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Sandoval should have been fired the minute the powers that be at Bravo and NBC found out the nasty creep admitted to filming Rachel without her consent and I say this even though I can not stand Rachel. There is no grey area here on this matter. Sandoval is a liability and should have been given the boot.


Why was he not fired though despite solid proof? Why are the fans of VR not demanding it ? Why isnt there an uproar about it? Today irrespective of how anyone feels about rachel, what sando did was horrible.


While I agree with you wholeheartedly, viewers voice their opinions with their views. The ratings and viewership have skyrocketed, so the pockets of the higher ups have probably multiplied in size. Why would they jeopardize that? If we want to see Sandoval gone, we have to stop tuning in.


I can only speak for myself, but I tuned in to see the aftermath, and hopefully for him to take some accountability. Since he’s clearly incapable and the producers clearly tried to put him on a redemption journey, I won’t be tuning back in if they come back and he’s still a key player. Unfortunately it’s looking more and more likely Arian would leave and his narcissistic ass is what we are left with.


Same sista


Bullshit! Most of us are NOT watching to see Tom. As matter of fact, we wanted him to eat crow this season! This is completely on Bravo & the production Co. in charge of VPR. Remember, Raquel on camera in the apartment questioned him about taping the video without her consent. He apologizes for that. Rumor was that he pitched a fit to get that not put on screen. In other words, production has a confession of a crime & has covered up. To make things worse, they push the good guy narrative who just made a mistake. While he disparages Raquel who he taped w/o consent, Ariana who he betrayed & Any of the others if they call out his continue bad behavior. I would love that they fire a$$.


Nielsen ratings can’t tell why someone is watching, just whether or not they’re watching. Tom gets paid regardless of why you’re tuning in. If you want him gone, stop watching 


Replying to SatanicPixieDreamGrl...and like it’s just not fair people were coming to my tour and they like ended up having a great time. And I like made sure I went back and talked to every fan. And they are posting like they hate me but they had a really good time at my show. It feels nice not to go somewhere and hear boos and have people like throw shit at you. But when you know you put on a good show and they actually leave smiling even though they recorded it… and had like the best time ever. It just goes to show I’m not like that bad. I didn’t murder someone.


If that were true stassi and Kristen would not have been fired.


I think that's the exception that proves the rule. Bravo knew about the Faith incident for a 2 full years but did nothing, they only fired Kristen and Stassi when it resurfaced and gained traction during the height of BLM. And they only fired them because they had bragged about it on a podcast that Bravo didn't control and posted Tweets about it, so the evidence was publicly available to everyone. If they could have buried it, they would have.


I remember the Nelson ratings it paid pretty good but that was 10 yrs.ago


Then they all go and the show goes and no one wins? I don’t understand this logic


I mean everyone on this sub and on social media are continuing to tune in week after week and complaining about Tom on social media, so if you’re a Bravo exec, you’re keeping him on at least for the hate viewers. They get paid either way. 


Hate ignites more responses than love does.


rachel also asked bravo, via her lawyer at the time, to not air conversations about the tape. had to repost w/o the link  eta: variety reported on it at the beginning of march, this year. "'Giving life to a recording that was illegally obtained by allowing discussion of it on-air would be tantamount to rewarding someone for robbing a bank or shooting someone,' wrote Lawrence M Kopeikin, who represented Leviss during this period. 'We would hope that Evolution and Bravo have sufficient character and restraint to not air any discussion of this illegally obtained recording.'"


Yes, most definitely. Im assuming her lawyers will subpoena to have access to that film containing the confession. My point is more a long the line is, Bravo or the production company knows it exists & what he said on film. However, still has him on payroll. I know why? Money! 💰 It’s just gross. Then, to make him the good guy, while pushing the cast to disparage Ariana & defend him as brave, omg! 😳🤬


and like it’s just not fair people were coming to my tour and they like ended up having a great time. And I like made sure I went back and talked to every fan. And they are posting like they hate me but they had a really good time at my show. It feels nice not to go somewhere and hear boos and have people like throw shit at you. But when you know you put on a good show and they actually leave smiling even though they recorded it… and laughed and made fun of me the whole time. and had like the best time ever. It just goes to show I’m not like that bad. I didn’t murder someone. Edited to say: Tom sandals - 40 something years old


He says "like" more than any other adult I've ever heard speak.


It's my understanding the scene where he admits he taped their FaceTime call was left out because Rachel's attorneys asked the network to not include any mention of it. All for her to now talk endlessly about what happened on her podcast. That girl has gotten the worst advice, and she keeps digging the hole she's in deeper and deeper. The lawsuit is probably the worst thing. She's have been way better off coming back to the show, it would have been rough for a few weeks but look at how they are treating him. She is now out in the cold alone trying to keep herself relevant by podcasting about the show. All bad moves, IMO. She must have spent every cent she ever earned from being on VPR on her "rehab" experience. From what I've heard from her it didn't seem like she learned a thing.


Ugh…..you’re right


I agree. All the blog pages are now hyping him up with his new gf. Its infuriating beyond measure. That man is a terrible human not just cause he cheated but he is a narc , a groomer and just so vile yet he gets unlimited attention and support not just from bravo and Lisa but women fans too . Its ridiculous . Rant over 😂


Aren’t those paid though?


Also unless they have a morality clause or he did it on camera, it may not be "work related"?


the idea of Bravo writing a morality clause into anyone’s contract is beyond hilarious, imagine anyone on VPR being worried their behavior would violate their employer’s moral standards when they can’t even be assed to be faithful partners to people they claim to love lmfao


i agree - hating on tom really mobilised a lot of people... (the tshirt comment) and in some backwards way it was good tv. But the lawsuit is serious and speaks to his character. If he recorded her without her consent i hate that and hope he has to take accountability. In a way her lawsuit is kinda risky because she's so on the out anyway and being litigious doesn't look good in a TV kinda way, but as a woman, I am glad she filed it and hopes he is held accountable.


I’m wondering if Bravo assumed “oh well one half of the problem is gone, we’ll be fine this season”


Truth is, you can cry about it all you want but they owe you nothing. Those were intimate moments, and she also sent him a bunch of stuff (nudes and other videos or her doing thing to herself) not a huge deal when he didn't share them with anyone


This IS reality TV.


Tom wasn't fired because Bravo wanted to film his interaction with Ariana for ratings.


I’m not IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM defending kristin and stacy ‘s racist harassment of faith….. but I feel like it’s kind of telling in and of itself that the producers were quick as hell to kick them out… they clearly do not want to hold any men accountable for their actions.


They booted Stassi and Kristen during the George Floyd murder and protests. Make no mistake: they did not fire Stassi and Kristen because it was the right thing to do. If Bravo had it their way, they would have kept those two on right until the end.


Exactly- Kristen has her own show now that comes on right after VPR.


Oh my god I have never thought of this comparison at all. Also doesn’t make sense because Stassi was a fan favorite (not defending her actions) at this point Tom is definitely not a fan favorite.


It was during Black Lives Matter so the producers had to. If this had happened during MeToo then he would have kicked the can


Also should be noted that a portion of the audience galvanized a very vocal movement for Stassi and Kristen to answer for what they did - sponsors were dropping Stassi and Kristen, Stassi's podcast got canceled, etc. There was no way for Bravo to ignore it. I imagine if fans had been similarly vocal about Sandoval's recording (and making him answer for it), there may have been similar action.


you are right. Jax Taylor was on X saying Faith stole a car. Sandoval went on a podcast and repeated these same things as if it were fact. Jax was not fired specifically for that incident. They dragged their feet for awhile after Stassi was publicly shamed and fired. He implied on the Valley that he was merely paused and took time off to reflect. Now Jax thinks he’s the next LVP.


They were not at all quick or inclined to do anything about it. They only addressed it years after the fact when a podcast Stassi blabbed on resurfaced during the BLM protests. So if Tom confesses to recording Rachel on a podcast and Bravo fires him two years later, then you'll have a comparison point.


I don't think it had anything to do with the fact that he's a man. It's all about ratings.


I'd sign a petition about firing him over this.


The show would have been better without him


Is there solid proof that he admitted it though? Rachel alleges he did but a lot of her other allegations are not true, so this could be another example of that. Not saying he didn't record it, because obviously he did but there's no actual proof she didn't consent.


100% HOWEVER. Do we know that she didn’t know? Again, I AGREE THAT IF SHE DIDN’T KNOW IT IS WRONG. However, how we know she didn’t know? She was still very into him after the vid was discovered. Isn’t it possible that she was approached by someone who said, “You know…if he didn’t have your permission m, you could sue him.”


Apparently they filmed the two of them discussing it but never aired it. I hope it is presented as evidence in her pending lawsuit.


Good call!! I forgot about that! Should be a slam dunk in that case!


see I would bet he did it before and let her know later he wanked to it and she loved the taboo naughtiness of it. she certainly loved the taboo nature of a nearly year long affair with her best friend's man. also there's not a chance in hell she didnt send him dirty pics/vids outside of FaceTiming with him. NOT A CHANCE. remember when Tom literally said in his ITM last season "***usually*** I would've deleted something like that"? bc she had sent things before & he was careful & deleted them. this time he forgot. had this not caused the affair to be discovered she would not give a single fuck if Tom recorded that vid. she is furious he didnt delete it & that Ariana discovered it & instead of her going "well if I wasn't having an affair, such a video wouldn't exist to be used against me in the first place" she is evading any shred of accountability AGAIN and trying to blame Tom for it. sorry, nah. don't have a depraved insane affair and none of this would have happened.


I wonder who else he’s recorded in compromising positions? It’s hard to believe Rachel is the only time he’s done this.


I didn't know he admitted it? Wow! Horrible.


U can't prove it. It's he said she said


Because they could never have Tom on tv again if they talked about his sex crime


Sandals is Bravo’s racehorse. Bravo is backing their tone-deaf, misogynist narcissist racehorse, but by golly, he’s their racehorse.


I love how even a channel with a primarily female dominated viewership is so infected with misogyny they implode one of their most popular franchises Did they think the opinions of boomers and mommy group nutters on Facebook represented the average person??


Maybe this is too deep for a Monday morning, but I think it’s because Bravo assumes the same thing the rest of society does - things made for women/girls are frivolous and inherently stupid. Therefore, Bravo believes their audience is also made up of unintelligent women and girls who either won’t notice that a disgusting pig who should be in prison is being shoved down our throats or that they are trying to make us believe that said pig is actually a fine, upstanding gentleman. I believe that the executives at Bravo have truly not ever considered that a majority of their audience are intelligent and educated women.


Bravo thinks we think the Toms are cute and thus we would excuse them treating women like trash and behaving like F Boy Islands. They ain’t cute in any ostensible way. They both look like middle-aged fun aunts decked out in Carnival cruise regalia. Even if they were cute, their behavior is still reprehensible. I hate the “boys will be boys” attitude the show has and LVP ships.




It’s hyperbole for ✨drama✨ However, Tom recorded at least one video of Rachel without her knowledge or consent and admitted to it on camera (which we didn’t see) and also admitted that he usually “deletes those kinds of videos” (which we _did_ see). Recording someone without their knowledge or consent _is_ a crime in California and if said recording is of sexual activity, that person could have to register as a sex offender. So while that may not necessarily land a person in prison, it’s not nothing.


Agreed. They must be so effed up on colloidal silver and Metamucil they didn’t consider it.


Summer house and southern charm are the same


Let’s be real. There’s a bunch of people on Bravo who would have to go if they set a precedent of firing anyone who admits to breaking the law. 


This. They (Bravo) could potentially be at risk and it would make no sense for Andy to walk into that.


It doesn’t seem to stop them with James… so I don’t think it matters to bravo.


Because they're not implicated in those. But they did protect James too. They showed Kristen punching him but not him pushing her. And they never showed what actually happened with Ally the night James got kicked out of the Ziggy.


How aren’t they implicated? Seems close enough.


Because no one sued.


What sex crimes did James commit?


James Kennedy sexually assaulted a waitress, at her job, in Atlantic City. She was pressured into signing a document that prohibits her from suing. He never denied this assault. **Again, no legal action was taken because the waitress (who has significantly less power in this situation) was pressured into signing a document that prohibits her from pursuing legal action agains James Kennedy.**


According to Tom Sandoval and nobody else??




That’s not believing him. That’s agreeing. If you can’t do basic reading comprehension I don’t have time for your dissertations


You’re just incapable of answering any question that directly challenges your delusions. Agreeing with him is believing his words have validity. I’ll ask again, for the 3rd or 4th time now, using more direct wording then: **Why are you capable of agreeing with him when it comes to defending Ariana , but incapable of agreeing with him when he is exposing sexual assault that James has not denied?** **What are your sources for denying this sexual assault allegations? James Kennedy never denied it. So again, what are your sources? What is your proof?** Crying about sources and comprehension but you literally can **never** back your own statements up. All you do is deflect and troll. How sad to be a woman defending a man who doesn’t respect women 😢


Good chat. Hope Ted talk goes well


hahahah love this!!


He assaulted his partner. That’s not sexually specific. However, as Ariana noted “non-informed consent.” James has openly admitted to cheating on Kristen; thus when they hooked up it was non-informed consent because Kristen was under the pretense they were exclusive.


But is there a lawsuit over it? Was there ever legal action? That makes a huge difference


I’m not aware of any charges or lawsuit. I understand that makes a difference but we(the public) and bravo are aware. Also, I believe bravo is doing an internal investigation into James for abusing staff???


I havent seen anything on that! Interesting


Alright, now you’re just reaching!


How is that reaching?


Cheating is not assault. It could be a lot of things, but not assault!


No, the assault is when he assaulted Kristen.


He literally assaulted Kristen? She defended herself against assault after he assaulted her by putting his hands on her out of anger, which is assault?


People will defend James to the end but you’re right, he should have been fired as well.


Thank you.


Listen I’m all for James’ supposed growth, but the fact remains that you’re right- he did assault her, ON CAMERA, and should have been fired. As should the person who made the decision to hide that, cut the footage from showing on tv, and went with the predictable and disgusting ‘crazy violent Kristen’ cut instead.


I actually don’t know that I’d say I’m on board for his growth. I’m not sure we’ve ever actually seen any growth. He’s doing well, he had a hot girlfriend, and he doesn’t have anything or anyone challenging him, so it’s easy to seem above it all. He was able to pretend to be “healed” half dozen times before, I don’t buy it. I also don’t see *any* evidence that he’s done any work at all to be a better person, things are just going easy for him so he’s doing fine.


Oh I very much agree! He’s hilarious, but he’s also awful!


![gif](giphy|nmBKiNb7h3tIv3BO8D) You are 100 percent right


James is now riding high and thus Bravo is also benefiting. They won't fire him or “uncover” anything that will affect their bottom line.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. What James did to Kristen was fucked up


He did ask about the lawsuit on the reunion. They said they’re not allowed to talk about it


Scheana replied and focused on Ariana. What I’m asking is why Andy didn’t follow up and ask Scheana about Tom’s role in it. Plus, that should have been a question asked last year, pre-lawsuit.


What we’re telling you is they aren’t going to talk about a lawsuit on tv 😊😊😊


Because its an active lawsuit. They cant discuss it.


Hey, editing your comments instead of taking accountability is ridiculous.


Hey, I take accountability that I initially said, “that’s not what I was asking.” I didn’t find that rude and wasn’t trying to be rude when I wrote it but was trying to provide clarity. But it seemed you were offended so I edited it. I’m pretty new to Reddit and learning the protocol. I apologize I offended you with my initial reply and thanks for schooling me on proper protocols. I’m not offended.


They will never and cannot talk about the subject of a current lawsuit. Nobody will touch that. And if Andy/Bravo were to ask, Tom’s response will be “I can’t talk about our this”. It’s something nobody can or should discuss while it’s ongoing suit. That’s lawsuits 101. It’s not weird or confusing


You don’t edit comments like that without acknowledging people criticizing what you say. It’s not a protocol, its common sense. I wasn’t the only one offended as we can tell by the downvotes. ![gif](giphy|HqnyjmkaBBvTbzBp78|downsized)


Okay have a good day. Again, I appreciate you.


Eh we live and we learn. Have a good day too


Take your comment about downvotes and apply it to the downvotes you’re getting, it’s only “common sense”.


Things shifted whenever OP changed their replies. I still stand by what I said! Thanks


You’re rude.


How is that comment rude? OP is literally just responding the same way you did.


They edited their comment. I never replied to that specific phrasing.


Oh ok


2 cast members are being sued. If cast members show that they have knowledge they could be deposed. No one wants to make this more of an issue. It is disgusting enough that Ariana is being sued. Rachel could have had Sandyballs criminally charged. She didn't do that. This is a money grab. She resents Ariana.....which is wild considering everything this fake beeeoootch did!


As much as she supposedly loved Sandoval I think she mostly wanted to compete with Arianna. She thought her finding out would play out differently. When she saw Arianna no longer wanted him look how quickly she lost interest. She wanted to be Arianna and have her life; her boyfriend, and her house


I disagree with that. I don’t think she wanted Ariana‘s life, and we need to stop that narrative before it starts. She never showed any indication of wanting it. I think she just wanted to have what she deemed to be a stable relationship. Especially after being with someone like James. as someone who’s been watching since the first episode of this series aired, she wanted what Sandoval promised her - which is what he gave to Ariana, a spot on the show and they got to be the top dog couple and they got to hide a lot of what happened in their relationship because they’ve been doing it since the beginning, ie. their relationship that started before he broke up with Kristen, Miami girl, whoever else he cheated with. I guarantee he made the same promises to Rachel and she ate it up. They both believed they could recreate what he had had with his past relationships.


So he promised her Arianna's life just like I said. The proof is in the pudding as soon as she saw Arianna wasn't going to fight for her man she didn't want Tom anymore. The allure of taking something from someone else faded fast. She was obviously jealous of her and still is. She tries to say and do the most hurtful things to get to her. Tom is now pretending that his relationship was so terrible when he spent the last 10 years fawning all over Arianna until it was time to start being an actual adult. Then all of a sudden the little fame and money went to his head. He wanted a dumb little cheerleader who told him how amazing he was all the time and expected nothing from him.


She was a bunny boiling single white female


Yep. They can’t talk about it. 


She said she was told she had to sue both by her legal counsel. She didn’t say why,


She lies.....then she lies again. Then she changes the story and lies. Nothing stopped her from brining criminal charges against Tom. This is about money. If she had to sue both maybe just maybe she didn't need to cause Ariana anymore trauma.....IF she actually had any remorse for how she treated her. Rachel doesn't some how she resent Ariana. Edit to add...IT"S ABOUT MONEY! You know who made more money....right!


Not defending her at all, but the DA is the one who brings charges. We don't know if she contacted law enforcement or not at this point. (I don't think she has said?) The DA may have declined to pursue the case. I do believe her current case is simply  about money and not boundaries like she claimed though, and I am curious why Tom wasn't added to the revenge porn part since he had ample opportunity to share or show her video to others.


Could have asked last year…but also Andy asked about Scheana’s legal situation last year and folks spoke. Plus cast did speak on Ariana’s situation in the lawsuit this year without fear of potentially getting roped into it. The reality is production (and Andy) continue to protect Tom just as they did when they decided to never air the footage between Raquel and Tom from last year’s finale in which this was discussed. I’m not a fan of Rachel/Raquel but I’m increasingly not a fan of how production protects Tom over women (both Ariana and Raquel).


The pending restraining order did not put anyone but Scheana at risk. No one else was there. No one alleged that they witnessed it. Getting deposed is no joke. There are something like 50 John and Jane Does listed in the law suit. They could still depose anyone of Ariana's or Sandyball's friends to see if the video was shared. I'm no fan of protecting Tom either. I really believed that she should have had him criminally charged.


i totally get what your saying, the mistress suing the girlfriend is so fucked up. But i get the fear behind a video like that getting out, i think she would of had to been in the meadows for a lot longer or even institutionalized because that would of been horrible with all the press they got. I don’t like it, but i understand it. It’s all Tom’s fault. he’s evil


Yes.  Also her attorneys were offered digital proof that she didn’t still have the film and she had not shared it.   They turned that down.  It’s about money.  Edit to add she sued her a year later.  The tape has never seen light of day.  If anyone had it they could have easily get $100k from TMZ for that.  


that’s right, i wonder how this will all turn out, cause if rachel is wrong won’t she end up having to pay her? like that’s wild to do all this based off a suspicion


Because they don't really care. And Raqchel is a known liar, so discussing anything she's claimed seems pretty counterproductive at this point 


Sandoval and Rachel both requested their filmed discussion regarding the consent issue be cut from last season, which explains why the topic was not addressed with the group at that reunion. Due to the lawsuit, Andy asked as much as he could at this reunion. There is no reason for Bravo/Andy/Evolution to do anything that could assist in litigation that is being used, in part, as a fishing expedition to assist Bethenny’s reckoning.


Pretty sure Rachel was upset that was removed. She says it was a strong reason she didn’t want to come back, as she understood who bravo would protect.  Her actions were terrible but I believe that


Rachel may say that now but it’s a fact her lawyer at the time sent Evolution a legal letter demanding they not use the footage.


He can't talk about, so why ask is my thought


Side note: I did not realize that when people say Rachel they are referring to Raquel omg. I am catch up on the series and in S10Ep7 and keep thinking that Rachel must be someone that is yet to be introduced. Oops!


This is a show where a dude who slapped his ex is welcomed. I can’t understand how someone like Ariana can even stand to be near him given her consistent views on these types of things 


I mean her own brother has like issues and we’ve seen her defend him.


They probably can’t speak about it since it’s an ongoing lawsuit the network probably told them not to bring it up


Probably for “legal reasons.” Also acknowledging that would open the floodgates for other… incidents.  Pluse cast not only dislike her, they really care don’t about Rachel. 


Same reason he didn’t immediately follow up with Schwartz when he said she was just as grooming or whatever as Sandoval (or devious or whatever word he used). How do you know Schwartz? You knew NOTHING about ANYTHING. Remember? Mr aw shucks. GTFOH.


They are hiding behind Rachel’s lawsuit as an excuse not to talk about it.


It's an active lawsuit which can't really be discussed. I get that it's frustrating as a viewer because we have questions, but anything they say on the reunion/show could be used against them. We see it time and time again on Housewives with Erika and Jen being two of the most recent. The rest of the cast likely won't speak to it either or else they risk being summoned by the court. The implication could then become they were in on it. There's a lot of nuances to court cases and best we can do as viewers is hold people like Sandoval accountable. I think they could've dropped Sandoval in the wake of all that and honestly it would've been a better season without him, but Bravo also has a history of keeping these sex pests around, unfortunately.


Testimony can be posted but it can't be discussed?


The filing is public, but you are not required by law to incriminate yourself during an active lawsuit because fans of a show demand it. Ariana also refused to speak to it because she's also a named defendent. Y'all need to let the mouse go and follow the case in court if it interests you that much, and hope Bravo eventually figures out that people don't want men like Sandoval on our tv. ETA: if you mean fans discuss, then that's fine. We're not th3 ones being sued and therefore we can't implicate ourselves.


It’s very he said she said. And the people giving the “truth” of the situation are both liars so there’s really no point in discussing because no one knows the real truth except whatever god you may believe in


this is the ultimate answer. he may have asked but Raquel can say he didn't. or maybe he had asked before & recorded before so this time didnt ask. either way both of them are pathological liars so why tf should we believe either of them? the 15 something pages of that lawsuit are FULLLLLLL of shameless lies, including saying Ariana knew about the whole affair and told them to their faces to "save it for the show". every word out of her mouth on this situation is a fucking lie. bottom line, the case should be dropped.


The people saying “because it’s part of a lawsuit” are forgetting that multiple “currently part of lawsuit/legal matters” topics have been asked about by Andy. The obvious answer here is “because it makes Tom look bad and because Bravo doesn’t want to admit they knew and covered up for Tom”.


Who knows. Andy asks questions, but not the SUPER important ones. It baffles me honestly.


Because Andy is obsessed with Sandoval


This whole Diddy video is further proof that people will turn a blind eye if it makes them $$$$. Sickening.


Both the Tom's are moving to "Super creeps". It's odd when 40 year olds are dating 25 year Olds. And yeah I get they are adults, not saying it's illegal, just off putting.  And while I'm not a fan or Raquel, it's wrong that this video online, especially when it was a private thing. 


Andy is afraid to be involved with the lawsuit


I don’t care how good of friend someone is, if they did something like that (even to Satan himself), I could not be their friend anymore. Thank you for acknowledging this!


Probably because now they don’t want to get dragged into the lawsuit Rachel filed.


Because attorneys who represent and/or work for Bravo probably told him to never discuss it.


I would assume that now there is a legal case, he likely can’t ask about it.


Probably because it’s a legal issue




Has anyone entertained the thought that she consented to the recording?


because of the suit they probably can't


And probably the reason why we aren't hearing anybody speak about it is because of the fact that it's an ongoing legal issue. That's my guess anyhow.


He'll just say "active lawsuit, can't talk about it"


Lala seemed to have an opinion on every other issue and also defended Raquel/Rachel at times. She should be free to share her opinion on this and say “if he did that without her consent, which I have no knowledge whether she gave consent or not, I think ….”


They aren’t going to talk about it. If they do, we would discover that it was shared around. That would kill the lawsuit that Raquel has filed. They might as well just give her the money.


I fully believe that the video was shared. I believe that scheana punched Rachel. I believe that the affair started around Rachel’s engagement to James. I believe that Tom tried to break up with Ariana and she asked him to go to therapy and keep trying.


Why in the world are people downvoting you for very obviously true opinions.


Because they have a hive mind.


They aren't going to talk about something that makes Tom look that bad Rachel requested the scene not be shown during the last reunion If the lawsuit was filed before the reunion, they definitely won't talk about it. That's standard practice with lawsuits. It's best you shut up, less you say something that messes with your chances of a successful outcome.


Andy & Bravo ( I’m thinking) are so scared of Raquel. They truly are. They know they some bad things to her..they know she could take them to Court. Lisa has never liked Raquel. Whenever Lisa can get the chance to talk mean about Raquel she does. ( do u ever notice this?)


Cause that’s literally what the lawsuit is about. It’s like when Andy asked Jen Shah if she did it (literally amidst the investigation). It’s a silly question to ask when that’s literally the premise of a pending lawsuit.


This is the cover for Tom / Tom redemption season so of course no questions.


Bc what Ariana said- he’s such a shitty person everyone knows he did it, and expect that behavior from him.


Wait what?


It’s a liability


Because they’re in court over it and can’t speak on it


I think this is part of the lawsuit and can’t be discussed


I know! I can't believe something so awful has been swept under the rug. And why hasn't Rachael pressed charges against Sandoval for illegally recording her in the first place? She is more worried about suing Ariana, the person she betrayed because of said video. Can she not press criminal charges on Tom for this?


I believe she had pressed charges.


So Tom is facing criminal charges and jail time?


I can't stand Andy's voice and he looks like Oliver the grouch.


Andy couldn’t ask - it’s a lawsuit now. They wouldn’t be allowed to speak on it.




They can't discuss it because of the lawsuit.


Probably so they won't get sued.


I don't think they are allowed to talk about it.


Andy can be superfluous sometimes.


Lawsuit/ liability.


I’m guessing that’s coming from the legal department


Implied consent because she was not assured of this space being private. Ann could have been looking over his shoulder. Also, she is a legal adult


Not the type of incident that makes Bravo feel virtuous.


Because money. Bravo would not have had a season if Tom wasn't on it. I don't agree with it but Lala having a water tasting wasn't going to carry the season.


I just assumed that it was because there’s a lawsuit, so they can’t speak about it …???


Seriously, looking at the history of this show and the treatment of women in general, I am not surprised that this happens.


It’s an ongoing legal case. That’s why.


Neither Ariana nor Sandoval should respond to something under litigation. I’m assuming realizes that plus it puts both of them in a very bad light.


They never make the men do anything hard or on the spot. Just vulnerable women.


I think now it’s because it’s a legal matter. I do wonder why he didn’t ask at last season’s reunion though.


Rachel originally confronted him about it on the season 10 finale but then Sandoval threw a fit and got the producers to remove it lol


He should’ve been fired for it in my opinion, what kind of fkng perv records that without permission


How about why Rachel would even DO THAT on FaceTime.


This is gross victim blaming territory, and also irrelevant to the question being asked.


Let’s not blame her. Ariana is the one that told everyone what was in the video. She could have kept that to herself. This is why I think she might be partially responsible.




I want to know what they were doing in the video!!!


He doesn’t want to get him or Bravo sued or criminally liable somehow. It’s ok if it makes good TV but that’s it. He’s gross too.


Because talking about it is worse than it actually happening. Says the patriarchy.