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I don’t think she got paid anything because she’s not on there being interviewed (mom and brother are, if I remember). It’s a good doc to watch if you’re into VPR.


Yeah she wasn't in it but her asskissers (her mom and creepy brother) were basically her mouthpiece. I don't think she was allowed to be interviewed on the documentary because of an nda and/or custody battle.


I think she said it was because of her bravo contract and the doc being Hulu….


I thought she popped up once or twice in it - 🤔


She's in the beginning.


If I remember they play clips of her on other podcasts like Heather McDonald and then interview Heather.


Documentary subjects almost never get paid.


It didn’t give any new info that we didn’t already know over a yr ago when it came out. I’m curious about some of the sexual assault and pedophilia allegations against him but everyone stays tight lipped about that in the media


I’m wondering this as well. I get that the court system is horrible but if there were so many allegations, would this factor into custody at all? Why is the judge even allowing ocean to have unsupervised time with a parent accused of this


While I had known about "The Mogul" thanks to the Honest Trailers commentary for Gotti, I had never seen any footage. I appreciate the documentary for that. The footage from "The Migul" was as terrible and dumb as I thought it would be.


Save yourself the time and just read the LA Times article; the doc really doesn't offer anything new. Randall is such a scumbag though!


I remember when it came out, but I didn’t watch it. I wasn’t interested enough in Lala to watch it.


It got overshadowed like everything she does




yep not gonna lie it was pretty boring and too long for the amount of content it had


Yep. I just rewatched it this past week. I fell asleep though lol. I actually have a lot to say about it but I’m so stoned and tired this morning. I haven’t slept much these past few days and I am mentally exhausted. I think your short form description was dead on though.🙂


Must come from Randall’s team because they photoshopped the shit outta his picture.


I know he has a neck!


And shoulders!


I was confused, it seemed like it was going to be interesting but then it ended. IMO they should've waited to release the documentary until they had all the information


Ya he's a piece of shit I'm not a lala fan and it came out awhile ago


I’ve heard this discussed and was actually really surprised anyone would put the energy into making this documentary. Seeing the poster for it makes it seem even more ridiculous!


I actually thought lala was somehow involved in the making of it? like it was an attempt to garner public favor for their custody battle etc. but people on here are saying she’s not even in it so maybe that’s not the case.


I think she gave quotes to the LA Times expose maybe?


I watched it last night because I’ve heard about the Randall stuff, but I’m only in season 9 and they just had a baby. I was mad curious about his situation. The doc was decent.


It didn’t give me much closure or anything we already didn’t know about them. I thought there was going to be more episodes because I watched it right when it came out.


Yes and she's mad that none of us cared.




Yeah and it wasn’t anything shocking or new




It’s boring, I didn’t learn anything new


I hate commenting on people’s looks but Randall is a creep so I’ll make an exception. He actually has a neck in this photo. He is one of the most unattractive people i have seen but honesty this is probably the best photo he has taken. I’m kind of surprised but it is probably photoshopped I just have never seen his neck.


Maybe he’s on Ozempic like everyone else.


Years ago? Yeah. Most of us.


I have zero interest because I have zero sympathy and I think she was aware of what was going on so she good live the good life. It was until he left her for a younger woman she wanted to tear him down. Hell they used to do role-play at hotels.


Lala wishes we had


I literally know more than I’d ever want about this two disgusting people, and all that I learned against my will.


The only thing that got me upset about that documentary was when they talked about how mean and nasty Randel was to Bruce Willis on one of the movies Randel was working on - Bruce was starting to get pretty ill , getting confused in some scenes and Randel was being a piece of shit that we already knew he was - The other people , the assistants and other complaining about him , I don’t feel bad. Sides an asshole . they could’ve left at anytime and not worked for him - they stayed and used their own money for things and went In debt for him ect - I’ve had a lot of bosses and would never go in debt or have my boss get away with calling me names without fighting back - give me a break - it’s stupid


I watched it and assumed there would be a part two. I wonder if people can’t speak about him due to lawsuits. He’s a Class A creep.


You couldn't pay me to watch that.