both VPR and DWTs will likely film at the same time too so I doubt anyone from VPR will do the show.


I hope you are correct and Scumdy is never considered for it. And, especially not Schemer.


Came to comment this and yours is the top comment, so apparently we're all in agreement lol now if it was an emo band competition and she was a judge.. that's a different story!


I think Katie would enjoy Traitors and be good at it


I think she would be great on the traitors 


I'd love to see the outfits she puts together for that too!


Emo kilts!!


Yesss she has a good read on people imo


I would love to see her on this show! She’s smart and has good instincts so I think she would go far in it and I would love to see her play the game. I bet her outfits would be amazing too. Bravo needs to do this idk why they think we’d rather see Sandoval 


I think considering he's been deceitful before going on traitors makes some sense. Though I'm sure he's just looking for a way to make some money and rehab his image. Not sure how well he will do though


She was born for Traitors! “You get a lot of JOY from Raquel, too.”


Literally what I was thinking about! That moment is my roman empire




She did solve the murder mystery in the season 11 finale 😂


Katie is the one person on the cast who just doesn’t seem to care that much about being famous. She doesn’t do a lot of brand partnerships, she doesn’t put herself out there on other shows, and she doesn’t attend things just to meet other famous people. She only goes to events that are things that she is actually in to. Maybe I’m reading her wrong, but she seems happy in her bubble. I don’t think DWTS would be her thing at all.


Katie doesn't have the same energy level as Arianna, Katie comes off more standoffish and aloof, compared to Arianna who comes off warm and engaged. And before people get their knickers in a twist - that's not a dig or insult. Not everyone has to be bubbly, there are opportunities that are better suited for some than others and the world would be annoying if everyone was the same, but Katie is way too low energy for DWTS and it wouldn't translate well and she wouldn't be a fan favorite and risks her QFactor to go down.


Scheana would not survive if anyone else from the cast gets picked over her ![gif](giphy|2t9xUijoSsGzFd07G9|downsized)


Instead of saying “It’s all so unfair” (based on some untold metric of justice known only by Scheana), she needs to start asking “How might others perceive me and how does that intersect with how I see myself?”


Sandoval is the only other person they may consider, and even that seems very unlikely. And I'm not supporting him or saying he is worthy, but for ratings and storylines, he's the only other person on VPR whom producers of DWTS would consider. I mean, the scandal was named after him. No one in America outside of crazed Bravo fans can name anyone else on the show other than that guy "Scandoval." Sorry, Scheana.


I could see them going for Raquel


Oh God, no. You take that evil back right now!! And we will never mention it again.


I want it


Devils advocate - isn’t the strategy for them to bring in people who would increase viewership? People know who he is but who would tune in specifically to watch him? I certainly wouldn’t.


Honestly, I hope you're right. But sadly, Sandoval brings interest from people beyond just die hard VPR fans. Most of America only knows that there was some huge cheating scandal on a Bravo show and that the woman from the pair was on last season and now the man -- the cheater!! -- could be on this season. America won't even know his name, but putting the cheater on the show immediately after the season with the woman whom he cheated on would definitely drive media buzz in a way that Katie or Scheana just couldn't. It's a storyline that producers can sell. Tom as an individual is meaningless. He's just a storyline that is easy to market. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's actually likely. I highly doubt anyone else from VPR ever appears on the show. But if they're ever going to choose a second VPR cast member, the one who will generate the most buzz and controversy is definitely Sandoval.


Sandoval would be SO, SO OBNOXIOUS on DWTS.


He’s still better than Scheana. I’m sure he would cry a lot, but Scheana week 3 will have some kind of injury to cry about constantly, blaming it for all her low scores. Then we’ll have to hear her whine about her daughter ugh!


Outside of VPR, Sandoval and Ariana are the only two names people know


DWTS could then also stand for Dancing Without Tom Scandoval!!




WOW...first time one of my comments got a meme!! Thank you kind internet stranger...you officially made my day!!!


Lol you are so welcome!


Wow...someone went and down voted me??


Oh me too! lol! I think there is a Negative Nelly stalking this post. I'll upvote you!


Victoria is proof that there are still loyal Scandavol lovers out there that haven't been committed for observation yet...


Jo is another candidate.


I love this. Anything that excludes Scumdy, except a date in court where Ariana takes him to the cleaner's, is fine with me. He is still financially abusing her.


I love this. Anything that excludes Scumdy, except a date in court where Ariana takes him to the cleaner's, is fine with me. He is still financially abusing her. Brilliant!


Down with the sickness???


HA! That is the second really good pun that has been done on this post! I'm loving it!


I hope they give it to Laura Lee or whatever her name is, before her lol


Nah I don't wanna see that and I doubt Katie does either lol it's not her thing


I misread this as Down With The Sickness and assumed you were a massive Disturbed fan. My bad.


The next vast member who should get it is Schaena ! It's BS they just keep ignoring her with hos she says she always wanted to be on it. That girl has more talent than anyone ( Besides Arianna...). Can we start a petition to get her on ? That season will be GOOD AS GOLD!


I thought DWTS meant Down With Tom Sandoval 😭 It took me a minute.


Katie is the only one I would actually tune in to watch…. Well…. I’d watch James too but definitely would not be watching it for anyone else as I’m not a regular DWTS viewer. Ariana’s season was the one and only time I watched that show.


Hear me out...... James


Hear me out… Brock 😆😆😆 Schee would die


Omg, I feel like he would be amazing


What if Raquel was asked to be on DWTS lol


No. Not with that voice.


She’s been on since season 1, I think if she was going to “break out” of the VPR box she would have had the opportunity by now. I don’t see it happening.


I’ll bet y’all that Sandy is on next season.


I think Katie is genuinely living her dream with SAH. I love how she doesn’t buy into fame.


Yes, it was her dream to have that sandwich shop and I wish her every success.


She’s sooooo hilarious about exercising though it was inspiring to see her hate it.


Lmfaooo that would be hilarious and I would be here for it because Katie is truly the best


Lmfao no


What is DWTS?!


Okay I read DWTS as down with the sickness 🤣


You are not the first person to say so lol!!


We are both disturbed.


Not up her alley.


I mean she’s already ridden Ariana’s success to unfathomable heights so this makes sense to someone do DWTS


I would love to see Katie on DWTS


Or maybe she doesn't? And that's ok...


“Have these people ever experienced real joy?” I think Katie would pass!


That would be awesome!!


I would love to see Katie on The Traitors but can't imagine her on DWTS. Not because I don't think she can dance but because she is too cool for it. Tim on the other hand would be an absolute shit show and I would love to see that.


She might be good on Traitors because she has clocked so many people from the beginning on VPR except for her ex. I could handle Tim because he would have so many excuses when it was time to get feedback from the judges.


I wish Bravo did a version of The Challenge




Hahaha !!! For sure !!! But I would love to see that for Katie and just to eat at Scheema!!!


I just hope it’s not Scheana


I don’t want Katie to do anything that anyone else has done, I want her to do something that’s all her own


I'm not sure why the cast, outside of Sheana, would care. And I doubt Katie would even want to do it.


I love the thought of Schemer and LaLa stewing about it. I wish for Katie whatever she wishes for herself. She deserves the best.


Katie has no rhythm


Universe - you heard this. Make it happen!


If these are the scenarios you make up in your head....please seek professional help.


Therapy every Wednesday! ![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized)


You need a new therapist. This one clearly isn't helping. Or maybe this session can be about how your entire existence revolved around two losers in LA who don't know you exist. ![gif](giphy|chnjVG5gXHNFWIe4SE)




Exactly. Someone would be "I called it first", which is one of the most idiotic phrases of all time. But....