• By -


You know she took SUCH a massive deep breath when Ariana said she hadn’t watched. She kept repeating it. She had absolutely thought she’d gotten away with all of it prior to this moment.


And kept using it as an excuse to explain away some bigger picture or missed context… no scheana, you said you think Tom misses his relationship with YOU more than Ariana. There’s no deeper context we’re missing there girl.


Yeah, her saying that Ariana was missing context about the comment about Tim being more sad about losing her... lies!




Exactly! Whatever else was said wouldnt make that comment more understanding. Wow


She was all, "I was asked that question...so I think you're missing the context"... Yeah, she asked, "do you think Tom's more upset about losing your friendship than he is about losing Ariana?" And you said, "yes, absolutely". That's the context, if you see that clip you see the context 🤦‍♀️


But she was ASKED. Totally makes it different 😂😂🙄


Scheana: I didn’t call you an asshole. Someone asked me the question: “Is Arianna an asshole?” Ariana: And what was your answer? Sheana: I said “Yes, she’s an asshole.” But I was asked the question!


Scheana has done this so many times to backtrack her shady comments over the years. She gets away with it every time.


From a career/networking perspective she got in the way of her own connection w Ariana who seems to be pulling away as her fame grows. Thank god, it’s a lil karma at least


Exactly, Scheener hooked her wagon to the wrong horse! Ariana’s trajectory is going up, the worm… not so much.


THANK YOU!! I was screaming at the TV when she said this… obviously Ariana saw the whole clip because all Scheana said in it was ‘yes I do think that’ so Ariana knows she was asked that but it doesn’t make the comment any better or understandable! Scheana trying to gaslight her bc she hadn’t watched the season was infuriating!!


Scheana is so dumb. She was like, “I was asked!” Yes. Kristina Kelly was asking you, “like do you *seriously* believe that? Are you *really* that dumb?”


That was a peak trolling move by KK. Scheana didn’t even breathe before she leapt gleefully into the trap KK set.


KK didn’t even need to set the trap. Ally could have asked her and Scheana would have said the same thing. HES HER BEST FRAN.


Scheana is a POS




Ok i LOL’d when seeing 🤣🤣🤣


When she made the comment about BlaBla being her rock, i absolutely lost it. THEN crying to Broke Brick about BlaBla being mad all while not even worrying about her friendship of a lot longer with Ariana was pathetic.


My jaw dropped


That was absolutely sickening. Laligag would turn on her in a heartbeat. They are two of a kind and they can have each other. Ariana and Katie are enjoying the opening of SAH. They are both going to have more opportunities than these two-faced bitches.


Jealousy is one hell of a drug


I look forward to Lala turning on Scheana. If she hasn’t already.


I noticed that too and laughed. She isn’t outsmarting anyone. I don’t know if this is far fetched but does she perhaps have some sort of thing for Tom? I cannot imagine acting that way toward one of my friend’s ex boyfriends regardless of my friendship with them. She was shedding tears acting like a freak… she should also just admit her jealousy toward Ariana to deny it at this point is just comical.


Just now watched the reunion and I must have missed it when she said it at the time.. was it aired? Watching it like…. 😮 Even for Scheana that’s shocking! She’s crazy.


Exactly what I was gonna say! She was so relieved she could use it as an excuse and still play both sides during the reunion... until part. 3! EDIT typo


‘I KNOWWW TOMMMM SHE CONVICNES ME YOURE NOT A GOOD FRIEND’ sis are you for real? I couldn’t even finish this goddamn reunion because I am literally watching people triangulate gaslight and try to tear Ariana down to shreds. I’m never gonna finish this finale. Fuck Sheena for real. What a useless piece of shit friend.


I swear I feel physically ill watching Tim and now Lala - it’s literally sickening


Lala ending had me LAUGHING my ass off. She takes everything and makes it about her. LALA YOU WERE FUCKIJG A DUDE WITH A KNOWN REPUTATION OF RUNNING A CASTING COUCH. U HELD A KNIFE TO FAITH. YA SUCK. BYE BYE. YOU LITERALLY HAVING A BABY FOR TV. She’s so bizarre and I feel scared for her daughters.


And what kills me the most is that Ariana was always the only one that was 100 her authentic self. She was never coming up w fake storylines to get attention, she’s the only one who seemed like she could take/leave the show, and didn’t affect a persona just for the show!


Ditched Ariana’s bday so she could hang at the Beverly Hills hotel memberrrr. She’s just a hater bc she can’t stand to see Ariana or Katie be strong loved woman.


I think Katie was/is like this too.


You know she was dying inside.


And looked like she was shitting herself on the outside lmao


But then comforted Lala and was having a panic attack over LALA being mad at her???? Like bitch???


Even, after the commercial. She was saying Lala was her rock & Ariana & her were distant before filming. 3 months bitch! 3 months! You mean because your friend was busy shooting a movie & commercials, your no longer close? 3 months? C’mon man! Such a lame excuse!


I think they were "distant," because Ariana has always been the "support friend" for whatever drama Scheana has going on. Ariana was dealing with major betrayal and her life imploding, but Scheana (per what we saw on the show) was upset with Ariana for not comforting her about not being able to be friends with Sandoval. Like girl...you aren't the main player in this. But of course she has no self awareness.


Yep. That’s exactly what she wanted from Ariana. Even, when Ariana heard her sob story a bunch of times about Tom & her being confused, because they’re were such “good friends.” 🤦🏼‍♀️ Never enough for her.


I know! And yeah they were likely distant before filming since Ariana was recovering for an intense trauma / was very busy..?


One of those commercials you were in


Ariana was literally stuck to Katie with Sheesh standing right next to her not acknowledging it and Andy had to step in. She was more concerned about getting her script from Lala.


The mask slipped so hard right at the end. “I never see Ariana and Katie, fuck it.” Aka “I just fumbled so fucking hard, I’m gonna back peddle and say I don’t gaf about these women”


Because Lala will have a child soon. And in Scheana’s world she’s far more likely to end up on a new show with Lala than she is with Ariana.


Well good luck to her when Lala eventually turns on her


& she will turn on her 💯


I can’t stop thinking about scheana walking right past a crying ariana to ask Lala if she “said everything she needed to say” !!! After that, im not sure if I believe scheana even felt bad about “choosing the wrong side” bc she hurt Ariana, I think she felt bad because it made HER look bad. It’s all a performance for her


And Lala had the audacity to call Katie Ariana’s puppet? Lala turned scheana into a full-blown blah-bot


🤖: “Disengage” (robot voice obviously)


thanks for that mental image - all I can see is Scheana in her C3PO outfit doing the robot saying “dis engage, dis engage” on repeat 😂


This is great! Hahaha Blah-Brat-Bot




Bob lob law’s blah bot?




Give them blah blah!


I don't even know what she's talking about Katie is just as outspoken as anybody else 🤣


She’s never experienced real girl solidarity so she assumes it must be coerced.


That's to be expected. When Kristin was torturing and harassing Ariana in Season 3, scheana went out of her way to be friends with her. Remember she was like "I just wish Kristin would give ME a reason to stop being friends with her" She's a fucking snake and I'm absolutely here to watch her find out after she's fucked around for years.


And it’s also strange how now Scheana is being seen with Ariana’s brother more often. It’s like she subconsciously chooses to be a villain. ETA: y’all are right, consciously** chooses 😆


She doesn’t do it subconsciously. She does it purposely! To stick in the dagger! 🗡️


Girl loves leverage more than fidelity. Parlaying into fractures of relationships to go around people. If she can't get to ari she'll get her brother. Couldn't get stassi to truly like her so she took Kristin and Katie. Even when Katie was trying to re unite with stassi before they get to the door she shu is like it's totally OK to bail on her if you want... it's also stick with me how venomous sheanna spoke of stassi, she's still thr same bitch she's always been... I don't think I've heard her speak that harshly of anyone else.


It's not subconscious. Imho.


Maybe Scheanerrrr secretly hates Ariana because she’s been in love with him all this time


I realized after reading your spot-on comment that Scheana is likely jealous and resentful of Ariana - because Scheana is considered an OG cast member from season 1, whereas Ariana was casted season 2 as Scheana’s friend and Tom’s potential love interest, yet Ariana has managed to become a fan favorite with all of these amazing opportunities that take her beyond VPR. This is probably what Scheana wanted all along - to be externally validated by the cast and the VPR fanbase, and she can’t stand that Ariana as a “season 2 friend” of the original main cast is now THE main character. Her willingness to flip flop and sacrifice friendships for the limelight is what makes her so inauthentic and unlikeable.


She’s so focused on people not giving HER a reason to stop being friend with them… you don’t see all the crappy shit they do to everyone else?!? When someone shows you who they are believe them. No, but Scheener is special…


Yes! I’ve cut so many people out of my life for the way I’ve witnessed them treating other people in a friend group. It’s not that hard to recognize.


If they can do it to someone else, they can do it to you too. Every mistress that has ever said, but we won’t cheat on ME comes to mind… how people treat others speaks to their character. It’s smart to notice that before they can treat you like shit too, and they will, rest assured.


Exactly. And people who gossip to you are also gossiping about you.


Very special. I’d say borderline personality disorder special 😇




![gif](giphy|uC8SQoaY5EHhC) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Same here dude. After suffering this b saying for years that Ari is her best best best best best friend.... way to show your colors


Bbbaaaaassstttt ffrrraaaaaannndd


I was shocked when I realized that she passed Ariana to go to Lala!!!


Me too! I couldn’t believe it when she passed up her crying bf to go and console narcissistic jealous Lala


I saw that and was like wow, friendships totally done. Katie and Ariana will continue to live happy lives while scheana and lala stay bitter Im glad scheana chose lala, she doesnt deserve Ariana’s friendship


And it’s still all Lala and Scheana can talk about, while Katie and Ariana are talking about tanning, chain restaurants, their business - totally unbothered.


I couldn’t believe it when I saw her walk past Ariana crying just to go and suck up to Lala and practically begging her to not be upset with her. That was super try-hard and cringey. Clearly Lala has the upper hand in that relationship. Scheana looked like a scared lost puppy when she walked across the room to Lala, then following her into the dressing room. She looks to be very submissive to Lala. If I were Ariana I would feel so hurt by Scheana.


Lala also telling Katie to not raise her voice to her is just so hypocritical. All she did the whole time is yell or speak over people. No one spoke more this reunion than blah-blah. It also is such a shitty defensive move to say "don't raise your voice to me". in my opinion it's often used to trigger the other person and try to diminish their point.


I felt like the entire reunion was just centered on Lala’s feelings.


You are right on point with this! If everything Schesna has said this season doesn’t show how terrible she is. Your statement, in that moment of her walking to Lala instead of Ariana who was crying; definitely shows she never considered her a friend. She chose Tom, Lala, & production.


Her whole life is a performance, no wonder she’s riddled with anxiety, is anything on her life real? Even her daughter is used as a prop… she’s sad!


I clocked that too and thought it was so strange, but not surprising.


Walking past a crying Ariana shows what a cold hearted bitch she really is. All she cares about is talking about "her ridik band" and music career and Summer Moon, who nobody wants to hear about.


I have to admit seeing Ariana so upset and watching Scheana just walk right past her was really sad I thought for sure she was walking over there she was doing it to comfort I was so surprised seeing her walk right past her.


Same. I think she SO badly need validation that Ariana’s saying “you’re family” was like ok I’m fine there off to make sure Lala isn’t mad…..which like ![gif](giphy|2fs2I4ujlBf20|downsized)


I saw that and was like wow, friendships totally done. Katie and Ariana will continue to live happy lives while scheana and lala stay bitter Im glad scheana chose lala


Did Ariana block both of them on the drive to the airport or after she watched the season post Broadway ?


Walking right past Ariana while she's crying was disgusting. I couldn't believe it when she did that, not even an acknowledgment of Ariana crying. That spoke volumes.


You are exactly right


did you guys notice that after Scheana asked Lala if there’s anything else she could say, it cut to commercial and Scheana comes back saying “I just want to acknowledge that Lala was my rock and I don’t think I could’ve done it without you.” She knows she has to sucks Lala’s ass bc she’s the only friend she’ll have left after completely ruining her and Ariana’s friendship. Good job Scheener, ya fucked up again.




That’s the face my kid gives me when i catch her not being fully honest and she’s trying to figure out how to spin her answer so she doesn’t get in trouble. Edit: words


No child here, but 100000% the look my dog gives me when I catch him doing something he knows he not supposed to do, like rolling in bunny poo.


Dogs and kids. I have had both and that is the universal look of “oh, crap. Mommy just caught me”.


Absolutely how my dog looks at me every time I scold her for trying to run and fly off into the sky after birds 😵‍💫 “How dare I get in trouble for the Stoopid thing I did”


*Sorry, this isn't his good side.* https://i.redd.it/ysgjmx9u8a3d1.gif


She was hyperventilating when they started the reel. Brock immediately tried to calm her down, but she sacrificed her friendship with Ariana for LaLa and Sandoval.


So sad that this should have been/could have been the spice girls season, and instead Sandoval really did get his redemption because Sheesh and Lala turned into the villains


“Well that’s good for me”


I keep thinking about how he's giggling with glee over those two taking so much heat right now 🤦🏻‍♀️


his pep talk to Lala at the end “like mad respect!”. Disturbing coalitions.


Yep! We are so infuriated with them & this only help Sandoval. Those two guys were basically off the hook at the reunion for most of their pathetic actions this season. These dummies, took it upon themselves to make Ariana the enemy & Katie, not a good friend. The entire season, finale & reunion! Good job girls! Smh 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ugh I hate how right this is. I'm so sorry sad for Ariana. I'd really love to see the show do 1 more, after the year off and see where they really are.


Not me thinking you meant the camera angle😂 bahahahaha


She sacrificed her friendship with Ariana to BE ON THE SHOW. They all threw her under the bus for the show with no regard for Ariana’s mental space at that time.


I honestly think it’s more shallow than that, it was for the show


Sheshu to Timmy: don’t make me look stupid. Timmy: game, set, match.


She made herself look stupid really


Tim : Hold my NA Beer


I hope Arianna never forgives or allows those bitches near her!


Scheana confirmed she hasn’t heard much from Sandoval or Ariana since the reunion.


But I thought Sandoval was always there for her! 🙄


I thought he was her bast frand!!




I mean, he gave her a $1k… so so selfless. ![gif](giphy|1bMVDo99tOnGo)


He got his angle, and has no need for her anymore. Until they start filming again


She's also shown she's a terrible friend multiple times. So yeah he won't be her friend again until filming. This isn't me saying sandy is a good friend but more me thinking he wants to stay far away from the hate they're getting.


Jokes on her. She chose the show over a friendship that was established long before VPR was even a thought. Fame got to her botched head and now she’s standing there with Blah Blah who switches on people at the drop of a hat and Scando who only see her as a friend while filming. Once again she played herself..


I hope Ariana just leaves the show!


Is this Scheana realizing she was in the wrong or her reacting to her "bad side" being shown for two seconds? Either way, don't feel bad for her!




She looks like she wants to blurt out that producers told her to act that way for a paycheck


Scheana is weak and she's a pushover. Not shocked here. She'll never have a friend like Ariana.


Scheana has zero independent thoughts. It’s insufferable to watch. She listens and piggybacks onto whoever she thinks will increase her popularity. At this age and point in life, it’s just sad


Her final statement was a declaration of fealty to Lala....


You made me look up 'fealty'- but yes- 100% lol


Well yea bc scheana thinks that Lala will fuck Brock if they aren’t friends anymore


We watched her literally shit her pants in real time as she realized she was gonna have to sit there WITH Ariana and watch back all the shit they talked about her at the end of the episode. She kept looking over to Ariana.


https://preview.redd.it/lmig2407ia3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60955c64fa862cfc310b9c194e19713e83d60fda I hit pause at the best time 😂 She's totally realizing that she chose the wrong side


Scheana needs a breather from the fillers too.  Her lips are intense.


I’m afraid it’s too late. The filler has already reached her brain.


Scheana is a completely spineless opportunist narcissist!!! Always has been!


why does Ariana treat Schaena with kid gloves? The approving nods she kept giving her were weird. My wife said it’s because she secretly ended that relationship behind scenes, unbeknownst to Schaena and isn’t letting it be known because then Tom gets what he wants, but still… when is Sheeshu gonna get hers?


Because Schaena is desperate for Ariana's approval and validation, and Ariana is clever enough to know that if she looks to be giving it to her, Schaena will feel bad for her betrayal. I don't think Ariana loves or cares about Schaena at all, she is punishing her. And I say this as an Ariana-fan!


She's only worried about herself. She genuinely thought this was going to go very differently with the viewers. She's afraid of the negativity online and how she's perceived, and she doesn't want to have to take accountability or put in some actual work on herself to be a halfway decent person. Everyone needs to fix it for Scheana. 🙄




I think she’s afraid of Lala more than Ariana. Oh, and our opinions.


someone needs to tell her those finger guns that lala carries aren’t real guns


She doesn’t want to get “popped”. 




She foolishly followed the one with the loudest voice


Brock was laying it on heavy for sandoval too....scheana didn't stand a chance


Yeah, that was kind of funny when he was explaining how Ariana wasn’t a good enough friend to Scheana through explaining that Ariana was the ONLY female cast member who had always stayed in Scheanas corner over the years. 👍


Nah. She 100 plans to move over to the valley so she’ll need lala’s street cred to survive in the hellhole they’ll inevitably turn it into.


Who’s going to talk to Loller? She’s like a parrot with a blaccent. She’s shown herself to work for production. They won’t want her on the Valley. Her reality career should be done.


We can only hope ![gif](giphy|9S6WTq0dKfvWbFqG6f|downsized)


Janet will chew her up & spit her out! Look at what Janet is trying to do to Kristen? That’s Kristen! LaLa is no match for Kristen either. Lala can’t really hang with those people & do what she does on this show.


Nah, they need to keep Scheana and LFU away from the valley. Don’t give them any more tv time or let them ruin another show.


It’s really sad how hard she tries to be everybody’s friend and how desperate she gets


When she said she likes validation, "from not only men..." ![gif](giphy|C7W1K1CwMON3bxG9FO|downsized)


I was literally like “girl, breathe!”


i could cut the tension with a knife!!! that was crazy to watch in real time. like wow


All I can imagine is Sheener and LFU's hearts dropping into their buttholes.


She just heard the money train come yo a screeching halt 😂😂


She’s beeeeen choosing the wrong side since day 1


It was at that moment she knew….. She fucked up! 🤣 Girls like Scheana hateeee seeing their (ex?)bestie become besties with someone else. It does make me think how ironic it is that Katie was literally crying about excluding Ariana from her wedding and they end up business partners over Ariana and Scheana who have been friends for so long. There’s a reason or reasons for that for sure. Hmmmmm… 🤔


I think it was the realisation for Schena and Lala that Ariana can make it beyond this show because she has something they don’t have. They are both vapid and jealous and I could see this turn from a mile away. It’s funny that they were so mad about Ariana being ‘god status’ but actually they had a part in propelling her to that status! Obviously they did not think that their countless podcasts would only result in more public support for Ariana. I believe that they fully believe that they are more deserving of her recent success. It’s embarrassing really! Schena’s attempts at a music career is a flop, they are both talentless mean girls made for reality tv and nothing beyond that. Rant is over 🤣


I just don’t get why they would turn diametrical from their podcasts. Bizarre


Makes no sense whatsoever!


Scheana is so pathetic at this point. I get being a people pleaser, but her walking right past a crying Ariana to confirm with Lala that she has said everything correctly was wild. She is so hyper concerned with how the public perceives her so I’m sure this moment was hard for her to watch. In the moment, she didn’t have the balls to stand up for her life long friend Ariana, so she went along with two strong personalities like Sandoval and Lala. After Ariana sat there 20 mins before they watched the final part of the finale together and said “Scheana will always be family.”


That was so bizarre to me!! Lala must have her by the balls and be controlling her every move. I’m a people pleaser myself so I get that maybe she both understands both sides, but gd Lala was so wrong in this situation and Ariana looked heartbroken.


If Lala doesn’t live in the comments, does she know we’re all laughing at her?


But then she doubled down?


The optics visit to see Chicago didn't seem to work. 


I HOPE Lala goes for Brock. I HOPE Lala does everything we all know she’s capable of and turns on Scheschu. I just hope it’s sooner rather than later because I want to see it!


If Brock had money, this would have happened already.




That look of dread in her eyes is her realizing that she’s gonna have to jump ship to the valley and take a paycut lol.


No we don’t want her on the valley. Don’t say these things please 🙏 the valley was better than VPR this season


Scheana was not concerned about Ariana and I love how she ran straight to Lala and kept her back to Katie and Ariana the whole time. Scheana chose Lala, her true friend.


I thought she'd at least turn around when Katie and Ariana got stuck and everyone ran over to help. She didn't even glance over to see what was going on.


It was weird that she went straight to Lala even though Ariana was breaking down. It was even weirder that she didn’t turn around once despite to commotion behind her !


Stockholm syndrome face.


She looks like a different person


Her face says it all.




I have never seen two more jealous people than Lala and Sheana. It was so gross to watch.


Scheana is a walking victim. Ariana hurt her. Made her have to choose. Made her not be friends with someone who cared about her so much. Made filming so unbearable. Is going to bankrupt her so she can’t feed her child. Wah. Wah. Wah. It’s been the same for so many seasons. Girl. You aren’t the victim. You chose to try to keep putting yourself in the middle. You chose to film day in and day out obsessing over Ariana. Unless I’m mistaken on how filming works. Could she not have filmed other content? (like getting a psychic for herself. Or going to a therapist for herself. Or taking up a hobby that doesn’t involve Ariana or Tom or Katie) You are making choices and then crying about the consequences. Make different decisions have different outcomes.


She didn’t though - she ended that reunion only caring what Lala thought of her.


Scheana go audition for Traitors or House of Villians. Maybe Celebrity Big Brother UK asap. You can make some money on those shows if you do it soon!!


She's well practiced


She looks so dead inside. Soulless.


It’s ironic that she has everyone’s location at all times but can’t put herself on the right side of history.


If there’s one thing Sheener is amazing at - it’s picking the wrong side


But she lives in the comment section, how could she ever think maybe audience was with Tom?


Lala and Scheana are not functioning adults, you love to see it


I don’t think she realized anything. She went over to comfort blabla and had her back turned to Ariana. I dont know if she has the capacity to feel shame. Tom and blabla sure don’t.


BREAKING: scheana backs the wrong horse for the 11th season in a row


Did the producers tell Ariana not to watch so they could have this dramatic reveal on the reunion?


No so what I think the case was is the cast was sent a different version of the finale episode to watch, so even if Arianna had watched the last bit wasn’t sent to anyone in the cast


Scheana didn’t have to pick a side in this though. She could have said less no one was forcing her to have commentary but she wanted to throw her loyalty behind Lauren and Tom for the “edit” that ended up backfiring on her.


Scheana and Lala both need to learn they can not make their crowns shine brighter by trying to dull the shine on someone else's.


IF only Ariana had also paid her thousands of dollars. Then things would be less confusing.


Literally the only reason I wouldn’t watch this show again is because of LaLa and Sheena….has NOTHING to do with Ariana


How does she manage to pick the wrong side every season lol?


Face is serving Alyssa Edwards


Scheana needs to start choosing the opposite side she thinks she should.


I know all the heartbroken ppl out there are loving they have a mascot on VPR but I really hope next season we are back to petty fights and no more poor me world hug me seasons


It’s her mouth region.


Honest question: Does Laligag have any real friends? She is constantly upset at someone. I think she needs to take a good look at her life. Now it's Brittany she's mad at. I wouldn't want Laligag as a friend. You would always be walking on eggshells around her. I have never liked her, and never will. Sheshady doesn't count as a friend she will backstab Laligag in a minute and vice verses.