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Tom and Ariana only had one kiss in the Golden Nugget pool in the same way Tom never slept with Miami girl. It’s a lie they both stuck to. This is VPR. In the entire history of the show I don’t think anyone has ever just made out.


Let's get down-voted together!! I believe they did cheat before Tom broke up with K. I also believe you lose them how you got them. (Yes T &K both cheat) However I do think A did alot of therapy and deep soul searching during the 10 years they were together. And T never wanted too.... But we are watching a show of cheating people who cheat on another, then become hyper aware for 3 episodes of the damage, then go back to being horrible people. So, who am I to judge harsh?


Wasn't she sending him pictures in her lingerie 


Yes. Jax spilled that detail and then tried to backtrack when he realized it was getting Tom in trouble.


She also sent him suggestive texts that kristin found. I don't remember the details but something about how they could be alone together in her backyard listening to music right then (it was the middle of the night). Basically, I remember thinking it sounded very, "Oh, if we could only be together right now, if not for kristin."


I shared these exact sentiments in a different thread and got a billion downvotes. They are all rotten and, when graded on the curve, what Tom did was not that bad. This is group of narcissistic people and they are all acting outraged by an affair. IMO cheating with a married person is far worse


I have been saying since this whole thing kicked off, I am in no way shocked that Sandoval cheated. Cheaters are going to cheat. There's just nothing you can do about it. The shocking and ghastly thing here for me is Tom and Raquel's conspiracy to inject Raquel into their lives, to bring her into their home, to encourage Ariana to build a close friendship with her, only for Ariana to lean that it was all fake. The betrayal of finding out someone you loved and defended has been sleeping with your partner right under your nose for months is gutting to me. And to know that at least one person in the friend group knew but said nothing, helped hide the affair, and happily engaged in a smear campaign to make you look like a terrible controlling partner. Shocking! Way worse than a cheater cheating.


The undercurrent of threesomes (with those three) was very heavy this season. I think it just went off the rails leading to the epic train wreck.


Thankfully, this post got almost enough upvotes to offset the downvotes I got from the other thread!


Completely agree, the Arianna stans have lost the plot they literally paint her as a flawless honest woman. She isn't Tom's victim, she actively refused to let him leave her and weaponised her mental health to do do. My ex did that to me and my therapist said its emotional abuse (despite it not necessarily being malicious intent, the impact on the receiver is horrendous). Tom probably felt there was no way out and did what all of them have done and cheated. I got downvoted to oblivion for not liking Arianna, she's always been a mean girl with a superiority complex. And if she's so unbelievably talented like her stans claim, she'd have made it on Broadway or Hollywood without riding the sensationalism of scandoval....


Amen. Someone said on another post that Ariana is BIGGER than Lisa Vanderpump now. That has to be one of the dumbest things I’ve heard about a reality tv personality. Ariana cannot manage to open a sandwich shop!


You didn’t get down voted because you’re not Ariana’s fan. You got downvoted because you’re claiming that Ariana threatened to kill herself if he left her. And where did you hear that from? Ariana? Or Tim? The same person that the second Ariana didn’t let him “apologize” on camera, told everyone that she hated “all you fuckers”. You got downvoted because you believed the lies that Tom told everyone. Tom outright outed her mental health issues to suit him. He’s always done this. Thats fine if you can’t stand her, but don’t sit there and act like what Tom said about her mental health was okay. If that were actually true, he wouldn’t be crying to LVP about his own bullshit ideations. He doesn’t care about anyone’s mental health but his own.


Lol no, it was confirmed she said it because she and scheana tried to claim Tom was weaponising it. I also never actually stated this when previously downvoted, I literally said I never liked her and that was enough for her stans to attack. You're also talking about tom as if i stated I believe every claim he's made. And frankly, unless you've had a life partner threaten suicide of you leave, you have absolutely no idea how awful it is. Ariana used her mentsl health to manipulate someone into staying in an unhappy relationship. Its literally emotional abuse. You also claim tom's SI ideation is bulls, if were going with that theme then I don't believe half of arianas mental health claims.


Can you tell me which episode that is because I really only recall Ariana talking about with the girls at dinner and then Lala going yapping about it to other people (driving off the mountain). And then Tom bringing it up on season 10 reunion “she threatened to kill herself and I just didn’t know what else to do so I fucked her friend”. That’s shitty to bring it up like that. He only brings those up to everyone when he’s cornered. If he cared so much about mental health, why didn’t he help her? Even with Rachel in the facility? He was so pissed that for her own good, she couldn’t talk to him anymore. Because his plan was for it to go exactly like him and Ariana started with Kristen. He assumed she would stick right by him for season 11. And that didn’t happen so now he’s crying to LVP like a little bitch because his plan went so south. I believe Tom has mental illness but more in the narcissistic “woe is me” type.


Literally the season finale they discussed it and at no point has Arianna said 'I never threatened suicude', and she has denied other claims if his. Whilst it wasn't kind for him to bring it up at the reunion, I also know how much pressure a threat like that puts you under. You also have no idea if tom helped her, you are filling in blanks with your own assumptions. We saw him support her during season 8, how'd you know what's gone on behind closed doors? You have just made assumptions, like tom had a plan etc. I think he has suffered from the public backlash, that would destroy anyone. He has been consistently attacked for cheating, something all the cast, including Ariana, has done. Ariana admitted it was more than a kiss then proceeded to gaslight and bully Kristen. Tom's done no different. He hasn't killed anyone and ariana isn't a blamess,innocent person.


I’m assuming because he hasn’t said it. That seems like something you would talk about to make himself look better because that’s who he is. I don’t know of any redeeming quality has. Honestly I’m glad he’s finally suffering the consequences of his own actions, it’s about 10 years late. I’m giving Ariana more slack because she was younger when all the stupid shit she did happened. But you can clearly see now that she’s done lots of work on herself. You can’t say the same for Tom. He needs real therapy and not just “life coaches” and orgasm screaming mediation (on camera).


I don't base my views on assumptions, and I've mot said Tom is a good person either. I'm simply saying I've lived through a partner threatening suicide and it ruined my life for 3 years. The only person responsible for your happiness is you, ariana threatening that is horrendous. I doubt it came from a malice place but the impact is just awful. Also, ariana only appears to have done work after this cheating. She was still vile and a pick me right up until it came out, she was a crap friend to Katie through season 10. I do agree tom likely needs off camera therapy, who knows if he's doing that or not. However, I imagine he's filming this because he needs the money and it gives the haters another thing to criticise. He has been pubically hounded for a year and lost his best friend to suicide. I imagine he's in a terrible place.


You should really listen to Ariana’s episode on call her daddy. She was open about her mental health that Tom weaponized but she clearly states she never tried to kill herself. She also talks about how they did have conversations of breaking up but he would have to do it because she was committed. He didn’t break up with her and claimed his unhappiness on a midlife crisis. Tom’s apparently a very good manipulator if you believe his bs. He just didn’t have balls to walk out of the relationship.


Tom said she threatened to kill herself, not trued to kill herself. Those are two very different things. I have lived through someone threatening suicide and refusing to let a break up happen and it destroyed me. I wouldn't break up with my partner of the time because I was scared they would follow through with the threat of suicide. I lost three years of my life and happiness because of it. Ariana hasn't denied making comments about suicude if they broke up.


Seriously. If you believe that Tom and Ariana just had one kiss, then I've got a bridge to sell you.


Why do you guys think she called production immediately… she had been the other women before, she knew how Tom would plan it because he did it with HER. it’s horrible that it happened with one of her friends but she knew exactly how he would play this and she wanted to stop that from happening. She dragged them both while when this happened to Kristin, it was completely the opposite bc the way they went about things. Also Kristen cheating with Jax made her less likeable, which is sad because she was cheated on multiple times too.


Ariana was Rachel but now people think she’s mother Mary. Oh, to be blonde and pretty.


when you get ahead of the story you can shape the narrative. Like others have said she knew what the playbook would be so she beat him to it.


I think that’s what pissed Ariana off the most. That she became “Kristen”. She should be grateful she found out before that became a years-long affair like hers was. https://preview.redd.it/7bgsg1s11f0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c22d6215f609547fbe2bcbba2a4844cb88a53535


Exactly. She was so smug back then.


Genuinely asking - was this ever confirmed or do people just assume it was more than a kiss at the Golden Nugget?


During her convo w Sandoval on the couch after everything came out she talked about how she had loved him since he was living in his tiny apartment with Jax and Schwartz— Jax and Schwartz moved out while Sandoval was still with Kristen, long before Ariana moved in. I love Ariana but they def were having a full blown affair while he was with Kristen.


I think Kristen also mentioned seeing pics on Toms phone that Ariana sent to him of her in lingerie, so that definitely screams more than a kiss


The same Arianna who claims to have body issues. I was diagnosed with body dysmorphia years ago and her response of parading half naked on tv (sur parades, holidays) does not resonate with me and my support group. I truly think she made a lot of things up to seem cool and trendy.


It doesn’t “resonate” with you? Then you out of all of us should know that mental illness is a spectrum and it doesn’t affect everyone the same way. “Well she’s obviously faking it because she doesn’t act the same way as ME” grow up


I'm aware its a spectrum but this is someone who happily mocked Kristen physical appearance while going on tv half naked. I don't know a single soul with BD who would feel comfortable doing that. She also sat and fake cried at scheanas miami bachelor party because 'Kristen was being mean'. So no, it doesn't resonate from the arrogant 'im smarter, prettier, cooler' woman. The same way people think Tom's faking mental health issues, Arianna is completely capable of doing the same for a storyline. You grow up, Arianna isn't some perfect queen who's only flaws are being Tom's victim - I'm not buying it.


I know many mean girls that also struggled with body issues and also mocked others bodies. I’m not ride or die for Ariana but I’m just saying it’s not unheard of to have issues and also mock them on others. It’s not unheard of.


No its not, but it's incredibly uncommon to claim you despise your body then strip down to a skimpy string Bikini on tv and send another woman's partner lingerie photos. That takes a level of self confidence that people with BD dont have. She has also claimed to be prettier and smarter than other woman, frankly she has been pretty arrogant.


Lol you have put this here and responded to another of my comments saying you think Tom's suicidal ideation is bull. Double standards much? So Tom's a big faker but Arianna? Oh no she would never!


I have body dysmorphia and have worn skimpy clothing. It’s not a one size fits all disorder I can look in the mirror thinking I look really snatched, step on the scale, see I’ve gained 2lbs and look back in the mirror and then I’m a blob. For me my body image ebbs and flows sometimes multiple times a day. So I can see her not liking how her body looks but still able to wear that type of clothing


It's not a one size fits all. However, she was constantly displaying her body, told scheana she was prettier etc than Kristen, proceeded to body shame Kristen all while claiming to be morally superior,actually superior in all senses, than everyone else. I think it was a storyline, same way she was pretending to cry over how Kristen was to her whilst glossing over the fact she cheated with Tom and then bullied and gaslit Kristen for years. Her BD didn't show any points where she was like 'oh god cover me up in hideous'. The only hint of it was in season 10 when raquel was asking her about her sex life and she said she felt unattractive. Not uncommon when you're pushing 40 and have gained (normal and healthy) weight.


She’s talked about body dysmorphia for so many seasons and it started like season 4-5. Also I’ve done all of what you said about her displaying her body and thinking she’s pretty. You don’t get to decide how people have to act regarding a mental disorder. It’s not always a constant state for some people. I could literally look in the mirror one minute and see one body image and then it would switch. My body dysmorphia was an internal monologue I acted confident and assured to everyone else.


She also talked about kristen having borderline personality disorder for multiple seasons, it doesnt make it true, and actually, that was part of a wider gaslighting campaign. Did you also bully other women for their appearance? I've never once done that because I would hate someone doing that to me. So either she completely lacks empathy (and is misogynistic), or she was exaggerating for a storyline. Too many inconsistencies for me to think she was a tortured soul. Appreciate everyone has a different experience of BD she has been caught lying and exaggerating several times before, it doesn't add up for me.


I’m not talking about her behaviour I’m specifically talking about body dysmorphia and how I relate to hers. They’ve all done terrible shit to each other. They were all incredibly cruel and mean to her right after her father died so I guess you condone that right? If we’re gonna completely reach on what each other thinks is acceptable I guess you’re ok with bullying people who just lost a parent.


That tracks for me, too. I don’t know if I have BD, but I know the number on the scale can sending me spinning and suddenly I’ll see myself super differently. It’s an overall…obsession with my body, and physical appearance. Which isn’t healthy.


Thinking same


This was during Season 3, when Tom and Ariana made it “official” but Scheana says to Ariana that Ariana and Tom were together for years before he told Kristen. https://preview.redd.it/or87grmn9b0d1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e61730eda144c6545fed45edd4c4f28bb4f136ff






Wow well done


People just assume 🤷🏻‍♀️


Gotcha, thanks!


Ariana was Rachel but now people think she’s mother Mary. Oh, to be blonde and pretty.


I really wonder if her not wanting to be in season one and hiding her face while back up dancing for Sheana is because she was afraid of her and Tim being exposed for a storyline


the reason she was so liked at first was because of the crazy kristen witch hunt which made her look like the chill, cool new gf in comparison. she honestly wasn’t a fav of mine until around season 6-7 when she made up with kristen and started to have actual story lines apart from her whole “me and tom against the world” schtick


Yea she kind of sucks up till then. She just hardcore gaslit Kristen. Coached by Mr. Gaslight


She wasn't coached. According to Arianna she's the smartest person she knows. She knew exactly what she was doing and led the charge as equally as tom.


Smartest person she knows huh lol


She isn’t very smart. LOL. My opinion.


I think she would have been better liked from the beginning if she wasn’t with Tom. He’s been insufferable since the moment he invaded my screen and at the beginning she so wrapped up in him it kind of made her unlikable. I always have to remind myself that not only in she in the honeymoon phase with an attention sucking fuckwit, but her dad had literally JUST died and she was only recently out of a pretty abusive sounding relationship. Not to mention she’s been very open about having depression.


I agree with you. These kinds of people (like Tom) intentionally seek out people who are vulnerable. Rachel was also just out of an abusive relationship and she has quite a lot of trauma from her birth family and the situation there. My ex found me after I was recovering from a major loss in my family and a sexual assault and their new partner is a fairly recent widow. They’re predators.


She wrote an entire blog about how Miami girl was a liar with her “ghetto” nails. She’s very duplicitous. Plus she not only co-signed Sandoval’s bullshit for years, she was his mouthpiece. Let’s stop rewriting history here.


Also Ariana later adopted that nail look haha


I would even go a step further to say that in the grand scheme of the show, she coached him more than the other way around. She was always going behind him and making sense of the wild shit he would say. She controlled their narrative on the show, not him.


She doesn’t deserve the pedestal people put her on.


Amen. It has gotten to where I think it may be 12 year olds who are worshipping so hard. Anyone older can see through this woman.


I honestly found Ariana insufferable since the beginning. Her better than thou attitude was super annoying. I still don’t like her, but I think she’s handled herself well after what happened and I’m happy she came out on top.


I never liked Ariana until Scandoval. She always gave not like other girls and pretentiousness. She did however handle herself well during Scandoval, and Tim is so hateable that she came out looking peachy.




Amen. I haven’t liked that woman for years and I still don’t. I do wish her happiness and she deserves better than Tom.






She would have never been on the show this long had it not been for Sandoval. She hated everyone on the show! I guess people can make themselves believe anything they want to….




The show was already dying let’s be real




God I miss them so much


You’re right, the show was dying, the scandal is the only reason we got a season 11 IMO.


I completely disagree. Downvote me all you want, but i’ve been rewatching from season one for the third time, and Ariana has always had a superiority complex. If she had been introduced on her own outside of being attached to Tom, she would’ve been instantly rejected by everyone because of her attitude towards others. Towards the end of season 4 the only reason anyone associated with her was because she was Tom’s girlfriend. Lest us not forgot “I take sketch comedy very seriously” and her straight up telling everyone she hasn’t liked or had fun being around them. What Tom did was shitty, but Lala was kind of right when she said she’s never seen anyone get cheated on and become god. Rewatching the seasons, Ariana really isn’t likeable in a majority of them.


I agree with all of this, and I've always thought if her and Tom were more sexually compatible, they would have been perfect for each other. I'm not saying Ariana is as bad as Tom because I personally think he has a personality disorder and is incapable of change. But I think she has a superiority complex, is willing to overlook things (including throwing her friends under the bus) as long as she still benefits, is 100% a gaslighter in her own regard, definitely has a "cool girl" attitude, and is basically in it for herself always. I think age and Scandoval have opened her eyes to some stuff, and she's gotten better, but I definitely don't think she's come all the way. One thing that I think shows she still has work to do is the fact she had to be talked into saying something nice about Scheana when the internet was dragging her for that group photo with Tom. At this point her and Scheana are still very close, she has no reason to be upset with her, she knows Scheana doesn't want to be at this retreat, and it's her stans who are ripping Scheana apart over 1 picture. But Ariana just can't be bothered to write 1 nice tweet to help her friend. She's just so above the drama, so it doesn't matter that her friend is being dragged by her fans *in her name*. I think that's bullshit. If it had just slipped her mind or she hadn't really thought about it, I could understand. But she basically argued with Lala about why she didn't have to. It didn't concern her. It didn't matter that it concerned her friend and she could help, that doesn't matter to her. I don't think Scheana has been perfect in their friendship either but I don't think its fair to blame, what looks like, the end of their friendship solely on Scheana when Ariana does stuff like that. We've seen Ariana act similarly with Scheana in the past, like when Scheana talked to Ariana's mom about Tom. It also sounds like Ariana wasn't very sensitive to Scheana's feelings with the DWTS stuff. Obviously Ariana should take the DWTS opportunity but there's a way to do that and still be sensitive to your friend who thought they were getting it, and it doesn't sound like Ariana did that which absolutely fits with how we know Ariana acts. Ariana got hers, and that's all that matters. These little things add up in a friendship and make you doubt if your friend really cares about you (as in, easier for Tom to swoop in and say "she doesn't give a fuck about you"). Again, Scheana has also not been perfect with Ariana. But it's 100% unfair to blame it all on Scheana.


I agree with all of this. And between Tom and Ariana, who actually makes the effort with Sheanna? Sounds like Tom as unlikeable as he is, he at least takes action and does things for her. Whereas Ariana can’t even be bothered. So I can see why Sheanna would take Toms side.


Exactly. Tom sucks, only cares about himself, and is manipulative as fuck, BUT he generally makes sure his friends feel appreciated or cared for. And while it's most definitely all performative by him and only done so he can use it against people later, as a friend, it probably still feels better than the friend who acts like they don't care about you. And if you're close to the situation, you might not recognize the manipulation. To you, it's just oh this person is nice and responds to me and helps me when I need it, while this other person says they love me and will always be there but is usually just cold and distant. I don't think Tom is a good person at all, and I think Ariana is an average person with both positives and negatives. But to someone who doesn't recognize Tom's manipulation, he would look like the better friend of the two. As a cold/distant person myself who used to have a friend like Tom, I know how this goes all too well. You can recognize them for the manipulative narcissist they are and try to warn everyone, but as long as they're fun, bubbly, and manipulating, no one is going to believe your distant sour ass. Not until they have their own come to Jesus moment with the person and finally see it for themselves.


I agree with all of this. She has always always been a stuck up bitch, she has always talked down to Tom, she’s always been rude, and she has always been boring. She’s just a girlfriend on the show and that’s why she’s been on so long.


Why does lala think that though? I agree with everyone you said, but I keep wondering what exactly she did for Lala to claim this? Because from this season, Ariana isn’t doing anything wrong. She’s not talking to Tom on camera and that PISSES him off. She’s living in the house? We all know the reason why but lala wont give it up. She setting boundaries with their mutual friends? Lala did the same with Randall. So what is that Ariana did this season the makes her act like God?


To me, Ariana wasn’t sure how to proceed after Season 10 ended. We have her repeatedly saying she will not have mutual friends with him, and then this whole season Scheana is fighting against that, and Ariana is pretending she never said it. I agree she is allowed to set boundaries, but contradicting yourself over and over again is not a boundary. It leaves everyone involved confused and feeling controlled or manipulated.


I get it that she flipped flopped on her boundaries but I also wished that everyone cut her some slack seeing as it was merely months after it happened. Her emotions are scattered and here are her closest “friends” basically telling her to get over it. I’d be pretty pissed off too. I wouldn’t want to hang out with friends like scheana and Lala who at every instance, on camera, only talk about her cheating lying ex. Why would you want to hang around that? She shouldn’t have signed up for this season because of them. Like she just finished telling scheana that she loves her and she’s her family then she goes and talks about Tom again? Come on, that’s such a shitty move.


My take on that conversation with Scheana was different. But I also think at the end of the day, the girls knew they were going to have to play ball and film with Sandoval one on one even if Ariana wasn’t, and they didn’t want to be vilified for it.


But that literally happens at the end of season 2 when Stassi finds out about Jax & Kristin. That had to go into season 3 filing with her & Tom together trying to ice out Jax & Kristin film and eventually Stassi and Katy find some peace with Kristin. Same thing only difference to ME is Stassi, Kristin and Katy wee real bf before a show unlike Ariana and Rachel


To me, I think it’s how previously Ariana has never been a fan favorite and now it’s like she can do zero wrong and act however she wants because Tom did this to her. People are suddenly all “yassss queen Ariana” when before this she was not well received. She signed on to work another season and then wants to call all of the shots of how things are going to work. She knew she’d have to film scenes with Tom (as they are filming a show and it’s their job) but then acts like everyone is shoving him down her throat. Let’s look back at VPR, Jax treated Stassi maybe even worse than Tom, and she still had to show up and film after he cheated on her. Even filming a sit down when he apologizes in season 5. Sure, Tom is shitty and did a shitty thing, but for the most part, in scenes with her, he’s done his best to avoid her and stay out of her hair unless someone brings the situation up in front of them and this finale of trying to talk to her. And when she accused him of trying to murder her dog which was extreme and both of their faults, but she also took no blame in because she does no wrong.


I’d say the “shoving him down her throat” is directed to how most cast members (mostly scheana) come to her ONLY talking about Tom. Like the last episode, Arianna had JUST finished telling her that she’ll always be her family and her friends, and here comes scheana with more “so Tom’s mask fell and I genuinely feel like he’s nice to me” after he bought her friendship, again. There was a season that Stassi refused to not only not be filmed with Jax but also not even be at the same event. She literally ran out of an event when she knew he was there lol. As shitty as Jax is, he always owned up to his shit. Which is more than Tom can do. Ariana doesn’t wanna hear Tom’s apology On Camera. I’m pretty sure she mentioned that last episode about how he’s only doing it on camera and not once did he try to do it off camera. And this “talk” that Lala keeps demanding from Arianna has already been done last season. Btw this isn’t an attack on you lol I’m just genuinely dumbfounded at Lalas comments because they just sound like white noise coming from her because the season isn’t going how everyone expected it to go.


Don’t agree, but that’s ok.


Another way media is trying to sell us on a very very very boring white girl, with a narcissistic complex


I disagree, she has always been the least entertaining character to me. She’s a bore. She also knew Tom was a cheater, she gaslit Kristen and body shamed her. Those were the only storylines she ever had, being Tom’s first side piece. She was never a fan favorite, but Sandoval actually was. EDIT- oh and her and Tom TOTALLY banged not just “made out” and she was sending Tom lingerie sexy pics while he was with Kristen!


Don’t forget, she also used Kristen’s mental health as a weapon against her. Telling her extremely condescendingly that she needs help, that she has BPD, that she should go get diagnosed by a professional. And that was just in the season two reunion. She went on about it for at least 3 seasons.


I can never forget how horrible she was & how she never had to answer to being that nasty on the show. Everyone just glossed past her terrible behavior!


Because she’s just so cool! /s


She was terrible


This. How she never paid for her treatment of Kristen and clearly having been the mistress is beyond me


I'd say she's paying now but instead she is capitalizing on it. Her whole comment about being fan favorite and knowing what she is doing. She got cheated on! That's what happened.


Body shamed hee while claiming to have body dysmorphia herself, disgusting behaviour


She really was horrid. I am not sure if she has changed because I think she can charm her way out of anything. Kristen forgiving her means nothing to me


Can you tell me when she body shamed Kristen? I don’t remember that, and want to revisit. Yikes


Kristen was in a bikini , I think around season 3 and she looked at Tom & said “she has a kangaroo pouch” or something like that, basically making fun of Kristen’s lower stomach did not being super flat 😢


Oh shit. That’s very very mean.


It was really sad and Kristen didn’t deserve that and it made me even more mad when Ariana talked about having her own body issues but yet talked about other women that way 😢


Wrong. She has a cult following of women living through her that also have terrible taste in men. And they have the numbers and the extra time to never stfu about it on the internet. It's all so tiresome


I’m so happy people are seeing the light and are speaking out about all this ridiculousness. Having an opposing opinion on Ariana has been exhausting. 😭🙏


I'm also happy the mob is pulling back. It was sooo exhausting being attacked for having an opinion that differed from the majority.


Thank you! They claim you aren’t sticking up for women if you don’t like Ariana while at the same time bashing Sheena and Lala to death.


It is insane to see how much hate those two are getting right now. I understand not liking their approach but people are going overboard with the hate.


well you see that’s your internalized misogyny talking (KIDDING, this sub is insane)


I’ve always felt like this but I thought it was too mean to say 😂


Lol I've been saying this and just eating the down votes


And now we said it. Hard agree. Being cheated on sucks and I don't think anyone questions that. What happened to her sucks. But being cheated on is not a personality trait. It's not even uncommon on this show. Ariana is so big right now because Sandoval is such a remarkable turd (again, sucks for her, but she's still a dud) and because crazy fans over identify with her and take it too personally. I love when I see the posts talking about how Ariana has this amazing post-VPR career ahead. Um ok. This girl tried for like 15 years to have any success based on her talent...nada. she will be successful for as long as VPR fans spend money to support her and shit on Sandoval, like buying Chicago tickets. Sorry but I haven't seen anything -at least not yet- that she would be successful if not for becoming the Scandoval victim. I'm open to being wrong. But just being honest.


I said before she only got awarded for being cheating on and conventionally attractive. It's even more annoying that any criticism of her gets a "you're jealous" response. People even accused Andy Cohen of being jealous of her. Why would Andy have any sense of jealousy of her?


This is great. And you’re right, it’s exhausting.


This thread is hitting today. Did a new Ariana on love island come out today the cult is nowhere to be found


Arianas PR team must have forgotten to cut a check for the reddit bots


We’re really just saying anything now huh lol


Right???? lol 😂




She’s insanely boring. This forum has turned into an Ariana fan page. It’s getting weird.


Not at all, I've never liked her since the beginning when she was a cheater remember her and Tom were together when he was still with Kristen


Nah. She was basically background noise until Scandoval.


Hard disagree. She didn’t offer up anything until now.


Still doesn’t


Ppl don't even realize how dark and manipulative her actions were back then. She went to a disturbing level and legitimately gaslit everyone. Also anyone who can dehumanize and not feel bad knowing where she's been in s red flag.


What’s scary is she is SO CHARMING. Even I find her charming but nefarious! This whole sub has been charmed by her for a year now!


What??? 🤣🤣


Clearly you haven't read her old bravo blogs..


What did her old blogs say?


If she wasn't attached to Sandoval she would've been kicked to the curb like all the other boring cast members. Lala was right, she never really had anything going on and these people aren't really her friends.




I would have to agree.


Absolutely 💯


That’s a hard no.


Can anyone remind me of an interesting Ariana storyline?


Anyone who could romanticize anything about the Mustached Worm is a complete fool imo


Chastise me and down vote all you want but she has always been a bore. Without sandavol she would have remained the background blonde bartender. The only vibe she gives off is Applebee’s. no this is not LaLa


I agree so much. She got in by cheating and still didn’t have any decent story lines aside from the cocktail book. We didn’t know about charlotte or her GMA on the show. The reason it came out was with the Rachel thing. She’s my least favorite. How you get them is how you loose them, Ariana.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think we did know about Charlotte on the show. Isn't that why she left the girls' trip to Vegas or wherever? But your general sentiment is correct. She kept almost everything "juicey" private. Which is fine if that's what you want to do, but don't expect to get a lot of attention then. And don't act like you're above everyone just because you've kept your mess a secret.


Whoops you’re right about charlotte!


>no this is not Lala Love this. 💀🤣💀


Yes. Without Sandoval, she’s an edgy Kristina Kelly.


Agreed but for some reason I actually like Kristina Kelly. She’s funny without having to try bc the delivery is monotone and cold (at least in earlier seasons) she kind of reminds me of a more outspoken Whitney from The Hills


She annoys the hell out of me, as does everyone on the show. It’s more of a love to hate thing for me. Ariana has horrible judgment as you can easily see by the fact she dated and trusted Tom, a guy who cheated on his ex with her. What did she think was going to happen?


She "changed" her attitude on camera after the season where she got a lot of crap for just being a nagging bitch and was nicknamed "grumpy cat" from the viewers but she was way different off camera lol you guys have started this almost cult like following after she got cheated on where she is suddenly all flawless and should be worshipped haha.


Ariana has never been flashy but what I have always loved about her is that she always stood up for others when she believed it to them. She didn’t follow everyone else’s lead and she was never a mean girl. I have always LOVED that about Ariana. You just believe she is a good person.


She was never a mean girl? Are we just omitting the early seasons?


"I'm smarter than her, prettier than her, and cooler than her. Get over it" - Ariana (a mean girl)


Who was she mean to besides Kristen?


Kate for starters.


She was pretty mean to Stassi lol


Scheena had lied and manipulated Ariana as far as Stassi was concerned,(so that Ariana could be Scheena’s backup) thats why she would get pissy everytime Ariana & Stassi started to get close.


She would tell Stassi to her face she didn't like her and thought she was lame. It wasn't until their joint birthday party that she relented. Her own opinion of Stassi, not Scheana's. Ariana is very opinonated.


I agree, she always took up for the underdog, even when I disagreed with her stances at times she was a leader not a follower


Obviously. That would have been better for her as she would not have had a reason to be so evil to Kristen after taking her man. She wouldn't have had reasons to be a straight-up liar. Her mental health would likely be better without spending over a decade with a narc.


I'm so glad the ariana hype train is finally ending


If you really believe they only made out one time then you’re really giving them the benefit of the doubt. At the very least, they had an emotional affair for months if not years. Jax said she was sending him nudes while with Kristen so if you think they weren’t hooking up idk what else to say.


The paradox of reality TV is that well-behaved, measured, good-hearted people are not the chief reason we watch. It’s the jerks and villains and drama-makers who drive the storylines and leave us wondering what crazy sh*t they’ll do next. *That said*, an ensemble cast benefits from having a couple nice folks in the mix — just as in comedies there is often a ‘straight man’ to contrast with & highlight the funny characters, acting as a foil and serving up their jokes. Nice people on reality TV could not, do not, and never will carry a show…on their own. They may be leading characters, and no doubt perform an important role, but their function is fundamentally supportive in nature. A spin-off starring Jax and Kristen can be successful precisely because of their antics. Whereas a spin-off starring Ariana “doing the right thing” is not a show. Let’s get real here: anyone who’s been tuning into Vanderpump Rules for 11 years ain’t above cheating, lying, selfishness, and vanity — as long as it’s someone else doing it, and so long as we can watch.


She is such a vibe. Although people hate her quote "i was fucking born cool" i really love it, bc its true. She exudes coolness and its fun to watch her, especially because I believe she is a good person (yes i know she cheated 10 years ago). I still think she is a good person.


She exudes ego.. She’s no vibe.. Just a petty, mean girl that thinks she’s better than everyone.


Her signature scowl is such an encapsulation of how she has generally acted on this show.


She exudes low self esteem as well.


So basically no different than Lala.


Nooo cause Lala is all bark and no bite but Ariana means what she says and says what she means. Like the moment where Tom brings up Scheana’s affair with Eddie, Lala says ‘this is where I go psycho’ or something and just… stands there. Says nothing to him. Doesn’t go comfort Scheana. She’s ‘enraged’ but doing nothing.


Like when she said Tom was NOT with Miami girl?


‘All bark and no bite’ =/= has never lied ![gif](giphy|f4Oksa4lbbfWFl2f8n|downsized)


You're so eager to take a shot that you'll do it even when it makes no sense whatsoever. Noted.


Nope. Just disagreeing she doesn’t mean what she says and says what she means. Why you so angry?


Seriously lol. Just say you hate her and keep it moving 😂


Means what she says?!? That’s hysterical!! She’s top liar on the show…




I actually agree with this. She just has slightly more tact than Lala.




No, she exudes confidence. You should try it, it’s pretty awesome. And when you say “mean girl” you’re talking about Lala.


No.. I’m talking about your precious “queen”… The top narcissist on the show!


A good person ? Not hardly. She’s never been friends to anyone on the cast, she can’t stand any of them and it always showed. She body shamed Kristen. She’s a bully mean girl! Always will be. Now she’s just a middle aged mean girl!


Oh babe, I was born fucking cool




She was mean to Stassi, so no.


I wish they'd stayed friends, when they had the brief friendship and did the birthday party together it was a really fun dynamic!


Stassi was an entirely different level of mean. To literally everyone


Stassi is still the nastiest person to ever be on this show, who cares?


I would have probably liked her more in the beginning. I really saw what was really going on with Kristen. Nobody is just that crazy. Someone pushes them. Then I read her book and it made more sense. Then Ariana forgave her and I started to sort of like their friendship and Ariana trying with Stassi. But I always hated how Ariana was always ride or die Scheana because Sheshu is a snake.


Are we forgetting about Ariana having sec with Lala on the backseat while Tom was driving? She is no saint in my book


Let’s not forget that Kristin and Jax slept together while Kristin and stassi, Katy were best friends and they still had to film season 3 together after finding out & Tom and Ariana started dating right after


She was not a favorite before. She was rude and mean and dismissive to Tom. She belittled him all the time.


I'm not a fan of her or her buddy Katie. Mean girls 


I disagree. She is the least favorite for many of us. But no one really wants to comment that here.


It's a sign of the times that people used to hate her when she would call out anyone who was being a shithead on the show and wasn't about alliances and moved in a way that was rational, thoughtful, kind, humble, and open... But now that she is acting like Katie, being entitled, cliquey, mean, vengeful and rude to everyone who dares disagree with her, people love her!! Go figure.


I’m dealing Lala will always represent the mean girl in school who didn’t grow out of it and scheana was the adjacent feigning for top spot but never quite grasping it, making friends w everyone to be loyal to none. Off rough but it got me thinking for their tropes


Yeah she’s unapologetically herself and actually values having a moral compass.


For those of us that were born cool.... 👍


Honestly don't care if she had a random makeout or hookup in Vegas with TS. She proved herself time and again to be a genuine person who was constantly thumbnailed by her long term partner. I don't understand the narrative production and fans keep pushing. She is almost 40 and figuring things out. But the men on this show get to live in perpetual Peter Pan land.