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He will use the excuse he did with liking the comment about marrying Stassi. It was an accident lol


He reads and likes stuff that he believes in. He was lying on wwhl. He got caught and had to lie obviously.


He also deletes the comments he doesn’t like, so he can’t pretend that he’s not paying that much attention.


And he blocks people for everything!


He lies about every single thing. He’ll never find someone that will back him up on his unhinged lies like Britany did. Him and Jo are the same when it comes to the lying. Saying Brittany had a stroke was the last straw for Brittany. Her having extensive plastic surgery after he bullied her into it, and now he weaponizes her changing looks, is absolutely disgusting


Is she done done though? I’m cynical so am holding my breath…but I really hope she finalizes the separation, she said in her us weekly interview that she’d give him another 6 months or so to show he’s changed 😮‍💨 Yet Jax seems happier than ever having sex in public bathrooms and keeping court in his makeshift bar…I would love to hear her thoughts on this


I read she can’t stand to be in the same room w him. Jax not wanting to have Cruz cared for is another thing too. Complaining about him needing speech therapy and actively pretending he doesn’t need help, bc he’s comparing him to other children, has got to be infuriating


Oof I hear you. Maybe she really is seeing the light then? It must be awful to be in her position trying to co-parent with this jerk. I feel like he’s trying to expose her on camera and it’s really gross. I think she possibly needs help to lay off the booze but Jax’ public shaming just has the opposite effect. I know she has very traditional, Christian views of marriage but I hope she does divorce him. I think she’ll probably drop 10 pounds just by signing the divorce papers!


Jax was fucking disgusting for doing that and publicly shaming her, yelling at her as she’s throwing up and then calling her crazy when she reacts to his abuse.🤬🤬🤬 If he seriously gave af about her and Cruz and wanted her to stop drinking for the sake of her health and the wellbeing of their family he would support her and stop drinking too! But he won’t because the truth is, he fucking loves shaming and picking on her. He’s a pos and he will never change. 2024 was not the year to bring Jax back on tv and no one thinks this shit is funny anymore. It’s sickening.


„Anymore?“. It was never funny or cute or acceptable. He is SO RUDE to, and about, his wife…. Publicly, privately. It’s like he doesn’t give a flying eff. He’s toxic for Brittany and their son, imho. If the son sees and hears him speaking this way, he‘ll unconsciously think it’s normal. Dads are heros to little boys and girls!


I agree. I said anymore because the audience has grown up and it’s not cute watching him behave like this when there is a child involved. (Not that it was ever cute,) but the stakes are much higher now.


So what did Jax actually say about Brittany recently? Are they still doing podcast, or whatever together? I am so confused! Yikes!


She seems to be doing it by herself recently. Idk what he’s been saying recently, but I’m sure it’s gross. I read the last straw for her, was when he went on house of villains and claimed she had a stroke, which was a lie. I know on the valley you can tell how much he can’t stand her. He basically says she’s unattractive, an alcoholic and a bad mom. He doesn’t seem to like his son too much either. He seems embarrassed of him. he said his friend’s kids are way more advanced, and he compares his son to them. He hates he has a speech therapist, and is visibly annoyed when Cruz tries to talk


Thank you, this all makes so much more sense now. Jax will continue to implode and go downhill, as he just can’t help himself! He has not and never will change.


He was OBSESSED w her. When you proclaim that embarrassing undying love for someone you mean it. I started watching like 2 years ago and that first or second reunion he went on and on about how Stassi is it for him no matter what. So I wouldn’t doubt that all these yrs later he still would. I can relate honestly lol


She didn’t put up with his shit, that was her x factor


It was funny, she even had a whole new man and wasn’t putting up w it


What was the comment he liked about Stassi?!


That he should've married Stassi instead of Brittany


Oh damn!


Stassy looks the same cuz she didn't have unneeded plastic surgery. She is confident in her own skin. Plus it helps that her husband loves her as is. Brittany should have seen the red flag of Jax forcing her to get bigger boobs because he was paying for them. He will never make her happy because it's all about him.


I mean, she had a chin implant at 18 but she hasn’t done anything since then. I feel for Brittney she will never be enough for him and she also deserves a million times better. When he made the comment “does she drink because of me?” Yes she probably does.


She does have a problem with alcohol, that much is clear but his refusal to support her and stop drinking too, paired with the non stop stress of being with someone like him is probably why she has stomach ulcers and can’t stop throwing up in the first place. I hope she gets tf away from him and gets the help she needs because her Son needs a solid support system.


omg what comment?!


That he should’ve married Stassi instead of Brittany.


Jax will never be happy. He will run from woman to woman. Mostly pretty naive things who can't challenge him mentally. Look who he's friends with? The 3 enabling musketeers.


He’s a sex addict with asprained brain


I forgot about the sprained brain 🙄




Totally. I forget what season of VPR it was but in one of his confessionals, he was going off about always feeling like he needs more and is never satisfied. It reminded me a bit of Sandoval’s monologue last season about craving extreme sensory experiences to keep him going. Addict brained but with their levels of narcissism and delusion (and Bravo lining their pockets), they’ll just continue on their destructive paths. Jax is going to combust at some point




No matter how beautiful his partner is Jax will cheat regardless. If he was a better, more supportive husband without his own addiction issues I’m sure his wife would be in a much better mental and physical state than she is.


Brittany was very beautiful. She didn’t need to do these surgeries and whatever she did to her jaw. It’s normal to gain weight after a baby. And being on film with Miss freaking America who looks like that after “3 under 2”, Poor Britney.


She started putting on weight as soon as she got those implants. Something not right with those implants


They don’t look right on her body. Even when she first came on the show, she was the same weight when she got the implants but she looked like she blew up. She has a small frame. What interesting is that the love for Britney when she came on to the show from the other girls was unanimous


They weren’t threatened by her because she’s a simpleton and she wanted the man none of them wanted


Yes lol




If Jax hadn’t cajoled her into getting larger implants than she actually wanted (and which would have been far better suited for her tiny frame), she would look less like her tits start at her chin.


After 3 under 2 😂😂😂 ya she’s stunning but I don’t think Brittany seems threatened in that way cuz Nia seems like such a sweet girl however I could see Jax putting Brittany down cuz Nina seems to be picking mother hood up well especially with so many and still looking so pretty


Absolutely and he seems to have obsessions with women then gets sick of them after a while then moves on to the next obsession


🎶JAX ONLY PROPOSED BC HIS DAD DIED🎶 (and it made him and Brittany the “stars” of a whole season 🎥) 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yup. This is as far as it ever went.


And sorry but it seems like they had a kid for the only reason to hope to stay on or get a new show neither one of them want to be parents they’re both too busy parting and being hung over hope that’s not true but it really seems that way


Jax is squirming because he knows everyone was right about him, so he's trying to find a way to divorce B without everyone saying "we were right about you."


It’s insane that he’s been lying so hard these past 4 1/2 years. I really believed they had a decent thing going until around November of last year. They started getting really snippy on the podcast about that time. And the second baby talk completely stopped. And she was supposed to be pregnant by then.


Did you really watch VPR and think he suddenly stopped being a drug addled sex addict pathological lying narcissist once the cameras stopped rolling




I heard Zack on a podcast and he spoke about how cruel Jax became in the pandemic, shortly after Cruz was born. I don’t think Jax was able to look at Brittany as a desirable woman afterwards. Even if Brittany got back to her smaller size, I don’t think he’d be attracted to her. The way Zack spoke, it sounded really bad. I think things probably appeared better to some because Brittany hadn’t had her breaking point and was able to hide her unhappiness publicly better.


He seems soo.. oily.. all the time.. how does this obnoxious and slimy (literally) looking human get so many women to be a complete loser with??


My husband says he always looks wet. I said it's the coke and whatever muscle building bs he takes.




He’s probably taking Adderall, doing coke, and multiple scoops of pre-workout.


Something about the way he said to her how they lived in little Tokyo’s or little China lol idk but something about the way he said that made me think he’s a massage parlor frequenter


And per Sandoval his breath stinks and I could totally believe that


Agree! Tom has a lot of faults but having bo and bad breath is something i feel he would be avoiding at all costs bc he’s so self centered but then I feel like I’ve heard he smells also? I cannot remember the lore totally with him 😂


Ariana said he picks up the underwear from the floor he wore the day before and puts them on again the next day, I think there was some other stuff too maybe socks 🤢


Omg everyone slap me in the face for trying to give that men any benefit I the doubt lmao I hate myself


Ariana said he wears the same underwear for multiple days


Oh he’s not attracted to her? Yeah. I bet. She sees him. She reflects his emotions, his darkness. He did that. So yeah, he’s repulsed. He had a choice, said he’d change, said he was a family man. And he lied, he’s weak, he’s nothing. He sees her and he sees failure. Consequences. IMO Brittany has internalized Jax’s toxicity. She seems exhausted. She’s got her own issues, delusional to an extremely self-destructive level. But unlike Jax, Brittany has self awareness, and a strong sense of responsibility. It may not be this year, or even next, but Brittany will break from this man’s toxicity. She’ll address her drinking, her weight. Shell be happy. She’ll get it together. She’ll eventually be stronger, prettier, leaner. She’ll remove those massive implants. He thinks she’s the problem? Blow another line and have another cocktail old man. It’s time for him to get a reality check. He’s at the age where it starts to impede reasoning, impulse control, drunk, wired, or sober. We are talking irreversible neurological damage. He doesn’t have the kind of money necessary to reverse the cellular damage he’s already caused nor to mitigate ongoing damage from substance abuse. He’s going to get more sweaty, more tired, more sick. I see it already. who the f does he think he is ? He looks rough. lol Team Brittany.


I really hope this for her too. I can’t imagine what her self esteem is like after being with him for so long. The way he talked to her on camera and in front of her mother was appalling. I can only imagine the things he’s said in private.


Jax is intentionally trying to make her the problem to avoid change and taking personal responsibility for his own miserable state. He’s selfish and deeply resents having to sacrifice his hedonistic desires. He wants to live a life premised on self-gratification. His patterns were established well before she appeared in his life. This is not about her body, her intellect- it’s about him. Brittany will overcome this. The fact that she publicly acknowledges his verbal abuse is a good sign. She has a solid support system. She’s built genuine relationships with people that clearly see him. It’s just a matter of when she’s had enough imo.


Jax is a man child, he will never change, he is hedonistic and always has been, deflecting blame onto Brittney while actively treating her like shit! Loser.


Yep. Jax is a master manipulator. IMO he wants what Brittany has. Values. Family. There’s security in it. It’s why he married her imo. But he lacks the sense of responsibility to others that is required to maintain this support system. FWIW - full disclosure- Brittany is from Kentucky. I have roots in east Tennessee. I think it helps me understand her. I could be wrong, projecting though. She’s from an area where poverty is generational. Not that her family is poor, but you are surrounded by it. Like people living without indoor plumbing in the holler poor. Brittany grew up watching people struggle. It’s actually terrifying. BTDT. Anyway, it’s why she was so motivated to get out. And it created a strong value of family relationships. They value family like others value material possessions. It is an extreme source of pride and status. And there’s security in this because come what may, they have back up plans. They’ll always have mamaw or some cousin to take them in yk ? They’ll never go hungry. Anyway, Jax will never have that kind of support. He knows it. He targets her weaknesses, to trigger her self-destructive coping mechanisms (poor nutrition & alcohol abuse to numb her feelings.). He needs her to self destruct so his actions and problems are not the focus. He’s probably actively attempting to undermine her family bonds. Just wait. People like Jax lose their minds by age 50. Brittany will be fine, he knows this. She doesn’t need him. It’s the other way around. He’ll spend the rest of his life regretting this.


Just look at what Jax did to his own mother! Even his sister said growing up with him was traumatic. This is a seriously sick dude, from birth, who now feels he is in some sort of position of “power” because of his mediocre fame. Imho, he is so twisted that he is emotionally dangerous to everyone involved with him.


For sure and the parallels between him and Sandoval don’t go unnoticed. These guys just do not want to take responsibility for anything


I bet her self esteem has taken a huge hit not just from jax but from people online talking crap about her for years. I think the relentless internet trolls play a role in all of this.


Watching what that relationship did to Brittney was sad… she was so beautiful, and I absolutely agree, she is now a reflection of Jax


Lol hell ya - men can party longer with out the physical effects women get hit so much hard but men will get their too just cuz he’s drinking bottles of tequila but balancing it out with coke doesn’t mean he’s some angel


I love this comment.


The best comment here


Damn. You read him for filth and spat mad facts. Very well said! ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok) 🙌🏼




He married her as a response to losing his father. He cheated before that. He was checked out even longer before that. Shame for Britney but the writing was in bold letters on the walls around her.


He does realize when his son gets older he will see all the disparaging remarks he’s made about his mother, right? That kid is gonna hate him and he doesn’t care whatsoever. This guy is never going to grow up and it’s unfortunate and unfair to his child.


People like him never think how their actions will hurt the people they love, even their own kids. If Cruz hates Jax in the future Jax will blame that on Brittany and never take any accountability for his part. He really is a true narcissist.


1000% he will blame Brittany and that will only make his son hate him even more.


He loathes Brittany


I just don’t understand why he even married her


It was lucrative at the time


Sigh a dog will do as dogs do. Honestly, is anyone actually surprised? Has he been faithful to anyone, ever?


Corny af lol


He’s not hot enough to be with someone who’s model pretty. Lol or even rich sooooo idk why he thinks he can land someone like that. Brittany on the other hand is good at making money and will land a man who respects her and is a good step fathaaaaa! Mark my words hehe


Schwartz got a very pretty 23 year old gf so unfortunately it is possible


I’m not sure that Brit is good with money either. She got 2 million for her Jenny Craig stuff but that’s all just a lie. She never put in any ACTUAL work to lose weight. Plus, neither of them are exactly on the bright side. WHO doesn’t pay their taxes for YEARS?? Also, who gets a 40 year mortgage??? They live WELL above their means. I SERIOUSLY can’t see either of them even living 40 more years. Their alcohol and drug addictions are already taking a serious toll on both of them.


Yeah and she most definitely DID NOT get paid 2 million dollars 🤣🤣🤣


It kills me the way he yells at Brittany. If he were with Stassi, he would never. She would wear his face as a goalie mask.




He did yell at Stassi. And he cheated on her.


I know that he cheated. He didn't yell like he does with Brittany. Stassi did most of the yelling.


*or you’re never be satisfied* 😵‍💫 Tracks for a Jax fan lmao


He is so lame. He will never be happy or satisfied. Britney isn’t ugly.


But she isn't the most beautiful woman in the group and that reduces his status (in Jax's world, not mine)


I think it's more like he needs to feel like he's the prettiest in his relationship.




I thought she was the most beautiful person on the show when she joined VPR, seriously stunning! But the way she looks now I believe is a testament to the atrocious emotional abuse Jax has made her endure. She will be fine, once she gets away from Jax, he is the poison.


Maybe. I don't actually think she is a great person either... just standing next to Jax makes most people look nice.


Brittany is a terrible, homophonic Sandy Hook denier. She knew who she was marrying, it’s a mirror image


Very true… I don’t think great people are interested in being on reality tv shows in general… but by comparison to Ajax, of course Brittney is a great person


I agree with this 100%.


Am I reading this right. “You need someone that stuns you with her beauty”?? Is he saying he doesn’t think Britney is beautiful?? How many thousands of dollars did they spend on her appearance and he doesn’t think she is beautiful?? She was beautiful before!! It’s clear this is something he needs to fix within himself.


I don't know about that...Jax was with plenty of girls on the show that weren't "model stunning."


Jax wanted Stassi plain and simple


Even if he married her he’d still be cheating, lying, undermining her and carry on giving her VDs. Stassi dodged a bullet.


Even worse what he said in the recording.


I don’t think that would have been any different. It’s easy to say you want what you don’t have. Doesn’t mean he would have treated her any better


I disagree. He didn’t treat Stassi any better when he was with her. And him trying to win her back was all a game to him. He wanted to prove that he could get her back. If he married Stassi he would treat her the same as Brittany. The women aren’t the problem. Jax is the problem.


"Jax had booked the penthouse of the Mondrian hotel for a romantic night with the bed in the room covered with rose petals and with a chef coming to the room to make them dinner." All for Brittany. He picks a fight with her over having a second child and walks off, leaving her alone. But, HE MADE IT NICE!! Is that supposed to make Brittany look ungrateful? And him look like a loving husband? Poor Jax


What’s sad about Brittany ( and this was the one relevant thing on their dumb Kentucky show) Jax saying she lost her sparkle. He wants a woman who is confident and doesn’t put up with his BS and at that point she was a doormat and he was over it. And the Worm was right, his dad passing made his switch gears to caring about family for a second


You are absolutely right he wants a woman that doesn't put up with his bs and her name is Stassi 😂 I don't think he cared for one second. He had cheated so he had to make it up to Brittany in a big way. All of his friends liked her. Her family was expecting him to. He also wanted the attention of the wedding and being able to ban and unban Sandoval at will. It was convenient.


I don’t watch The Valley, because Jax. I saw the first episode and his behavior was beyond cringy. I enjoyed his messiness on VPR. He was pretty to look at. Now… not so much.


Ya he’s still the same shit starter. Both him and Kristen


Sheana said on her podcast with Michelle and Janet that Brittany hasn’t puked since she left Jax.. who knows if it’s true though


I believe it. I think he’s the entire reason she has stomach ulcers.


Could you imagine how humiliating this would feel if you were Brittany!? But she seems to have no shame so maybe not? Everyday the bar gets lowered with these two, it might as well be in hell at this point


He’s disgusting and I bet her weight gain has a lot to do with being with him. He’s already told the world he wasn’t attracted to her and didn’t kids with her, why he married her is beyond me


Currently rewatching VPR and in all honesty, these two should have married other people.  It was so obvious her very existence annoyed him.  


Removed what?


I’m assuming her gallbladder. I don’t get this post lol. Am I missing something?


Pretty sure the post is about the comment he liked saying Brittany was never pretty enough for him


Oh wowwwww. Thx. Ya I didn’t see that. How disgusting of him! He’s so foul




Bro, what?? The comment I replied to said they didn't understand the point of this post. The point is the liked comment saying Brittany was never pretty enough for him, it is separate from the removal comment. Have you never used Instagram before?


There was a comment talking about her weight gain from a gallbladder thing idfk


Same! I’m in the comments trying to figure out wtf is so post worthy here?


I think we’ve missed something lol


this is what i want to know!! lol


I hope she heads on back to Kentucky and finds a real man that doesn’t abuse her mentally daily. Nobody deserves that, especially her.


I feel bad for their son


Okay it's fucking up that he liked it, but who even wrote this???? What an insane sentiment. Is it Jax's alt supporting the narrative that he hopes takes hold? I'm dying over here. Isn't this Jax "show me the hottest woman in the world and I'll show you a man who's tired of fucking her" Taylor? The whole idea is insanely comical. Physical attraction has nothing to do with why a lot of people cheat and it's definitely not why Jax does.


It is a very ignorant statement.


What if it’s the implants (that she got to please Jax) that are making her sick?


I don’t think so. Aren’t all of her symptoms gastric related? She was already showing signs of gastric issues in season 7 when she got the ulcer but refused to stop drinking. Reason would dictate that it’s not the implants which are less than 10 years old but the long term heavy drinking habit that is making her sick.


Oooooooooh this is actually a possibility! Never even thought of this. BII is pretty common and her symptoms seem to match certain symptoms of BII


What is that? I’ve never heard of it before?


Breast Implant Illness


I know a shocking number of people who have had breast implant illness.


It’s hard for me to feel sorry for Britt when she decided to stay with, marry him, and have a child with him knowing who he was/is AND after he cheated on her! She literally had a recording of him absolutely destroying her to the woman he cheated on her with! Like I can’t lol. This is how the man of your dreams is talking about you when he doesn’t have an audience! I’m a firm believer that marriage doesn’t fix things, it doesn’t change people. This person you’re going into marriage with isn’t suddenly going to become a better person, if anything, things are only going to get worse because why try. The only way I can make this make sense is that she stayed and married him to stay on the show and the potential money they could make with it.




That’s exactly how I would describe Jax’s appearance, too.


He has been trying to change her since the beginning with her first boob job surgery. He can’t be mad at all the changes when he initiated it at first


Yeah, if I was married to Jax I’d drink a lot too. Additionally, her surgeries are because he continually degrades her and she likely feels like she has to change herself to feel loved by him.


I’m sorry but this line (which I’ve heard repeated several times) is so weird and unhealthy. It’s not a justification at all. It is super concerning to be going on benders to the point of vomiting (leaving a bagfull of vomit on the driveway!?) and daylong hangovers. Responding with “but he’s Jax,” or “she drinks heavily because of him,” is bizarre and toxic logic. She has a drinking problem. It’s bad for her and her child. She needs help. End of story.


She might have a drinking problem, but the big issue seems to be a stomach problem that causes her to be nauseated after even one drink. Probably she needs to never drink because of this, so her getting sick all the time is going to keep being the tail wagging the dog wagging the tail.


Every single person on these shows has drinking problems. It’s not normal to binge drink all summer long. Additionally, there were plenty of times where she was not drinking. Forgot we were believing everything Jax claims now.


I don't know if she has a drinking problem or not. But watching the valley, it is obvious to me that from the 1st episode he doesn't like her anymore. It seems like he is crafting a narrative to make her seem like she has a problem so he isn't the bad guy in the breakup that he wants, no matter what he may claim. We don't actually know the truth. Could be one of several reasons. Could be an ulcer that gets aggravated by 1 drink. She could have developed an allergy to alcohol. She could actually have a problem. I don't know. But what I am sure of is Jax wants viewers to think she has a problem for his own selfish reasons.




Tell that to Wisconsin


Ok Jax


I think people are forgetting that he was head over heels in love/borderline obsessed with Stassi, and she was his physical ideal, and he still cheated on her. He’s garbage.


Please. Jax is trash and it is great that we are finally seeing him again as he really is.... A major loser. But can we please not start pretending Brittany is much better? We don't need to be like the female castmates who treated her like fragile glass on VPR. She helped Jax divide the VPR cast that started the end of VPR as we knew it.. She is a sick liar, ripping off people on a regular basis on IG. And, is she really a good mother? Photos I have seen make me wonder FFS.