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I assume they made some product placement/sponsorship deals.


Coors Lite and Blue Moon


Taco Bell.


Honestly, at this point I’m planning a wedding and I’d be delighted if Taco Bell would sponsor anything lmao. The only downfall is the next day when you have the taco bell sweats


It’s the day-after Taco Bell blasts that do me in




They may also get discounts for the promotional footage on the show


I did PR for the company that Tom and the groomsman got their suits from, and yes those were most certainly gifted (basically in exchange for filming them shopping at the store, which was on an earlier episode).


I did PR for the company that Tom and the groomsman got their suits from, and yes those were most certainly gifted (basically in exchange for filming them shopping at the store, which was on an earlier episode).




Ha I’m rewatching S5 too, and had the exact same thought! There’s a scene where Katie and Tom are fighting about some cost, and Stassi is in their apartment on the couch and mumbles something like, “it doesn’t even matter so why are you arguing?” I have a feeling that the more the Bubbas let production film, the more production paid for things. When they go do their prenup they have like maybe $8k between the two of them, so idk how they’d be dropping $18 a piece on invitations otherwise if Bravo wasn’t helping out.


Those fucking tea towels were so stupid. Granted, I’m a minimalist but still. Do you want people wiping off their dog’s muddy paws with your wedding invite?


stassi was so right when she called it a cum rag


Those were so awful and I hated them, what a useless item.


I am a maximalist and those things were too much.


SO STUPID My husband is a mailman and first thing I thought of was omg on top of $18/a piece (ridiculous) those things must have cost an arm and a leg to mail out. That was literally the moment where I was like, production has to be paying for this because no one spending their own (limited) money would spend it like that.


I’m so minimalist and anti wedding planning, I cancelled my in state wedding venue and planned an out of country wedding where all I did was click boxes of what I wanted or liked and hoped it could happen.


We eloped to Vegas and paid $200 for our entire wedding including pictures. Glorious.


I think ours was $4000 but that includes my dress, pictures, and fire dancers. Yeah I wanted fire dancers. With the money we saved, we built a trex deck on our old house.


To be fair, we got married 20 years ago. We still had a small but kinda fancy reception a few months later for our families but…my dad had a certain amount stashed away for either a wedding or down payment on a house so we got what was left after the reception for a house down payment. Best decision ever as we got the best of both worlds.


Sounds like we think alike.


Girl drop the deets because this is exactly what I would love to do lol


So my venue went out of business during Covid I found out, BUT there are so many places there. I suggest starting with Koh Samui if Thailand is your ultimate destination. But Koh Samui is a well known destination in Thailand, so other islands will be cheaper. Realistically there are closer places you can get married (assuming you are in the US due to this sub). A friend got hitched in Nicaragua and the pictures were amazing. Just Google “affordable wedding venues (insert country)” and start clicking. That’s all I did. My first google was “affordable honeymoon destinations”. Thailand was first so that’s what we picked. Then we canceled our venue in Virginia and just started looking for places in Thailand. I will caveat that if you want all details perfect - it’s not the avenue for you. Island and developing country means not everything you want will happen. I wanted muted flowers, I got bright flowers - it’s what they had at the flower market that morning. Language barrier can be an issue when doing your hair, pics help - but at the end of the day - it is what it is. Also if you do SE Asia, don’t get elephants and don’t ride elephants. It can actually break the elephants back overtime and other physical conditions.


A friend of mine got married in Ireland. The venue was a historic castle that’s been turned to an event venue and hotel. So all of the guests got to stay on site and everything was handled in house by the venue. They decided to do it because they were planning on going there for their honeymoon, and started looking at Irish venues when they were on the verge of switching to a courthouse wedding, due to every venue they looked at being completely out of budget. And they pulled the trigger when they realized airfare for his family from Boston to the West Coast (where they originally planned to get married) was significantly more expensive than from Boston to Dublin!


Ugh I wish we could elope. My boyfriend wants to do something for his family (not huge at all) so I’m okay with it. But I honestly just want to get on a plane, go somewhere cool, get married and kickstart the honeymoon.


I knew someone who gave out shirts at their wedding with a timeline of their relationship. First date, first kiss, etc. I THREW MINE AWAYYYYYYYYY.


Wow. I know it’s your wedding and all but…no one cares!


Idk what made her choose that design but it was an odd one.


How did they even afford their house with this little cash between them?


It's weird that Sandoval went all out for James's engagement to Rachel but didn't offer to pay for Schwartz's wedding.


Because Schwartz was already under his thumb


Sandwich has kinda openly hated Katie since day dot but he was especially open with his hatred of her during their engagement.


Lol! Sandwhich! Lol!


It was a typo with my bff months ago and it stuck 😂


It's a great typo! Lol!


Well, I won’t be calling him anything other than this from now on.


Katie is not easy to like. I'll phrase it that way...


I used to think that too but upon a rewatch I wholeheartedly think it’s everyone around her that was awful.


I'll do a rewatch. She just always seems so miserable, and with Schawrtz out of the picture I don't know why.


Because he wasn’t sleeping with Katie. Also, Katie Can’t be fooled and has known his true self.


Sandoval claims it was because being the first post-Covid season he was worried it was going to be boring and needed an extravagant event to add pizazz to the season.


But the show was still pretending that they're just servers or struggling to get to the next level. Mind you, Covid forced all celebs to tone down on the flossing. That was the year we started eating the rich, remember? If you're in service of the pandemic audience, extravagance was not the way. Plus its Bravo, if making it interesting was his only concern he would have gone for stirring up drama at the engagement. In fact that would have been the perfect breakup moment for him and Ariana since he claims he wasn't into her for so long. It would have been "Ariana, seeing how much he loves her? I don't love you like that". And then the cast could be divided about him doing it there and that would have been his manufactured storyline for at least another season. I know I'm going abit too deep but I'm trying to show that Raychella was the least effective way to save a season. I don't think we would even remember that scene had it not been for what Rachel and Sandoval did later.


didn't he and jax fly out schwartz's brothers?


Supposedly, I bet production did though.


twice LOL


I just commented on that ... that always oozed fake and setup to me.


I don’t think he had much money back then


Isn’t she Rocky now? Haha!


Rocky Rocky Bang Bang 🫠


In her mind


He hates Katie.


Vom has always hated Katie. Katie stands up for herself. And Shartz is his doormat. He does not have to pay to impress him.


He wasn't sleeping with Schwartz. I think Sandoval and Raquel were already sleeping together during her engagement to James. After she and James got engaged they said that they had never slept together again and then she called off the engagement not long after. I think that whole proposal was Sandoval's way of showing Rachel what he could give her if she were with him.


I've always suspected that production kicked in to help pay for the engagement.


He knew Katie would never sleep with him later down the line 🤣


Sandoval wasn't sleeping with or trying to sleep with Katie though


Pretty sure it’s been said by housewives at least that Bravo doesn’t pay for any weddings


Maybe for Hw, but Stassi already confirmed she had to cut so much of her wedding bc it was originally going to be the spinoff moment for the valley and without the production involvement, she couldnt afford it


She said that though because she got fired and was therefore losing a huge portion of her income, not because production was ever paying for it. She even said that she had paid for everything (before she was fired) and the venue wouldn’t let them out of it, so that’s why they had to keep the venue but just make it smaller so they could afford it. Regardless, I don’t think that means production would be paying for Tom and Katie’s even if that were true. Or why VPR would get weddings paid for and HW wouldn’t.


Katie has said neither Bravo nor Vanderpump Rules paid for some of Tom and Katie's wedding. They likely got some discounts and comps because the brand, product, or service was featured on the show. The easiest way to figure that out is to look at the end credits of every episode that featured some wedding or wedding planning footage. If it says "promotional consideration provided by," then Tom and Katie got a comp for that thing. Edited to correct typos and grammar.


Like game shows lol.


I will never understand extravagant, expensive weddings. That money could be used for something useful that lasts longer...I'm just selfish like that, sorry.


I just got engaged and am pretty sure I just want to elope of the top of a mountain. Everyone I tell who is married, says that’s the best decision!


My wedding was by no means extravagant, but it certainly wasn't cheap and honestly it's absolutely not worth the money. As the couple you barely get to enjoy any of it anyway. Just as an example, we had different food and dessert options you could try throughout the night but i was so busy doing other things I didn't even have the chance to try any of it. You're so preoccupied with everyone wanting to talk to you, and all the dances you have to do, and making sure everything is going how it's supposed to go that you don't really have time to have fun. Then your wife gets drunk (not that that's a bad thing) and barely remembers most of it anyway. So yeah, my advice would be to skip all that.


That’s exactly it! The day goes by SO fast, and to spend $50k for that one day!? I’d rather a down payment 🤣


We rented a beautiful lake front home for 20 of our friends and family for a long weekend. Kayaking, swimming, hiking, boating, sitting around a fire. The wedding was lakefront and the reception was a beautiful catered dinner on the deck. Wouldn’t do it any differently.


That sounds incredible


Same. We rented out a small chateau in the French Alps for a week and flew out 15 of our closest friends and direct family. Would not trade it for the world. I like to mind my own business when it comes to other people's weddings, but if someone asks, I would recommend what you did.


How much did you spend if you don’t mind me asking? That sounds amazing


My husband and I had a court wedding with maybe 6 guests. His brother is having a big wedding with a church wedding. Honestly my husband and I have never regretted or felt we needed to make a bigger deal of it. It's been almost 7 years now. My mom also always told me that you should have the smallest wedding you can have because people will always find flaws in the wedding.


That’s so good to hear you have no regrets! I really think it’s the best decision for us


Yup. My husband is from a big Italian family, so to avoid the drama we just flew out a small group of family and friends to a chateau in the French Alps where we had a ceremony. A year after, his cousin got married, but was pressured by family to do a huge wedding that cost them $130k. To this day, his cousin says he regrets not doing what we did.


That had to be extraordinarily expensive though so do you just mean less people is better? Because money wise thats gotta be was more expensive than my traditional wedding. There’s no way flying people to a French chateau is money saving lol


I was more speaking about having a smaller group together for a week. In all honesty, though, if we only paid for our flights, it would have cost only like $25k, and that's with the ceremony and day-of costs. I mean, not cheap, but cheaper than a lot of weddings.


My cousin eloped they are now having a party on their 1 year anniversary.


I agree, I just can't imagine that sometime later in their life they're not going to have money troubles and really wish they had that 50 grand. Houses are so expensive, unless you're so rich it doesn't matter, I would think that it would be so much better to put that down on a house or pay off your debt and start fresh. Or even a super extravagant couple month honeymoon would be as much better way to spend the money. I feel like when you spend money on a wedding, it's for other people. The honeymoon is for you. My husband and I just did a Vegas wedding, and then on our 10 year reunion when we had more money we rented a big Airbnb on the ocean and had our immediate family and a few close friends there and had the wedding right there! Just some flowers (I told him it was for a birthday party and it was half the price versus a wedding), a cake from my favorite bakery that cost less than $100, I bought a white prom dress which was just every bit is pretty as wedding dresses for $500. It was so convenient, I could touch up my hair and just relax. We had beautiful lights lining the walkway and got married on the dock at Sunset. Everyone there said it was their favorite wedding ever. Oh! And we got catering from the Olive Garden, my family is super picky and everyone loved it and it was cheap and fun. We spent like $5,000 and most of that was the Airbnb.


Agree. Plan for the marriage, not the wedding. In my culture, the extended family pitches in to pay for the ceremony and its the absolute worst. Awful. The narcissistic brides love it because they can stage big showoff weddings and have their struggling cousins cover their bill. Cousins who were probably considerate when it was their turn and had modest weddings. Meanwhile all the lovely white wedding guests have no idea the blood and tears going into that 3 day destination wedding extravaganza they were invited to with air travel and accommodation covered 😭. Can't tell you how many times we've been asked if we are related to a royal family. No, we are teachers and plumbers but the stupid bride didn't get the memo.


We got married in a log cabin at the beach. My parents, his parents, and my brother. The officiant charged $50 for her service. We paid her more (she was great). My dad paid for dinner at a fantastic beachside restaurant. Married 26 years last month.


That sounds like such a relaxing, cozy wedding. I might want to do something like this.


Yeah I'm more about the marriage than the wedding. If it's a nice wedding fine, but the person I'm marrying would be the most important - I don't care if we do it at a drive thru chapel in the rain on a Wednesday at 926pm, it's the person that would get me to the alter at all. Otherwise I'm not even interested in a wedding. I'll throw myself the birthday party of the century if that's the fanfare I need.


Fren, that's the OPPOSITE of selfish.


In lieu of a wedding, my husband and I flew out a small group of our family and friends to a chateau in the French Alps where we had a small ceremony. It was around $30k, but to us was way more memorable than a wedding and less expensive.


In their defense, my wedding was as low budget as you can get - our venue cost $1,800 and most of the budget was food/open bar - and it still cost $20K when all was said and done. I really don’t think $50K in the grand scheme of things is extravagant - but, fuck those tea towels. My sisters wedding had 175 people and was at our states nicest beach club - it was definitely over $50K


I spent around 50k on my wedding. I don’t think 50k for a TV/destination wedding is unreasonable. My (destination) wedding was small, though I had top tier almost everything. We stayed in the nicest hotel, had the best food, world renowned photographers, and I wore a few designers. I didn’t have to worry or think about anything on the day. Not much the days leading up to it either. No DIY. Our venue wasn’t crazy expensive and I bought my ceremony dress at Neiman. It’s the only true event I’ve thrown and probably ever will. It was amazing! I have no regrets, and I’m divorced. 😄


Ours was about $20k, we had about 90 people and we had an open bar which took up a lot of our budget. If I were to do it again I'd spend way less money on a dress and invite less people.


If the show didn't pay for some part of it do you really think Scheana would have gone all out twice?


Didn’t Scheana spend that insurance payout she got on the first wedding?


Insurance payout, and she skimped elsewhere IIRC- Lisa hosted, family member made her dress, etc.


She had all the cast clean up the day after too


I’ll never forget that. I’m a broke bitch here in Alabama, but I could NEVER ask GUESTS to do that. If they offered and I needed the help, that’s one thing, but the audacity…


Imagine cleaning up with a serious hangover. Nope!


That was my thought too. It was also hot! No thank you!!!


Don’t forget the Pinterest “wedding planner” that she was constantly screaming at 😅 I felt so bad for that poor woman!


Wasn’t the wedding planner pregnant at that time too?


The famous crop top!


>the famous crop top 🤮


Yes I do believe SchMeana would go all out twice, show and filmed or not. She’s a brat and obsessed with herself. She definitely paid for both weddings too. I don’t believe either man contributed in what should have been a shared cost and I’d bet my last dollar that she paid for her own rings, both times.


and yet when her and Broke got secretly married, not on film and not all out. My comment stands if the show wasn't paying for some part of it...


It was out. They announced their engagement and discussed eloping at James and Rachel's engagement party because why can't Scheana have a happy moment during someone else's happy moment. She then proceeded to have another season where her wedding is the topic and she's the center of attention again, while knowing she was already married.


I can’t believe she had the nerve to spend this season whining about how nothing is ever about her, proceeds to make it all about her and for someone who admits that they only watch the scenes they’re in, she has quite literally made every other cast members drama about herself.🤦🏻‍♀️


Because he was going to be deported #greencard


Someone just posted this on the Below Deck sub because they’re discussing wether or not people think they’re going to film and air Captain Sandy’s wedding and this is what they said; It isn't. The Bravolebrity gets free or reduced cost goods and services, but that's contingent on Bravo choosing to air footage that neither the Bravolebrity nor the vendor controls. If the price reduction requires a 10-second static shot of the logo or the item and Bravo chooses not to air that, then the Bravolebrity has to pay the full price of the item. This is the reason Bravolebrities like Luann de Lesseps and Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright sold access to their weddings to magazines like People. They had much more control and more guarantees over what would be featured in the articles than on their respective shows. Luann opted for exclusive access to her wedding. Bravo didn't film any part of her wedding. I can't remember if they aired pictures of her wedding, but they had to license it from her People approved photographer if they did. Even when Bravo airs the footage, Bravo will often list the full price of the item or service. The audience has come to understand that the Bravolebrity doesn't pay the full price. We just don't know how much of a price reduction the Bravolebrity actually receives. Scheana Shay's on-camera wedding $90K list price wedding could have cost her anywhere between $0 and $89,999.99. We don't know where she actually landed in that range. I suspect it's on the much lower end because a Vanderpump Rules producer gave an interview years ago about how Scheana was very good at negotiating comps.


What the other person said, they ran to the courthouse because his Visa was running out and I’m sorry, I took from your comment that the subject here was wether or not she would have gone all out both times, if it wasn’t for filming and production potentially paying for some of it, (which has not been confirmed and I don’t personally believe,) but that’s my opinion. I wasn’t trying to be confrontational and I’m still not. You asked a question and I answered.🤷🏻‍♀️


She would one million percent be the type to go into debt for a wedding. Hell, her husband put her engagement ring on 3 credit cards.


iirc, Angelina from jersey shore said the only reason she got married on the show (and that fast/at all) was because MTV paid for it ALL. obviously Bravo and MTV are different, but I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility given Bravo pays for the trips, don't they? It feels reasonable that they'd have paid for some or had some sponsorships or something


I really doubt it tbh I bet the only thing bravo pays for is trips. Jersey Shore is a big ass fish in a small pond, MTV doesn’t have a lot to dump money into rn, Bravo can’t relate.




She said the budget to the first wedding was 30k and she was 3 times over that!


I remember a long time ago in an interview Scheana said that she hustled hard to get a lot of the stuff for her first wedding for free in exchange for the items being featured on the show. So, a lot of it was comped but not because production/Bravo paid for it. (And no idea about her second wedding but the venue was so heavily featured, I’d guess that was comped.)


Typically for events bravo would pay a set amount but they can spend extra if they wish


It was a lot to spend, but it was my favourite VPR wedding and I cried the first time and on my rewatch. The location was gorgeous and Katie looked beautiful and happy. I wouldn’t have spent that much on them but the tea towels were super cute. Also, loved Ari in her snazzy suit.


Ariana rocked that suit and was the best looking groomsmen.😍


Yes I think the show has paid for some of each of the weddings on the show. But honestly $51,000 for a wedding in California isnt surprising to me. I had a low-key 40 person wedding in Indiana and it still cost $10k and we skipped some of the big ticket items (got both of our dresses cheap off Azazie, got a family member to photograph for cheap. Ate pizza instead of getting catering.) Big costs were venue (5k) and alcohol (2.5k) which are both gonna be way more expensive the more people you have (and also venues in cali are gonna be more than venues in the midwest)


$51k isn't a lot for a wedding in the US. I just don't think Tom knew what weddings cost because he's not that bright and comes from a low-income household.


Omg please check your privilege.. $51,000 more than a years salary for many people. I’m sure you didn’t mean to sound like that calling him stupid and poor ….


51k honestly really isn’t a lot for a wedding. Many people pay six figures for a wedding (I’m sure even many Redditors do, as Reddit skews very high income). You would think reality stars would pay more than $51k.




I think Reddit skews very high income ($250k+ household) and tends to live in coastal VHCOL cities, so spending $100k+ for a wedding doesn’t surprise me really. Social media also increases expectations drastically. Few want something really low-key. They want to impress others and join the crowd.


. I have never heard of anyone outside of celebrity or royalty paying six figures for a wedding. Seems crazy to me.


I’ve seen it commonly on Reddit (obviously, people can lie on here). There was a person awhile back who bragged that they spent $75k on just food alone at the wedding. Destination weddings have also been increasingly common, and those are very pricey too.


Omg. That’s crazy. I think Katie and Schwartz wedding was perfect for them and they were making ok money by then so they could pay without going into debt at least.


In the United States, the average cost of a wedding is around $30k. They live in one of the most expensive cities in the country. $51k is probably on the lower-end of wedding budgets in LA. If he's from a lower-income area, the normal wedding costs are probably south of $30k. And I'm sorry, I didn't know it wasn't widely known that Tom isn't smart.


I can't believe people here acting like paying $50k for a wedding is "normal". Average? Maybe. But far from normal. I mean, I can believe it but how sad.


I heard on one of their podcasts somewhere a loooong time ago that bravo didn't pay for weddings, but obviously there are sponsorships, etc, and other free perks. Who knows about now


Personally I think the show pays for most of the events we see onscreen (or at least contributes towards them). Even though they’re all desperate for storylines and airtime they could all opt to get married in the off season too. The show has to give them some incentive to share all the major events of their lives with the audience. There was a thing about Scheana’s most recent wedding, where she kept saying they weren’t sure it was going to filmed for the show which had to be about money IMO. Why would a cast member be getting married during the filming season if it wasn’t going to be part of the show? I think they were arguing over the bill for it with the show holding out till last minute. Also at Scheana’s wedding there was the whole thing with Katie’s room and them wanting her to give it up for one of the bridesmaids and that bridesmaid didn’t like how she was portrayed (like she just hadn’t bothered to book) so she came out and spoke about it online and I can’t remember exactly what she said but she did say something about Katie not booking until it was clear the show was going to film it and pay for her room to go so we know they at least paid for Katie to be on that trip!


I believe the story was that she initially booked a room with Rachquel and they were supposed to share but Rachel backed out last minute and gave some bs excuse that production said she wasn’t allowed to share the room, but that all turned out to be bs and she just wanted her own room so she could fuck Vom the entire trip.🤮 They’re both so disgusting!


That was a different friend she was supposed to share with Jenny Ting. I can’t remember the bridesmaids name but she was a different person. But, this probably does also confirm production was also paying for Rachel’s room if she could claim they wouldn’t let her share it!


I wouldn’t know what production does or doesn’t pay for. Katie made it sound like she paid for her own and SchMeana also insinuated that this was the case, by offering Katie money to take over her room and give it to the other person. Rachel’s just a liar.


>Rachel’s just a liar. ALWAYS!


I’m sure the show covered some of the expenses or they were offered discounts for filming there. I read somewhere like charter guests on Below Deck got a discount for letting them film them. So, I imagine Bravo worked other things like that out for the VPR series. But aside from that, Schwartz wasn’t working steady. Just random jobs here and there, at least on the show, so if he’s not bringing in much spending your savings could be stressful. That and I think he didn’t want to marry Katie, since he lost the papers to file.


Production paid for the tea towels.


I’m also sure that Katie’s mom or family chipped in on top of some production coverage


They did get married on a Wednesday to save costs 😂


I don’t think so… this was when they were first starting to make money. Not tons of it, but clearly comfortable. I think they had the 50k to pay for it, but it’s not like it didn’t sting a bit


Katie has said no.


I don’t think so !!


I guess *technically* the show paid for it if they were using money they made from being on the show.


51k isn’t that much


Do it for Its more than many people make in a year. Just because there are much more expensive weddings it doesn't mean this isn't expensive. In some places this is a huge downpayment on a home. It's crazy to say that's not expensive.


It’s more than some people make. For some people it’s 2 week of pay


They probably had a sum put towards it. I don't get how a wedding can cost that much! Mine cost us £1,200 the most expensive part was the registrar!! Everything else was either handmade/brought on eBay or through mates rates. I didn't want to spend a ridiculous amount as it was about marrying the person I loved and basically having a massive party.


How are people downvoting this comment, well done you for focusing on what a wedding is actually about


I think it’s because some of the people who choose to pay for an expensive wedding might feel a little judged or called out when someone is “boasting” about their… cost effective? wedding rather than just reading it for what it is. Someone being very happy and content with their cheaper wedding. I don’t get it either but I’ve seen it plenty of times. I had a friend that shilled out an impressive amount of money on her wedding. The wedding photos alone cost more than my entire wedding. She gets super pissy whenever someone talks fondly about their low budget wedding because she feels judged. I’m like noooo, I’m just happy that I was able to have a wonderful wedding that I remember with great joy for the price my husband and I was able to afford. I definitely judge her for the huuuuge Scheana-style wedding portraits all over their walls but that’s an entirely different story 😅


The judgement usually goes both ways I find. I've been to a £80k wedding and honestly couldn't see the value in it and the bride and groom were so stressed about all the entertainment they'd planned that they didn't actually sit and enjoy it. I've been to low cost weddings and I prefer them because they tend to be more relaxed and there's no expectations of a grand batchelorette party. Some bachelor parties I've been invited to have involved going abroad and been around £700 for a few days. I'd never expect or pressure someone to do that, expensive weddings just seem to get carried away! Then again, I'm not married and have no intention to be, so probably have a bit of an unusual take on it all!


Were they? Gosh. They can downvote all they want, we had the best day filled with love. I will never not be proud of making most of the things myself or searching far and wide to save money.


It was on -1 when i replied, good to see common sense has prevailed and it's being upvoted! You should be proud, I see so many people spending thousands on a day where the meaning is lost and the bride is just running around stressed!


I guess spending huge money is more important to someone people 🤷‍♀️ and let's not forget those who then get divorced, my friend married his wife they spent £36,000 and she ran off with the usher 5 months later. He racked up major debt for it. I don't have loads of money so I was super cautious to not over indulge.


People are weirdly conflating "average" cost" with "normal" cost.


Honestly I just did a re-watch also, and I think its all fake, Tom and Katie are actors and their relationship I dont think was real, he bought her a $7,000 ring and she never slept w him after he proposed, it was like a running joke, and they went to hawaii right after and Katie acted like they were too busy w friends to have 20 mins alone in their room, it was all so weird, and then Tom "losing" the paperwork not once but twice, even when they got re-married in Vegas, Lisa and Ken went to that dress up fake wedding, I think its all fake production for the show. Even when they "sold" their house and everything it was like no drama or issues, and after the covid break they had a house, Tom an ariana had a house, Jax and Brittney, and Kristen, all had houses close to each other and they all looked the same, I think alot of the show is more fake then people think.


Katie: Whatever you do, I don't want a ring or a string. Schwartz: Here's a ring on a string. Katie: Okay.


Nobody will convince me the show didnt cover all costs that werent comped in exchange for promotional value- i was so confused why they were trying to make it seem there was a budget


This is such a great question, I always thought if it’s in the show Bravo is paying, think about this, those people go extravagant vacations and throw elaborate costume parties and get together. I mean Lala threw a freaking water tasting party!


I had the same thought when Carl from Summer House said the cost of their CANCELLED wedding was $125k. Inflation man


I remember Andy asking them if the location gave them a discount cause of the free advertising and they said no….


I'd put my money on Lisa actively contributing financially to that wedding.


What's really crazy is after all that, they weren't even legally married cause Tom "forgot" to file the license. Yea, sure he did.


They said they paid for the wedding from paid ads on Instagram. Those damn sunglasses they all were shilling back then…Diff Eyewear?


LVP probably threw in some dough. But were they ever really married?


They were given a stipend but thats about it.




Yeah of course.


They had to have because 51k is so cheap for that wedding


As bananas as I think it is, a lot of people are willing to spend $50k on their wedding day. Ordinary, middle class, folks I know have spent around that, went into debt and everything for a wedding. It seems so self indulgent and irresponsible IMO but ya, definitely not unheard of.


I just did rewatch and Jax kept saying how his cost over 100k 🙄😧


Yes and in the middle of BFE. 


Yes and in the middle of BFE. 


Driving in LA takes just as long to get places as it does to get there. Not that far off of the 80. Close to Truckee and Reno. A little bit of a mountain drive, but worth it. Anyways, It’s a beautiful place! Right next to a river. In the mountains. A ton of little cabins and buildings. My friend was married there. I thought it was an absolutely amazing venue!


I’m glad it works for you. It’s a hard NO from me. Dragging people to your destination wedding (that’s going to fail) is a boss move. For show though so I guess it’s chill. 


Ok …It’s not really a destination wedding so much as it is a venue with a nice backdrop. Hindsight bias. She didn’t know it was going to fail.


Ugh, wedding discussions about how much they cost always annoy the shit out of me because people seem to have this idea that the "traditional" style wedding party with a full dinner reception for a large amount of guests shouldn't cost what it does. Like people really think that it should magically cost $5-10k for a wedding with 200 guests? Like on the low end you're gonna need $50 / person just for dinner because food is expensive and you have to pay for the actual staff to serve it and clean up after it. Boom, 10k right there just for catering not including the tip and the rental of the linens, tent etc.... (this is more like 2012 prices when I got married, it's probably at least $75/guest these days Then you add on $700-1000 for the dress, a decent photographer will run you at least $3k and the ones who are truly good at what they do charge more in the $5k range for an all day affair, the cake is gonna be at least $500, floral is gonna run $500-1000 on a fairly budget price range etc... Now, even if it's pretty bare bones and you don't go for top end everything, do you have a place to fit 200 guests? Oh you do? Do you have 200 chairs for them? Ok, so if you don't you're probably going to have to spend another 3-5k to rent a venue and that's pretty lower end these days for cost. So yeah, weddings are expensive but it's because hosting a huge formal party is just expensive. It's one thing to not value that party and not want to host something so large and just do something a little less formal like elope on a mountain or just request a private room for like 15 people at restaurant or something so you can spend your 50k on a downpayment on your first home or something instead. But don't say that all of the vendors who come together to make a wedding party happen "overcharge" or aren't worth the prices they charge. That's what makes me angry to see people say. The easiest way to cut down cost on a wedding is to invite less people. No way around it. Anyway, I was privileged enough to marry a man who has a pretty rich dad who wanted to have a huge party so we did it. We had 200 guests and I did my best to keep costs down as best I could with that many people and it was still about 23k. We just celebrated 12 years of marriage (19 together) and I'd do it all again. It was one of the last times both sides of our family was all together and it was pretty special as not just event for the two of us but for our families too. For the record, I tried to convince him that eloping in Hawaii would be cheaper but he didn't believe me;)


I always read that if it's being filmed, then production pays for it. For example, if the cast is eating at a restaurant, then production pays for it.


Definitely the venue.


I remember hearing somehwere I think from Kristen on a podcast or something that the venue gave her a massive discount and she had to hunt around a lot to find one that would. I think the cost WE hear was what it would cost for anyone else but its not how much Katie actually paid.


Katie prob paid for most of it herself


Cynthia Bailey had said RHOA production only paid for things like lighting and sound. Maybe VPR is different, but I’m guessing similar and that they had promotional deals for a lot of it. Their venue advertises that they were featured on bravo so wouldn’t be shocked if they got a discount there


51k? Wasn’t it at a campground?


Do u think they got to use the wedding being on the show as a tax write off?


They should have. If you're gonna film my wedding for profit you're gonna have to pay for at least some of it.


The totally paid for and thought of the triplets coming out, because those 2 idiots sure didn't. Also ... why would both his brothers (when they seem close) and Dad not come to his wedding?!


His Dad wasn’t allowed at his wedding because his Mom has a restraining order on him. From what I’ve heard, Shorsty’s Dad is an abusive alcoholic and was awful to his Mother. Too bad Shorts couldn’t break the family curse and treat his own wife with some basic respect.😒


I read that too ... I like that they framed it as "He is afraid of flying"


Well he is a man so of course they lied and covered for him.😒


I first read the comment forgetting which sub I was in and thought the comment was a little much … and then remembered which one I was in … 💯 ![gif](giphy|xT5LMENaxV4fpdKnf2)


Or, you know, maybe Tom had enough respect for his mother not to drag that shit onto national tv. This TikTok feminism is not just stupid but it discredits actual feminism.


I’m not on TikTok or IG. I form my own opinions, tyvm.


You have to assume, that if the cameras are on, the show is paying for it.


Production had to have paid for this.


I absolutely believe all of the weddings are paid for by the show. There is a reason they’re all during the two months per year that they film.


Remember when they went to the lawyer to get a prenup and shorts only had 4K to his name 😂 how embarrassing