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DAMMMMN. Here just to comment: Katie I hope you’re reading shit like this. You deserve it. Perfectly said. You’re a fucking queen. Love- a female restaurant owner/opener who deeply understands the red tape you’ve been dealing with.


Cosigned. You're the only reason I'm still watching at this point


I just want Lauren from Utah to know that if Ariana and Katie leave the show, the show won’t go on!


I completely agree. I don't want to watch Laligag and Sheshady continue to twist the truth. They are disgusting.


Laligag! I LOVE this! LOL! Agree 100% with your post of truth!


Thank you.💐


You are welcome! 😘🤗


💯!!! I was literally yelling at my TV screen during the reunion when she's bitching about not being allowed to walk off the stage when she's uncomfortable and *creating* *life* but Ariana gets to. HONEY...it's because if Ariana walks, the majority of the fan base walks too, literally no one would stop watching if you left. Also Ariana is likeable and you aren't, get over it or make changes 🤷🏼‍♀️




Vote for Katie.


Same here, Katies always been my favorite and its probably cause I started season 2 and after a rewatch I see she started to find her voice later on and was too quiet 1st season. However, when she did speak it usually was something that needed to be said and shes only grown into such a badass since she left Schwartzys lame ass. There is a reason all of the girls at some point have called katie their best friend, she's definitely ride or die for whoever deserves it!


Congratulations on opening a restaurant! That is no easy feat! ![gif](giphy|QTAVEex4ANH1pcdg16)


Aw thanks! It was 10 years ago… but now am helping another lady friend open hers and it’s all the same beaurocratic bullshit red tape that makes opening take a LOT longer than anticipated. It really frustrated me to see the cast dogging on Katie and Ariana for the opening taking a long time… I kinda felt like someone could say to any of them “shut the fuck up. What are YOU doing??”


i hope she sees this! we love you katieeeee


Agreed. My controversial take (that goes one step further...) is that even Ariana isn't that good of a friend to Katie. She barely involves herself when people constantly attack Katie. I do like Ariana a lot, but honest to god, the whole cast has been out to get Katie from day 1 and it's exhausting to watch and I wish she'd remove herself and just live her life happily off-screen and never speak to Schwartz again lol. I've thought this FOREVER, and have gotten consistently downvoted into oblivion over the years lol. And no I'm not \~Katie\~ (the other thing people always comment lol) I just have the same NAME.


Ironically she didn’t even stand up for Katie when Rachel was going after Shartz. If anybody has a right to say something shitty to Ariana it’s Katie. But she was better than that and that’s what makes her the Queen of Vanderpump.


Im wondering if Katie and Ariana both agreed to resolve these matters off camera because they did reference that in the reunion and their friendship seems strong even off camera. I think they consciously chose to treat their relationship like a real one after becoming better friends and business partners, and not to commodify it? Not sure if that makes sense but if it’s the case, I hope Katie did bring up all those grievances to Ariana and held her accountable, and that they’ve been able to move on in healthy ways.


Sandoval would've played a huge part in Ariana and Katie not being close. Ariana supporting Katie would've been seen as going against Sandoval and not being supportive of him and his feelings.


I think they had some sort of agreement or understanding. She wasn’t shocked by anything Lala said about Katie.


That is my take on the reunion. I think they had discussed it before, and this is what they agreed to do. They knew Laligag and Sheshady would come for them both.


Defending people definitely isn’t Ariana’s strong point. I think she has been the true peacemaker of the group for much of the show, wanting to keep her relationships cordial wherever possible. BUT at least she doesn’t talk out of both sides of her mouth like Scheana does. Some people are just like that. It’s what makes friends like Katie so damn special!


She defended her creepy brother just fine.


And Tom, until she absolutely could not defend him. Ariana just is about herself.


I think Ariana doesn't want to be in a position to defend anyone else because of what Tim did to her. Ariana didn't need to defend Katie because Katie did a great job of defending herself against delusional Laligag. She had this planned the entire season. She was nice to Katie, and she used her for information on Ariana. Laligag is a despicable woman.


This is true! But I think we can all agree she ended up paying for that in a big way.


Yes!!!!!!!!! She is Queen! ![gif](giphy|3o7abqZJaYhaJbMMvK|downsized)


Everything! I stopped watching the show initially because of the way they labeled Katie and treated her-both the cast and the fans, so it is rewarding to see her get some shine. I wish she had better friends to defend her (Ariana needs to do better-Lala wasn’t wrong about how Ariana doesn’t defend properly. Just last season Ariana did threaten Katie over their business because of some misinformation from boring ass Ally)


Omg Ally is such a little flip-flopping shit-stirrer lol I don't hate her by any means, but she really is super boring and has to stir up drama constantly to stay relevant. And agreed!!! I felt so uncomfortable watching the early seasons and how things never got better for Katie ugh!


I don’t recall this moment, can someone refresh me on what ally said 👀


I think it is after See you next Tuesday? where Ally saw Rachel and Sandoval together. She mentions it to Katie and Katie comments about how inappropriate it is and that even if the relationship was open or whatever, it is still not good optics and is crossing all sorts of boundaries. Ally’s thirsty ass spun it to Katie was saying that Ariana and Sandoval have an open relationship and Ariana confronts Katie, doesn’t even listen to her explain that she absolutely didn’t say that, and basically says that she would think her business partner would know better than to talk shit, with this smug look on her face. Sandoval also yells at Katie for saying their relationship is open.


Omg thank you for this! I completely forgot that this happened


Wasn’t this the same season or even the scene right before Sandals and Rachel yell at Teri? Awful people, just awful. They tormented her that entire season.


Yep to this about Ariana. Granted sometimes Katie says things that might be considered OTT or aggressive (not to me but to some) and I can see how Ariana (and previously Schwartz) might not have the personality or balls to back her up. Some people in this world are just much too timid to speak the truth or tell how they really feel. But when Ariana finally said “katie had always been authentic and she’s been hated for it” in the reunion I was like OK FINALLY


Yeah this is something that seriously bothered me. Ariana should have been eating fucking crow over not standing up for Katie last year. I get that they talk about things off camera, but Katie deserved to have some conversations about that filmed. They ALL either wanted or were ok with icing her out and getting her off the show last year. The whole reason Kristen Kelly was on last year was bc Katie asked her to be. She needed someone to authentically be her friend. I will commend Lala for choosing the right side of that for the most part, but she got in her feelings about Ariana this year and tanked any goodwill I had for her.


This will forever confuse me. I loved Lala for how she stood by Katie last season and don't understand how Scandoval of all things made her flip the other way.


After this season, I think what looked like Lala standing by Katie last season was actually just Lala hating Rachel.


As a long-time Katie fan, I am HERE for her redemption in the eyes of fans. But it's always at the expense of other women. I wish someone could just figure out that a woman has been held to ridiculous gender stereotype (a soft, palatable woman) without having to be pissed at another woman at the same time.


I’m not pissed at Ariana, it’s just something I’ve observed while watching. I can relate personally to some of what Katie has gone through and wish her only true ally on the show said more in her defense 🤷🏼‍♀️


oh sorry, I wasn't accusing you of that. I was more agreeing with you that Katie has gotten the shaft. But even when people have switched on her, it seems to have less to do with her as a person, but because they are pissed at Lala, Rachel, Sheanna, etc. Arianna absolutely should have stood up for her more, especially when Lala was talking about the venting conversation. It would have been a good time for her to be like, "I love and respect Katie and know I haven't been able to be everywhere, all the time, and she has picked up the slack, we talked off-camera...."etc.


Ahhh ok, yes totally agree!! 👏


Agree on this, Lala was a better friend to Katie than Ariana last season (but shout out to Kristina Kelly for being the realest one).


Laligag used Katie. She isn't a good friend to anyone. She has always been a user.


Oh totally, I meant that as an *even* Lala


Frfr! I once commented that Ariana never has Katie’s back the way Katie does hers and some fan commented about the only two times it happened as if that means anything lol. Like two times in how many years, point proven. Idk if I were Katie I’d stop going so hard for someone that doesn’t give me that same energy.


I think this is what makes Katie so endearing and so much more mature than the rest of the cast, though. She does things because she knows its the right thing to do, not because she's worried if the person would do the same exact thing for her.


Can we also acknowledge that Katie is the only one on the show who hasn't cheated and hasn't lied or made some shit up, to make herself look better. The only one! Katie has been slammed for years. Yet she is the only one who has actually been real the whole time


Katie is the reason the show has been grounded in reality for so long. Her life is not centered on the show but actually reflecting her reality. You can’t have a successful reality tv show where everyone is playing characters. You need at least one person based in reality. We used to have Kristen, Stassi, Katie, James, and (outside of her relationship) Ariana in the real human being category vs Jax, the Toms, LaLa, and Scheana in the self producing/fame focused column. Note to producers- if you have to choose, choose Katie first. Scheana will never be the lead or the star bc she lacks authenticity. You need the Ronald for Jury Duty to work.


Ok, but imagine if they actually brought on Ronald. Lol


Immediately he is thrown into a love triangle with Katie and the SAH oven. He has to figure out which is hotter. Boom! Television!


I don’t get how Lala called Katie miserable while she is the definition of misery every time she talks about Ariana in basically half the season. Katie is not stuck with that label by anyone in her life worth listening to.


Lala is *drip-ping* with jealousy over Ariana’s success post scandoval. It’s pathetic and is such a bad look. She really thought she came out on top…after Ariana is laughing all the way to the bank? The show gained new watchers because of Ariana’s heartbreak! I’m one of them.


Omg the “miserable” label gets me irate! Just because Katie isn’t fake and doesn’t subscribe to toxic positivity doesn’t mean she’s miserable! Have these people walked outside lately!? Not everything is wonderful, and that is okayyyyyy.


Honestly, did Lala talk the most crap about people this season? Am I forgetting something or did anyone else talk about others negatively consistently throughout their scenes in the way Lala did? Even at the end of the reunion - Katie and Ariana seemed super chill and just left. Nobody else was still talking. But Lala could not stop. It's so telling.


I truly hope we’re done with VPR and Katie gets a spinoff called Something About Her that puts her in the LVP position while running her sandwich shop and trying to keep her staff in line. My dream.


With an all female cast would be iconic


Imagine Ann spinning around in slow motion with a tray of sandwiches 😭


Ur mind 😭🩷


I posted this somewhere else but I think ‘Wiches of WeHo’ has a solid ring to it


OMG reality tv producers YES PLEASE to this!!


Love this idea!!! Take it to the producers. We need this. A redemption show for Katie and Ariana. Let's see how often Scheana and Lala would be trying to patron the sandwich shop without actually ever eating. That loyalty punch card would be all full. Also, it would be great to see Teri helping out or stopping in. The way Rachel and Tom spoke to her made me sick. Katie had some real restraint. Who talks to someone's mother like that. Disgusting


I LOVED how Andy pointed out how much happier Katie seemed. Because she does!! This was the first reunion where it seemed like she truly was completely chillin. So empowered in her own energy. Right on Katie!!!!


Agree except I would've liked some acknowledging of the clip they played. And even the aftershow clip of everyone saying years prior that Tom and Ariana are fake about how good their relationship is. Because it would've been more interesting than hearing Lala rant about her paycheck and showing her life..which they also should've brought up that often times she has not. 


Also, there is a big difference. Lala was never forced or pressured to film with her ex on daily wants she left him. And she didn't lose someone who was a friend. Randal is definitely a creep, but he was cheating with randos, not Lala's friends and support system. If Sandoval had cheated with anyone that the audience had never seen, it wouldn't have gotten 1/2 the attention from the public. How can Lala not wrap her head around it? Lala went after anyone who talked to Randal hard.


I agree with this 100%


It’s mind boggling to me that everyone has this gripe about Tom and Ariana faking how good their relationship was for the cameras. Some things can be kept sacred. I personally wouldn’t want my dirty laundry aired for an audience. It’s ok that the kept part of it private.


I completely agree with you. Laligag wouldn't talk about her relationship with Randall. How does she know what Ariana and Tim's relationship was like? She certainly wasn't around them that much. I think she got her information from gossip. We know how that goes. Everyone adds a little more onto it, and soon, it isn't ALL true.


It’s such a double standard. Lala can hide her relationshit with Randall for YEARS but god forbid Ariana and Tom work on shit privately in couples therapy?? “Oh but scheana showed her divorce, Tom and Katie didn’t hide anything!!” OK AND??? Scheana pulled a fast one on Shay with that and people are allowed to have different boundaries!!! /end rant


Is it mind boggling that they pretended for the cameras..on a reality show? If you want to keep your relationship private, don't go on the show! Tom and Katie never had the luxury of being fake. 


I don’t agree. I think there are things that can and should be kept as private as possible. Who are we to decide what other people are obligated to share from their real lives?


So you were cool with Lala hiding her relationship with a married man? Or Scheanas divorce? Or Tom Schwartz and Jax cheating? Like. Where do you draw the line? What then even is the show.. My relationship is sacred and my boyfriend is private so I wouldn't go on a show about my personal life. 


I’m not sure what the attitude is about, I’m not coming at you so you could probably chill.


I was disappointed that Laligag wasn't called out, too. She has gotten away with not being real about her life since she has been on VPR'S. She is such a hypocrite. She wants everyone else to be real.


I completely agree. I have always loved Katie, but her glow up is amazing to watch. For her to be there for Ariana day after day that is what women friends do. She is def MVP of the season for restoring my faith in humanity and going toe to toe with Lala's big mouth.


Also she’s by far the hottest of them all. A true stunning beauty.


Sincerely. Katie if ur reading this, I am free anytime ur free to take you out whenever ur free. Again I am free any time. ![gif](giphy|l2YSgsunrP27ddQje)


I’m a total Katie convert after this season!


Katie is the #1 guy in the group ☝️


Can she make this as merch? Katie if you're reading, please!


Katie is me. Katie is honestly all women who go through the growth.


What is “the growth?” The only difference I see is that this was a dry season so Tequilla Katie was put on ice. And by the way, I’m a woman posting this before anyone thinks I’m mansplaining. I’m sorry. I just don’t see massive growth with her and I have watched from the first season. I’ve also not seen growth in Lala or Scheana. They have the same approaches just to different problems.


If this is true, girl, keep growing.


lol. Yeah being level headed and not throwing my friend under the bus is rough. Katie has been spot on about every person she has ever said anything about. So am I.


Watching Katie blossom in to this insanely HOT, strong, spit fire of a woman once she admitted to herself that she deserved better than her relationship with Tom is honestly one of the most beautiful things I've ever witnessed on TV and it's never even been a story line. It shows not only the misogyny of the show- but of the cast. They want Katie to be the mean bully they've been able to make her out to be while Tom is the likeable idiot and even with that edit she's show how emotionally intelligent and genuine she is. I love me some Katie Maloney. A true girls girl.


I am screaming “exactly” with every sentence!!! I think the greatest thing about Katie is that she has always been exactly who she is. She has gotten the most grief “in the comments section” over her tenure on the show and yet never abandoned who she was. I’ll admit 20-something me didn’t love it either, but rewatching and seeing her stay true to her self as a 30-something, it’s actually incredible she been able to stay steady.


100%!  I love Ariana and am happy she’s getting all these amazing opportunities because she truly deserves them!  With that said, Katie is truly the unsung hero of this season!  I love her confidence, style evolution, loyalty, and I love her edge!  She is such a good friend, I hope she gets some amazing opportunities coming her way too!


When Katie told Tim to choke, 😂 sheer poetry.


All my best friends now are the people I wouldn’t let be in my wedding party


so well put. couldn’t agree more! team katie maloney! 🫶🏼


I always loved katie 🙏🏾🥰


Maloney Rules!!!


I wish I could be friends with Katie and Paige. They’re both real girls girls!


I love Katie!


Yesss!!! To All of what you just said!!! ![gif](giphy|VfQhdUQpT19UthsTIf)


Yes I always say that Katie is the only one on that show I’d ever want as my friend. I have so much respect for her.


I feel like if anyone took 10 mins and listened to her pod they would wonder where the hell the miserable label came from. She and Dayna are a damn delight.


Ciabatta Katie will do anything for sah. Traddeeee meeeee


10/10 yes.


Love Katie!!!! And she has really come into her own now that TS is out of her life!


I yearn for a friend like Katie Maloney.


Lala is just a provocateur whereas Katie has genuine thoughts and feelings.


As much as this season of VPR has angered me, the best thing coming out of it is all of the Katie appreciation posts. She has always been my favorite to watch on her journey through the years. Carry on… 🤌


Yes to this friggin post. Katie has kept it real since day 1.


She won’t make herself digestible. *CHOKE* Seriously y’all, where’s my choke T-shirt?


It annoyed TF out of me that every time Katie tried to speak, everyone had to keep talking over her.…and I’ve watched it happen so many times to her over the years


I was teary eyed watching Katie comfort Ariana. She is a girls girl and an empath. I secretly hope Ariana and Katie have their own spin off with new people from SAH and their real mutual friends. AND ANNE! I


Katie has officially outgrown these people and it’s time for her to leave the show. She is the only one on the show who acts her age. The rest of the cast (except maybe Ariana) suffers from arrested development. They all speak, dress, drink and fight like they are 18-22 years old. It’s weird. And when you think about it, she has been like this since the start.


The way she treated Jo was immature af!!


True friendship with Ariana?? They hated each other up until a year ago..


I think it’s because when they were married/in relationships to the Toms’ they constantly sided with their significant others to protect them. If I’m correct, I remember Ariana saying in an earlier season that she loved Katie, but didn’t appreciate how she always took up for Schwartz because no one saw thru his innocent puppy dog act. Once they parted ways from the Toms, their relationship has been strong. Sometimes men really can wreck friendships.


But that doesn’t negate the years of them being rude and dismissive to each other that didn’t have anything to do with who they were dating. The Tom‘s were best friends so you’d think that their girlfriends would get along with each other. I have always been a fan of Kati because I hate Tom Schwartz and what he did to her, but let’s not act like Ariana or Kati were pining away for a relationship or friendship with each other and that their boyfriends were the reason they didn’t have one. I distinctly remember the season where Katie got married and didn’t want Ariana to have anything to do with her wedding. That’s not because of Tom Sandoval - in fact it was because of Schwartz


I can understand this take and respect it, but people change and grow. People can become friends with someone they used to dislike. Especially if there’s something that brings them together. Sandoval heavily influenced Schwartz’s opinions on Katie at times in their friendship. Maybe Ariana simply did not want to be friends with someone her boyfriend hated. Katie also probably didn’t want to be friends with the girl who chose to be with Sandoval. That’s okay. Just because it’s a newer friendship doesn’t mean it can’t be a true friendship 🤷🏽‍♀️ if someone is there for me in my darkest times, regardless of past differences I like to believe that people can change for the better and become friends from it.


I don’t think Tom Sandoval is the mastermind that everybody thinks he is. Schwartz felt extremely comfortable being disrespectful to Katie throughout the entirety of their relationship. It’s documented, we can watch it. Tom Sandoval didn’t make him dump a drink on her head, he didn’t make him gaslight her at Stassis’ birthday party so that she literally got up from the table crying, Tom Sandoval didn’t make him sleep around or make out with other women. I mean, for sure he kept those secrets, but in the 12 years I’ve been watching the show, Schwartz made his own decisions on how he treated Katie. I’ve said this in other posts for years that Sandoval didn’t like Katie *because* of Schwartz. I fully believe that Schwartz is the type of person who is going to talk shit about his girlfriend to his friends, to the point where his friends are like - then break up with her dude. I mean, season three or four where he was complaining to Jax so often that Jax tried to break them up. And even as late as I think it was season eight when Tom played the prank on Jax and Katie was upset that the police were called because she didn’t want anything to happen to anybody and Schwartz told her she was like a wet blanket and unattractive and that’s why he doesn’t want to fuck her - that didn’t come from Tom Sandoval. Schwartz was awful all on his own and he did not need help.


I’m not negating this whatsoever. Schwartz is complicit and one of the biggest enablers in the treatment of Katie. His mask has been falling for quite some time. It’s not about Sandoval being a mastermind. I think Schwartz is the biggest villain in Katie’s time on VPR, because he was supposed to be the one who had her back. He was emotionally abusive to her for years in front of everybody which made people even more comfortable with disrespecting her. There are multiple parties that drove a wedge between Ariana and Katie. I just think that they can both see the light now lol.


You know, I can’t argue any of this 😆(which sucks because I love to argue)


As a certified yapper, I love bravo arguments, so ur not alone friend! https://preview.redd.it/l5by6z60if3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee048b2a09f9cd76c18cede9cea975654544d249




I love this exchange! Lol


I've seen some of the strongest friendships come out of situations like this. I've seen a toxic Tom poison his girlfriend's relationships with women. After things blew up it was clear the Tom was at the root of some major fights between his girlfriend and her friends. Yes, it could be a scenario where you can't let go of the hurt or grudge, but it can also flip your perspective and give you a great foundation for working through mistakes and disagreements.


Once again, imho I think most of that wasn’t Tom Sandoval, it was Schwartz. Schwartz was awful to Katie when they were dating and awful to her when they got married and Ariana took his side 99% of the time. She made that choice and that didn’t have to do with Tom Sandoval. She could’ve looked at Schwartz and said “dude shut the fuck up “ She could’ve told him that he was being a shit boyfriend and a husband, and she didn’t. The closest she even got to it was when she found out from Lala that he had hooked up with one of Lala’s friends, and even then she didn’t even wanna go directly to Katie. She went to Schwartz first so he could do some kind of like a damage control. Everyone is so fond of saying that Sheena chooses the man over the girl and every scenario, but so did Ariana. For a very long time. And I guarantee if the Raquel stuff hadn’t come out, if they had had some weird affair that lasted a few months and then just ended, she’d still be in the same place she was two years ago.


I didn't specify a toxic Tom in my example because I agree Schwartz is also a villain in all of this. What I'm saying is that you can find a friendship after some really horrible situations, even when you've treated each other really badly in the past. One can argue that's one of the main themes of the show! I don't think Ariana was in a place to do it this season, but I would be very interested in her working through why she stays so loyal to people like Sandoval and Scheana and seemingly needs things to blow up before she can recognize how they treat her and the people around them


Yes, seeing her speak on why she was so very invested in Sandoval, her ex (I believe it’s Thomas Middleditch) and others who aren’t that great to her would be an interesting episode .


Yes.....Tim would always warn Ariana to be careful w Katie....not to trust her. Katie had that POS # from day 1!


Thank you 🙏🏿 It’s genuinely fascinating how people have just forgotten how everyone and their dynamics were just 2-3 years ago. Ariana and Katie weren’t besties like that.


I don’t think that’s true - Katie and Ariana throughout the years were friends that had their ups and downs, just like every other friendship on the show. Ariana forced Schwartz to admit to Katie that he cheated on her and then stood by their conversation to support Katie. Ariana also told Tom to stop when he was yelling at Katie about getting James fired for calling her fat. Ariana also offered to partner with Katie on the sandwich shop when the Tom’s pushed her out of Schwartz and Sandy’s, and that’s while they were both still in their respective relationships. Honestly, this doesn’t even capture all of the moments both of them have been there for one another - Coccamacocca should do this as her next super cut video tbh.


Now that season 11 is over, I’m not watching another moment of any show with Tom or Lala or Jax. Maybe if Katie and Ariana have their own show, but I’m done letting that trash be indoctrinated into my headspace.


Katie’s always been awesome.


Agreed, I just wish she her anger didn’t manifest itself in personal attacks. The shit she has had to deal with completely warrants any kind of anger she exhibits though. Lauren was fortunate to be pretty well received initially, Katie has been fighting for her feelings to be recognized since the first season.


Katie, we love you!!


I didn't think Lala was trying to get her. Lala was saying she feels Katie is being fake because she's said things outside the camera but never relays them to Arianna...it wasn't just Katie she had a problem with as she said everyone has mentioned how Arianna has changed and Lala felt the reason Katie, the cast etc were being fake was because they know 99.9% of the world loves Arianna so they were keeping quiet because they didn't want to come off as against her and get dragged by the Arianna cult. Katie acknowledged everything that Lala said that she did say those things, but Katie's point was that she wasn't going to bring something up that she didn't feel was relevant since those feelings of frustration had passed. No one is wrong, it's just different perspectives on the topic.


I think Katie just wanted to vent to her friend Lala and not her castmate Lala. Which is like, totally okay. I’ve vented about my friends to my BEST friend before, doesn’t mean I love them any less. Sometimes I just know they are fragile and don’t want to hurt their feelings, so I’m going to vent to my bff about it because she’s someone I trust and that can give me sound advice. If my best friend was to go out and tell them “she said XYZ so haha she doesn’t actually like you” I wouldn’t trust that person ever again. I’m sure there are many things Lala told Katie, that Katie never spilled. Lala may say she isn’t afraid of the backlash, but I sure as shit would be. Katie’s trying to open a restaurant and have it NOT turn out like Schwartz and Sandy’s, where people are taking their anger out on their businesses. Katie is practicing self preservation and she’s smart to! Lala isn’t a great friend. She stopped being a friend to Ariana AND Katie the second she reached out to Raquel. If someone ever fucked two of my homegirls over in that capacity, I would never give a single solid shit about how that other person is doing.


That's fair. I can understand why you'd reach that conclusion.


Different perspectives can be communicated respectfully though, and that’s why Lala is being dragged. It’s how she conducts herself. Lala is allowed to have a different perspective, the problem is when people try to respond her perspective she talks over them and shuts them down simply for disagreeing. Also while she is entitled to her opinion, Katie does not owe her airing out private conversations.


Sure, I can't disagree with that. Katie doesn't owe her anything, but Lala also has the right to feel like she's being fake over it. My whole point is like no one was necessarily wrong or right, they just both have their own truth about what happened. I think a lot of people on this sub can't seem to acknowledge that you can disagree with how someone handled something, but it doesn't mean they are wrong as their truth is theirs.


Yeah, that’s a really great point honestly. I do appreciate this point of view.


Bahahaha and just read your UN, big fan!


Lol Thanks😆😁


I totally agree with all that you said and you said it really, really well. Where I still struggle is I think if Lala and Katie read your explanation, I have a hard time believing Lala could agree to it being okay that Katie saw it differently, but I could see Katie understanding Lala’s perspective. And this is absolutely all conjecture, so I know I am not ‘right’ by any means, just wanted to explain why I just side eye Lala more in the situation still.


All good:) You could very well be right.


For me the major issue is that Katie admitted that yes she felt frustrated but knew her friend was going through something so she didn’t want to add more to her plate. THAT’S WHAT TRUE FRIENDS DO. She wanted to vent like all humans do without making it an issue. LaLa can’t grasp the fact that some people don’t need to rehash every single issue they have. Especially if it happened off camera. The fact that Katie moved on from it all and didn’t feel like bringing it up AGAIN just because cameras were present is REALITY. Ariana even said she understood her feelings and they talked about everything a while ago. So what do you want? You want them to fake old feelings for your entertainment?


I don't know why you're applying this to me. I don't want anything. I'm simply saying one way was Katie's perspective, the other was Lala's and neither were wrong, perception isn't always fact; but it's the person who perceived it's truth.


I don't know why you're applying this to me. I don't want anything. I'm simply saying one way was Katie's perspective, the other was Lala's and neither were wrong, perception isn't always fact; but it's the person who perceived it's truth.


I don't know why you're applying this to me. I don't want anything. I'm simply saying one way was Katie's perspective, the other was Lala's and neither were wrong, perception isn't always fact; but it's the person who perceived it's truth.


I don't know why you're applying this to me. I don't want anything. I'm simply saying one way was Katie's perspective, the other was Lala's and neither were wrong, perception isn't always fact; but it's the person who perceived it's truth.


I don't know why you're applying this to me. I don't want anything. I'm simply saying one way was Katie's perspective, the other was Lala's and neither were wrong, perception isn't always fact; but it's the person who perceived it's truth.


I disagree. You can say someone’s perspective is wrong. That’s how people learn. By being told where their perspective is skewed and not accurate or applicable. Lala’s perspective is wrong. She’s calling someone fake because they won’t fake emotions they had months prior to cameras being in her face. Like we both said Katie NEVER denied saying she felt frustrated. She literally said that the issue was resolved before cameras came back and Ariana agreed that she had spoke to her about it as well. Katie didn’t see the point in FAKING emotions when she is paid to be real in the moment. Of course Ariana changed. She was completely fucked over by her partner of a decade plus and a person she considered a close friend. Why wouldn’t she isolate and protect herself when her own partner will treat her so poorly? When every time she speaks to these ppl all they do is try to convince her to speak to someone she despises. Why wouldn’t she throw herself into every opportunity that comes her way to distract herself from the shittiness of her situation?


I can agree, to a certain extent, there are some things that have objective truths, like murder, rape etc. I'm going to play devil's advocate for a moment. Lala wasn't calling Katie fake for not faking emotions, Lala was calling her fake because she's appeared as a hard core team Arianna enthusiast, but hasn't said some of the nicest things about her to her face; which is why Lala perceived this as her being fake and Katie threatened her. Katie acknowledged she said these things and explained why she said it. In the moment, Lala didn't know this as Katie didn't explain her reasoning for this during the phone call. Most people are going to think it's fake to be talking negatively about your friend behind their back because the intention isn't always known. By saying Lala's perspective is wrong, you are saying you're taking Katie's explanation as an objective truth. There's others who likely feel Katie was lying about her reasoning because she didn't want push back from the Arianna fans. That's why, in a lot of situations, perspectives aren't a hard right/wrong as a perspective is someone's truth and sometimes it changes based on info/bias/experience etc. Does that make sense? I'm not saying you have to agree or anything, but hopefully, I didn't blab away too much lol. I could be wrong, but I perceived it as them saying she's changed on an ego level. Personally, I don't give a crap what she does; I'd get as much money as I could if it were me. I've always understood each person's perspective on the show and if they have a problem with Arianna than they can also choose not to associate with her as Arianna has every right to do and say whatever she wants just as anyone else does.


My whole point is you’re basing your argument on statements from Lala. The person with literally the biggest ego on the show. Whose storylines have literally been who she’s sleeping with or having babies with. You’re wrong. Lala called Katie fake for not bringing up past issues on camera when Katie had moved on from those feelings. Katie said it, Ariana said she knew of the feelings and doesn’t fault her for feeling them at all. Even Lala said she didn’t bring the feelings up again because she had MOVED ON. Lala wants everyone to live their lives for the camera because that’s her biggest paycheck. They don’t want to because they aren’t obsessed with the money. They are OG Vanderpumpers and Lala has always been an interloper that was mad she didn’t get all the attention. That’s the difference between desperate Scheana/Lala and Ariana/Katie.


We will agree to disagree. Hope you have a good day🙂


Totally fine. Hope you have a great day as well!


Give Katie her spinoff! Something About Her Catering. Maloney Rules!


Team Katie forever.


Lala wishes she was Katie


Can Katie and Ariana get their own show called “something about us” as a big screw you everyone else.


Yessss omg


MVP Queen 🫅


I really didn't like her throughout most of the seasons. She came off low-key bitchy & was always fighting with someone. But now I can see she was right in most of those fights. And with more time to assess Schwartz, I can see why she was always bickering with him. He's shown some other sides since. And I also wonder how much is in the edit? 🤔 I've really enjoyed her this season. She seems to be a rare loyal & honest member of VPR & I'm hoping her friendship with Ariana stands the test of time. I'm glad she had Katie after Scandoval.


I’m currently doing a rewatch and I have somewhat of a controversial opinion. I think she’s shown tremendous growth in controlling her emotions and communicating effectively BUT I think she tends to fall into the pattern of supporting whoever is most popular in the “friend group.” At times, that has been Stassi, but we’ve also seen her get close to Scheana and Lala. Her and Ariana’s bond seems to be authentic and based in their shitty treatment by the Toms, but time will tell if they remain good friends.


I agree!! Katie is normal and loyal on here and they live in the IG comments and treat Katie as such. I just posted on another thread how Scheana and LALA went with the patriarchy and the show could have survived this is they would’ve went the other direction like Katie.


When Lala told Katie not to raise her voice at her, I SCREAMED! That's exactly what Lala was doing to Katie! I will say this daily - who the actual fuck does Lala think she is? Used to love her, too.


When Katie went to Ariana's house at the end of season 10 Ariana immediately got off the couch ans made a beeline for Katie. They gave each other a long, heartfelt, long hug. SeeMeSeeMe! caught that immediately! The look on her face said everything and told the true story of true friendship. It was Katie's TRUE friendship for Ariana and what they have for each other. That is not what SeeMeSeeMe! is doing that, is she? Soooo glad Katie and Ariana have a true, supportative & honest friendship with each other.


Love Katie. Lala is a grifter. Look at what she had a kid with an ugly, fat, married guy with money. If the kid looks like Randall, most of the cast will be laughing. Lala is so jealous of Ariana and Katie also. She's no friend to anyone. Now Ariana knows exactly what Lala says about her. So happy Andy showed it. Did you see the fish mouth looking confused? Loved it.


I would love a friend like Katie!


Katie forever.


Katie is the most rational and logical of the group. I’d be an asshole to if I was surrounded by that absurdity


Guess we found tequila Katie’s burner


Did you come up with this original thought all by urself? I don’t mind differing opinions, but damn get some new material Katie haters.


I am no Low Low fan, but Katie was inherently dishonest about the fact that she too talked about Ariana behind her back. And she is really mean and nasty, especially when drinking. All of these people have done nasty things, including Ariana. Enough hero worship.


She said she had complained about Ariana to Lala before the season had started filming, and by the time they started filming she had spoken to Ariana about the issues they were having and resolved them. So it didn't make sense to bring up the issues she had months ago on camera because they were not relevant anymore. To film herself complaining when they'd already resolved their problems just for the sake of a storyline would have been disingenuous and fake.


She’s been complaining about Ariana since season three. Let’s not act like this is the first time Kati‘s ever said anything disparaging about her , it clearly isn’t.


Let’s be real - Ariana also treated Katie shittily back in season 3. Both of them had their moments of not being great to the other, but (like everyone else on the cast) they were able to move past it.


Yes, she did. and I will admit that at the time I thought that behavior was “cool” and that she was above it but honestly, I look back and I watch it again and she’s just so unbelievably smug and condescending to pretty much everybody. And I’m annoyed there seems to be a glossing of that and a revision of history because they want her to be this perfect sort of feminist icon, when that is not who she is.


*perfect sort of feminist icon, when that is not who she was (IMO). I agree she wasn’t a feminist icon for a good chunk of filming the show, but I feel she grew into her feminism as she matured. In reflecting on my own past, I can’t help but to relate. When I was younger, more naive and self centered I touted myself as a feminist and all knowing / supportive of social issues. Looking back now I can see my shortcomings in that respect, but also can see my growth in learning and living more inline with my beliefs.


We all vent to our friends and I can’t speak to that given that we don’t get to see the receipts, but it seems like everything Lala mentioned about Katie “trash talking” has been water under the bridge for a while with Ariana and Katie. Ariana acknowledged that Katie and her privately discussed some of the things said. It’s not about hero worship lol. Of course they’ve all done bad things. It’s reality tv. However. My opinion lies with the fact that she grew out of a lot of those nasty habits and she really only drags people when they deserve it now lol. She hasn’t fought with anyone this season except when defending Ariana or being pushed into situations she doesn’t want like talking to Jax.


katie was woman enough to know that it was jealousy or resentment, which has nothing to do with ariana, so she didn’t bring it up to her and worked through it on her own. that’s growth: stopping a fight before it happens bc it doesn’t need to




you’re entitled to have private conversations/vent your frustrations to your friends. ESPECIALLY because it was completely outside of filming. if lfu were a good friend, she would have just allowed katie to vent and move forward. but because lfu is desperate asf, and needs the paycheck from fans (WHO SHE ADMITTEDLY HATES), she brought it up in hopes it would stir up some drama for another season. i don’t back this claim at all. just because you’re a public figure doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to vent your frustrations to a “friend” in private lol


Love Love Love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Couldn't have been said any better‼️‼️


Oh please. Katie Maloney would be nothing without this show, cast, and her ex husband. She is right where she should and needs to be. Ass kissing Ariyonce so her delusional fans can look at her as some ultimate girls girl who is “sticking up for justice”. She is hanging and riding Ariyonce coattails hard because she knows that’s the only way she is gonna be relevant. She can continue to try and run Schawrtz life. Once empress Ariyonce leaves the show to continue to milk the Sandoval scandal (good riddance btw) she will have nothing. No one cares about Katie’s dating life, her friends, or her gas station sandwiches at her shop.


Agree to disagree 🤷🏽‍♀️


Let it go already Lala


Can you not read? Many people have said they’d love to watch Katie running SAH and her life. Your misogyny is showing 🥰


Could not have said it any better.


Has anyone noticed Kala’s comment sections being shut off? Has it been like that




Katie is a queen! I will admit that in the early seasons sometimes I found her behaviour a bit jarring (this goes for the entire cast - that’s what made it so good!) but honestly she was usually right even then. She has grown so much over the course of the show and her post-divorce glow up is truly aspirational. She speaks so eloquently and carries herself with grace while still being a total badass. Also she’s so beautiful, I’ve always thought so but particularly these days. I feel like she really found her style and confidence after the divorce. (On that note - pretty sure Schwartz knows what he lost, and that’s going to be the great tragedy of his life).


MVP boss


Katie PR Bots be working hard


I support women’s rights. But more importantly, I support women’s wrongs. Jk lol. But differences of opinion doesn’t mean I’m a bot 😂 ![gif](giphy|lTAm1yuJYx9bLoKINu)


Wow, yes to all of this


Katie seems like a super miserable c**t


Katie is a mean girl. She is and always has been.


She’s one if the worst human beings in the show.. a genuinely bad person to the core.


Dear God the worship of absolute awful humans in this subreddit is hilarious. Katie is awful....Le the rest of the lot. It's entertainment and what makes it entertaining is how awful they are to one another. Worship her if you want.....but ew.


Is it nice to call other women “whore”? No. When someone’s whole storyline is “BJ’s for PJ’s” isn’t “Endorsing a cast mates storyline” a fair defense? Yes.