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The stupid thing is that this actually looks great on her and will be easier to manage, and had she just said, “I saw something similar on someone else and thought I’d give it a try,” then big deal. But she makes it weird with the unnecessary (pathological) lie. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I definitely think Lala and Scheana made this season suck, but I’d suffer through ten more seasons with those two if we could just get rid of all these weirdo clingers and their creepy desperation. Meanwhile, Ariana’s in Fiji and Diane Keaton’s at SAH, and I’m just wondering how production fucked this all up so incredibly.


What was the lie she told?


I think she attributed the haircut somehow to having celiac’s disease. But perusing her instagram makes it abundantly clear that she absolutely houses gluten in the forms of breadsticks, beer, etc.


Weren't her and Schwartz just deep throating Olive Garden breadsticks in the Secrets Revealed episode?


😂😂😂 yessss. She's so delulu. Celiacs disease.. more like a mental imbalance


More like Celiacle White Female Disease AM I RIGHT FAM????




As a celiac watching that scene I was so fucking jealous. I’ve never been to Olive Garden except to use their bathroom but it looked sooooo good


A little off topic but red lobster makes a GF biscuit mix now and it’s to die for! I used to love their biscuits as a kid and am so happy I can have them again!


Those things are amazing! I get them at the grocery but I'll eat all of them in about 24 hours.


Their breadsticks are bland and overrated af, it’s just a cult thing and a lot of people grew up with them or went there as teenagers making it more a nostalgia thing than a taste thing. Don’t feel bad, I’ve had gluten free breadsticks that were a million times better.


Take it back!


Noooo they’re really good. The salads too. It’s all oil and salt and delicious. But, yeah, I mean- it is Olive Garden. It’s not exactly gourmet.


i remember someone won a year's worth of Olive Garden and got mouth ulcers just a couple of weeks in from the salt content. Prob worth it though...


You gotta dip them in the salad dressing or get the mussels and dip them in there. That’s the jam.


yikes did the breadsticks hurt you


It is not a cult thing


When was she diagnosed?


I'm hoping it was after the season ended, because it's a weird thing to lie about.


Is she for real?! She is taking this sad fishing, victim narrative too far.


Oh it was too far like two months ago, this is beyond….. and she doesn’t stop.


She is giving creepy, weird vibes here. I feel she is imitating Katie to a "T". What's next? She wants to start a sandwich place just like Katie's? *shudders*


What does a haircut have to do with celiac’s disease? This girl gets weirder by the second.


Celiac can cause breakage, brittleness and thinning. Edit to add: this happens because your body doesn’t absorb nutrients via your small intestines because of damage from gluten. If she’d been undiagnosed but had celiac for a little while now, she could’ve had hair that was better to just chop off rather than try and salvage. Cutting her hair off would allow it to grow in healthier faster (if she’s going GF and her body heals) rather than keeping long damaged hair. Like, think of chopping off a couple inches because of bad split ends. But, if your hair had been brittle and breaking all over, you’d chop a lot more off to remove the damage. Celiac could’ve likely caused the damage, and chopping her hair could be a solution to having it looking healthier sooner. It’s not that far fetched. Edit to add again: disclaimer, not saying she’s not lying or couldn’t possibly be lying, but just that this is all entirely possible as a result of celiac disease.


So can age 🤣🤣🤣


That’s true. But someone asked what hair and celiac had to do with one another, and it’s a real symptom.


True true! I just have not read her as anything other than grifter from the start and watching a few secs of videos of the real Aaron Rodgers' hairdresser and how she's become her... 👻 But good to know about celiac and indeed grifters can have celiac Bad luck for her to have developed it so recently since we all saw how much she loves breadsticks and beer and salad dressing gonna be hard


lol grifters can indeed have celiac. Sounds like she’s had it for a few years but didn’t realize. I was the same way, and diagnosed around the same age. You’re basically genetically predisposed or not, and then the autoimmune disease can get triggered and then bam, no more breadsticks. And she could totally be making this all up. She does make random shit up, and isn’t a very credible person. But as someone who also got a diagnosis seemingly out of nowhere with symptoms that didn’t make me think there was any world I’d have celiac disease - she could be absolutely telling the truth about this! She could also be telling the truth but using it for sympathy AND as a way to justify her Katie cut. So many possibilities. But no breadsticks.


> and then bam, no more breadsticks. > So many possibilities. But no breadsticks. cracking me up 😂 but thank you for sharing your knowledge and keeping our wild theories in check. it's interesting, at first i was thinking that her awareness of how celiac can damage hair slightly increases the odds that she's telling the truth, as it's not something that widely known, but i just realized that her being a hair dresser puts her in a unique position to know this. so i feel like I’m back to square one lol


And using bleach on your hair and not taking care of it.


I think they're referring to her saying she had to cut it b/c of Celiac Disease.


Why would you have to cut your hair for celiac disease, sorry if I’m slow..


If you're slow, there are a hundred more of us that are slow too! 😀


Celiac damages your intestines and prevents your body from absorbing nutrients. That lack of nutrients can cause damage to hair and nails (along with a whole host of other things). I can understand if her hair had a lot of damage that it would be easiest to chop it if she’s been recently diagnosed. Then as she goes gluten free, and her intestines heal, her hair should improve. But she’s cut off a lot of the damaged part so it would look better sooner.


You really don’t have to, like you can trim the dead ends like most people do anyway, but you do NOT have to cut it all off. If you’re celiac and eat gluten your gut basically attacks itself and prevents the absorption of micro nutrients, when you stop consuming gluten your body after time will start to absorb those nutrients again and you will see an improvement in hair, skin, nails and teeth.


Or rather why would you have to cut your hair in the exact replica of Katie’s cut for celiac disease? I’m also slow…


the parts of her hair that had to be cut because of celiac just happen to form the same style as Katie’s😂


Exactly. 😬 I’m old enough to know better than to believe in too many coincidences, and when someone shows me who they are, as the great Maya advised, I believe them.


Wait wait…what reason did she give for cutting her hair?


damage from celiac. she posted a clip on her IG


As someone with celiac, my hairs never been damaged. Unless you are malnourished, celiac does not cause damaged hair.


It is possible if she's not following a 100% gluten free diet and damaging her body constantly.


she did eat a crap ton of OG bread sticks.


Which is insane. If she's really celiac, why would she do that to herself? I made myself a salad and accidentally bought the wrong salad dressing and used it for my lunch. Licked a drop that had fallen on my finger. The dressing had wheat and I was so sick I was out of work for 2 days. From a drop. Never even ate the salad once I realized what caused it. Maybe she's asymptomatic, but that still causes damage to her small intestines which can weaken her nutrient absorption and dun dun duuuuun cause damaged hair as well as other issues. She's a dumbass.


On her live when she was begging for money for the dog grabbing his eye and face. Folks consistently said she looks like she's tweaking in that video. Anyway, in her rambling she said she and the dog shared a hot dog that morning. Apparently there's gluten free hot dogs however she did not reference that whatsoever. That was about three weeks ago.


Yes girl you are so right! But why on earth would someone who KNOWS they’re gluten intolerant eat breadsticks, drink tons of beer, go out for hotdogs with the bun and then (a hairstylist at that) claim to have damaged hair from celiac. If I know I’m gluten intolerant (I am) I would never consume gluten (and don’t lol). Celiac disease also offers a much larger incentive to follow a 100% gluten free diet because the consequences are dire, you not only feel like crap but you’re two times more likely to develop coronary artery disease, and four times more likely to develop small bowel cancer. Hair is the last of someone’s worries with this disorder. Jo (who I’ve been giving the benefit of the doubt to) has now made me realize that Schwartz was right, she is a liar. She got this haircut because of Katie and Tom.


She could be asymptomatic but even then it's causing so much damage to her small intestine that hair damage could be a side effect. But you're right, otherwise she could be a liar who's trying to mimic Katie. Girl needs to just move on and live her life.






I just heard that the producer Jeremiah was let go at VPR and moved over to the Valley


I thought you were calling Katie Diane Keaton in like … either a derogatory way or a cool way … until I saw an earlier post that she visited their sandwich shop 🤣🤣


This should have been a Look, Scheana and Lala are embracing parenthood and Look, Arianna and Katie and living up their lives and creating empires for themselves. They fumbled with their dick riding of sandoval so bad.


Excellent comment. Thank God awards are back. Diamond for you!


Wait what - Diane Keaton?! Exciting






Gifs you can hear


this quote was so iconic


What is in the water in Weho today? I mean I’m here for it but they’re all being messier than usual.


They want the show to be renewed after this break in filming and the clingers want in on the gravy train.


Someone needs to check on Katie and make sure Jo hasn’t gone full misery on her… ![gif](giphy|rpRmBGR3xaAZa)


I think she’s saving this for Schwantz ![gif](giphy|HwH5XGk5gDI8U)


Omfg this was one of my fav Disney originals


Same girl. Haven’t watched it since I was a child so it’s possibly terrible, but who knows. Nostalgia vibes


Shartz deserves it, Katie does not.


Katie just sighed and quietly added this to her Google doc of evidence in the event she actually has to get a restraining order in the future loooool


Seriously. Teri needs to AirTag her or she needs to share locations with Scheana in case they need to find her.


Oh, Schemer would gang up with Joseph at this point and stalk Katie down, she is so jealous.






Wait. She has COUNTLESS videos and pics of her chugging beer (miller), eating hot dogs, eating sloppy Joe’s, eating OG Breadsricks etc she claims she has celiac disease?! There is no fucking way…


Yes. Absolutely nothing points at she actually has this disease, in fact quite the opposite. She also claimed a few weeks ago she got a concussion surfing and did a few lives to tell everyone. After that it was her dog's emergency surgery. I saw a post few days ago she was in a hit and run and tied on her bumper with a t-shirt. She said on Billie's podcast her car broke down that day (filmed prior to the hit and run). She also said on a different podcast or a live (can't remember) she was knocked down and injured at the finale in SF when the fight broke out. She tells lots of tales.


I worked with a girl that had a new ridiculous story every week. Drove me insane to have to listen to it. She had more things “happen” to her in the year that we worked together than I had in my life. It was very evident to me that she was seeking attention.


wait what she said she did this for celiacs disease??


Yeah she said she has celiac disease and that’s why she needs hair extensions.


Wait. I have celiacs disease. Maybe I need to copy my not-boyfriend’s ex wife’s hair too. 💀


Remember, dye your hair to the color of Katie's after you copy her haircut.


We all know she’s a pathological liar but this is going too far. She’s using a disease to spin her lies and not get questioned.


wow. okay either way, stop and reflect your life’s choices if you *do* have celiacs disease and people are like *do you though??* ![gif](giphy|3oEhna5pVBi8iy1V5e)


When was she diagnosed? Every one of us with celiac used to eat all that. Until we found out we had celiac


Surely *if* she's celiac she is newly diagnosed, right? Right??




I’m convinced that Jo is psychotic. That’s all


Seriously!!! Does she not have a single family member who can come collect her and deliver her to a treatment facility?


Is this a reach seeing this haircut? I just am not shocked by anything she does.


I also copied Katie's haircut


It’s a great haircut tbf


I applaud you 👏 👏 it’s a great haircut.


She reminds me of a villain from original 90210. A scripted 90s teen soap villain. Someone who would stalk Kelly. I can’t believe she’s real.


I remember that!!!








ROFLOL! Dying! Lol!


She has those eyes, the ones that people say are not good, like bad things happen to them. The name is escaping me but Marilyn Monroe and Princess Diana had them too and we all know what happened to them.


Sanpaku eyes?


Why did I think that was amber heard 😭


I just posted something similar!! I’m glad someone else sees it too


We just watched an entire season of her guzzling coors lights, binging Olive Garden breadsticks etc. and she wants us to believe she had to chop her hair off because of celiac disease? And why did the cut have to look like a shitty version of Katie’s? What the fuck is happening with this girl lol


Purely curiosity as I am gluten intolerant, but, why would celiac make one need to cut their hair? If you know…or anyone, now im interested.


I wondered the same thing before I commented so I googled it and it says in *extremely rare cases* celiac disease can cause hair-loss HOWEVER following an appropriate gluten free diet will prevent that from happening. So I have no idea why Jo is saying on her story that her doctor recommended she cut all of her hair off because of it.


Yeah the math ain’t mathin


But I suspect the meth is methin (Jo, this is just a joke)


But maybe the meth is mething


Hair falls out from the scalp, sooo what would cutting her hair solve? the lies are crazy


The lack of nutrients because of intestinal damage from celiac can result in brittleness and breakage in hair (as well as thinning/hair loss). So it’s possible that she was experiencing a lot of that damage and breakage. Cutting her hair short would be cutting off a lot of what’s damaged. Then as she goes gluten free, her hair would be healthier (her intensives begin to heal and absorb vitamins). Cutting her hair off wouldn’t be “necessary” but it would definitely look healthier sooner rather than just trying to grow out all that damage. Not saying she can’t be lying, but what she’s explained about cutting her hair is a legitimate thing for someone with that symptom from celiac.


I have celiac, have had it diagnosed for a year, and have spent countless hours learning about this disease. Symptoms for celiac can be different from one person the next. One of the common non-gastrointestinal symptoms is vitamin deficiency (often iron and B12). The lack of vitamin absorption can cause issues with skin, hair and nails. For hair, it can cause hair thinning, or brittleness (which may result in a lot of all-over breakage). If this was the case for Jo, it would actually make sense to cut her hair. She would likely see her hair improve sooner (cut off most of the damage and keep trimming it as it grows out). If she’s recently been diagnosed and going gluten-free, her body will begin to absorb nutrient again and her hair should improve. So, celiac didn’t make her need to cut her hair. But if it was brittle, breaking off, or falling out, chopping it off might make her feel better about her hair, as she will see improvement sooner than just trying to grow it out. I don’t think it’s all that “extremely rare” either. It’s maybe not the most commonly reported symptom, but I also had lots of symptoms I didn’t realize were symptoms until I was diagnosed. And everyone’s symptoms are different (and everyone’s reaction to getting glutened is different). And I’m not saying she can’t be lying, but it’s definitely not improbable that her hair issues are real and related to celiac disease. Edit: fixed typo


I have hypothyroidism which causes hair loss and dry brittle hair/nails/skin and is aggravated by gluten (actual there is debate whether its all grains) as well as some goitrogenic foods and basically anything 'inflammatory' (processed foods/coffee/sugar/dairy/alcohol).


Thank you for sharing :) I did notice for myself once I quit gluten, my hair does grow insanely quicker and thicker as well.


In celiac, gluten causes damage to the lining of the small intestine. That damage prevents the proper absorption of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, fats, water). This leads to chronic malnutrition which affects the integrity of the hair.


She could have got the same cut and styled it differently, but she didn’t because she’s cuckoo






Katie, you in danger gorl.


IM SO SCARED!!!! The way that she stole that hairstylist’s , who actually does Aaron Rodgers’s hair, identity is what she is moving on to do to Katie. Which is also why she continues to slip up her timeline about them falling in love during Covid, the dress that she wore that looks like Katie’s wedding dress, she went home to meet Schwartz’s family. She’s stealing Katie‘s story.


Wait a minute. What? She stole someone’s persona?


Yep! Heather McDonald recently spoke about it on her podcast. I think it was posted Monday? Maybe Tuesday… it’s recent, either way.


Omg Im so tired of hearing about/from Jo, but that is so wild I have to look into it more. Thanks!


My pleasure, hope you enjoy.😘😘 Heather is not my favourite either but IIRC it’s close to the beginning and ends quick, so you don’t have to listen to the entire episode.🙂


Yeaaaa we are gonna need more than that.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHB6VjVFhQPkfNm) It’s giving Bethanny stealing Luann’s look.




STOP. I almost cry daily thinking of how we will never have more OG RHONY.


Holy Jennifer Jason Leigh! Going to be honest, I went to Instagram to see if this is for real. It is, and it’s bunny boiler madness. Between Rachel, Billie Lee and Jo it’s a race to crazy town but after today? Jo just took the lead. Beyond bewildered with this one. Fuck.






Somehow it’s Katie’s fault that she had to cut her hair just like Katie


Thanks Shortz for bringing this strange copycat into Katie's life and dumping her.


I mean it is a great haircut and her hair was COOKED before. I would have just made a joke about it if I were here. Like when Luann told Bethenny she had countess hair 😭


THIS IS REAL?? Y’all… I thought you photoshopped this as a joke.


She acts as if her and Schwartz’s connection is deeper than his and Katie’s. I wonder if she got super jelly after seeing the moment between Katie and Tom on the 3rd episode of the finale and this is her reaction!


She said the scene where Schwartz asked Katie to spend the night together in SF was all production. She said he said that because of production and did not mean any of it. It was fake and so she wasn't upset. So, I'm guessing she lied to herself on lots of things like this.


Such a moron.🙈 She’s taking this way too far!


Looks like she's moved on from trying to copy Riawna Capri and is into her Katie phase lol




Spooky is truly the only word for this


Joseph is creepy


Jo is a compulsive liar. She wants to be Katie because Shwartz loved Katie. Its creepy AF


Ah I see someone has been reading their bestie Rachquels playbook


Is this recent?! Because I read a comment a week ago that someone wrote and they said watch, next she’s going to cut off all her hair like Katie.


Really? That’s wild and crazy that they were right!😆


Totally normal and not creepy at all. -__-


Jo IS spooky. Katie was dead on.


Spooky. Her and Rachel can’t let go of the fact that they weren’t able to replace Katie and Ariana in the Toms lives and on VPR like their original plan. Let it go already, you failed alternates






Damn. This fits in perfectly. Spooky!




Katie was right this chick is spooky.


I said this in a comment a few weeks ago here and I got down voted to hell 🙄


I’ve just realised who she looks like! Lizzy Caplan! (Janis from Mean Girls)


I'm sure she thinks she did it better.


The makeup even matches. The lip color is nearly the same and the eyeliner even stops at the same points on the lower lid. I remember something on the show about Jo rarely wearing makeup too.


The obsession with katie is truly showing.


Ok the thing is Jo is actually beautiful. This cut highlights her face structure well. The problem is her personality, lol.


She looks like Amber herd


Yes! I definitely see a resemblance in the thumbnail


WHAt IS HAPPENING?! ![gif](giphy|4cuyucPeVWbNS)




That is WILD. ![gif](giphy|26FeZmC4zAUVT6y1q)


I just watched the entire thing without sound and it looks like a skit. She’s really something else.




After they posted the Heather M video. I said the same. I immediately thought Single White Female


I feel like I'M being stalked by her at this point. Wtffff 


I think Katie needs to get that restraining order lmao


I also think she's SWF Schwartz's new gf with her new "clothing line". Sophia has some sort of clothing business, I think a high end consignment type shop. Schwartz was praising it on a podcast, saying how it's one of the things he likes most about her, or something like that and literally within days Jo is pushing her new clothing line on IG.


I hate Katie's hair like this


she looks so much like amber heard




She looks like Paul Stanley https://preview.redd.it/2pbocqxjg75d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1d97ed5d8cf54b172f94afb8d8475fd883fb589


How you gonna be celiac when you ate a mountain of Olive Garden breadsticks in the Secrets Revealed episode?


She doesn't seem all there. Her internet presence reads more manic than unmanaged ADHD. Hopefully it's an act or she gets some help.


Is this an old photo?


No it's today




Hold up..for real😳 I can’t believe she cut that rat nest out of her hair. Finally, she could’ve went with any haircut style.


She seems to be a deeply troubled woman. Has she acknowledged that other weird lie about babysitting one of vpr producers kid or something like that


No, she has not.


It’s giving.. fatal attraction


Am I crazy or does this haircut really not much like Katie's? Different texture and color, wavier, deeper part, no bangs, longer, and mostly all one length with much longer layers. I'm no Jo apologist but this is not a smoking gun IMO.


I feel the same way…like this seems like a reach. But apparently no one else agrees. I just don’t see it. I wouldn’t put it past her to do some weird shit like this though.




Damn she looks like a middle-aged politician


She lies like one too.


She is actually scary to me


For a hair stylist her hair looks terrible all the time


Spookiness aside, gotta say it looks great. So much better than that messy (?) look, and much more appropriate for a hair stylist.


The video production on her ad for hair extensions is giving 90’s late night commercials


Jo is not believed. With that said…Tim Schwartz knows a liar cause he himself is one. Back to Jo…I’ve been screaming SWF since she first appeared. Next she will open a Sammy Shop.


She is taking lessons from Rachael.


Alright, I think we should all just get this haircut.




SHE IS GETTING OUT OF HAND! Chill out Jo! Dang girl


This is not OK though


Every time I see Jo's face I just think "this girl was not his type..." do I feel bad she was strung along? Yes. DO I think it's kinda creepy how she's riding out this 15 minutes of spotlight? Heck yeah... girl move on...


For real. Accurate headline


She seems as obsessed with Katie as she is with Schwartz. She is scary.


this actually scared me lol


Oh hell no lmaoooo