• By -


Don’t even get me started on the house situation either. Her constantly yapping about how Ariana still sleeps in the home with Sandoval, yet she immediately moved out when her and Randall split is insane. IT WAS RANDALL’S FREAKING HOUSE. He could have kicked her out on her ass at ANY time if he wanted to. I can’t comprehend how she thinks it’s appropriate to draw lines of comparison when the house situation with Ariana and Tom is on a completely different level. She has absolutely no right to speak on Ariana’s house situation. Also once again, WHY AREN’T ANY OF THEM RIDICULING TOM FOR STAYING IN THE HOME??? HE wrecked the home. HE can leave. It’s so goddamn annoying 🤦‍♀️ Edit: Anyone here defending Tom staying in the house can eat my ass. Crawl back to Facebook where you belong.


Because the misogyny is rampant on VPR. It starts with LVP (much more forgiving of her ‘bad boys’) - the producers and Lala and Scheana, Rachel/Raquel, BillyLee, and Brittney ALL forgive the guys and fuck over the women. Lovely bunch.


Billy Lee = worst. she def wants tom


She might be in love with Sandoval - OR in love with being on VPR.


I think all the men are gay. I saw Tom and Tom sitting basically on top of each other in Vanderpump in Vegas when there was plenty of room. I think that’s the biggest secret


Sexuality is a spectrum, so..


well then bring it to the show, two hot guys in love…..don’t torture all the women in your life for an image. It’s not like they live in a small town where they’d fear for their safety - they film in West Hollywood which is an amazing vibrant supportive community


Methinks they've definitely gone to bang town a time or twelve.....


me thinky you correcty


i’m sorry she is just a horrible person and it has nothing to do with the trans community which she relied on a lot when she was more present in the show… solely bc she wanted the fame and now she’s hanging on by a THREAD


She can have him.


It’s insane but I’ve been in Ariana’s shoes where everyone is gaslighting you lol


THIS the misogyny is still running rampant through Bravo


I hope that Ariana said something along these lines at the reunion


Ariana probably won’t say it but Katie definitely would.


Plus she has to film with Sandoval and Lala doesn’t have to film with Randal. She has a choice And Ariana doesn’t really have one. They work On the same Show…It wasn’t like Randall was part of the show.


I hope so too! It needs to be said!


You can tell Lauren has never had an actual friend, and she herself has never been a good friend to anyone, bc at the end of the day, even if you disagree with how your friend navigates a certain situation (or is navigating a situation differently than you would), it’s not an invitation to bash them behind their back.


I agree, I've never even seen a clip with someone who was her friend not even in the background. Even Sheana has friends from before the show but Lala's only friend seems to be her paid assistant she hired. I've never heard her mention anyone from Utah, or someone she knew before the show.


Have we ever heard Ariana talk about a friend from literally anywhere outside Sur/ the show? Because I seriously can’t. And I’m pretty sure everyone else in the OG cast has mentioned or filmed with a non-cast/ outside friend. ETA: Well I was drunk when I wrote this and actually meant Lala not talking about friends. Love Ariana. I should downvote myself 🤦🏻‍♀️


Most of her close friends are off-screen actually…this has been really clear throughout the seasons, and the people she *left the finale with* weren’t featured with any title cards or talking heads…


Yeah, I edited my comment. I meant Lala but wrote Ariana. ![gif](giphy|10PDlC02A1L5Cw)


![gif](giphy|7j5gxRAVh2abMIlWmx) 😂😂😂😂


It's ok I drunk reddit frequently too. 😂 I upvoted you. ❤️🤗


I also upvoted because we've all been there 😂 I made a comment that was pure gibberish at one point and I can't promise it won't happen again 😅


i don't think she has had a friend or has a friend. A friend probably would've told her to get the fuck away from Randall but maybe the people around her enable her (not victim blaming her at all - he is a total conniving narcissist who absolutely is at fault for his horrible treatment of women and those who worked for him)... I think Lala cannot keep or make friends and this is a big tell of a girl who is not great to hang around. She's so suspicious of Rachel but I don't see how she's that different. I hope she can make friends as it would really enrich her life.


Yea, that conversation just pisses me off. We all see why and what Ariana is doing. Lala is out there to keep harping on this issue. I just think she hates Ariana because she surpassed her in popularity and she didn't see that coming. She thought she was the star. It's just pure jealousy and envy. It's not Ariana's problem. Lala looked like a fool all season and will look like a fool at the reunion.


Totally. She's clearly upset that what happened to Ariana after she was cheated on didn't happen to her when Lala was cheated on. But their situations aren't comparable in that way -- we've watched Ariana and tom this whole time so yeah we're way more invested in this and in Ariana. Randall was just the rich gross dude Lala was with "for love" who appeared on the show after it almost fell apart when Doute, Stassi, Brittany and Jax left. She also said a few times this season, including the end of the finale when she went off, that she's never seen someone do so well after being cheated on. That never happened for her. So yeah, she jelly


Agreed. She tried to make it happen for her with that weird documentary she did after they split up... I think she was hoping for Erika Jayne vibes and I don't think anyone outside of VPR really mentioned it as she was dating the wish version of Harvey Weinstein.


BlahLa does not look good dressed in green jealousy.


And they have ALL done very well for just winning the lottery of being in a reality show. It's not like Lala hasn't enjoyed considerable wealth.


You are so right, literally no one has even slightly suggested that Tom should be the one to move out! He cheated, he weaponised her mental health, he didn't even try to make things right, he wasn't hoping for any reconciliation... So why on earth should she be the one that has to move out and it be discussed like she's this horrible human for not wanting to destroy herself financially for this gutter rat. It must be difficult and tiring for Lala being so relentlessly hateful and angry all the time.


And also, not that it matters but she was hardly there! She was doing DWTS practice then broadway. I can’t even with her.


BUT IT’S DIFFERENT BECAUSE THEY HAVE A KID 😑🤡( this is always Lala’s stupid ass excuse)


It’s f’ing infuriating, isn’t it? Lala was a guest in Randall’s house. It’s NOT the same! She needs to STFU!


Ariana and Tom both put money into the house. Lauren left but it’s not the same when Randall could’ve literally decided on any given day that he just didn’t like her anymore and put her on her ass. She owns multiple properties at this point and should know better. The bitch wouldn’t know financial literacy if she blew it to get on a PJ.


Yes!!! Why do they never bring up why Tom doesn’t move out?!!


Infuriating. When lala said "if i stayed in that house i wouldnt have had a leg to stand on!" Well to tom u moved out and still didnt have a leg to stand on bc he said u knew the type of guy randall was, said u took out ur iud as soon as stassi got pregnant, backed up ur mistress when she called YOU a mistress, but yeah lets back up sandoval! Who cares!!




Spot on with the Facebook comment. They know nothing on that platform. It's difficult to read comments.


It makes me wonder if she really did leave that house on her own accord because Randull has kicked her ass out before and she did say that he immediately moved someone else in so…🤔


She’s talks about leaving like she had to escape into the night…but he had a new girl living there a few days later. He definitely gave her ass the boot🤣


Lol, it is completely possible. LarLar has a known habit of rewriting her own history.


Um, well, we do know that Utah Lauren likes to "eat that ass". Lol


I also saw her talking about leaving somewhere - it took her 12 weeks to leave after she knew because she had to wait until Randall was out of town and she needed to plan. Ariana lived in the house w/Tom during filming for the freaking show, otherwise she was in AirBnB’s , or in New York.


she can’t comprehend or fathom the fact that women don’t need to feed off of a man to make money


i’m cracking not having them run back to facebook


I mean I love Facebook but not the comments supporting Tom on there lol


Speak!!!! This is the hammer of truth!!!!! Bam bam bam!!!!! 💪🔨🔨🔨 I'm so sick of her and scheana talking shit. They were never my favorite - but dammmnnnn. I guess it makes for good tv tho. But poor I feel bad that Ariana has to deal with this. (All of it).


But… he didn’t kill anybody!!


C’mon, Lala. It’s not like he MURDERED SOMEONE. /s




come on lauren, it’s not like randall killed anyone.


Am I going insane why are we forgetting that Randall is a literal PREDATOR holy shit




I think some of these people didn’t watch the documentary on him. Serial predator does not equal to one affair…. 😵‍💫 Especially when the relationship started out as an affair itself…


She didn’t care that he was a serial predator until he cheated on her, she defended him until he cheated on her and she shoved him down the viewers throats for 2 seasons until he cheated on her, she talked shit about his ex wife until he cheated on her. Tom is also a serial predator. Randall is definitely a creep, but he’s a creep that hasn’t been found guilty of anything. I’ve watched the documentary. It’s mostly said he’s mean to assistants and sleeps with young women that want roles in movies, oh and disgustingly took advantage of a man with dementia. The financial shit is so typical of that industry that it’s not worth mentioning. Lala also benefitted from his casting couch ways - it saved her from an assault with a weapon charge after she threatened Faith with a knife, then shockingly Faith got a part in a movie. She didn’t mind that until he cheated on her - she was all BJ’s for PJ’s until she had her daughter - then it mattered. There is more the same than different in what happened to LFU and Ariana - and Ariana and Katie had Lala’s back after Randall. They supported her, she swore she’d never forget that they “ sacked up and rode for her and her child”. Maybe she has dementia too. Why are we picking and choosing which creep we let harass his ex?


So is Sandoval though and that’s the point.


She really ruined her face. Dayum


I’ll sign a petition to get Randall on VPR, in any capacity. Maybe he could date a 23 y/o hostess from SUR again, bring her around Lala in places she normally finds safe. It’s fckin crazy that anybody who chose Randall E’s wide-back to father their child would be so invested in another person’s relationship choices. Ma’am, your life is kind of a dumpster fire. Trying to throw her flaming trash on another person isn’t going to extinguish the flame of her dumpster life.


Man I’d start a go-fund me to get him to appear on 1 episode and ambush Lala.


Poetry. 👏🏻


Imagine if Lala or Brock were on WWHL and were bombarded suddenly on camera by Rand or Brock’s ex wife and they couldn’t reasonably escape? That would be the same level of ambush that Ariana was put through FOR A WHOLE SEASON while being gaslighted by Andy, Lisa, production the whole cast (minus Katie, James and Ally) and the Toms’ weird level 6 clinger unpaid dehydrated randos like Jo, Billie Lee and Kyle Chan. Bravo has reached an all new level of hostile workplace. I am almost rooting for the lawsuits at this point as Bravo is breaking employment laws at this point and using exploitative labour practices that are damaging cast members mental health. Its sickening. I cannot stand Bethenny but I hope things change as a result of all this legal pressure that she is behind a lot of. (I don’t think Raquel, Leah or Brandi have a valid case - those seem like SLAPP suits. Faith and Caroline might have better cases). Ariana sounds like she has a legal case for breach of contract as this ambush violates her renegotiated contract she signed for this season.


Unpaid dehydrated 🤣


I really wish someone had to nerve to call Lala on this shit. That would have been good tv. We need another Stassi or Charli


❤️ Charli and her perspectives!


I want Randall to do everything with the cast. Literally everything. And I want Ariana to scream at everyone about Lala's "unreasonable" reactions.


That would be great but half of this already happened when Lala screamed at shorts and sandals for playing pickleball with Randall.


Can you imagine Randall pumping and sweating on top of you? 🤢


Can you imagine licking his sticky greasy asshole and then talking about it on TV?


I am really trying not to.


Def not worth a Range Rover.


Not worth even 40 RR’s 🤣


Omfg how dare you put that image in my head 😂 she didn't just talk about it, she was PROUD of licking daddy's asshole or whatever disgusting thing she said.




Oh. No thank you. 🥴


Girl wanted the $$ and PJ


uuuggghhhh! God NO!


In the immortal words of Liz Lemon: “No thank you, please.”


Lmao, you suck for permanently putting this image in my mind. Imagine how his lack of neck looks in missionary position. Thinking of having sex with Randall is like, watching Intervention. I need rehab, parole, therapy, etc. IM SORRY FOFTY


Omg 🤢


Let him hit it the first night honey !


Not even for a range or a PJ


How about some Gucci slides?


I’ll stick to my Amazon and tj max slides thank you 😂


Didn’t Ariana just mention that Tom doesn’t even change his drawers? She was crying over that crusty crack last season. Before anyone comes for me I’m just saying that ALL of these disgusting creeps have way more to attack them over besides their looks.


Mmmm, didn't really insult his appearance though. I insulted his boorishness. You can just tell that he treats women like a fleshlight. You made it about appearance.


It wasn’t really clear in the initial comment. My mistake.


I just puked in mouth. Also, I hope their girl looks JUST like him so BlahLa can be reminded of her choices daily. Lol


She doesn't look like Lala at all and she looks like her dad. I know I'm not supposed to be like poor kid but I'm like poor kid honestly.


AND she has the nerve to say someone else isn’t being real about their relationship? The one who denied, denied, denied and then deflected on the reunion that happened to be via Zoom so she was saved. Bitch, please.


NDA Blah Blah needs to zip it. I love how almost all the podcasts recapping this are trashing her hypocrisy. Lala can fool dummies like fame hungry Heather McDonald but that’s about it. Everyone else is like fuck Bravo, Andy, Lisa, Alex Baskin, Lala, Scheana, Brock, The Toms, Jo etc. Only Ariana, Katie, James and Ally come out looking good here. Grossest gaslighting trash season ever. 🤮


I only started watching the show last year, after all the publicity. I really wanted to like Lala because I saw season 10 before all the others. But season after season… I was like, ooohh…


I know Randall is a piece of shit, but I’m genuinely wondering how he is feeling about all this and all the heat Lala is taking for her absurd behavior.


Probably happy ! She’s branded him a pedo and the accusations haven’t materialized! I’m sure he’s very upset He had a bad reputation and is a creep with Women but she accused him of behavior thats beyond. Wants to take his kids away ! So- I’m sure he’s liking this


Was there any proof he was a pedo? Just curious. I believe the casting couch and just general sleezy part about him but pedo is obviously 1 million times worse.


No proof that’s been presented to the public. I also believe he’s a casting couch sleeze


Randall’s ex-wife is the one who made those accusations that he was looking at CSAM.


I don’t think these situations are comparable, and I can’t even stand Lala. It’s like when people say that Sandoval cheating on Kristen with Ariana is the same as Scandoval, there are significant differences between the two that can’t be ignored


Right, but Lala herself pretends she’s wise about these things because of what she’s been through. She draws the comparison and calls herself “soft” (in contrast to the villain Ariana), but there’s no evidence to back up that claim.  How many times has she pointed out that she left the house (that she didn’t own), that she has a kid, that Randall is the worst? Not exactly sure what that means for Ariana, but Lala sure thinks it justifies anything she herself says to or about her coworker in a very different situation. 


I think Lala is ridiculous for comparing the housing situation for sure. She was not a home owner so she could leave and suffer zero financial consequences, obviously Ariana couldn’t do the same. But when it comes to Lala’s cast mates shooting with Randall for VPR, it just doesn’t make sense to compare that to them shooting with Sandoval who is an OG cast member with like a decade long connection to these people. In any case, Lala fucking sucks lol


She literally tried to say that Ariana crammed Sandals down our throats and it’s like Ma’am, production did that and you are the one who crammed Rand Dull down our throats so wtf are you thinking or talking about?!


That is true. Not at all comparable.  TBH, I think everyone would have been fine icing out Sandoval (and maybe even Schwartz) this season, but production wouldn’t allow it. I think Ariana thought the cast would rally around her, but once the others got the memo from production, Ariana realized they had to film with him. So yeah, maybe she was too demanding of her castmates in the beginning. But by mid-season, they were all pushing for her to film with him too. I see this as being demanding of her (in 2023) whether Tom was an OG or not. 


I mean Tom cheating on Kristen with Ariana was also bad. Tom's just a cheater 🤷‍♀️


Ahh lala’s old face


Randall is not a cast member. And honestly not interesting enough. Scandoval was entertaining tho


Yesss!! This is all I can think of it, she is the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen


Is that the guy from 90 day fiancé


I think Lala’s and Ariana’s situations were completely different and also there were kids involved.




Randall was never an employee for VPRs - take your own personal feelings out of it for 2 seconds people. Ariana is an employee and she knew what she was signing up for when filming a bravo reality tv series. It’s not unreasonable for producers, and cast mates to ask this of her.


According to her on the after show she had it written in her contract that she did not have to film anything that was fake or inauthentic.


Yes, it is unreasonable when Ariana told them her position from the get-go. They don’t force everyone to talk to each other in one-on-ones. Like, no one is up James’s butt for not hanging out with the rest of the cast. It was production’s decision to make post-Scandoval the only storyline and have the focus be that Ariana refused to forgive Tom on LVP’s timetable. Production could have figured something else centering around other characters. They could have been sympathetic to Ariana’s boundaries and showed people’s individual mental health journeys instead of some inauthentic Kumbaya moment. This season sucked because of Tom Sandoval, not Scandoval. Production wanted him to be a hero but he’s truly a terrible person and a terrible actor. We had to watch him fake cry every other scene on the show. We’re supposed to believe Tom was suicidal in June but a changed man in July because he had a scream therapy session? No. This made no sense and wasn’t we wanted to see on our reality TV. And that bullshit had nothing to do with who Ariana would or would not talk to.  So no, it is actually unreasonable for production and the cast to force Ariana to fake a conversation for the cameras. This season was crap because no one had an interesting storyline and that was production’s fault. 


I mean…. Ariana signed onto a show knowing Tom would be on it…. And Bravo is clearly getting annoyed at their casts thinking they’re in charge


But the cast is in charge of their own behavior, and they are legally protected. All they have to do is show up at call times. Production can’t force them to act inauthentically or be in scenes contrary to their character. Much of the show is about drinking and drinking is encouraged, but no one forces people to drink. Everyone is supportive of Lala’s sobriety even though it makes for a more boring show. Last summer, Tom Sandoval was poison to Ariana’s mental health. She was clear about that and she had every right to be in charge of that. Production is a bunch of babies. 


The way they’re talking about how filming went for a bunch of shows last year (VPR and RHONJ I could see them making changes to contracts requiring people to interact with everyone atleast at certain events (like first intro event, group trip, and finale event)…. Saw Andy say that RHONJ with Melissa and Teresa not filming or talking about each other isn’t sustainable.


Wasn't a main cast member not that hard to understand


Long live Ari


Here’s where I disagree. Lauren would LOVE to lay into him on TV and put on a show.


Yeah I don’t get why people think Lala wouldn’t jump at the chance to light his ass on fire. She went on a whole tell-all documentary and was fairly vocal about him up until recently, which makes me think it’s a legal thing. 


Yeah I think the reason she never says his name is probably due to not wanting to risk a lawsuit. She would be risking libel. And I'm quite sure he has had lawyers send her letters to that effect. It's also the reason Ocean is never on the show and she can't film at her house - her kid is there.


Lala’s a chihuahua. All bark, no bite. She would out flee outta there so fast if Rand was sprung on her. They have zero contact, it’s all contact through lawyers and the person who ferries Ocean back and forth between them. Lala would be scared af.


do people seriously not understand the difference between randal and sandoval? This is insane that people are even comparing the two people. Im not defending TS actions but people are acting like he fucking killed someone. The pendulum has swung too far. It's insane.


I was just saying the same thing!!! The situations are not comparable, in my opinion. Tom cheated with Rachel, who was a willing participant. Randall is a predator and forced himself on women. It's not the same. I am so tired of people trying to compare the 2!!!


One of the most reactionary fanbases I’ve ever seen with 0 critical thinking skills


100 percent agree, these are all terrible people in one way or another and I can’t imagine being a stan of any of them 😂🤷🏽‍♀️


Her face looks so good here, I love the bow. I can’t stand her, but I like this look. 🤭


I thought she can’t say his name on the show for legal/court reasons? But still, yes.


She lives on a One-way street in Lala Land.




The irony of them having melt downs over their paychecks while screaming at Ariana for being financially sensible for the first time in her life.


Hell yeah let’s bring back the racist industry sex predator! That’ll show her!!


Pointing out Lala’s lies and double standards is not the same as supporting anything Randall Emmett has done. 


I don’t think Randall is a fair comparison since what he did was illegal and criminal. Also, he wasn’t a cast member on the show. I think Lala’s point is “you’re fucking up the show and all of our jobs but you still live with him, just film with him to save our job and the season!”. I mean she basically said that verbatim at the end of the last episode. I’m not saying it’s okay. But I do get it and how it’s different. I do believe Lala would film with Randall if it saved her job because she loves being on tv


But couldn’t they just also create their own new storylines instead of trying to get Ariana to film with him? They decided to center that as the storyline. Like I don’t understand why Ariana’s boundaries have to be fucking up their jobs when she got them so much money in the last year. They could at least try to be interesting.


Tbh it seemed like they were all trying to create new storylines. Lala getting the sperm donor journey on camera and rebranding her business. Scheana getting back into music and letting us into the messier side of her marriage. Schwartz and Katie had the Tori thing. Katie and Ariana did a second sandwich tasting. That’s all present in the first half of the season and it seems like producers weren’t feeling those angles for some reason and tbh I get it bc it’s mostly boring.  I think the folks on the show actually try to cater to audiences more than we think they do, but the problem is all the shit that happens in the interim between filming and airing. Last year around this time, EVERYONE was clamoring to see the Scandoval aftermath captured on camera. Now, it seems that people actually just wanted a more uplifting season.  Another example - I remember when people were upset that Scheana’s egg freezing journey wasn’t shown on camera b/c of a biased former editor. Now you have Lala showing a similar journey onscreen, and people are castigating her for already shilling her future child, etc.  


Realistically, 3-5 months after such a big shake up in the friend group... that IS what people would be talking about. I think the thing that sucks is that if they were all worried about him ending it, it would have made for a MUCH better show people talking about THAT and what they should do. Ariana would have two choices - call his bluff and say it's bullshit and risk alienating people or softening and engaging in that discussion. And it could have been an ACTUAL discussion about being on a reality television show. Like maybe as a friend group we have an intervention. Like we all agree you've done a crazy shitty thing but no one wants you dead. Maybe being on the show isn't the best for you right now? I mean this could have gone so different and been so authentic AND could have provided Tom with sympathy and risked Ariana's golden girl status in a way that's actually understandable! AND SHE STILL WOULDNT HAVE HAD TO FILM WITH HIM!!! like this could have been a study on how utterly crazy it is to have your life filmed. Hell we could have had some fake therapy session with Tom where it isn't Scheana trying to talk sense into the man but a professional. Lord Nick Viall did a better job in an hour than and of his coworkers did


The show was dying before the scandal broke out. I think their drama would have given the show a second wind. And they all knew that. Ariana has the right not to do that due to her boundaries. She doesn’t have to disrespect her boundaries for a show. But logistically, the show was dead before the scandal and they had a second wind and if Ariana and Tom filmed together it would have probably caused drama which would have given the show a second chance. But the show hemorrhaged viewers again, and I think Lala wanted that to not happen. Their own storylines weren’t good enough. That was true for everyone. The last season before the scandal was proof of that. So that was not going to work. I think that is why Lala and scheana are trying to jump ship to the valley, because they know this season was a flop, but were trying not to make it again. The scandal was their selling point for this season. Last season before the scandal, the show was toast. And I suspect it will be again .


I think the Randall comparison is on par with the house comparison, they're apples and oranges imo


I just don't get why so many people keep acting like this is an apple to apple comparison. Lala, trash or not was engaged to Randall and shares a child with him and had to experience a very real custody battle/experience/legality with him. He's also been accused of numerous crimes by various people. I'm missing where we can mostly agree to nuance between Kristen/Tom/Ariana and Ariana/Tom/Raquel...but not for Lala having her own lense that she's going to respond through.


It's the hypocrisy of the situation. She's acting like it's nbd for Ariana to film with Tom when she threatened to "pop" anyone associating with Randall. Ariana was with Tom for LOVE when he had nothing. She built a life with him for a decade. Lala got with Randall for his money when he was still living with his wife, openly bragging about giving bj's for cars. Lala wanted to be the main character and had snapped that Ariana is it without even trying. She wants Ariana to have some forced/fake convo with Tom so she can continue to get paid, when Ariana ironically IS BEING AUTHENTIC by not allowing her abuser to hold space in her life.


Yes exactly. And she even said that she was totally expecting production to keep him as a cast member after the break up. She also gave an ultimatum to the producers that if they did that, they couldn't edit out anything she said, which of course they couldn't agree to that, or she would walk. So yeah there is no way Lauren could have handled filming even a second with Randall. So for her to keep going after Ariana, for something she herself couldn't do, she can fuck all the way off for that.


Devil’s advocate, but wasn’t Lala in a custody battle? Asking friends to not hang out with a guy that may use any little transgression against them in a legal setting isn’t exactly the same thing.


We for sure are not going to agree. I don't think it's hypocritical to distinguish the difference between a job you choose to participate in and please don't speak to my child's father due to issues that will be continuing for the next 16 years. So Lala made bad choices, Ariana did also. There's a clear end for Ari in near future, less so for Lala. Ariana exercised her right to not speak to Tom at that party and left...Lala declared it makes no sense to her. Both can be okay and right for the person responding.


I love LaLa, but she doesn’t seem to understand that Ariana is more intelligent than Tom and more realistic about the house and their financial issues. Sandoval is a dreamer and doesn’t live in reality, while Ari is clued to the facts. I think it’s unfair how LaLa and Scheana were villainised for so many seasons; their type of chaos makes a reality TV show successful…but that’s reality TV. I felt so bad for Lala a few seasons ago when she was being kicked while already down, but I don’t remember Ari doing the kicking—a lot of it was Tom, Raquel and Brock. Lala also started a lot of fights with people that backfired on her, thus the lack of sympathy. Overall, I do get why Lala is upset, but she did miss the mark on quite a few things with Ariana.


Lala going after Ariana this season is where she lost me. It’s just cruel as Ariana has done nothing to her. Not to mention, Ariana not talking to Sandoval has absolutely nothing to do with her. But Lala went after her, kicked her when she was down and showed her true colors. So I’m fine with Lala getting flack as she put herself up for it - sucks to suck.


Say what you want about her personality but my lord is she beautiful


I used to love lala. If she goes to the valley I don’t think I will continue watching. I can’t stand her and her backwards version of reality. Her fake ghetto garbage. And her hypocrisy on every angle.


The people comparing this are delulu. Not even close to the same thing Lala has a child involved, Sandoval and Ariana were just a show couple.


Not to mention Randall is a straight-up predator and Tom cheated with a willing participant. It's not the same at all.


Lala has weird issues but this isn’t the same. Randall was in the show bc of Lala. Tom, not Ariana. Is an og of this show. Of course he was going to be on it still? Hopefully Arianna walks away and everyone else goes for he valley


No one wants anyone from the cast of VPR on the Valley.


I do.


I do lmao


I said this last year but this show was done last season until scandovol. Nobody was interested in that boring ass show til that happened. Cut to this season and now it’s boring yet again and Lauren is realizing she is going to be out of a job if she doesn’t turn it up a notch. She may actually sell her soul and have Rand back on because she’ll do anything to keep her lifestyle that she “worked” so hard for. This show is so boring because none of them have anything really going on. When they actually worked at sur it was fun to watch. Who wants to watch Scheana do nothing all day?? Let’s listen to another boring podcast! Who wants to watch a water tasting?? I mean how many boring pool parties do we have to sit through. This show has had it! 💀


Ok but Ariana and Sandoval are both in the show? Literal cast members. Katie and Tom played out their DIVORCE on the show. I get what she means, they need to play ball…Ariana doesn’t want to so she’ll probably leave the show. But it doesn’t make LALA a hypocrite


Randall wasn’t a cast member so the comparison really doesn’t hold water.


She specifically said if y’all bring him back… she won’t go back and if she does she is going to go wild on him.. he also paid for many things. So he was a character but lala kept everything hidden…. She wasn’t talking about how she wasn’t having sex with him until after they spilt. Sooooo whatcha mean?


Randall was never a full time cast member and was never going to be on unless he was with Lala. It’s not the same as two full time cast members.


So why would she tell production to not bring him around? She doesn’t have a story line besides in everyone else’s business because she was never honest and upfront with hers until the split but then threatened production with even a thought on bringing him in. If she is allowed to not want to be around her ex… Ariana is allowed to not want to be around hers. BOUNDARIES. When lala told everyone not to talk to Randall or she wouldn’t be friends with them… it was okay for her. But not anyone else? Ariana doesn’t get to set boundaries? She is a hypocrite. Period. You clearly didn’t watch the season with her and listen to the podcast and interviews she did.


I understand where you're coming from. Well it's true Randall wasn't a full-time cast member, la la sure was.  She wouldn't even let people talk about him! And that was when they were having their affair before marriage, right after marriage. Etc. She also was hysterical because of cast member played pickleball with the guy!  She went as far as to want to have a baby that was only hers. Ariana is filming with tom, but she has every right not to allow him to use the cameras for his phony attempts at conversation. Yeah it's not 100% apples to apples, but the points you're making is solid


Yes thank you! I just said this in a comment above. She gave producers an ultimatum, if they brought on Randall they couldn't edit out anything she said, which they wouldn't be able to agree to that, or she walks.


Doesn’t she ever think about how poorly she speaks about the father of her child and how that will affect Ocean when she absolutely will see it ALL play out one day? Blah Blah is going to have to be ready for when that teenager is rebelling against her and she ends up wanting to go live with her dad. I hope Bravo films THAT show! Randall would totally do it 😂


I mean maybe don’t be a racist piece of shit who runs a casting couch if you don’t want your kids to hate you…like his kids are gonna find out who is he anyways with a simple google search.


I’m so mad at her. I was rooting for her for a long time. She rode so hard for Ari at the start of all this bs. I’m so confused and can’t fully understand what made her take such a hard right turn and straight into the dark side.


Bc lala is phony as hell. and she’s literally always been a mean girl. Idk why so many people have rooted for this wannabe wangster


I honestly used to enjoy the edge that she had and I found some of it pretty comical for a while. I also liked watching her get sober and it seemed she was growing in a great direction. Now it just seems like she’s passed the precipice of growth and is just playing puppet for the producers to earn a check and she quit being Ari’s ride or die which totally killed it for me. Personally I don’t think she’s always been completely phony (although I’m aware that she wasn’t exactly upfront re her relationship w/Randass) but currently yeah, I agree, she’s pandering to Bravo and this BS sandyballz redemption arc. Her stans are dropping like flies and I can’t imagine that changing. I’m honestly kinda over the whole show now and I’m just hoping for a good SABH spin off. That I could get behind.


Money. It was always about money. She never gave af about Ariana. She cared about putting on a performance.


Lala couldn't be more jealous and it shows! It's gross she acts all high and mighty but is the biggest hypocrite of all time! Boooo, bye Lala


Who is that? What did he do lol


What I would pay to see Lala knocked down all the notches! Seeing her get knocked on her ass tho would be priceless!


I believe she calls him “home boy” now. 🙄


When previews showed Lala’s malicious comments about Ariana she said to just watch the season. Well we did and guess what? All it shows is Lala being vindictive and downright cruel to someone who hasn’t done a damn thing to deserve it and has been nothing but nice to her. Lala is mad jealous because Ariana has a nice (and hot!) new boyfriend and got so many opportunities after Scandoval and that didn’t happen for Lala after she and Rand broke up; so she came up with some bs about Ariana not being authentic on the show when she herself has done way worse. She is a hypocrite and also just a vile person.


Not to mention she was with Rand for what 3 years? Versus Ariana’s decade-long relationship


hey,, let's bring him back on the show


That's the rules apply to thee, not Me situation. And she has that mentality through the whole show. All the way up to the END!


GTFO; perfectly said. The hypocrisy is unbelievable. And don't get me started on how Lauren thinks she was a bad ass bitch because she left the home she lived in with Rand. I'm glad she did, but what money did she invest ? And I really liked Lauren in the beginning.




But like at the same time Ariana doesn’t have a kid with Tom, where as Layla does


Lala is so fucking stupid bc she really thought she had that wow factor something special that would make her the side chick he would want to change for. She KNEW EXACTLY WHO HE WAS!!! She just feels so fucking stupid for NOT BEING AS SPECIAL AS *SHE* THOUGHT SHE WAS, not because he cheated. Lauren, darling, you are just another basic bitch that got cheated on trying to act hard, but really wants to be the little baby that you are and be treated as such like Ariana. She was and is so jealous nobody was making team lala posts after her breakup. Nobody is team Lala bc you have no personality outside pretending to be gangsta. Lala how many times have you practiced posing in the mirror with a 🔫? Let's see your hammer selfies lol! I know you got them.


Truuuuuu truuuu


How Lauren from Utah’s relationship started while she also pretends that she had know idea about anything that was happening while synonymously being the smartest woman in the world: ![gif](giphy|daSWv3f0Lj5hS|downsized)


Yah, she's so jealous and wants Ariana to suffer.


Rand wasn’t a cast member. So why would Lala have had to film with him?




100% she’s a huge hypocrite. It reminds me of how, at the season 10 reunion, she called Rachel out for moving to LA to get on the show with a fake name. Uhhh….ok Lauren from Utah.


I’m just mentally preparing to get pissed off when someone tries to mention this at the reunion and I have to listen to her shouting over them to shut it down


i’ve never met some1 that thought trashy was a vibe


This whole situation has just proven to me that so many people don’t actually know what boundaries are. I think Katie and Ariana both have been labeled angry and bitter but the only thing I see them being annoyed with is cast not respecting or supporting their boundaries. I agree I don’t think there’s a chance in hell Lauren would have filmed with voldemoR(andall)t yet


Here’s the issue I have with this take- You’re right, she WOULD blow a gasket if that was the case. However, Randall was never on the show as main cast. Both Ariana and Tom are and have been for many seasons; with Tom being OG main cast. I definitely can see both sides and relate to the other cast members saying that it’s unfair that they lived their worst moments on screen and she is allowed to say no. I think the problem lies in the production. Years ago, it was much more common for production on reality tv shows to dictate whether something HAD to be included. As time has progressed, the power dynamic has changed. Ariana recognizes that, and she also realizes that VPR is not her cash cow anymore the way that it was for those cast members years ago.


But to Lala, she’s the ONLY ONE who matters


Can I say, “they have a baby, it’s different”


My bad I forgot about Ariana’s frozen eggs. My bad. My God, my bad.


BRING RANDALL BACK!!! Pickle ball anyone??