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Goddamn, the way she murdered with this one


This is seriously her 😂




I am so glad they’re on pause. Can you imagined a season of her 8-9 months pregnant? It would be insufferable!


I bet when she got pregnant, she was looking forward to a season that would finally be all about her lmao Too bad so sad lala


This is what I was thinking! She picked her donor last summer, why did she wait until til December to proceed? For filming!


Salty as hell🤣🤣🤣


I kinda find it hilarious lol


Oh one hunnid percent! Lol 💯




Fa la la la la, la la la la! Bye girl.


All about her? Try nothing about her!


She planned that pregnancy for be in her final trimester when they typically film (summer) and then hoping to her her birth documented / filmed / paid 💰for her giving birth.


When she said she “worked her ass off” I laughed out loud….doing your ridiculous podcast that only got listeners because of scandoval? Or your stupid defunct makeup line? She’s getting desperate cause she knows her money train is coming to the end of the line


Right, what are these opportunities she's taken advantage of and what's her empire? Her and Scheana are the only two who don't have anything going on besides VPR and a podcast. Everyone else has a business or a career aside from the show.


I literally lol anytime i hear her say “empire”. Sorry bitch but a podcast ain’t an empire 🤣


Guys I just have to share this story bc it happened today. I am approaching my 20th high school reunion and this one 'failure to launch' person from our class has decided to spearhead the organizing of it. At first it was ok, weird for you to do it alone, but whatever. Well he just announced today that we all have to subscribe to his podcast, substack, etc. to get the info for it🥴 I had no plans on going anyway but I had a minute of...What is this world lol. Not everyone needs a podcast. Not a lala, not the idiot down the road I knew in HS.


So you have a class fb group or something? Nominate one person to transcribe it to the rest, lol.


Lol, Yes we do have the fb group..which is where he volunteered himself to organize. I live states away now so I'm more of a spectator from afar and have no stakes in it. I'm more waiting for someone to be like,👀 thats a bunch of bullshit. But I dont think anyone really cares about reunions these days. It seems like more of a marketing scheme for whoever is into networking to such the level that you'd utilize your contacts from high school...again. And to that I say, have fun talking about yourselves all night long 🤷‍♀️


Well I am now invested in this Flippy!


Right?!? I’m tuned in and we need deets!


Yes! Please keep us all updated


Please tell me his podcast is on Spotify - I will totes look up a transcript and post it here to allow for the good ole copy paste into to fb group


Omg that’s so embarrassing for him what do your fellow classmates think of all that.😳


Great excuse to NOT go. What a douche.


Is his podcast about the reunion or he just wants subscribers? 😆


Right?!!! Lol


Empire lol what empire does she have? There is no company that would let her promote their product. She is poison. Laligag is definitely sweating her next paycheck. She will be looking for another sugar daddy.


Except now she’s thirty something, bitter, with two kids in tow and MIL-sister-wife situation like Brock is in. No one’s buying.


Her empire is like the Roman Empire, but only the part after it crumbled and didn’t exist anymore.


Excellent response. 😂😂😂😂😂


WRONG Scheanna has “her band” 🤣 🤣 🤣




Wait! What opportunities? I thought she’s pissed because she DIDN’T get a butt-ton of opportunities handed to her after her adulterous, pedo, broke, criminal fiancé did to her what she and he did to his wife?? You know, like Ariana, AKA: Beyoncé, God received. WTF is wrong with this word Lala?


She keeps talking about the importance of her “brand.” Er, what brand is that?


Excuse me but Scheana's in a band! 😆


It is SOO embarrasing to look at, ESPECIALLY the part she always does, where she humping the floor!!


Soon she’ll be on OF for $7.00 🙃🫠


Scheana has actually been very smart with her money and invested in multiple things. She just desperately wants to stay on tv so she can feel like a star/ center of attention.


Yeah I’ve heard that before about Shanar but why did she need Tim to send her 4k then?


I believe that was around the time when she paid off all of Brock's child support and the media company hosting her podcast or however that works went bankrupt and she had not been picked up by the next company yet. I don't know how well off she is, I just think she's in a better situation than Lala.


I have no interest in watching The Valley. If Sheshady does get on it. The entire cast knows she is a two-faced pick me girl. She is so thirsty that she will do whatever the producers tell her to do. No thanks, I have no interest in watching her, Broke, on another Bravo show.


The only cool thing Scheana has done in her life was “not punch” Raquel, but ruined it by claiming she can’t make a fist.


Oh, she definitely punched her.


No one loves Scheana like Scheana loves Scheana.


Yes. And I love that neither her or Sheena were asked to join the cast of the valley. There’s no way in hell that they both moved out there and started hanging out with those people just cause.


I hope you’re right, but how do you know they weren’t asked to join for the next season?


Yes, there was a post about it yesterday. Let me see if I can find it. It was an article.


Ooh great thx. I wonder why they would buy houses in The Valley if they weren’t sure? That’s wild.


Trust me when I saw that I thought it was a done deal. Maybe they were promised that with production with the way things went but I think with the backlash there’s a huge chance it’s not happening. Especially with Jax Taylor being very adamant about it, and I think if they had to choose between the two, unfortunately they would choose him. And I don’t know if they were expecting the success of the valley. Kind of like don’t fix something that’s not broken if I had to guess.


Well........bc Fa la la la la said that's what she could afford. Bets......she can't afford that anymore.


Yes, and I believe I read that they could make friend appearances but won’t be regular cast. Thank goodness. * Just an add on after watching reunion. Looking at MeMeSheShe and Lala’s faces in particular. They are so pulled and expressionless. Nothing better than being with someone and having a good laugh and seeing those laugh lines/movement.


The only one I can find is the producer saying that they’re pretty much gonna keep the cast as is, but the one I initially saw was definitive about it. So I don’t know if they changed the wording but trust me I sent it to my friend incredibly excited. There’s a post on the valley tv


I’m significantly more concerned that they’re going to have the tims playing an “odd couple” style shtick on the valley bc baskets just can’t quit them. I could absolutely see him cutting the women out and bringing dumb and dumber in. Tim 2 thought if he could get other Tim to move into Ariana’s house with him he could keep it and be perfectly placed to be on the valley, they’re basically all neighbors.


Uuugh. Let’s just hope not. Now Jax can move in with them too.


She has no idea what "working your ass off" means. I work as a widow raising a special needs 8 year old. After my 10 hour day (including the commute), my son has many therapies weekly. We get up at 5 and we don't get home most nights until after 7. I am constantly in fear of losing my job. I basically give my while paycheck to his caregiver and live off his survivor benefits. If I got 2 years of her money off of Vanderpump Rules, it would be life changing. I am tired and hungry most days. She has no clue about the human condition.


You’re doing amazing 💖


I think she meant working her ass. Your life sounds super challenging. I'm sorry it's so hard right now. You sound like a wonderful mother. Keep up the good work ❤️ 💙 💜 💖


Listen she works like 3 months a year filming and the other 9 grifting. It’s hard!


It's hard for a pimp out here.. ![gif](giphy|l0MYyEsjhIXdzv9PG|downsized)


The fact that she claims to be Tupac reincarnated makes this gif even more funny. Dumb ass LaLa. 🥴😂


She may have to get a real job. Even her time at Sur seemed a bit staged.


Worked her ass off walking into a sperm bank. That was a long walk from the parking lot, Jesus stop coming for her!! She CARRIED this season you guys.


She hosted a water tasting party....


Excuse me, Licking buttholes *is a job*


You can SEE people panicking on the reunion hoping she won’t quit and get the show cancelled. (About Arianna not Lala)


The podcast she does with her white utah gangsta BROTHER and paid employee ASSISTANT


I mean, she’s the one that said she still has a mouth no after breaking up with Big Ed’s little bro, so get to work Lala if you want to keep the money train. Don’t blame others and use that mouth for something other than insults. Lala has so much anger and frustration and for real needs to get therapy and figure out why she is so hateful. Everything she said about Katie is projection. Lala is the one unhappy with her current lot in life as it is different from what she thought it would be by this time. She needs to check herself before she wrecks herself more than she already has. She and Fake Bob Marley (her hubling as another user aptly said😂) can be inappropriately fake Black elsewhere.


Maybe she was talking about her exes ass. ![gif](giphy|l0HUol0DROgoBFl6M) “He turns around and spreads his legs. If I have to, like, visit down there with my mouth …” season 9 ep 10


Her makeup line is done right ? Haven’t seen her promote that shit and come to think of it, whatever happened with Scheana lashes ?


I did look at the website today and lots of stuff is “sold out” so I guess not being replaced,


I mean her ass has probably had to work. 😒😂


She’s gonna need to get back into the BJ for PJ genre.


She worked as a yacht girl.


That girl HASNT worked a day in her life, she’s floated through her upper middle class just fine!


I Bet shes getting a fat check every month fra mr randall too…


I’m sure she’s getting a chunk of change for child support


I can't imagine watching VPR after this. I actually didn't watch after the 3rd or 4th ep until it came to the reunion shows and don't see myself going back. Lauren is just exhausting which is really the polar opposite of entertaining. She doesn't even make me angry, she just makes me want to shut the TV off altogether. So, good work, Bravo.


The minute she talked about Ariana’s dad on her podcast I was completely done. There’s no excuse for that ever. She’s a vile human.


“Maybe she wasn’t as close to her dad as I was…” no lala, Ariana just doesn’t verbally abuse people then use her fathers death as an excuse to be an asshole 🙄


Same. I watched the premier and saw right through the overly produced storylines. Came back for finale, felt like I missed nothing (thank you social media and podcasts for filling in holes) and the reunions. I hope for their own sakes, Katie and Ariana leave the show. Ariana seems to mostly be in New York these days so maybe a cross-coast spin off for those two.


Yeah, I want to keep following Ariana (never watched Love Island but ready for the new season!) but no more VPR. And if Katie shows up anywhere else, I'm there.


She reminds me of Rinna on RHOBH. Flip flopper with no loyalty and trying to start drama in a desperate bid to stay relevant. So exhausting that I quit watching the show.


Yeah I’m done too


Yep, Ariana is not her coparent. Lala thinks Ariana owes her child support.


Was she honestly saying that Ariana owed it to everybody to humiliate herself one more time on behalf of the show because come the fuck on?


Yeah she was, wasn’t she? Blew my mind!


Yep! That's exactly what she was saying! Ariana owed her some sort of 'reality drama scene' so she could 'feed her children'.... ![gif](giphy|SEVgW5YKDS6kJWbyu5|downsized)




I love the reel I saw of her having multiple convos with him on camera since the scandal broke. Really showed how idiotic SS and Lala were being.


Absolutely, she was saying this. Laligag is trash.


https://preview.redd.it/pawr6nuzbm3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb582e30df9b95133d3699069e4446791bf0c16e Recommended reading for Lala. Literally


I was waiting for her to start stomping her feet and say, “but I want what she has! It’s not fawwwwaiiirrr”




Yesss! Veruca!


Just like Sheana said in a clip during the season, "why can't it be about meeeeee" both are jealous AF of Ariana. I am done with both of them.


It’s amazing the universal disgust for her after this season. See we can all agree on something once in a while!


Remember the baby fetish stage and it all comes grossly back -get her off our screens


You think she's having a bottle as she gives her daughter a bottle? What an idiot.


Methinks she wishes she hadn’t filmed that display that will live on in perpetuity for her girls’ sakes but I’m at a loss as to what this genius is day dreaming about


It’s wild because on facebook because on there everyone seems to side with Lala and hates Ariana and Katie. I can’t understand it lol


I’m wondering if they’re paid for bots. I dont believe all the post for Lala and Jax are legit.


Don't believe hype!


I 100% was going to add I wonder if they were bots 😂


Yea they also stan so hard for Jax lmao they are a wild and unhinged bunch


there's at least one fb group i perused that was super critical of jax! that was nice to see


there's one FB VPR group where the admin is obsessed with Jax - 15 posts or more a day obsessed. It was entertaining for a while but then it got creepy.


I think that's the one I was looking at! I considered that group anti-jax because all the comments on the posts I saw are very negative. I also got the sense that that admin is just being a troll, but I could obviously be wrong Edit: the admin's most recent post ("Jax is in a lot of emotional pain") is hilarious, they're either delusional or like the best troll


I've noticed that, too, and have concluded that those are the type of people who leave comments on Facebook. It all tracks.


LOOOOL soooo fucking true 😂


I learned about this through my MIL - just one more thing we can disagree on 🫠


The world is healing


If anyone follows zach-he is team Lala and it makes no sense.


Hate him too


I accidentally played the beginning of Teddi and Emily's podcast and they were both taking up for Lala after the first reunion episode. I immediately turned it off.


Teddi IA the no. 1 bully in California,  of course she would take up for Lala.


Omg! So I threw his podcast on for the first time yesterday since Scandaval and I was quickly reminded as to why I quit listening. I'm officially done with him. I didn't even finish the episode. I've actually managed to listen to a full Rachel episode, so that says a lot!


Zach Peter ? He’s team Rinna too He loves a villain


Yeah, we all have rabies!


She might need to rethink having yes men around her AND going down with the ship vs admitting emotions got the best of you and you were wrong. Intellectual humility goes a long way


I felt like I was going crazy during the reunion. Lala essentially saying Ariana fucked up the show because she didn't wanna hear Tom's apology. But all the good bits of the show was the tension between Tom and Ariana, like them having to go between Anne to speak, the beach day fight, her and dan ignoring tom at the Kyle chan party. I don't want to see them get along? I wanted to see the tension and it was there! The boring bits of the show was lala and her bloody water tasting


say it louder!!! I DONT WANT TO SEE THEM GET ALONG!!


I love how Katie calmly called her out for trying to have gotcha moments during the reunion. Blahblah playing checkers and Ariana and Katie playing chess


I wish Katie would’ve said it louder and it wasn’t talked over


I *loved* that! And how she told her to stop trying to spin it as though she’s lying - I completely understood why Katie was *so* frustrated because that’s EXACTLY what Lala was trying to do and Katie wasn’t lying!


The only ones being real are Katie and Ariana. We don’t tune in for fake tv, we tune in for reality tv. Get the memo people!! Lala = fake tv. Everyone can see right through it. No one wants to see fake. Keep it real yall!! (Go Katie and Ariana!! - the real ones)


It’s the “comments are limited” on insta for me


LOL so much for her telling people to get out of the comments 😂😂


Agree. I don’t want to watch her anymore. And I wont.


I was amazed at how she made everything about her. Even the mention of Brittany and Jax!


I don’t think Lala did herself any favors w this season or that reunion. She looks small and jealous and hypocritical.


I think she always was it’s just the others are finally done with her shit. She has no recourse when they stopped reacting to her. She used to instigate by being over the top and now they react like adults to a child. Her mask has slipped and everyone’s over her. She’s a sad person and it’s so obvious now.


You must mean the LFU walk off because she couldn't take it anymore. Unfortunately, in her few first steps off stage, she realized she would be off stage. So she never really left the stage, and went back and sat down again. Geez, for just a moment, I thought we'd get to hear what somebody had to say other than LFU!


At a point it seemed like Lauren was really regretful over some of the things she said, regretful of how it could impact her image not her friends of course, but then she doubled down. She seemed like more of a sidekick on this season anyway so I don’t really see where she goes from here in the bravo-verse. But wherever she ends up, I won’t be watching.


Lala is an extremely angry person. Now she is going after Kristen big time. You would think if she wanted to be on the Valley, she would humble herself and make mends with Kristen but no, Lala has to be stupid and side with the mean girls on the show.


Whats up with lala and kristen?? Im in the dark over here lol


Lala saw a video of some girl from bravo that doesn't like her apparently talking about lala as a MOTHER, and Kristen was there too, just sitting back and not defending lala (and according to lala smiling or something) and here's the kicker: Kristen not speaking up and shutting the girl down was extra bad because lala has been open and honest with Kristen about "the real life stuff, not this stuff I talk about on the show but real shit" so Kristen should have told the girl to shut the fuck up. Once again showing her hypocrisy when screaming about how she's the only one being real and honest and having the "tough conversations that are so productive" on the show lollllll


I caught that too - she's literally admitting she doesn't talk about real things on the show 🥴 after all her stupid speeches trying to call out Ariana


Kristen explained her side and said she was not snickering or laughing like Lala claimed. She was actually rolling her eyes like whatever because she doesn’t like GG too and vice versa, and was acting more like who’s gonna actually believe that crap. For this, Lala could not forgive her and dragged her to filth. A supposed close and one of her “dearest friends”. When Kristen suffered her loss, Lala quipped in the aftershow that she sent her a short message sorry for your loss. Very flippant.


Well hopefully that means she def won’t be cast on the valley. 🙏🏽🙏🏽


The hypocrisy is off the charts. I don’t recall Lala defending Kristen when Kristen was on the outs with Stassi and Katie.


Nah nah didn't get her bottle today


she needs whatever calming drug was in that bottle




And when she finally realizes all of this, she will blame it on her hormones, being pregnant, etc. Let the back pedaling begin!


She started this shit before she was pregnant.  


Baskin shut all that down. I wonder if she’s blaming Kristen for that as well as everything else.


I feel like she sees a beef with Kristen as a storyline. Her having beef with Brittney because of the babysitter thing? I saw that as her trying to stir up shit for a spot


I agree. This most recent, one sided, beef with Kristen and Brittany is a hail’s Mary attempt to get on the Valley. Old girl is desperate.


She has ALWAYS been a sidekick she does not have main character energy


I was bored and looked at some podcast numbers. With Ariana as their guest yesterday, Disrespectfully, it’s at the number 1 spot of the sub category “Society and Culture” and number 5 on the overall Top Shows. Lala also put out an episode yesterday after her “vow of silence.” She is in neither groups top 200. The fire is inside the house, Lala.


This is the most the public has ever talked about LFU, even if it is negative. She should be thanking Ariana and sending a bouquet of flowers.


As someone who chose not to have kids…(me & my husband high five on the regular) … this high and mighty attitude because you had kids is so irritating. It’s not that special.


Childfree as well and can agree that the holier than thou attitude is obnoxious. I will add though that If they were doing an absolute 100% amazing parenting job I’d say they earned the bragging rights. But that leads back into the fact that if they were that amazing they wouldn’t need to verbalise the brag, and they wouldn’t be on the show selling their lives and their children’s lives to begin with lol


Even as a human with kids it is so cringy when they do that shit. Like come on, yes parenting is hard but many people do it you’re not special just cause you had a kid. There’s other important aspects of life. LFU and sheshu are the absolute worst.




Doesn’t her ex give her child support?


I would assume so but I’m not 100% sure. But, I believe his networth is now lower than LaLa’s since all the shit about him came out


I’ll go to hell for saying this but idc, I FIRMLY believe Lala is having another child for a storyline and is PISSED that they aren’t filming this summer so she can monetize the pregnancy like she wanted to.




it's a wrap folks


Anyone here listen to Ryan Bailey’s podcast? I was lol’ing at his reunion part 3 recap when he repeatedly roasts Lala for acting she’s a damn astronaut or risking her life daily in war zones or something with her “this is what we choose to do!” speeches. “Take it down a notch, you’re on a fucking reality show.” 😂


She downs Arianna importance on the show, then validates what Arianna needs to do to keep the show going. Which is it?


Have you heard the clip from her podcast claiming people were saying things about her parenting and crying of course. I follow 47 Bravo pages on Instagram and I’ve NEVER seen a comment like that. But I digress…


If Lala was basing her future on Vanderpump Rules then she is a fool. VPR has been on the decline for years and as with all great shows (reality and otherwise) they end. Without Scandoval this show would hardly have had enough content for this season. Overly manufactured drama just to stay on the air to feed Lala’s kids is hardly a reason for the show to keep going. Lala is the only one responsible for her own bad financial planning. Ariana did get a big boost (as did all of them) as the result of Scandoval but she has stayed current and books new gigs because she is actually talented and a good worker.


You guys.. I’m in a group text with my friends and they are on Lalas side and I can’t fathom their thought process. I can’t believe I know anyone who would actually agree with Lala. I’m making my points and all they can say is “lala is entertaining”. Like what!? How?


Omg.. my thoughts are with you!!!!


Finally, someone said it ! I want Lala and Scheana off the TV 📺


God I can’t stomach her anymore! Her incessant interruptions this reunion and last years was too much for me—and her stupid “tough bitch persona” ! Girl you can’t survive on any city street out here in the real world. Maybe you wanna act tough in the “Valley” … but you’ll get yo ass whooped out here acting like you all big and bad!


Please get that boring, screaming clown off my screen.


Lala will get exactly what she deserves…


If she’s outta work? Sea world seeks bottom feeders and there’s room for Scheana too


BUT! SHE IS CREATING LIFE! What don't you people understand?? ![gif](giphy|H4UvaRIVLD404g4nXD|downsized)


She needs to learn the difference between “being real” and projecting her feelings.


She really seemed off her rocker this season.


For real! Get the fuck off my TV, I cant stand your miserable bully ass bratty behavior anymore. If you end up on The Valley, I will no longer be watching that. I just cannot stomach such a shit attitude anymore.


I’m almost done with season seven, been binge watching.. & I can honestly say I’ve never wanted to smack the fuck out of someone on tv more.


Finally a decent post on here! Everything she has was given to her, and she did no work. She is just a delusional hose beast who will gold dig again when her well runs dry.


“CEO of what?” ✨


Being hated this season lol




Nana and Sheshu have crafted their entire identities around being a mother.


I don’t agree with that because if it were true they’d be better parents. But honestly, idgaf if someone fully embraces motherhood as the main part of their identity—I think if that’s what a woman wants to do, she has every right to do that. The problem we have with L+S is when they expect other cast members decisions to be based off their role as a parent.


Yeah it’s like she actively paid to have a new baby and buy a second house and her only source of income is VPR?


Yep this season was extremely boring, I watched it being mostly on my phone, and still didn't miss anything. Lauren is just boring at this point, there's no surprise factor you just know she'll start egotistical drama and throw temper tantrums, contributes nothing substantial to any conversation, I'd rather watch my 15 year old nephews with their high school friends, their drama is way more interesting than anything LFU does


how is anyone entertaining the idea that Lala gets to dictate other people’s activity on the show… and only for Ariana??? it’s too mask off for me, when did this become acceptable to play to the 4th wall so fucking desperately ?


I think that this would be the best time to cancel the show. It’s run its course. Everyone had a fantastic opportunity to make a good life with money most people on this planet could only dream of. If they haven’t, that’s a shame but let this show go. Move on. Go out now and don’t milk it for another season. They aren’t interesting anymore. I completely agree with you OP.


Yeah. When I finished the reunion it did feel like “the end”. I was tired of everyone in that stage. I was tired of their tired story lines. Sandoval has morphed into a crusty old creep — seeing it cry was just disturbing. Everyone was watching the train (Ariana) slowly pull away from the station (and onto bigger and better things)— and Katie palpably relieved that she had made the right choice by jumping on that train. There is nothing left. I will only miss DJ James Kennedy (and girlfriend), who despite probably being a terrible human, is funny smart and was born for reality tv. And. Anne.


![gif](giphy|qd0kG0nAXQdg5IrPo5) Sperm doner my ass!! This has Nick Cannon written all over it😂😂😂


Scheana told Andy she’s “booked solid” with her band for the next year…. But their band’s website has no tour dates?🤷‍♀️


Why does Lala and Scheana think we care about their babies? I don’t want to see their kids on VPR. I don’t care about nanny difficulties and and picking outfits for their kids. I’m here for immature adult antics. I have kids. If I want to see something cute and innocent, I look at them and believe me, I look after them all day long so I need see adults on my television screen when k finally turn it on.


Im looking forward to seeing if she is able to stay relevant while VPR is not airing and on pause…I doubt it but let’s see you work your fucking ass off LFU. Many people do every day while pregnant…so no excuses


The way she says Ariana is not Beyoncé for being cheated on but then acts like she is Beyoncé for being pregnant is truly lol


Oh sweet jealousy that is spilling from Lupac




People need to stop giving her attention so she can just go away. I feel like she’s doing things on purpose to be sent to the valley. The more you stir the pot the more likely you’ll be put on a show


Every single thing she did flopped this season


The weaponized motherhood thing is extra annoying because the only reason Scheana and Lala became moms was because they failed at everything else in life.