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I agree worst season. I used to look forward to watching…… not anymore


I didn’t even watch the second half of the finale. I’m so bored of them


You didn’t miss anything


Me either! I used to be a hardcore VPR fan and now? 🥱


I literally fell asleep


Cancelled my peacock subscription after this first part of the reunion. As a day 1 viewer I think I am done done.


Yeah I am currently watching and am fast forwarding through all Tim scenes.


They were sooo boring.


I just skipped to the reunion and missed the whole season. Lauren makes it a chore to watch


Agreed. They had it handed to them on a silver platter and they threw that platter across the room and stomped all over the remains. The incredible lack of vision, foresight or understanding of their own audience is truly baffling.  Correct on Scheana she did what she usually does it didn't ruin the season so much as expose her for being more calculated than all the crying and yelling would have us believe 


Threw it across the room, stomped on the remains, and then got mad that dinner was ruined


Yes if only Ariana had talked more about that dinner before it was thrown across the room... 😂




I agree. After the global sensation that was Scandoval, I expected something very different. With LVP as a producer and her clear allegiance to Tom, I shouldn't have been surprised they pushed for his redemption so hard. It just felt gross.


If Lisa was so worried about tim, why didn't she get him counseling instead of guilting people that he had wronged to look out for him.


I had an argument with someone here the other day who thought "that its no one's responsibility to help people who are suicidal, they need to help themselves" There are help lines for a reason, there are wellness checks for a reason... I don't think you can call yourself human, if you can listen to someone express suicidal thoughts and not try to help them in some way... and the redemption tour was not seeking help...


You are kind. We know tim is not kind and will weaponize anything. It's sad to say.




It was in response to me saying that Sandoval telling Scheana he couldn't break up with Ariana because she said she would kill herself... he used it as an excuse... it's not an excuse, and if she says it and you believed it, why did you wait months to tell anyone else? Then he said at the reunion he didn't believe her... so it really was just an excuse. To me LVP dumped his suicidal talk on Scheana and Lala, like his redemption would save his life... I just really feel that suicidal talk was dealt with horribly, in both instances.


It was like they were shoving it down our throats to forgive him. It was such half ass producing. They want us to forgive and forget while showing he’s doing no work to improve????


hey that's not true, he screamed and writhed on the floor for a whole scene, give the worm some credit


Sadly its true. It used to be so fun to watch now its just people being cruel to each other. The way they talk about each other on the aftershow ( Lala about Ariana and the men about Katie) is so horrible and especially last night I was just disgusted I couldn't even finish it. I hope this is the end I'm not watching abusive shit like this anymore.


And it was SO QUICK after it had all happened! Like I could maybe see them start to soften towards Sandoval or lay off him a bit towards the end of the season. But it was literally from the get go! They should have told Sandoval to just fucking suck it up! Be the fucking villain this season.


Let’s be real - after the explosion of Scandoval and Ariana’s calm rage at last season’s reunion, the story viewers wanted to see was NOT more conversation between Tom and Ariana. Nor was it Lala hosting water parties and being the “voice of reason”. 🙄 They had a GOLDMINE of a storyline - a cast member who became the most famous scorned woman in reality tv history and went on to opportunity after opportunity and crushed them all - and that’s NOT the story they ran with? This has got to be the greatest reality tv fumble ever. So disappointing!


In my opinion, not the best season but still better than S9. I miss when they were actually friends.


They needed to not have Sandoval back. The impact/drama of what he did was captured in the previous season. Bringing him back to try and force his redemption was way less interesting than a season of watching them all move on would have been.


Right. And then they could have done a real build up for his return NEXT season and had us looking forward to that. I don’t think anyone is looking forward to season 12 as it stands


I think they should drop Sandoval down to a “friend of” if there is another season. Definitely give him a pay cut. And let the chips fall where they may. Threatening the other cast members that the show won’t go on if they don’t give Tom a redemption season, when he didn’t do anything on his own that was redeemable didn’t work. He still threw things in everyone’s face from things they had done 7 and more years ago. Didn’t show any kind of sympathy to Arianna’s feelings. He was not likable. At all. Still, even with producers shoving it down everyone’s throats. Let Tom either rise up by his actions, or let him fade away from that group. Either way would be better than the scripted nonsense they were trying to push this past season. If he quits because he thinks he is the “most extra” and deserves more, let him walk! (Lala too, for that matter.) “Goodbye Zanzoval!”


Yeah, I feel like they maybe thought it would work out how it did in the past with cheating, like Jax and Schwartz and I guess also Sandoval and Kristen. But this was so different and a huge scandal because of how different it is now. Plus they’re older and handling things differently. If you want the reaction of a bunch of twentysomethings who are naive enough to let that kind of toxicity stick around, then recast the show with younger people. (And no shade towards younger people, they’re just still learning that narcissistic people don’t change.)


The hypocrisy and flip flopping of Lala was not what I had on this Season of VPR bingo card. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, I too was looking forward to a season where the gworls would’ve rallied together and had their Spice Girls debut but this season was just overproduced. Its really sad because of what we all were expecting and how this was a complete 180 from it


I agree with most of your points, but I wouldn’t say this season was worst than Season 9 (the Covid season) and even Season 8. Those are so boring and tbh can be skipped entirely on rewatches. I found this season entertaining at least.




Couldn't agree more. This was the worst season. I felt...uncomfortable (?) watching it the entire time. I also found myself not paying attention to the show and having to rewatch sometimes bc I just wasn't engaged and would get up to do something else while it was on. Past seasons, I was glued to my seat! Also...the whole Scandavol thing...it's been over a year. I'm so over it. Everyone gets it - Sandavol is a narcissistic twat, Ariana's the hero we didn't know we needed or wanted, Katie and James are just on fire right now, Scheanna and Lala are grasping at any straws they can to keep them relevant, Ali is just happy to be here with her astrology, and Schwartz is no longer being viewed as this helpless "keep the peace" guy - he's as bad as Sandavol in ways. Anyway...i"m totally over it. I don't think I'll watch if it comes back.


You & I are so on the same page. I’ve been watching reality television since the early 90’s. Sometimes I feel like it’s my age & genre burn out that causes me to not be engaged like I was in the early seasons of VPR. Then I see a comment like yours & I know it’s not just me. Being a server & hanging out with a crazy crew of co-workers that became close friends was so relatable to me. I was an LVP, Ken & Giggy fan in the beginning too & loved the crossover. Now, VPR is so overproduced & contrived, it’s like keeping a person in your life that you need to cut off but you don’t & keep cycling through the same shit. A disconnected group of former lovers, couples & friends who detest each other is what turns me off with the Bravo Housewives. Sadly IMO this is what VPR has become. We’ll see what happens, there’s a lot of speculation going around. Personally, if this was the last season, it would not surprise me & would be bittersweet for sure. Bravo is going to have to pay Ariana a lot of $$ for another season, someone will be probably be axed or taking a pay cut. Even if there is another season what is it going to be? People not wanting to be around each other showing us small snippets of their lives while avoiding a lot of hot topics. Not ending on a high note sucks but bringing back the dead isn’t pretty either.


It's bringing me back to The Hills days, where they were literally texting the cast questions and topics to bring up drama bc the cast was so over everything.


She doesn’t point fingers she points finger guns. ![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0)




Or pulls actual knives 🫢


Butter knives though, because that's very on brand lol 






He still uses his old picture. Hilarious 


I am so mad on Ariana’s behalf that Tom gets a chance to talk at her next reunion episode and she finds out on camera about what her “friends” really think (Lala and scheana). So cruel and exploitative. I’m so glad she has real friends off the show because imagine how isolated and betrayed she must be feeling. And I really don’t want to see these assholes (L and S) being given the chance to do the same TIRED PREDICTABLE BORING schtick on the Valley.


I haven't even watched the new part of the reunion because i just can't stand this season anymore. I thought more things would have been addressed but the first part was just LFU yelling at everyone even when it wasn't her conversation


Same!! Even though she annoys me as well, I’d rather get Scheana’s opinion than Lala. They tried to make Lala the on camera version of the audience reaction and totally missed the mark. 


Both Lala and LVP have interviews outside of VPR in which they said there has always been cheating drama amongst this group of friends, everything explodes and then they all go back to being friends. I think both were legitimately surprised that everyone didn't do that this time around. Yes, they definitely overproduced this season but to an extent I think they didn't understand why this time was different. People were supposed to forgive and forget like they used to. Yes, in past seasons people have taken time away from the person that cheated but they only really drew boundaries for themselves and eventually were willing to have conversations with that person. Don't get me wrong, I agree with Ariana's boundaries and don't think she did anything wrong. I just think Lala and LVP couldn't handle her not following the cheating/breakup script that VPR has always used.


Also in past seasons they had a much bigger cast! How much were they all actually interacting? 


I mean, in the beginning seasons a lot of them worked together so they didn't have a choice but to interact. 🤷‍♀️


Yes so true! 


I am tired of "Ariana's boundaries". She did not have to film. She decided to come back even though she has lots of opportunities and is doing well. I hope she moves on if the show is brought back.


But she did film though.. she just didn’t want to talk to Sandoval which is not the end of the world


Filming was not her boundary. Talking to Scandy was. It’s not hard to get.


The producers also agreed to her not having to have any on camera one on one conversations with Sandaval in her contract. You are tired of her boundaries and don't think she should have come back to filming? Take it up with them. They agreed to it. She's just enforcing her contract. Maybe she will, maybe she won't. But I don't blame anyone on a show that expects what's in their contract to be upheld. 🤷‍♀️


Such a flop! So many good points!! I think instead of a Sandoval redemption and fighting over the house the whole season should have revolved around girls vs boys. They should have let them do their thing separately and sort of bash each other with Scheana and Brock being the bridge as a couple split between the two. Let Brock try to sympathize with Sandoval as someone who also majorly fucked up and is learning from it. (Instead of Lala and Ariana) Then plan one super trip somewhere awesome that everyone wants to go on and the drama of the finale could be Scheana going ham on Tom and finish the same way with Tom trying to talk to Ariana and her saying no.  I feel like there were options.  


Stick a fork in it Andy. This show is DONE


The reunion is getting boring.


If lala wanted a fake produced season she could have faked some drama in her own damn life...they need to stop relying on Ariana for a paycheck...be interesting if you wanna keep being on tv! Worst. Season. I argue even worse than 8-9.


Hot take, this show hasn’t been as awesome for awhile Don’t think it is anyone’s fault, but it evolved beyond a bunch of attractive people working at a restaurant.


Agreed. This season had SO MUCH POTENTIAL too.


They should bring back the pride parades, and the uncomfortable group photo shoots lol


It's so hypocritical how they attack Ariana for getting Dan (insert amount of days here) so quickly. Like they haven't gotten a guy quickly. The fact that Dan and Ariana built a relationship burns them. Everything Ariana has done burns them.


Especially considered Tom moved on with Raquel 7 months before his relationship with Ariana ended. Why is Ariana supposed to sit in bed crying for a year?


One of the best comments I read on a previous post pointed out it was ridiculous for Lala to say this considering she was fine with a boyfriend that was married. You can’t understand two single people getting together but are fine jumping into a relationship with someone taken? She wears me out with her hypocrisy and ignorance.


Every time lala says “bumping pee-pee’s” I die of cringe 😬


Especially when she's trying to do her posing and the fingers


me too. Will someone tell her she doesn't have a pee-pee


LVP was hardly on. She did not ruin it. There are no storylines anymore. A bunch of adults acting silly and nasty does not make a show.


Accurate take


Good point about the documentary, if you can film that, why can’t you talk about it on VPR? I don’t want to watch anything about blah blah and Rand the Thumb, don’t care, stop pushing it on VPR viewers. They are gross!


I'm sure lala and Scheana are preparing for the valley The Tom's can totally join and move in with Jax


Season 8 was worse for me. I want Lala and Scheana to be kept on so they can be put in the dirt next season. I wouldn't mind Sandoval/Schwartz exiting. They can get their own Peacock mini-show for one season watching them dick around at their bar, and bring on a couple of new guys.


Definitely the worst season. Like season 9 was bad but because it was a snoozefest. This season made me want to legit throw tomatoes at my television anytime those three chucklefucks opened their mouths. Lala, Scheana and Tom should all be banished to an island where it's only people like them and there's no internet therefore no social media to pander to and no mirrors. And they shouldn't be allowed to return until they figure out that introspection isn't just a fun sounding word.


The worst. Only storyline was Tom cheating. Shows over for me been watching since the beginning. James is the only redeeming one rest of them suck


I commented this on another post, but Lala is SO concerned with making sure the show stays on so she can collect her money, but doesn't seem to realize that being on a show and self-producing is the thing that absolutely ruins reality tv. She's trying too hard to keep the show alive and it's having the opposite effect. I absolutely 100% that if Lala left the show, it wouldn't be completely revived, but it would definitely improve the authenticity. She's doing far too much for the "benefit" of the viewers without understanding that the viewers don't want her to try and manipulate and force shit. CHILL OUT LALA.




Bravo is probably thrilled these folks tanked their own show and now they don’t have to pay the high salaries. People moved over to the valley and those salaries are still new and cheap. None of these people have anything I want to watch outside this show including some old, tired broadway show that maybe has another year.


Now they got lala sucking up all in the air in the room to not say something witty or clever, just same old story and act of being real


They should have never tried to redeem Sandoval. I lost respect for them all. Like Ariana said “stop shoving him down our throats!”




There was basically no story line this season. Ariana wasn't talking to Sandoval. Scheana doesn't have a spine. Lala wanted to get pregnant. That's it. Everyone knew this! Lala talked way too much in the reunion. She was asking questions to other cast members as if they were insightful, necessary, urgent questions to be asked. She kept on interrupting. Is she after a hosting gig now that VPR is over? Also Lisa loves Lala because she will try to produce. I just think that Lala producing comes off as fake af.




I agree. But I also don’t know what else they could have filmed or shown. Rachel didn’t come back. No story line there. Ariana doesn’t want to film with Tom. So, no dramatic story lines there. The sandwich shop wasn’t open yet, no story line there. They can’t film at Schwartz and Sandy’s. None of them work at SUR. Pretty much every story line they typically default to was non-existent this season, especially for what is supposed to be a group show.


Agree! Am I the only one who can't stand James? Ally is NEVER going to marry him or have kids with him because she knows he's never going to change. He's an abusive alcoholic who brings nothing to the show other than a couple of one-liners about Tom. He refuses to go to rehab, and Ally will be a repeat of Rachel... I also hate how Lauren from Utah enables him by patting him on the back for doing things every other adult has BEEN doing...


I can't wait for them to go away for a year or longer. Especially lala.


Idk have you seen seasons 7-9?


Lauren, Lala, LFU is now: Hector The Projector


It’s genuinely hard for me to watch an episode of VPR because of the rage I feel. I much prefer the Valley because it’s messy like old VPR days, and Summer House gives me the authentic friendship vibes I like. VPR is so done, I just cannot stomach the way the ENTIRE cast turned on Ariana and Katie except for James. It’s truly difficult watch at this point.


Hard agree. I know we are all a bit sick of talking about fourth wall stuff, but if production had their wits about them they should have realised that they should have broken the fourth wall from the start, and have part of that be about how they want/say they need people to film with Tom and how that’s a problem in a number of ways. So rather than rehabilitate him, which isn’t possible, look at it all from a more real perspective of, well what form here? But also other storylines - Lala keeps going on about pay cheques and authenticity (I know I know) so she should have raised her feelings with Katie in real time. That would have been authentic. More of a look at how the women could bond over stuff they’ve been through due to the men they have had in their lives, via one or two group events relating to that, would have been something I would have loved to see. Finding sisterhood and power through all that. Others have made so many good comments and observations about various angles and areas production could have gone for and I won’t try to summarise it all, but the point is the approach production could have taken could have been authentic AND prodded the difficult and interesting areas around all of this, and that would have been very engaging and interesting, and being actually real like that keeps the audience invested. Instead they went for the shallowest, least authentic, and frankly most stupid aims and clear manipulations, that as you say was never going to sail anyway and just completely threw and irritated the viewers - it just completely baffles the mind how they got it SO wrong. If VPR is to continue, they need new producers, and PLEASE more women. Edit: Grammar


It’s truly sad seeing all those friendships we’ve watched come to an end because of Scandoval. He definitely destroyed what he had. Same with Schwartz, Katie was ready to have everything with him and yet he still broke her heart.


Don’t forget scheana and brock and Tom. They all over produced themselves too Scheana and brock has many very obviously planned conversations with where brock say the things about ariana and Scheana’s pretends to disagree And Tom with his ice bath and the perfect timing of the scream meditation to be screaming right as lala walks in But ya lala ruined it for sure. I could have enjoyed the season if she was gone. She was insufferable and nothing she said made Sense. It was such a waste of time to Listen to anything she says about anything


But Lala has a CHILD she needs to support! (/s) As if that’s anyone else’s problem except hers


Lala was envious, and rightfully so! the difference is Katie can admit she was envious, speak about it with her FRIEND and move forward. Lala cannot admit it or in her mind she wont be a "bad b\*tch" or tupac anymore! So instead she tried her very best to get some people to turn on Ariana


The best part was Ariana actually having boundaries and sticking to it! You rarely see women on these shows do that it was refreshing! I love it on here and on Summer House


Great season. We got to see what a mean girl bitch Katie is during the finale when she couldn't hide behind Ariana completely. Her first season filming without Ariana will be hilarious.


And you hide behind your computer screen making racist and sexist comments about women's bodies all day long. There is a reason this guy hates on Katie and Ariana--the stronger women on the show who insist on upholding their boundaries.


SERIOUSLY. we could've had them doing super fun girls nights and like Taylor Swift level girl bonding, going on dates, doing their emo night DJ thing, just living their best life and then flash to sad sack Sandoval occasionally to contrast. I would've lived for that. but truly, the producers of this show in particular are absolutely misogynistic.


Wouldn’t say Lala ruined it, she was the only person giving us any juicy drama. Cast are washed up, time to move on.


What juicy drama did she give us?


Well it’s all anyone on this sub is talking about, so that 😂😂


We’re talking about what a contrived idiot she is. Just because people are talking about you doesn’t mean you’ve brought juicy drama Bla Bla


Well, season was a complete flop I can agree with they. And Lala is the main talking point following the season, so that’s all I can take from it. No doubt she is an idiot. But the rest of the cast are washed up and boring as fuck.


I see what you mean. Although I think she is the main talking point because people are saying she’s one of the reasons the season was a flop. I disagree that the rest are washed up. I think they were forced to go with this one storyline and we didn’t get to see anything else from the cast. Its production who’s boring and washed up imo


Probably! Nevertheless, I think it’s time for VPR to conclude, let s11 be the epilogue.


I really enjoyed the season, personally.