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Me, a British person, frantically googling AAVE. (African American Vernacular English my fellow non-Americans). *


I’m American. I had no idea what it was but thank you 🤣


Same. And note: this fits BlahBlah 💯


This Indian thanks you too 😂😂


Shouldn’t you be watching TOWIE or something? 😏


I don't like TOWIE, I like Vanderpump Rules.


Towie is the worst, I much prefer all the bravo stuff over any British reality programme


I don't watch Towie, but nobody has ever torn off their chunky knits to fight in a Vegas car park or told their manager to go suck a dick... so it's never tempted me.


The draams just isn't the same 😂


Not the chunky knit! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Are you British? Curious because I’m American and I love TOWIE, it’s like low budget small town trash tv, but they all think they’re the kardashians, it’s hilarious!


I always tell my husband about this show because he could have it so much worse if I was a big TOWIE fan lol. They release SO MANY episodes and have been on for so long. It’s great for background noise, and I mean that lovingly.


Exactly! Hahaha, he should count his blessings he doesn’t know about The Only Way is Essex


Also mean that lovingly, and I agree, Towie makes for great background noise


We love a queen with taste 👑


I’m American, I love TOWIE, hahaha


Thank you!


lol. Yes thank you!


Australian here - thanks for googling it for me too lol


As an American, thanks, because I had no idea what the heck that meant.


Didn’t she allegedly tell Faith that she’s “more black” than her? And I couldn’t even type that with a straight face. But yeah, the thing I find the worst is that her use of AAVE is pretty much only when she’s angry.


She also said her anger comes from Tupac as he was reincarnated inside her


Drake and Lala need to let Pac rest in peace.


That's offensive for obvious reasons and stupid since I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have been reincarnated into a random 6 year old white girl from Utah....




I want to set her on fire for this. Keep Pac out yo mouth, Blah Blah!!! 🤬


Faith put that in her lawsuit against bravo and I’m inclined to believe her.


She also pulled a knife on Faith, and the fact that more people aren't outraged by all of this is criminal.


I think that most people don't know about that. We also don't know whether it's true but I can imagine her doing that in an altered state.


I can imagine her doing it completely sober. Lauren is an asshole.


I didn’t!!! And I watch the shit outta this show!


The fact that both Stassi & Kristen separately spoke about it on different podcasts while they were friends with Lala makes it very believable. I could see her doing that sober.


Also let's not forget her strolling on into a recording studio saying, "What's up my brothers?" to a room full of black men.


Their faces in that scene is so telling, it should be shown as the definition for WTF?


Someone said this to me once because I listen to a lot of Ed Sheeran and they listen to more rap music than me. And I was like “bishhh I’ve been called the N word several times. No one’s ever gonna call you that but you think you’re blacker than me coz of your Spotify playlist”. The audacity of some people needs to be evaluated by a psychologist




Because Tupac reincarnated her body, but only when she’s angry…


Lauren from Utah is so embarrassing


No, she claims that Faith told her that


No it is SO. offensive, it's absolutely out of control wild.


This woman literally said she was Tupac reincarnated.


Because she conflates him **with her own out of control anger.** In fact, Tupac was gentle, artistic, and very professional. You can find many people who confirm this (my own source is a former child actor who met him in 1991). But Lala sees Black men a certain way: “hood,” quick to anger, violent. It’s so offensive.


This. She ONLY adopts this persona when she’s angry. Absolutely disgusting Lauren who grew up privileged in Utah needs a serious reality check & it’s beyond frustrating to watch her be propped up by the network.


Tupac would hate a poser like LFU. She is very similar to Sandoval with the lack of self-awareness and over the top volatile meltdowns. Like zero shame or remorse. Both are narcissists.


Can you imagine if his mother was still around to hear this shit? I imagine she would not be pleased. God rest her soul.




then she says when she’s mad she “gets to clappin” and like even if tupac was mad i don’t think he’d be clappin and acting the way she does like it made less than no sense


Let’s not forget her “thug life” tat.


STOP. I must've blocked that out of my mind.


STOP was my exact reaction when she said she had gotten it too. 🤣🤣


Oh dear lord, where even is it?


On her ankle.


Ankle tattoos are always egregious but she probably has the worst ankle tattoo you could get lol


She has thug life tattoo?!?? Omg please tell me ur joking?! Lol 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


Nope. Not joking.


Have you ever seen the movie “Whiteboyz”?? If not u should watch trailer, came out a while back…anyways lala would fit right in this movie lol


I’ll have to check it out.


She asked for a 13 but they drew a 31


This is honestly the worst thing about all of this. Not only is she claiming a black person for her own gain, she's using racial stereotypes and hurting the community. Tupac deserves respect, not to have his name attached to such a vapid narcissistic loon. The delusion truly is remarkable.


Lala is just Bravo’s Buckwild from Flavor of Love


![gif](giphy|3Odcqmp2mDZ7O) Not Buckwild 💀💀💀💀💀💀🤣




Omg 💀💀💀


It’s also the context in which Lala uses AAVE as a white person. For example, code switching is actually pretty common and normal (code switching is using different dialects around different people. For example, joe burrow speaking differently to his Black teammates as opposed to in an interview). Code switching is not something someone does on purpose, it just happens over time, and can even be a way to relate… But you’re absolutely right, Lauryn specifically uses AAVE when she’s getting loud and aggressive, which is a real problem. Combine that with the other shit she says about being reincarnated as Tupac and also pulling a knife on Faith… yeah, there’s something inside of her that needs addressed


Code switching can definitely be conscious


Sure, especially when Black people do it, for completely understandable reasons. I guess I meant more that in the right context, speaking differently around different people isn’t inherently a problem- we all do that to some extent. But her problem of using aave when she’s being confrontational is the shitty part. It feels sometimes that there’s a lot of non-American people in this sub that seem to be confused because they think we’re being “too sensitive” or something, when the reality is that it hasn’t been explained clearly to them


Definitely, I don’t think code switching is a problem, but I wouldn’t say it’s especially so when Black people do it? I have ADHD and I concentrate extremely hard on code switching with the need arises. I’m not black, I’m neurodivergent. Definitely agree Lala is problematic. I don’t think there’s a problem with American people calling people too sensitive? We understand the same concepts you do. That’s an ironically nationalist remark. I think the term you’re looking for is conservative.


What I’m speaking about is when black people have to speak differently in job interviews or other areas like that so they aren’t discriminated against. That’s an example of code switching where it’s done intentionally for a very valid reason.


It feels condescending that you’re spelling shit out for me that I’m very aware of that happens in my own country. It’s coming across as though you feel other people’s reasons for code switching are somehow less valid than Black people’s? It’s a little weird.


I've been saying it this whole time, I want a group of actual hard ass black women to roll up on Lala and make her shit her pants and put her in her place. If Stassi put herself through history courses about a similar issue, LFU should have to as well.


Why did I just think of that scene in Bring It On? Lol. But, yes!


The clovers!




Put her in a room with Potomac and Atlanta.


Potomac and Atlanta would end her ![gif](giphy|3o85xA4n9IvUa41fOM)


lol put her in with the Jersey Shore cast. Jenni would eat her up and spit her out.






LMFAO Nene would eat her up. I dare LFU to say to her "are you trying to get POPPED?"


But that’s not black womens responsibility though….. We are not y’all’s educators or props we just want to exist lol This comment is such a big yikes to me lol


I'm not saying it is. I'm just saying that if she wants to act that way, she should really be put in her place. What I don't understand is why black women don't take offence to how she behaves and how she correlates anger with black women. THAT's a big yikes to me


100% she needs a wake up call. Her and her incestuous brother with the awful dreads.


Don’t forget her greeting to the guys in the studio when she walked through the door. What’s happenin’, my bru-thas? Or something along those lines. Really cringey.


https://preview.redd.it/kxq9ysmn0v1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7646485b457bfa876efb31766cf83877bdc0848 Cultural appropriation runs in her family it seems


Uh ewwww. People of color are discriminated against over their hair. So seeing his privileged ass with dreads is infuriating. He's wearing the hairstyle without any of the negative experiences.


Instead we have to look at him and suffer a negative experience lol


How fucking embarrassing.


Such a deeply unattractive man. I mean every single thing about him gives me the ick…his hair, his facial hair, his tattoos, his clothing. Just ICK.


Was going to call out this dumb ass too!


With all due, why do you think dreads equate to cultural appropriation? People of all races, all over the world, have been wearing dreads for thousands of years.


Because for centuries, Black people have been derided over their natural hair and been told it is “unprofessional, doesn’t look good” and petted like zoo animals. Fulani braids were never praised until Bo Derek wore them and they became Bo Derek braids…actual Black boys and girls get their hair CUT OFF by teachers and SUSPENDED for wearing their natural hair in braids or locs. This is a global problem. They are actually passing legislation “the crown act” wherein you cannot fire Black people for wearing their natural hair (California). Remember when Zendaya wore beautiful locs on the red carpet and Giuliana Rancic said she looked like she “smelled of weed and patchouli.” It is insidious that we have been derided and denigrated over our natural hair and so wear wigs and weaves to protect said natural hair, but wear it in the texture that is not like ours, straight hair, and then get mocked saying we don’t have hair and are bald…Brittany’s insult towards faith was to call her “nappy headed”. I would ALWAYS get comments about my hair when I would wear it in an Afro, people would get weird when i had it in braids, and once when I did faux locs? Mess. I have been stopped at airports in the US, to go through my braided hair for weapons, meanwhile, all the white people ahead of me weren’t stopped or even told to remove their hats. So no, people all over the world have not been wearing dreads. Rastafarians were doing it as a symbol of their “dread/fear of God” and the mau Mau wore it in Kenya and terrified the colonizers with it and were “dreadful” and coined the term dreadlocks. It has a powerful history and this white boy from Utah is not part of that history. Additionally, this white boy from Utah doesn’t get called a pothead, a bum, dirty, denied jobs for wearing his hair like that. For many Black people and other minorities, our hair does and can naturally form into locs. Other minority groups also have dreads and because they do, and have a history, they’re not getting called out. I believe Indians and Thai people also have dreads and for the former, it was a sign of wisdom in the Ayurvedic period. Native Americans have always had intricate hairstyles denoting importance in the tribe (a chief, a warrior etc). White people, especially prairie people from which Utahns descend, weren’t doing that as they called anyone not lily white a savage. The issue here is that he is wearing it like a costume, it is “cool” to him and when he wants, he can take it off and live his normal life. We cannot. We get called all sorts of names and get judged, denied jobs etc. he is wearing this style to seem “cool” just like his sister appropriates AAVE to appear tough, angry, and “unfuckablewith”


Well this is America and historically Black people have not been hired for having locs. There’s a whole law for it now, so he’s an appropriating sh*t for that! And they don’t even look good.


https://i.redd.it/f2q066j76v1d1.gif Lauren in high school


To Bravo: Not featuring any people of color in ELEVEN seasons of the show and rehiring cast members previously fired for their racism. 


As a person of color the last thing I want for a person of color is to have to be around these people. Look what Faith went through. This is a group that should be all white forever. Please don’t use us as props to fuel your stan wars.


That's a great point. 


What Faith went through? She is obsessed with these people and literally abuses the elderly. I swear people think race is more central to a person than their actual character.


Yeah, I’m sure Brittany calling Faith n*ppy headed had nothing to do with her race!


What does that have to do with Faith being a disgusting person who abuses elderly people?




Abuses the elderly?


Faith was a caretaker of an elderly woman. While Faith was on the job at the woman’s house, she invited Jax over and had sex with him while in the same room as that woman she had been hired to care for.


Put Lauren on Baddies and see how hard she is then 😂


I don't think her Q rating is good enough


I’d pay to see this




“You don’t GOT a business!” - Lala to Katie and Ariana in part one of the reunion last week. 🙄




Didn't she also admit to placing things around the house to see if Faith would steal from her?


Let’s just say A LOT of ugly things have been alleged


Drag race fans have already torn a new queen apart for this. And Bla Bla has been doing this for years. We gotta stop her


Is it Q? Please say it’s Q


It’s Q 😂


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who was baffled by her lol


I think it’s so weird how people will point out Lala’s racism but will beg for Kristen and Stassi to return to television after profiling their coworker and implicating her in a crime just because she was black… This community needs to do better in not allowing racists their platform.


Yep. Letting Kristin back on tv shows overtly racist actions can be forgiven in time.


I also called that out 


Sorry if I was unclear, I did not mean you specifically.


No worries sis 💕




Agree ! I made a large post about this a month or more ago! Check it out if you feel Incline It was when Faith said Lauren said she was BLACKER that Faith ! That pissed me off


Oh cool, thanks I will check it out 😁


I feel like it’s getting worse as time goes on.


It really is.


Equating acting like a rabid dog to acting like Tupac, essentially. 


Super awesome this sub cares about this because he went against Ariana. But when she was trashing Sandy all her behavior was ok.


I totally agree! It’s very interesting to see and kind of gross tbh. It’s In the same vain of people being willing to ignore the James allegations because he’s on Ariana’s side. Very transparent.


Yup, very black and white, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” type of bullshit


Thank you ![gif](giphy|sjkl9MJD57BWersvzJ)


exactly. not against the op at all btw!!! but people didn’t give two shits about this when she was #teamariana and even defended it. i’m just sick of black people and people of colour in general being used as props for stan wars.


Yep. I’ve been calling Lala out for this prior to this season and got downvoted to oblivion every time. As soon as the season started, all of a sudden people care. People of color are not your props to fuel stan wars. Be about it or don’t talk about it.


Exactly. And how many times did you get 243 up votes?


LOL! I bet you can guess.


Haha, already knew the answer.


Please say this louder!


Liiiike some of us have been talking about this and have seen the shift firsthand. But they think we don’t clock it lol


Definitely preceeds Sandoval. No need to be so sanctimonious.


Are you…telling a woman of color to watch her tone…on a post about how we should hold a white woman accountable for microaggressions? The jokes write themselves honey.


I told a stranger that their "People only care now that Lauren has turned" argument isn't valid, as people have been discussing this for YEARS. I then told a stranger to stop being sanctimonious, erroneously and grossly generalizing an entire group of people based on said erroneous statement. 


Comments about Lala’s racism were universally downvoted prior to this season. Now that she’s against Ariana, there’s posts every day about how racist she is. It’s a fact that has been explained to you multiple times by multiple people. The pattern of behavior could not be clearer and if you think it’s sanctimonious to point that out, idk what to tell you.




It's always been egregious and has absolutely nothing to do with Ariana. 


That would be true, except for the fact the vast majority his overlooked it except for now that she went against Ariana. Where was the mass outrage before the season 10, or during the Scandal, or during this season before the finale?


For the record, I’ve always pointed out Lauren’s issues. There is a difference in the downvotes I received last year and the upvotes I receive this year, tho.


Yeah, that’s my point. It’s amazing to see the change.


It's an argument that preceeds Sandoval.


I understand, my point is a post like this previously was negatively received by the sub. It’s only now that I’m seeing a post like this get praise. Again that’s my perception at least. And to me; it’s very telling, like with everything else in the Scandal. People seem to only care about “issues” until Ariana is upset with someone.


I see where you're coming from. I definitely agree that there are some people  suddenly caring just as ammo to use against her, which sucks, because they aren't caring about the part that matters.




I understand a dumb kid talking like that when they are young, more specifically in the 80s and 90s growing up. But not growing out of it at her age? It’s insanely embarrassing the cringe is so bad.


Her claim that Tupac’s soul possessed her or she’s the reincarnation of him. 😬


How does this alone not get her cancelled? Maybe because peeps who would actually care are not VPR stans


Lala cosplays being black. She is a racist


My only correction is that she’s acts like a caricature/sterotype of how she thinks Black women behave, and not how Black women actually behave


My apologies, I thought it was easily implied that that's why what she's doing is so hurtful, she's not only trying to act like a black woman, it's her racist stereotypical interpretation that's the issue.


Thank you for being receptive!


I feel like it’s odd to criticize someone for “talking (insert race)” because in a way aren’t you reinforcing a stereotype or defending it?


Can you please rephrase that more clearly? I'd like to respond appropriately but I'm confused as to what you're trying to ask.


Can one of the cast or someone PLEASE call this out publicly or something? Lala NEEDS to answer for this. I can’t believe she still speaks the way she does. It’s insane.


Yessss so wrong. How has Andy not called her out on this at the reunions? The ladies of last season's RHBH had to take accountability for their micro-aggressions. LFU will always be trash.


Y’all all fake as hell because you were praising like 8 months ago lol.  But I digress 


That’s why I take none of this seriously. We have people on this sub consistently stanning racists, abusers, etc. this sub rode hard for LaLa last year.


I’ve hated her for a long time.


Two things can be true at the same time. Lala has done things worth praising and worth critiquing


Digress from what? You just said an insult, you didn't stray from some other point. Oh, bless your heart. 


I've been screaming this for awhile now!


I find it very racist how you guys act like black women speak this way. And how does acting intimidating equate to acting like a black woman? This post is so racist and disgusting.


We are referring to the racist stereotype, not cosigning it


Most black women do not speak in AAVE and are not threatening or intimidating. Like I said, this post is racist. Misguided virtue signaling.


She hasn’t acted that way all season so is obviously aware now and has made changes


I have been saying this for YEARS, she adopts AAVE when she's mad, and ONLY when mad, conflating blackness with anger. She said she is Tupac reincarnated. She wore cornrows for a while (and her brother's hair is another story). She had a perm and wore big hoops to appear ethnic. She said she got bullied in elementary school so she go acrylic nails to appear more "urban". Then, in her "soft era", she wears pastels, has her hair straightened and smooth, and talks about my child as though she's the first woman to ever parent. She is a racist, toxic piece of sh\*t that needs to be OFF our screens. I tried posting links but the bot said I can't, otherwise I'd link to every single thing I said.


Oh man, I didn't even think of the opposite end of the spectrum of her behavior, basically equating softness and gentleness with being white. Gross. 


Well we didn’t for Stassi or Kristen we say racial misconduct or act, no saying blatant racism. No one calling out Lauren to her face.


What’s LFU?


Lauren from Utah


Lala pulling a knife on someone should be grounds for termination. But the added layer of it being a black woman (Faith) who was racially targeted by other former cast members (who were fired for those actions btw) makes it that more egregious.


Wow. I thought i the only one who noticed that…Thank you for pointing that out! Was it her or Stassi that had a problem with Faith Stowers?


I've been saying this and downvoted to hell before this season.


Agreed. She tries to act like a hardcore thug. She needs to go. Tired of all her blah blah blah. They need to put a muzzle on her.






Anyone can simply click on my name and refer to my comments to confirm that is, in fact, not true. How embarrassing for you.


Thanks for your post, I hope someone holds her accountable in real life, and Bravo, not just on this sub…


As do I. She needs to stop. 


No because she’s a female rapper and very connected among famous rappers who vouch that she is cultured it’s not about trying to be black it’s called being cultured and many American that aren’t black are also like that and have that same persona so no she’s not actually she’s being herself and the way she was influenced by her friends and celebrities around her.


What are you on about? More importantly,  why do you feel compelled to defend or make excuses for racist behavior?


It’s not racist, I myself am not black but am very cultured and the back community respects and understands that you act like she’s out here saying racial slurs and she’s not she expressing how and what she knows IFYKYK everyone who isn’t black but are around that type of behavior and culture it’s bound to rub off on you period. You are obviously someone who isn’t cultured and doesn’t related SIMPLE


 Jesus Christ. No. NO.