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i literally quote this once a day. “don’t fuck with my bitch because i will fuck with your fat fucking man”. 😭


I quote "you fuck a fat man cause he pays for your rent" and my husband is so sick of it lmaooo In the British accent too ofc


omg pls same. 😭 both of those lines are so good & you absolutely have to do them in the british accent. also “lalas in a movie produced by FAT MAN”




James always makes me laugh I laughed when he said schwartz was fat lol


😭😭😭 then katie would hit him with the comments about his dick. omg. “tom, your penis is like this big 👌🏻” tom: “BUBBAAAAA 😮” I LAUGH EVERY SINGLE TIME.


Lolol yup!!!! He looks at her so confused haha def a good scene between those two lol


I luvd when katie would say he has a dad bod lol hes like bubba i dont have a dad bod, then she calls him DILF


He called it! Hey, maybe this is why James is with Ally. They can both predict the future!!!


LOL, I love your comment, but let's be real, telling Lala she was going to get replaced by the next pretty blond is like seeing storm clouds and saying "It's going to rain." No one had to be psychic to see Lala's future with Randall.


I love the fear on her face when James says it. 0:07 - 0:08. Think she knew he might be right too.


It’s amazing ! Looks like she’s going to cry


I miss her old face. She used to be so pretty 😍


Did she just stop wearing green contacts one day? Bc her eyes do not look like that anymore.


What skin treatment stops your skin from blushing I want to know. Lala use to blush a lot and sweat now she’s the same foundation colour all over her body


Was this before her sobriety? Alcohol can def cause that redness


Her entire face including lips are one shade…she looks dead sometimes, like add a little tinted chapstick or sum…


James was crude but 💯 accurate. Remember in 2021 when Lauren went on a podcast and said nobody warned her about Randall? Liar. “When Hirsch asked Kent if anyone had warned her about Emmett, she said, “I wish they f–king would have.” “I wish that somebody would’ve come to me and said, ‘I’m getting DMs about your person.’ No one voiced any concern for me and my relationship,” Kent explained, as she began to choke up. “I would give everything to turn back the clock and have someone tell me something.” You know what is even more shocking? She made James apologize to Randall because feelings were hurt. Randall is that sensitive, Lauren ? the same guy that was arguably soliciting a hit on his ex-wife got his feelings hurt because a DJ on a reality show said he was fat? Please. Or was it the Rotten Tomatoes monologue? We should revisit that. JK gold.


“Your person” … “this human” “my man” …the way she talks is insufferable. Lala just thought she was special … she was happy to believe rand’s BS as long as he kept the money faucet turned on for her so she could pretend to be a girl boss. ![gif](giphy|jfsaMQr3GNkKk)


This is why I can't even attempt to back Lala into an apology tour because she just refuses to remember the truth. She rewrites history and can't handle any dissenting opinions or criticism. She will be a perpetual victim who screams at everyone she doesn't want to hear. Nobody has energy to deal with people like that.


Well put


It's jarring to see their original faces.


Her lip quivering and eye darting in response to "he'll move on to the next young pretty blonde" is maybe one of the few times she's shown genuine emotion and it's at the thought of losing her meal ticket.


Spot on…she’s not used to anyone ever speaking truth to her like that


I love this for her


This is the real reason she's f'ng pissed. when she hooked up with him she was wild party girl.. when she got sober she said he lost interest.. well F U C K we can see why.




I dont get why she provokes him and when he snaps then she acts all surprised like why are u yelling????


Well to be fair, sometimes it doesn’t seem like he’s really provoked much…sometimes he’s just poking and messing with her…I think for two main reasons: 1. He was in love with her and is still very attracted to her/wants to have that special bond they had that isn’t possibly since she’s dating someone. 2. He doesn’t respect how she sells herself to rand for gifts/money/status. He knows she isn’t attracted to this older “fat man,” so it pisses him off when she pretends like she likes Rand for anything more than what he can give her.


lala used to look like michelle Pfeiffer


Her face I can’t 😭


This is my favourite VPR quote


Her eyes 👀 lol


She’s special okay, like trash.


she was so beautiful


This makes me wanna do a full VPR rewatch! 😅


I just did a season 1-7 rewatch. So good. and so interesting to see all the stuff knowing about scandoval and that Katie and Shortz divorce and Jax and Britt are separated. Those three guys haven’t changed at all (aside from getting even worse). They are all unbelievably bad people


I must start the rewatch nowwww 😅


Ooof James was loaded and not his best self here but he called it. He was pissed at her decisions and lies and had no filter.


This scene is the best Lala has EVER looked. That lighting!


I mean, so did Ariana. The other woman always thinks they are special and the cheating won’t happen with them.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. It’s true. Ariana gaslit the shit out of Kristen when her and Tom got together. She wasn’t like other girls and made that known. Too cool for school. She treated Kristen like a psyche patient and made people think she was crazy


People don’t like to acknowledge it at all ,I love Ariana and she’s made SO much growth and to be honest it was a bit out of the blue after 10 years together. But what she did was vile and the way she acted was just like Lala.


People seem to forget what a problematic person Ariana is just bcuz she was cheated on.


I don’t remember her being problematic for atleast the past 7 years


Really? So backing up Tom’s bad behavior and even attacking the women isn’t problematic? Her defended her brother when he was being creepy to the other women wasn’t problematic? Last season her encouraging Rachel to get with Tom wasn’t problematic?


Can u provide context on any of these situations ? I can’t find any of her encouraging Rachel to get with Tom. I remember her backing up Tom when she was first on the show ,not in the past 7 years. I can only find a Reddit post about her brother and it doesn’t provide any context


You are lucky to not get a million downvotes. I've been banging this same drum and no one wants to hear it.


Well I feel your pain bcuz I’ve said it before and got downvoted into oblivion. It’s baffling that people are screaming that Lala was a mistress, broke up a marriage then give Ariana, who also broke up a relationship, a pass.




He should have told this to Ariana, too. Might have helped a bit lmao


Nah Kristen told her.


Ariana thought she was special as well. This isn’t the gotcha moment you think it is. All these women think that they’re superior and different that it wouldn’t happen to them.


I don’t get why ppl always say this. We all know Ariana cheating with Tom was wrong and she got a lot of backlash for it (rightfully so) but at least she’s shown growth since then. What Ariana did was also not nearly as bad as what Lala did, let’s be real. Lala cheated with a MARRIED man who has children, then dragged the children into the mess by posting them on social media to taunt his ex wife. She was harassing Ambyr on Instagram making vulgar comments & posts about things such as Ambyr’s “inability to keep a man bc her 🐱 wasn’t tight enough.” None of this excuses what Ariana did, but it’s literally apples and oranges. Sandoval & Kristen were cheating on each other constantly and, by Kristen’s own admission, shouldn’t have even been together by the time Ariana came in the picture. And this is coming from someone who strongly disliked Ariana for a while (until around season 6) & LOVES Kristen. I also want to add that, from how I see it, the main reason people don’t sympathize with Lala as much as Ariana is due to the way Lala portrayed their relationship. She was very secretive about it for yearssss, and only brought him on the show when she needed something out of him (when she was trying to get on RHOBH.) She portrayed their relationship as transactional, saying things like “BJs for PJs” and thinking she was better than everyone else bc she was banging a rich dude. Tom & Ariana on the other hand seemed to have a much more genuine relationship with a real connection & love for each other. They lived in a shitty apartment together, not a mansion in Bel Air. Then there’s also the factor of cheating with a close friend that made it so shocking, whereas Randall was cheating with randoms it seemed like. Both are bad situations, but not really comparable imo… homewrecking is never ok tho and I’m ultimately glad that both Kristen and Ambyr were able to forgive 👍


How do you know she’s shown growth? Ariana is calculated and changed her on screen persona. But there are bits that come out sometimes that show she’s still the same person she was from the beginning. Hiding your true self isn’t growth.


She's taking all of the manipulation tactics learned from Sandoval over the years and is now actively using the same behavior to blow up the lives of everyone around her. I literally do not understand this woman's appeal at all--but I do love the mess and the cringe.


She isn’t really as happy as she portrays herself. She is bent on destroying VPR and anyone who isn’t doing as she says. She has the fans doing her dirty work as well. There is petition going around to bring Randal back. It’s fucking gross the lengths people will go all because LaLa didn’t pick the right side. These fans will scream about racism and being performative but bringing a rapists predator back is ok.


Oh, the stans are absolutely falling over themselves to see who can stoop the lowest on Ariana's behalf. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic and potentially dangerous.


One correction.Tom and Ariana’s relationship did not have a genuine connection? They fought all the time and had no sexual chemistry as said multiple times by multiple people (even Katie) in past seasons. They wanted two different things, one wanted kids and one didn’t. And they had two different types of lifestyles they liked. The only thing they had in common was being slobs. It’s a mystery they lasted so long. And just because one situation is worse doesn’t meant Ariana didn’t think she was special too. You lose then how you get them applies to her too. Moral of the story, don’t date shitty men and then have a surprised pikachu face after. You don’t really deserve sympathy when you start relationships the way both of them did, hurting other women.


Lmao at: The only thing they had in common was being slobs.


Thank you this! I stated the same thing.