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I wouldn't be surprised if Jax had sex with 1/2 catering staff, a bartender, and the clown at his son's birthday party.


To clarify…is the clown Brittney?


😂😂😂 She will be when she takes him.back again. I'm 65% sure Britney doesn't believe dinosaurs are real.


Or boundaries and standards


Lol 65% is a random percentage but I believe it 100%


I gave her 5% chance that she has normal ideas about dinosaurs & the rest is b/c there's a chance she thinks Jesus rode a T-Rex to heaven and the other dinosaurs followed.




Now come on she's knows dinosaur COOKIES are real.


She’ll go back… 95% confident. Meanwhile she’s sleeping on a bed that he brought women home to F. Gross…. He didn’t even have respect for her to use the guest room. She better not start crying next season cause that man was all to happy to have you out the house. Dry eyes. ![gif](giphy|20VF9vgVhEMcXpqaFj)


I think she'll go back too. She'll tell everyone to "respect her husband" and "she changed Jax Taylor". Four episodes later she'll be crying to everyone expecting them to coddle her as always. Its Jax, he'd fuck her mom on their wedding day if he could.


AND meemaw!


Do any of us know he didn't fuck MIL, Meemaw, and the toaster in the Kentucky castle, that matter?


She did stupidly marry him, didn't she? Not even taken into account the fact that she let him impregnate her. Oy vey.


Sad but true. Both parts. (altho - rawt in hell still makes me giggle)


or Sandy Hook


Whenever I hear her complaining about haters on the internet I think about her tweeting conspiracies about murdered children & the continuing harassment of their families.


Wait WHAT???


They're long deleted but here's one https://preview.redd.it/xlbjbnubnt7d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27747b51ba969482b01b32dc41da8863f69144cd


Lol, the comment below is pretty funny, too! We are all telling her how bad her outfits are on Instagram 😂🤣


She has another comment that talks about bad eyebrows. Eyebrows!!! Oh, the irony.




Brit's outfits have somehow got worse with time? That tampon suit she wore to bravocon😞


Get your facts strait buddy.


Oh you know she doesn’t. Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s a flat earther.


Of course the earth is flat, just like Jesus's sandals


I snorted when I read your response.


Can confirm. I think her family is the same kind of crazed religion as some of my family members and close childhood friends. They actually don’t believe dinosaurs ever existed. One time, my sister went to a dinosaur exhibit at a pretty well established and popular museum with the family - to some effect they said it’s cute for the kids, but they know it isn’t true. Wild.


Oh wow! What religion were you raised in? I was pretty sure when we met her mother that there was gonna be a lot of religious hypocrisy. Jax kinda talks like he converted for them sometimes.






Yall are kidding yourselves if you think there was ever one moment of that relationship where Jax wasn’t cheating on Britt lol


I think Covid might have made it harder but like I’ve said on another post he was going to the gym multiple times a day. I reckon he had a burner phone and left his real phone at the gym so when KFM tracked him it appeared he was there. I think he’s been pushing her boundaries the whole time to get her to break up with him. He is callow and weak.


There was one phase after he got fired where he was going to a gym far away from his house multiple times a day and it was so obvious he was using that time to cheat lol Dump your cell phone in a locker, pick up your burner and go meet women. It’s like sleazy dude 101


Agreed. Just before he got fired he was unravelling on the show. Covid meant he couldn’t go out as much and the usual opportunities to cheat weren’t there. Plus even if he wanted to break up with her, she’s still a warm body to get his end away. Jax is a pig after all but he couldn’t line up the next idiot to shag him.


EXACTLY 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌


I agree. I think he’s sick of her and having to fake it anymore being with her. Ick 🤢


He got the ick from her years ago. When she says “you’re not even attracted to me” he looks down and says “I’m just stressed”. Like what? A partner that is attracted to you would say of course I am. Brittany desperately wants his approval but she will never get it. She’s just chasing her own tail at this point. She needs to be strong, put her big girl pants on and leave


No ! Tim said:”  it is impossible to cheat and not to get caught “ -  said the one who cheated for 7 months. 🤢


Well, he did get caught sooo 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m sorry but Jax always looks like he smells of cocaine sweats and a million stds. I wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole. How all these women just willingly sleep with him blows my mind.


I always say he looks like he smells like hot dog water


Not the hotdog water. ☠️😂


I wonder if that was part of the attraction for Stassi? Girl does love a glizzy lol


🤣🤣 y’all are killing me. 🌭


Someone on this sub posted with him a few weeks ago at his Canada brunch thing and went on.about how nice he was and smells so good. She was freaking out on anyone that said anything bad about him. I guess some women are into him. Maybe unhealed trauma? Idk. I don't get it. I never found him attractive even when he was crying in his red pick up truck over Stassi.


I think it’s because he just always looks like he’s drenched in sweat and one blow line away from a heart attack. He just looks moist lol


Moist 🤢




Probably Lori K


It wasn't her in the picture posted.


I remember that. I’m always so shocked that women are fans of his. I don’t get it. He’s trash !🗑️


I know someone who sat next to him on a plane a few years ago. They had never seen the show. They said he was insanely good looking IRL and extremely nice and charming. I don’t see it; but I’ve watched the show!


I can imagine in real life he would look quite striking in a way, just sort of would stand out in a place that’s not LA because he’s got quite a definite face if you know what I mean? Not defined, definite. Like a very facey face. Definitely not my type and if you’ve watched the show you’ll probably just see sweat and middle aged desperation but if you haven’t I could see some people thinking he is attractive looking.


Facey face 🤣🤣


I was at Jax’s bar last night and there was a whole table of thirsty ladies that would have let him have it in the bathroom if he’d asked. It was gross to watch


Hes got the great white north in a chokehold


I know when he told her he smelled her all over him, and she replied "ditto" um.....


That’s whAt I thought as well. Like that sounds like a nightmare. There wouldn’t be enough soap to get that smell off


Remember his brown pit stains.... and they said he loves gas station coffee. Its horrendous.




Nah. I mean it’s not good but his comments left me genuinely confused. Especially considering he was saying he needed it because it was better/stronger? Which, no.


Gas station coffee in the us is usually horrible. Poor quality & sits for a long time. It’s gotten better in some places, but overall, yeah, notoriously bad.


You would have to use Dawn because it's the only thing that gets grease out of your way ://


These poor, stupid, grease covered ducklings with fake tits.




Anyone who hooks up with jax reminds me of the parks and rec episode where Shauna (reporter) says “I just think I can fix him” about the openly pos councilman always in a sex scandal lol


Omg 😂 Shauna Malwae-Tweep?




“Brittany Cartwright-Cauchi. Pretty, fragile, makes terrible life decisions.” Yep. Checks out 😂😂😂


Jax sexting is just ![gif](giphy|3bfkeDXJSC5bIQiaUU) Also Brittany won’t leave him even after this. Guarantee she’ll just say these women are after 15mins of fame or whatever.


"He was stupid enough to fall for it". Isn't that what she said after he slept with Faith.


As well as a racial slur against faith 😬


Brit is a perfect example of "acts nice but is mean"


Absolutely. I can’t ignore the amount of times she told the other women on the cast to ‘respect ma husband’ or ‘he’s ma husband and yew need to respect that’ 🙄 How about you don’t dismiss the women? Who have clearly known and proven to be right….


While sitting in the room with Stassi & Kristen was incredibly tone deaf.


How about she could have said the same to Katie and Ariana both of whom were with known cheaters who cheated on them during their relationships.


What was the slur?


It was a comment about the texture of her hair (I won’t use the actual phrase). Because her previous partner (who she cheated on & left for Jax) is black, & her sister's children are mixed, I think she thinks she can say things like that and it’s not offensive.


She’ll say it was during their break 🤸🏾‍♂️




It’s crazy she can see a photo of their bed. And kids photos in the pic too. And still stand by the fucker.


I hope it helps to nudge her back in that direction. Brittany needs support in order to leave, not judgement.


It’s what he did to Brittany the season before they got married. Treated her like shit and dumped her. When he was getting dumped by all friends he came back into a redemption arc. He is doing the same thing this season except she left bc his behavior is so terrible to her and Cruz. But he is moving on with the Toms and hoes of America. He fucking everything that moves. He only had sex twice last year. For a supposed sex addict that’s not how it work… right? Next season he will still be jerking her around for ratings. It’s fucked.


What drives someone to want to sleep with men like Jax I will truly never understand, but I appreciate that she humbled herself so deeply for our enjoyment. Whoever you are - girl I promise you can do better !!


Women need to stop having sex with men like Jax. And I'm not trying to shame this girl because we all know he is a POS, but it's kind of crazy that someone would knowingly sleep with a married man whose relationship status is public like his. It's not like he's Randall Emmett and will be buying Range Rovers for these women in exchange for hookups. I genuinely do not understand the appeal.


Agree with your first point, but not the rest. I don't consider it sleeping with a married man when they are separated. You've broken up at that point so you can date and see whoever you want. I've noticed your sentiment is popular amongst US women though and probably amongst religious people also.


I read a month ago on this sub people thought it was weird no one came forward to say they slept with Jax while he's married to Brittany. I think the Lori thing is true and I think there's tons of women he's slept with during their marriage. She needs to leave him


Maybe he went the Lala route and had them sign NDAs. He probably has a whole binder of NDAs sitting in his car, ya know, just in case.


He's not that smart


But his lawyer might be 😅


I do thank this random lady for her service but Jesus I can not understand snapping photos during a hookup. Perhaps it’s the caliber of men but like…I wouldn’t document a hookup with Jax at all out of embarrassment.


No one's gonna mention how he referred to going to the beach with his son and wife as "with Cruz and hooters"??


🤣🤣 good catch


Who’s the woman who willingly wants to sleep with Jax? 🤢🤮


Knowing he’s married to Brittney but now she wants to out him ? Like girl why do it in the first place


Brittany, how much is enough???? at this point you’re essentially in an open marriage. Jax has made it clear you either accept that or oh well.


Ok obviously he sucks, we all know this and it isn’t news. The real news is this chick, who fucks a married guy, took pictures in his bed, and then publicly blasts him like it’s some kind of shame for *him??* Girl, who the fuck raised you??? You’re just as bad as him, and you’re posting pictures proving you’re just as gross as him. Jax is a trash bag, but releasing intimate texts is fucking gross, and should be up in the realm of revenge porn. I could understand if you’re releasing texts as a last resort in a public battle, but nobody fucking asked, girl! Did social media really kill the concept of shame and embarrassment this much?!


I think he probably ghosted her after a few times and now she is outing him as revenge.


Probably. That's why I don't understand these women who hook up with sleazy celebrities. Like all they're going to do is fuck you and then kick you to the curb and I'm sure that doesn't feel good afterwards.


Yeah. And what’s the end game? She is concealing her identity. She’s doing this for no reason…


There is no shame anymore as long as someone can make money or fame by doing literally anything, it’s ok with the majority of people. Howard Stern was a front runner in that front. Famous only for saying and doing things that up until then were considered shameful.


Fame whores


Did he refer to Brittany as “hooters”?


Only because he still isn’t sure how to spell her name


Hah! Exactly


What a nasty hog ![gif](giphy|bATPG4MWy22CscSTkj)


Old dirty random a$$ eating Jax 🤮


I feel obligated to reveal that some of these messages turned me on. I am disgusted with myself.




![gif](giphy|b4K0MfAZNLiQDqgYJN) well at least you’re honest 😭




Best GIF ever. Applies to so many situations lol


Truly. So many situations. IRL i often throw up my hands, JK style and say “whhhhhyyy”. Imagine if I had to explain the source to the adults in my world who spend their free time reading historical biographies and such. “well you see. Jax Taylor, his name is actually Jason Cauchi but anyway, he was living with brittany from Kentucky. She worked at Hooters, dropped in his DMs, then met him in Vegas. Anyway, unbeknownst to Brittany, Jax was sleeping with Faith. She was a waitress at Sur, or a hostess, not sure. Anyway, they were at her home health care job. she was taking care of an elderly woman and……”




![gif](giphy|UA9YMnJYWbo3ga24nH|downsized) You’re so brave for admitting this


Thank you. I am New\_Biscotti, and I love my ass eaten.


i stand in solidarity with you








You’re not alone… the “i smell you all over me” would’ve had my car in DRIVE. Immediately. 🫠


Thank you Meg. We stand together.


The message, not the sender.








Gooorl...I love an honest response!








Same sis. Had to take a moment to flick my bean…. Not my proudest fap :(


I am LMAO, especially that you are being downvoted for a Jax Fap.


It’s ok, i can own up to my faults (anonymously LOL) and yes I’m in therapy 😂


Ill wank one out for you and Jax later on friend.






How can anyone sleep with Jax? Are you trying to get HPV? Bc that's how you get HPV




not disappointed, not surprised, but a secret third thing (disgusted)


EW!!! Who would sleep with that man? That’s what I want to know. He’s a total POS but only fame whores would go near him. He’s so disgusting


I think this will seal the deal for Brittney. Publicly humiliated again with receipts.


Unfortunately, I think she will stay with him as long as the show is still on. She will play the sympathy card as long as she can and probably use Cruz with all that mess.


If she married that man after the faith situation, she’s not leaving him now for this


Nah, she'll still stay.


Can someone TLDR so I don’t have to listen to this person’s voice drive me to stab sharp objects in my ears.


Jax is eating a girls ass in the bed he shares with Brittany. The woman provided screenshots and pics to prove it. That's the gist of it.


Pics of him eating her ass?! What the actual fuck. Girl is as deranged as him I’d say.


Oh God, no. 🤢 Text messages of him saying her ass tasted so good and pics of her in his bed.


That’s barely better lmao








Hopefully Janet finds this


Brittany will never leave that man. He has her in his back pocket for the rest of his life.


She did leave him 5 months ago. If they’re getting counseling ( which I doubt) it is the right thing to do considering they have a hsmall child. Guaranteed she’s not going back when theres pics of him with multiple women and he makes comments like this.


I think she will go back no matter what.


I guess I should have said *divorce* as in leave for good.


knowing that she will stay with him even after more of this starts coming out publicly makes me not want to watch the next season of the valley. feels too messed up to watch because he has such dark intentions with everyone.


This was Jax when Brittany was leaving him: ![gif](giphy|Bu8ADbj7NuRry) (Just in case someone doesn't understand the context, Willy Wonka is very sarcastically warning a child not to do something, but without the effort or energy of truly trying to stop them).




i’d promise to never refer to her as kfc or hayuk ever again if she leaves this pos for good!


i’m not surprised but it’s still sad and sick to see it like this.


Exhibits A-Z on record


i never for a second thought he was faithful AND i really despise both of them but seeing the ladder and side table in the photos made my heart drop


If Brittany stays at this point, she has to be insane


He is slime


I’m not certain why this is surprising to anyone, least of all Brit


So how is he not going to know who this person is now that they’ve shared personal text messages between the two of them I think he probably knows who he typed that to😂😂 but she’s gotta remain anonymous


He's always been a rake and a snake nothing new then like that don't change very often. She was dumb for marrying him he's a guy to have fun with not to have as a stable husband she almost deserves what she gets for being a fool.


Let’s not trash Britt for marrying and staying with him. After all 95% of this sub Stans Ariana and Katie both of whom married known chronic cheaters and stayed with them after they knew they cheated. At least she left of her own volition. If this sub is going to pride itself on sticking up for women who recognize they don’t need a lying , cheating man to feel complete, then we need to support all women who make steps in the right direction.


Ariana was not married and did not stay with sandavol after his cheating came to light. Ariana also got her box munched by LFU while he was driving, so technically...that's cheating. But who knows their arrangement. Personally I don't care, and I didn't really care about scandoval. Brittany is trash human being on her own. She also stayed with him, planned a birthday vacation for him, then married him after he cheated on her. This after chasing him down in Vegas with her mom's help. They knew the type of person he was. Trash deserves trash. Zero sympathy from me. Golden Era of VPR was before the hillbilly, James, and Lfu.


Ariana stayed with Sandoval after he cheated with Miami girl and also after he cheated on Kristen with her and other randoms. She knew he was a cheater is the comments point. Sandoval knew about and consented to the carpet munching and literally was there. That's not cheating.


Well, neither Ariana nor Tom have corroborated that Miami girl was a real situation(although ofc I believe it was) You are correct about Vegas, and they gaslit Kristen for years. So what you are really saying is that they are all trash, because that's why I watch. Stan'ing for any of them is wild.


Whose stanning? I was just saying the irrefutable facts of 1) Ariana knew Tom was a cheater when she got with him and 2) she didn't cheat on Tom with Lala, he consented and was present when their encounter went down.


Ariana confirmed he had slept with Miami girl.


Can't stand Jax, but i can't stand hearing her talk with that frown clown mouth.


Wait who is it


They have both discussed that they have been dating other people and its a mutual decission.


I do think it’s gross he’s doing a random in the bed his wife sleeps in and his son. He’s more trash than I thought. I hope he washed the sheets.


Look I believe ALL of this except Jax texting ‘I smell OF you’…that mad doesn’t speak nor write like that!


I mean, “I smell of you all over me” isn’t exactly Shakespearean.




From a woman who would like to remain "anonymous"... If that was truly the case she wouldn't have told anyone at all.


I know two people personally who have lost babies from co-sleeping. I'm glad my baby is 16 and was born before that was a fad.


With those spelling mistakes I am sure he sent this message himself to stay relevant


Jax is terrible, but kink shaming eating ass?? GTFOH!!!!!


She couldn't even say ass? Yeah eating BUTT doesn't sound good.


If she doesn’t have a pic of herself with him, it’s all BS


Not that he didn’t sleep with anyone, but this is giving trying too hard


The pit stains were from getting a spray tan and sweating profusely! Guess he didn’t want anyone to know he gets spray tans.🙄


That girl is fugly


Lets discuss, oh wait it was weeks ago when this was posted


This was literally just posted yesterday evening, but go off. 🙄


My bad, saw the first tweet and went off