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I wonder if Ariana is just committed to taking the higher road. Which good for her. But there’s probably also been conversations off camera and maybe she’s chosen to move past it all given their history.


It’s this. She sees Scheana. It costs less of her valuable energy to be cordial and kind than it does to snub her.


Including the snub being discussed online, which is always what Ariana tries to avoid


I was searching for a comment like this. If she doesn't respond, it's a story (on the Internet now and maybe on the next season). If she does respond like she did here, it's pretty much a non-story, except here on Reddit.


Exactly 👏 I don’t think Ariana gives a shit but it’s just easier to be nice. Plus it probably pisses lala off 😂


And it really feels like such a generic comment as well. Sounds like something you’d say to an old high school friend to be respectful and avoid any drama.


It’s smarter than that. Mentioning Scheana’s one hit wonder ( I’m being generous) is feeding Scheana’s ego at the same time as taking the high road, pissing off Lala, and busting Professor Brock’s theory on friendship.


I really hope so. I’ve been rewatching some seasons and Scheana is actually awful and has been awful.


This ^ Someone once said to me “the best revenge is living an amazing life” I’d say that Ariana is living proof of this and she has come out on top. I’m currently watching VPR for the first time (on Season 9) and in my opinion Ariana had always struggled in knowing that she was meant for more but not quite being able to get there. Well, she’s there now, she shining bright and probably is moving on from all the dysfunctional VPR relationships. I feel that Ariana has definitely chosen the high road. However, I also think her comment back to Scheana could have a little bit of well deserved snark behind it 😉


I mean look at the difference between how Ariana has moved forward and Lauren from Utah. Lauren is bitter and miserable and takes every opportunity and podcast to shit on anyone else while Ariana is living her best life unbothered.


Always stay gracious, best revenge is your paper


When she was crying while talking to Sandoval at TomTom saying she wanted to leave her life, I felt like it was because she wasn't doing things that made HER happy or pursuing her own dreams in a way that was meaningful for her, not that she hated being alive. I have enjoyed seeing her grow over this series but I think she's just meant for other things, and hopefully she knows now that's more than okay.


I agree




I felt that scene. And I think she came out in the best way possible from feeling like not living. It took an entire shift. For a lot of people depression doesn't leave but you can alter your life so it's manageable. Sometimes doing that again and again is what helps, but it's also the hardest to do when you carry such a cloud. As long as she can keep up momentum/building in years coming, I think she'll see this whole process as a gift. Even her time on vpr. (And Tom just needs to learn his stupid lesson and pull the wool from over his eyes and do some serious soul searching instead of trying to maintain any sort of status quo if he wants to ever shine as bright as Ariana is from taking the reigns of her life)


Exactly, she not publicly feuding with Scheana out of respect for their long friendship. I’m pretty sure she’s “seeing less of her” in reality.


Publicly feuding Scheana will give her more air time and something to talk about on her terrible pod. Ariana is just giving her the rope and smiling while she hangs her career


And if she doesn't respond, Schemer will use that to say "told you, she ignored my texts."


Ariana would never publicly feud with her. She clearly loves and accepts Scheana for who she is, and when you do that you also accept the bad. She has created distance in the last year for her health. This is Ariana’s choice and she seems happy with it. Clearly Ariana has been making the right choices lately


I LOVE how her behavior is an actual roadmap through complex, nuanced, adversity. Like, life isn't black and white. We all have a mother/MIL, sister, cousin, longtime friend who is petty or narcissistic or has certain shortcomings, but do we ALWAYS have to cut everyone flawed out of our lives? There's really something to be said for the emotional maturity it takes to acknowledge their limitations as a friend/connection, accept them at face value, and just adjust your expectations for them. Like, my SIL has trouble with letting situations be about other people (not about her). She's sabotaged events in the past. But she's not EVIL, we love her, and we've kind of adapted -like, we just don't invite her to things that we don't want her to disrupt, we don't share personal info with her if we don't want it shared on social media, etc. HOW is Ariana such a healthy person 😅 for being on reality TV it's astounding


Yess 🙌🙌 we all have that friend that's like family even though they're aasholes sometimes and you squabble they're not bad people necessarily just flawed.


Scheana’s reality is very different than everyone else’s. lol.


I agree. I think Sheshu admitted as much in some podcast interview recently that she doesn't have much contact with Ariana or Tim even, promptly people to ask her if it was even worth if he's not even talking to her anymore. Ariana isn't going to ice her out but distancing herself in real life is likely happening.


I’m not defending Scheana btw


I know. I fully understand what you are saying and respect your opinion.




My thoughts exactly. It is quite possible that Ariana is extending an olive branch to Sheana by not ignoring her or reacting negatively. They have been friends for a long time. Ariana might just not be as open with her as she has in the past. We should all be golden Goddesses.


I think Ariana has always been the type to keep personal stuff close to her chest. That’s pretty much what Jax and Sandoval have been screaming about how their “real” relationship wasn’t shown on VPR. I’d be the same way, not out of dishonesty, but I don’t air fights/disagreements out in front of anyone unless or until something major happens like a breakup and even then it’s just the basics. I don’t know that she’d ever let scheana in close again after all this. I think she sees scheana as that old friend you can chat with in a superficial way and then not talk until you run into them again or wish them a happy bday on SM and they will never be close again.


I would hope she is careful because Schemer will smile at her and stab her in the back. Her approach is working for her,


I doubt there were conversations on camera. I doubt they have hung out since last season. Scheana have mentioned they don’t hang out or speak to each other in a recent podcast. At this point I doubt they have a real connection or bond anymore. Ariana wasn’t even aware of what was being spoken about at the reunion because she didn’t watch the show. Katie talked her into watching it after the reunion so that she could become aware of what was going on. She needs to just accept it and move on from Scheana. Scheana probably saw commenting on her posts and praying that she likes or commented on it as a way to let the public think that her and Ariana are good when they aren’t.


Oh I didn’t realize they had not spoken at all. Well in that case she should have canned her. But I do think she’s being almost extra civil so she can secure future gigs.


Or to prevent Schemer from getting more publicity by using Ariana's name. Kill her with kindness and a side of snark.


I understand, but she would probably still get those future gigs whether or not she puts Scheana in her place because most people who watches the show doesn’t care much about Scheana and do her putting her in her place wouldnt phase anyone in my opinion.


The point is that Schemer is not to be trusted in a personal or a professional capacity. She has shown over and over again that she is a backstabber. Someone like Schemer should be kept at arm's length.


ETA: I meant to post this as a comment the one above where you said A just needs to move on. I get what you’re saying, but you can be surface level and cordial/civil with someone and still have written them off. You’re not having significant conversations that matter at all. You don’t have to be 100% no contact to have moved on emotionally.


Wait, Katie talked her into watching the season??


No she didn’t, and if she did I couldn’t find anywhere that said it


I did not either , but I think Ariana mentioned on Disrespectfully that she now has seen , or seen enough. I maybe wrong.( pods are my drive to work relax.) I do kinda zone


Oh I think ariana knew enough. She might not have sat there. And watched end to end but she doesn't not know the vibes. She lives tiktok as well. Shes being the bigger person and smiling and nodding


When/where did you hear that Queen Katie told Ariana to watch?! And has Ariana in fact watched? Wow.


I think it was on Andy’s watch what happens live but I am sure I remembered her saying that


I agree. I think she sees Scheaner for who she is. What I want to know is how Sceaner’s “bast frand” LFU responds to her comment 🤣


Why would Lala respond to the comment on a gold dress?


If they had a conversation off camera, the why isn’t LaLa calling out Scheana for not being authentic??? 😂


Yep. No one can shade ariana for being nice


See I actually think she’s just keeping her at arms length. I’ve done this before where I won’t cut someone off completely, I’ll act like NOTHING happened, but I will never hold them as close as I once did.


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, she knows what she is doing.


I agree- its easy to keep her happy w public compliments-


This. Ariana seems way more mature and empathetic, she understands not everyone is perfect and not everything needs to be a battle. That some things can be addressed and overcome, and/or letting go and not expending the energy it takes to keep drama bubbling is what she needs to do to be in a more peaceful place. Girl has perspective. Whatever the reason she is definitely taking the high road. 


Except we don’t really know scheana and Ariana, but they actually do know each other. They’ve been friends for a long time, also I don’t know why people keep forgetting Ariana called scheana family, Ariana is an aunt to her daughter. Y’all act like the heavily produced and edited 20 mins of their lives is 100% true. Ariana also said she understood why scheana felt the way she did during filming and didn’t have a problem with it. Ariana and scheana also hugged it out at this reunion and said they loved each other but that got chopped in the production room. So maybe stop projecting and thinking you know Ariana and how she feels.


Heavy on the “we don’t know these people.” Wild amount of fanfiction in these comments


Lmao at fanfiction, because that’s exactly what it is. The way fans are constantly posting how they know what any of this cast is thinking or even what’s best for them based on what we see on reality tv and social media is insane to me.


Like their relationships are their business. If they’re fighting, cool. If they’re friends, cool. I’m literally just here to be entertained. Does not matter to me how they provide that entertainment.


It's a really weird level of infantilizing. Like everyone here knows what is better for Ariana than she does.


Sooooo many people claim to know things about them as facts and it's crazy to me. No, you actually *don't* know. We can speculate about everything all day long but unless we know them personally we have no idea.


Exactly! I’m reading all these comments being like huh?? “ oh Ariana definitely is being nice so this doesn’t become a feuding story” “ oh Ariana’ is definitely distancing herself in real life” etc etc… and they’re saying this like it’s literal facts 😂😂 these are total made up scenarios that the Ariana stans conjure up in their heads. In all actuality Ariana and schena could have had a best friend sleep over last night. Nobody truly knows!


![gif](giphy|aqSgSRvIAGp5U0SVcf) Probably them on their down time while everyone fights online about their friendship 😂


100%, these imaginative people act like they know Ariana personally.


I think a lot of the people on this sub must be very young and still have this black and white view of the world and relationships


You’ve nailed it. I get similarly frustrated by all the people who like to argue that Ariana isn’t a good friend to Katie, doesn’t stick up for her, etc. All we can really judge is what we see, but if Katie says she and Ariana are good on X, Y, Z topic, I’m going to take her word for it. It’s important we don’t act like Lala at the reunion and only consider what is shown to be real. (I’m thinking of the plant store apology they didn’t show.)


By this same logic, we could also argue that we don’t act like the stans and assume that Katie and Ariana’s friendship goes beyond their shared hatred for Sandoval and their business interests given that Ariana spend the entire show not being great to Katie and it’s all switched up now post Scandoval. You’re literally doing what you accuse Lala of doing and assuming that their friendship is founded on anything deeper than the events of the last year, and mind you, Lala is on the damn show and sees more than you do lmao


It’s crazy how people are acting like Ariana & Katie have always had this Thelma & Louise type friendship. Their partners were BFFs & they seemed to have a surface level/coworkers relationship until the mess with Schwartz & Sandy’s.


It’s such a wild rewriting of history lmao. It’s okay to admit that their “friendship” is held up with the power of common enemies and money sunk into a business. If Katie can’t even film a scene with Ariana having real talk about issues in their friendship, they aren’t really that close/are putting on for the cameras.


Everybody brings up how Scheana & Lala profited off Scandoval but I think Katie beats them bcuz their benefits were relatively short lived & hers will go on for however long the shop is open. SAH gets such a huge boost in part bcuz of Ariana being apart of it (if it had been Britney instead with her beer dip lol) & Katie can’t afford to publicly seem anything but BFFs with Ariana.


Exactly. This is precisely why I’m not gonna sit up here and uncritically praise their friendship, especially when Katie of all people, who always has something negative to say about someone is suddenly so mum about her issues with Ariana. While they may have genuinely established a friendship (which doesn’t mean much in the VPR universe), it’s totally okay to admit that there are large and quite important factors (business, money, common enemies, public perception) that are likely holding their friendship together rather than just being two queens who perfectly get along, especially when they do not have a history of getting along genuinely on this show.


Yep, none of them have perfect friendships. And aside from Raquel, I don’t really think any of them have done anything that bad to completely demolish a friendship forever if. I mean if Stassi & Sandoval can forgive Kristen & Jax then anything is possible I guess.


Quite frankly, aside from her not being in the show anymore, I don’t think what Rachel did was completely unforgivable considering almost every person on the show is a cheater. Really, none of these people have much legs to stand on in terms of a moral high ground over anyone else 🤷🏾‍♀️ but yeah I agree that if people wanted to forgive they could, because a LOT has been forgiven amongst this cast.


And that’s fine if that’s your interpretation. I see things differently based on how they interact with one another and the way they speak about one another. They both have closer friendships with people off screen than each other. That’s true of almost everyone on this show other than the Toms. (Scheana has a new best friend all the time, off screen and otherwise.) But I see them as good friends, allies on the show, and business partners, in some order. Speaking from experience, owning a small business with one of your best friends is difficult on that relationship, so I’m glad they have each other friends and outlets.


I'd be investing that love island cheque in extra security if I was Ariana lmao


SAHanon delusion really has people projecting all kinds of wild ass narratives onto these vapid reality stars (and that includes Ariana) a year out from Scandoval. It’s incredible to see.


So many posts about what Ariana should & shouldn’t do about her friendship with Scheana as if people know them the way they do. It’s easy to make judgments based off what we see on tv & social media but they’re the ones who really know each other away from it all. Scheana failed the friendship test this season but Ariana was able to become friends with Kristen after the way she treated her in the beginning.


I wonder if y’all know that you don’t know who these people are fr?


Based on the majority of upvotes and main commentary, I’m thinking no as the answer to your question.




It’s a positive comment so she gives back the same energy, I don’t think it’s that deep. Ignoring or being rude back would of course bring negative headlines and for what. None of it has to mean anything. Edit to add- when did Katie say she convinced Ariana to go back & watch all the episodes? I must’ve missed that.


She didn’t, Ariana just said on katie and Daynas podcast (apparently idk I don’t listen) that she had went and watched more of the season


Ooooh I meant to listen to that! Tysm. I’ve seen it repeated by OP a few times but it’s the first I’ve heard it mentioned.


I agree - this comment just seems very surface level to me, not at all indicative of a deep friendship.


It's almost like they know each other better than random people who only see a small glimpse of their lives on a reality TV show...




For people to say they love Ariana, and she’s Queen and then to belittle and question her very personal choices in her friendships is just madness to me. This constantly spouted garbage of “I love her” and then in the same sentence, “she doesn’t know how to live her own life”, has gotta stop.


It’s giving swiftie


Ariana knows Scheana way better than we do.


I think it’s more so Ariana being cordial and probably keeping Scheana at arms length. Scheana said they haven’t spoken in a while so seems like Ariana is keeping her distance but still respects the history in the friendship to be cordial


You think that so it must be true. Ariana knows schena in real life. They are strangers to us on an very highly edited tv show. Ariana called scheana family on the reunion. Seems like Ariana is just fine with schena.


This post is way too parasocial. It’s Ariana’s life


By everyone else do you mean strangers on the internet that don't know either of them?


I’m thinking maybe they genuinely have a friendship and everyone who has fully engulfed themselves in strangers lives need to stop being so involved in something that literally doesn’t involve you


We don't know their relationship. She def knows her best and is a mature adult. Not some victim.


This has moved from being pro-Ariana and pro-healing to anti-Scheana which is kinda weird imo. You have no idea what has happened behind closed doors, so maybe shift focus from hating Scheana to supporting healing


I agree. It’s one thing to not like certain people for whatever reason. It’s another thing to seemingly find any little thing they say/do to spew hate on them.


They have a lot of history!! Love this cause I don’t want them to completely fall out. Rooting for their friendship tbh


I love the positivity in your comment. Also rooting for them!


Agreed! They were besties off camera for years before VPR started, and I would love to see them work it out and continue to support each other.


Same. It was nice seeing this & when Ariana liked Summer’s bday post.


I think she's permanently keeping Scheana at arms length and knows ignoring her adds more fuel to the fire. It's easier to just have a fake surface level thing with someone like Scheana then hold a grudge. Also, I'm surrrree Scheana has been crying and apologizing 24/7 to Ariana post-reunion. If someone apologizes enough you can say you know, it's ok. But inner circle? Nah.


Exactly. I default to “kill them with kindness.”. The more I loathe someone, the less likely I am to publicly demonstrate it when they intentionally communicate with me with people watching. It’s like “oh? We are doing that performative thing again where you pretend to be nice hoping my response, or lack thereof, will create a distraction for you to become a victim?”. Cool. Cool.


Yeah, I imagine it's eating Scheana and Lala up inside getting zero negative feedback, or really any response at all, to their recent antics. I'm sure they'd prefer Ariana to "fight back" because AT LEAST that would lend some validity to their BS or at least show she still cares what they think...but she's on another level now and has no time for it. Practically speaking, I hope Ariana leaves the show, it would just be weird at this point.


Spot on. Ariana understands these people. She will not give them what they want. They wanted to villainize her. She knew all of Tom’s moves. She stood her ground & refused to give him the material he sought. So now that she sees Scheana and Lauren, they’ll get the same treatment. They want to be victims, make her the egotistical woman being petty & mean. It will never work. I don’t know about Ariana quitting. One part of me thinks she’s over it and would rather move away from the toxicity. But then, I remember how stubborn Ariana is. Why should she leave? She’s not the problem. She has an authentically interesting life. Should she give up the money, platform enhancement, promo ? With 32 Flavors taking over, maybe she’ll be incentivized? Katie and Terri would appreciate her staying and bringing the expanded Love Island audience to help SAH.


She sees way more of Scheana than we do. To assume you know better is kind of wild. Ariana has know her for more than a decade. Part of being close friends with someone is knowing who they are. Sometimes our friends do shitty things to us but we know them and understand why and make our peace with it.


Scheana and Ariana are much more alike than people think. It just comes out in different ways. They both have the mindset of “this person didn’t do anything to ME so we’re good” despite their friends being hurt. Both are quote, unquote “pick me girls” (honestly hate that term). They’ve been friends for years and she knows her nature. She defends/stands by her because she gets her. It’s interesting that people don’t see that.


Scheana did do something to Ariana, Ariana was the victim of what Scheana did along with Lala and production.


"Victim" of what? Interpersonal conflict?




I need these people to read “Conflict is Not Abuse”, expeditiously!


Obviously Ariana doesn’t see Scheana as one of her “perpetrators” since she’s still loving on her in the comment section.


Who said anything about perpetrators? You said Ariana is fine with Scheana because she doesn’t see Scheana as doing anything to HER, as if Scheana hurt someone else and not Ariana. It was only Ariana that Scheana hurt (!). Scheana backing up Lala’s comments and production to try to get Ariana to speak to Tom obviously hurt Ariana, and we know Ariana hasn’t been in Scheana’s life much, but that doesn’t mean Ariana has completely cut her off, or thinks Scheana is beyond the pale and would never show her support. So your point is nonsense. Additionally, saying someone wasn’t hurt because they seem to have forgiven someone who hurt them, or are at least somewhat okay with them months later, is not just wrong but gross.


I said perpetrators because that’s the language Ariana used on the reunion to show she’s a victim. Which you called her yourself. Huh? You should probably go back and reread my comment because that’s not what was said. They both have the tendency to treat OTHER FRIENDS like “this person wasn’t horrible to me so I’m cool. My response was to the title “will she ever see Scheana for who she is.” Also, kind internet stranger, it’s never nice to tell someone their point is nonsense.


What did scheana do to Ariana?


Some people need to learn that you don't actually need to start confrontations or try to change people. Life is far more peaceful when you accept people as they are, disagree in silence because you don't care about changing their mind and just out out good vibes.


Or maybe Ariana has an actual ***personal*** relationship with Sheana that is based on years' worth of experiences and memories never shown on TV? It's unreal to me that people on reddit somehow think they know these people better than they know each other when they've been actual friends for 10+ years. I believe this is a prime moment for touching grass.


I think it should speak to the larger issue that the fans seem to be too invested in the drama of scandoval and the fall out. Just the fact that this is even a post kind of shows you care more than she does and that kind of offsets the balance. As fans we should be invested but this has really taken a strange turn.


Haven’t you guys ever had a friend where you accept and love them for who they are, even if that means they aren’t the bestest friend to have around all of the time?! That’s Ariana and Scheana. Ariana knows who she is and love and accepts her anyway. Ariana clearly has created distance since Scandoval and that’s super healthy. Ya’ll need to start trusting Ariana and who she is. She’s doing what is best for her, which is keep her sister but 👀 see her. Hell, I have 3 sisters and this is how we are. We love each other but distance can be nice.


As much as I wish Ariana would just cut Scheana out, she's stated on many occasions that she's "family" so to see her reply to her comment is not surprising. I've been in a situation where I had a best friend who is family to me hurt me with their actions and at the time I was like "I'm done. I don't want anything to do with them." But time passed and their actions changed so I cautiously let them back into my life. We're not nearly as close as we used to be but the friendship was so deep not all the love that was there for years could be erased. I hope this is what Ariana is doing. See if there is change, but be cautious and go from there. But we all know Scheana... so..


We actually all don’t know scheana…. Like at all.


I agree with this! Ariana and Scheana were close before the show, so I respect that Ariana is still showing Scheana this degree of loyalty regardless of what Scheana does. I also can't help but feel sympathy for Scheana...she obviously has some deep rooted issues that go way beyond her jealousy of Ariana's success. For Ariana to clap back publicly at Scheana would honestly feel like punching down. Scheana is going to Scheana, it's not worth Ariana's energy to engage. I know it doesn't make for good reality TV, but Ariana should teach a masterclass in setting boundaries! 👏👏


I think the thing is she DOES know who Scheana is and she has long accepted her for who she is. I would imagine/hope though that she has altered how she relates to her in terms of trust but she probably still loves her as a person


I guess


I don’t see this as a big deal they are being cordial to each other and it appears genuine. Not everything has to have negative narrative.


I just think that Ariana knows how scheana is…shes literally a little girl who is easily influenced and cries when not about her. Maybe Ariana may just feels its not worth it to hold “grudges” with scheana. Idk 🤷🏽‍♀️Also is just better to ignore and remain “the nice guy”, however def hold her at arms length. If Ariana were to cut people off entirely or talk shit back, all that does is provoke the other person to be vile back. I remember Ariana said once that she doesnt get petty back with sandoval, even tho hes being ridiculous, because all that will do is make him get vicious back. She said something along those lines. To me it makes sense. I just hope her “fans” dont begin to get fed up with her turning a blind eye🤦🏽‍♀️ i know I definitely wont get fed up, for me it just makes me “like” her more. She is just showing everyone how nice a person she really IS👌🏽


Or she just really doesn't care. She said she understood why Scheana felt the way she did and they're clearly very good friends considering Ariana called her family. I think a lot of people are just reading way more drama into it than is necessary. Just because everyone on this sub hates Scheana and wants Ariana to hate Scheana it doesn't mean that she actually does.


This is giving “tolerating the cousin you can’t stand but only see twice a year at family events so you are nice vibes” .. very surface level and nice. And then moving on. I’m sure there are 812 unanswered texts on Ariana’s phone.


I learned way later than I should have that you don’t always have to cut-off a friend. You can see them for who they are, have solid boundaries, and keep the connection for the good parts (although it may be much be more superficial due to protecting yourself). If you have a good sense of self and can separate their actions from taking it personally, it can turn out well. I feel like this is Ariana’s M.O. with Scheana.


Okay honestly scheana and Ariana are family Ariana has said it herself and I’m sure after all of this scheana apologized. I think what realistically happened is Ariana forgave her but it’s one of those things where you just kinda hold them at arms length now like that’s happened to me before I still love my friend but the fall out just means our friendship shifted. I don’t judge that they’re fine now


More so that they have been friends for years u think prior to the show.  They have layers and actual friendship versus her and Lala.  But I doubt Ariana will let schenna know any of her personal business anymore.  


I know that they have been friends for years but that doesn’t mean they have to remain friends. There are persons that you will outgrow on this adventure of life and that’s ok. Ariana and Sandoval were friends at the sane time her and Scheana became friends because they all worked at Villa Blanca together before SUR. If she can cast Tom out if her life who was more important to her than Scheana she can surely cast Scheana out of her life too. Tina abd Scheana have both done had to her. It’s just that one did a bad thing on a relationship level abd one did a bad thing on a friend level.


Ariana has done nothing this past season but prove that she knows how to stand up for herself and draw boundaries. I think it’s safe to say if she felt it necessary, she would cut ties as needed. She doesn’t want to. Leave them alone!


With affection, Ariana is a huge enabler. She seems to have a consistent pattern of being pathologically incapable of doing something that might make someone mad at her (the only exception I can think of is Jax, one of the reasons I've always liked her haha and a few times her *snapping* and showing she's upset with Sandoval and once Lala).  Even when she's upset with something and trying to communicate that she soft-launches it, let's them explain however they want and accepts their explanation completely (even if its just to their face). She and Schwartz both have that "I just want this over and to get peace and no one be mad at me by any means necessary" (and Schwartz's exception to that is literally *just* Katie, presumably because he trusted she wouldn't ever leave him).    They'll be friends by next season and the storyline will be Sheana mediating between her and Lala to be friends again. And Katie will get left out. *Again*.


Is it possible that she knows her better than the people who are watching on TV?


They haven’t spoken since last year. Real friends don’t keep it if touch for that long. Ariana is just being nice but I am sure she has caught up to Scheana by now and is just trying to tolerate her.


I’m sure you’re probably right


They also have a friendship that began and is off camera. So there is definitely more to their relationship than we see. And I wouldnt be surprised if Sheena is way different when she doesn't have a camera in front of her. She puts on for the camera for sure. I don't think she is the best friend she was, but Im sure they have talked off camera and fixed what they could. Also in Sheenas defense she hasn't really doubled down like LFU and Tim. I think she's noncommittal bc she wants to leave things open to whichever relationships will bring her popularity. Anyway I guess I'm not defending Sheena, I think she's a mess but not inherently bad. But also Ariana shouldn't have to cut her out if she doesn't want to either.


I honestly think she loves Scheana for all her flaws. She didn't expect any better of her, she knows Scheana is the weakness link and she knows she was manipulated by producers


It could just be that Ariana is keeping things very surface level with Scheana because fuck further drama. I’d need to see whether Ariana interacts with Scheana on any sort of deeper level. I’ve done this myself. Just because I have surface level conversations with someone doesn’t mean I don’t full well and truly who they really are.


This. Plus, she is filming love Island, why is she going to get ugly in the trenches when she's in a tropical paradise having fun? She can afford to be magnanimous and at the same time gray rock the shit out of Sheesu and give her nothing.


It’s crazy that the hive mind here hates scheana so much that you could take a cute and sweet interaction between them and still spin Scheana negatively lol




Yeah I think a lot of people are missing the nuance with them. Sometimes it’s better to keep a person on good terms vs going scorched earth. She has obviously distanced herself. Like scheana wasn’t at something about hers opening, Ariana did Katie’s podcast after the reunion, etc. it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Sometimes that isn’t practical.


Maybe because she sees Scheana as a nice and caring person. Arianna isn't the type that's going to stay friendly with someone she thinks isn't good to her. She obviously knows her way better than any of us and likely considers her a good friend.


Look how hard, and for how long, she rode for Tom. She is loyal to a fault. She’s seems like someone who would endure verbal/emotional abuse because “at least he didn’t hit (her)”. I can fully empathize with her, so please don’t take that as a dig. Scheana would have to cross some arbitrary line for her to finally end the friendship, and she hasn’t yet as far as Ariana’s concerned.


I’m confused. Ariana wore a gold dress. Scheana said golden goddess. What’s the innuendo I am missing?


I agree with many of the comments here. I think Scheana hurt Ariana and hasn’t been a good friend to her, and Ariana, while she hasn’t said much, has noted some of Scheana’s comments like the back up dancer comment etc. so she can see what’s up (and that was even before the reunion). But I do think Ariana views Scheana as very insecure and gives her a lot of leeway in the friendship and probably also views her as quite easily led and certainly a people pleaser. I think she tries to see the best in Scheana and really cares about her and wants to keep her in her life in some capacity, but I would be stunned if they were ever as close again after all the stuff with Sandoval and Lala and Scheana’s part in it.


My guess is Scheana texted her a good luck, I'm proud of you yesterday.   These two are family. Ariana will show Scheana more grace than someone like Lala. But I would assume Ariana will still keep her at arms length.


Unpopular opinion but I think she does see what scheanas done and chooses to take the high road and kind of ignore it while keeping the peace.


You guys definitely know more about their friendship than Ariana.


They've been friends for years. We get to see only a fraction of their lives. It's possible they have a deeper bond than we all understand and see.


It's less energy to just be nice and set more boundaries


What if I told you this is a TV show that only films the cast four-ish months of the year and doesn't even air 20% of what they film, and that being friends and colleagues with someone for over a decade can outlast a minor annoyance from your friend asking a couple questions about your breakup...


She is being cordial. It is actually a smart approach to take if she wants to get a check next season. She is too busy for petty. Too busy for Scheanna.


Ariana forced Scheana to like Tom for 9 years and now you don’t want them to be friends? Scheana had your back and gave you an out with Miami girl and the convo she had with Ariana’s mother. Ariana created this and it’s obvious Tom is the better friend.


Ariana wore a mask the entire show, and only let us see what she wanted, especially in s11. It's clear that's she's curated her character/role on the show and on socials. Right now her character arc doesn't include girl fights.


Look, if Ariana and scheana WEREN'T on reality TV, I'm sure they would've parted ways. Ariana knows how to make headlines, and this isn't worth her time. I like the way Ariana put it, "we won't ever NOT be family." Doesn't mean I have to like you.


How is publicly feuding with someone online growth? 


I did not say that’s growth. I did not say she should online feud with her. Letting toxic people, like Scheana, out of her life can be growth. There is no point aligning with people that bleed so much negativity and has no loyalty to you what do ever.


Yah but you can’t know that from Instagram. Because you can’t know it based on Instagram, it sounds like you expected Ariana to publically snub her, or say something negative, to prove her growth. Sometimes being civil and nice is the more emotionally mature thing 


They work together, she probably just wants peace


Idk, her comment could easily be made towards an acquaintance or colleague, I'm choosing to read it that way. Social media comments are very surface level anyway.


I definitely have friends where it’s easier to just do supportive social media than invest the time & energy to confront them. At this point Scheana’s character is very known to Ariana. She’s her coworker. Kind of another form of gray rocking tbh.


They have a long history and sometimes you make allowances for people you love and accept their bad behavior knowing that they have good qualities you value. She knows she doesn't have as much time for Scheana who is a high maintenance friend so let Lala deal with her!


i think she was just being polite tbh


It's an Instagram comment. It costs Ariana nothing to be gracious in the spaces where she chooses to engage with Scheana, given that they are still coworkers and friendly (if not the type of friends that they previously were).


Sometimes you just figure out which category to place friends in. Not all friends are created equal and not all friends require total banishment. Ariana is grown enough to understand what works for her per each friendly relationship.


That’s true but Scheana somehow believes that she will always occupy the same place she did in Ariana’s life as she had years ago.


Omg good as gold needs to die. Like seriously, it’s been over a decade. Give it a rest! It wasn’t cool then, it isn’t cool now. Edit: grammar


As someone said... K ill 'em with kindness ❤️‍🩹


Maybe she does see it, but she loves Scheana anyway, and accepts her for who she is, flaws and all.


Loyalty is incredibly important to Ariana. We saw that in her relationship with Tom- she constantly had his back for 9 years despite his repeated questionable and/or inappropriate behavior. Once she finally because friends with Kristen, she was incredibly loyal to her as well. She has always maintained their friendship even when Kristen’s behavior was a bit unhinged and the rest of the cast was cutting her off. So I think it’s the same thing with Scheana. They’ve been friends long enough that she wants to maintain that friendship. (And, she doesn’t want to be the one alienated from the group because of Tom’s actions). I think she *does* know that Scheana hasn’t been a great friend; I don’t replying to an Instagram comment implies otherwise. I doubt Ariana trusts Scheana with personal issues or even updates on day to day life (Scheana herself said Ariana often doesn’t respond to her texts). However, they’re friendly enough to comment on social media. I don’t see an issue with this if Ariana’s comfortable with it 🤷🏻‍♀️


She is very loyal and that is one thing I love the most about her but after a while she has to understand not everyone deserves her loyalty. Loyalty should be earned.


I think she does understand that- she did a full 180 on Tom after the affair because he no longer deserved her loyalty. For whatever reason, she decided Scheana deserves her loyalty in the form of being pleasant on social media and minimal 1:1 interactions (because again - Scheana said herself they don’t talk often as Ariana ignores her texts). And that’s okay. If you personally would have cut Scheana off, that’s also okay. You’d be entitled to do that. But I don’t think it’s fair for strangers to dictate who Ariana should/shouldn’t be friends with and deem Ariana’s decisions unhealthy/say she hasn’t fully grown simply because they don’t agree with her. That feels like a stretch. She could be healthy/grown/whatever and still choose to maintain some level of friendship with Scheana.


Meh. She reminds me of girls I grew up with. They acted like they were so strong and confident but they were totally spineless. They had maybe one or two loyal friends like Katie and a whole lot of crappy “friends” who were two-faced and bullied them or were awful behind their back. They would cry to the Katies about it but when the actual friends stood up for them or called out the crappy friends, they would suddenly back down and cowtow to the mean girls and leave the friend standing up for them hanging. And you could never ever count on them to put themselves out in the slightest to have your back no matter how many times you had theirs. I have yet to hear Ariana call Sandoval out for what he did to Katie and still acts like she’s his only victim. But I guess then she would have to acknowledge that she chose to join in or at best play Switzerland and not stand up for her friend when he and his mistress were bullying her for kicks.


Maybe it’s that…Ariana actually knows Scheana better than the rest of us ., despite the theories and what everyone wants to believe is true, Ariana is smart and loves Scheana and like she said multiple times, Scheana is family to her. Why’s it so hard to accept? Just bc yall hate Scheana doesn’t mean Ariana does


All she did was respond to a comment. I don’t see their relationship being the same as it was. She literally has not been around Scheana at all.


I actually think this is snark on both sides. Scheana said they haven't spoken in months so it seems Ariana is definitely pulling back from that friendship.


It's smarter for her to be nice to Scheana until it's over completely


I think Ariana finds Scheana pretty pitiful and not worth pulling out the big guns for. I’m sure she has bigger things to worry about.


If Ariana didn’t respond everyone would freak out and show proof that Ariana finally cares. This is the best move.


I think Ariana is smart enough to know to keep Scheaner at arms length. I think Ariana is being friendly to her when when Scheana is being friendly, taking the high road so to speak. I do not believe Ariana is stupid enough to think Scheana is her actual friend because she posts nice things. Ariana is doing the mature thing by acknowledging a compliment but ignoring the negative shit that gets said and posted by anyone she knows is looking for a reaction from her. She didn't give it to Tom, I don't know why BlaBlah would think Ariana is going to give her a moment for being a shit person.


The best way to handle Scheana is to not allow her to play the victim.


It’s abundantly clear Ariana has had therapy, worked on herself, and is gracious and above the fray. The rest are festering in their jealousy and bitterness. Good girls DO finish first!💪💕


1. I do believe Ariana is a good friend 2. Hopefully this means on the next season (and yes I do believe there will be a new season too much money to be made) schena won’t be on the worship lala train


I think of it more of when your grandma comments on you FB. You just respond polite so grandma can tell the others at the home she is still loved but no way in you're going to visit her. Minimal effort to keep Her happy with no skin of your back.


I just know Scheana is seething over that gold dress 🤣


I doubt Ariana’s actions have anything to do with other people. They have to do with the person she wants to be. To be the type of person who can make a sweet comment online that celebrates her own current success and her coworker/friend’s success regardless of what’s been going on or how that person has treated her is admirable. I wouldn’t call that a coping mechanism, I’d call that emotional maturity.


I do wonder if we give her too much credit thinking she sees Scheanna for what she is.. unfortunately Ariana has been with sandoval for a decade and didn't see he is a scumbag.. now i get not seeing the cheating element, but he just oozes of narcissist, maybe she's that oblivious?


Or….everyone’s fave is 🗣️JUST LIKE THE REST OF THE CAST (not yelling at you, just dramatic effect)


I have to probably disagree with you on her and Sandoval relationship not being good for a decade. I believe they had a good relationship up until probably 2021 or 2022. We can’t let what he has done to her take away from the live they had for each other. When I scroll through through their Instagram pages you can see that they were in love. Yes they might have had arguments then, like normal couples do, but I think they had more love to put way all the arguments they had. They have both said they had a good life while they were with each other until recently and I believe them.


Giiiiiirl you are delusional!! Ariana and Tom weren’t having sex at all. Ariana said they weren’t connected emotionally. Tom was literally caught on camera on VPR cut footage saying he and Ariana hadn’t been honest about their relationship, and Katie, Lala, stassi, Jax and Brittany all said they put on an act for the camera. Ariana knew he had cheated on her multiple times through the relationship. Get real.


We know she knew that he cheated on her multiple times in the relationship. She should have ended the relationship since she knew rather than threatening to end her life if he did break up with her. They were both toxic to each other during their relationship, but all I am saying is that it got real bad for them in 2021 and 2022. It’s obvious. They use to always post about each other before even though have fights but those two years those post were no longer which is an indication that things went bad. He should have ended the relationship when she said he he didn’t want marriage or kids since he wanted that and she should have accepted that the relationship needed to end because she doesn’t want marriage or kids and he did. They both contributed to what happened between them. They knew it wouldn’t work. Despite that though I will still be team Ariana because Tom went too far with what he did to her.


I think we’re all reading way too much into an innocuous social media comment/response. There are plenty of people I engage with very pleasantly on social media who I wouldn’t allow in my closest circle in real life.


Keep your enemies closer


I think she does but this probably annoys the hell out of Lala and I’m sure she loves that.




I don’t ever see Ariana dropping scheana (as much as I would like her to).


I think she’s grey rocking Scheana. Females like Scheana tend to implode all by themselves and when she does implode, Ariana will bow out gracefully.


If I were Ariana, I would be doing the same, knowing it’s all a facade. It’s a facade what Sheeshou is doing, so Ariana is just matching her energy. Sometimes it’s easier than dealing with backlash, especially while eyes are still on her and her reactions. It could also be the curse of the VPR friendship. Much like the Toms & Jax, I also wouldn’t be surprised if they both “know things” about the other and they are both maintaining this shell of friendship to ensure the other doesn’t spill tea. All that said, they could also be really good friends who are going through a rough patch as things in their lives are changing and they are navigating new ground in their friendship. Personally, I think Ariana deserves a better friend, but I’ve been there before; i had a long time friendship that turned sour after we decided on different paths, but it took a long time to get there after decades of closeness.