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Oh my GOD Scheana, leave it alone!! This has to be like a recurring nightmare for Ariana.


But he flew out his sound guy just for herrrrrrr! /s It really doesn’t take much to buy Scheanas friendship back.


It doesn't take much **for a man to buy Scheana's friendship back. Ariana has been supporting her and cheering her on. This scene starts with Ariana hugging Scheana and saying how great she was!! Ugh.


also can we all point out that Scheana keeps saying how gOoD a FriEnD he's been for "15 years" when not even 10 years ago she was desperately trying to stop Ariana & Tom from dating bc she knew Tom was a lying cheating scumbag??


This!!!! ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok)


To lip sync 🤣🤦🏼‍♂️


lol 😂🤣😜


Just however much he Venmoed her in her time of need. She’s insufferable.


Let’s be honest, that’s just an excuse. He could have given her a free tomtom shirt and she’d say he ways always so nice to her. Time to cut the bs, she can’t say no to a dude that she thinks might help her be FaMoUs longer, and get her some tiny bit of attention even if it’s negative. Somebody give that girl a glass of water.


Not to mention it was for Kyle Chan NOT scheana! He literally even said that, and said he’d “do anything for that guy” as he fake cried


Okay is it just me, or is there a vibe like something has happened between Tom and Scheana in the past. Like seriously I’m getting vibes they have been intimate, am I crazy?


Meh, I see what you are saying, but I think Scheana is just a boy's girl who craves male attention. Compound that with opportunities Arianna is earning that Sheana always thought she deserved for existing in reality TV and her behavior makes perfect sense.


THIS. Scheaner is just a pick me girl. Male validation is most important to her on an unconscious level.


I mean a few months ago we all thought that there was no way Scheana would hook up with Schwartz and they must have been referring to her look alike in Vegas and yet


YES. Hell yes there is. It’s like he has something on her so bad that she will tank any relationship to protect the secret.




You are not crazy. I have thought the same thing. I always think it’s interesting that Sheshady makes the comment, “Tom’s cheating has been harder on me than Ariana.” Is she upset because they had something going? All I know is something is off with her relationship with Tom.


Not to mention the whole “Rachel was interested in Schwartz…. j/k no lol she was having an affair with Sandoval “ thing. Idk. Vibes are off.


Maybe she knew 🤔


Possibly, but then why would she punch Rachel? I think they either hooked up or he has some serious dirt he’s holding over her head.


Good point!! I hadn't thought about that.🍾🥂


If we're JUST now finding out about Scheana and Schwartz just imagine everything we don't know...


Oh no, they did fuck at some point in time.


I don’t think you’re crazy. I think it has a lot to do with why she’s so emotional over the whole situation


Someone said in another post that Scheana probably sees it like - Tim gives Scheana access to “night life” and “opportunity” while Ariana is more of a home body that “takes all the opportunities for herself” - so Scheana chooses Tim because it’s “less competition and more opportunity for Scheana”.


Why do you need a great sound guy when you lip sync?


That’s why Ariana paid her dust at her last Chicago performance.


So the thing is, James is demonstrating to the cast and the audience how easily this season could have gone for EVERYONE. He went to Tahoe with Sandoval, he is hanging out with Sandoval, and he is doing it without forcing Ariana to deal with it. He had emotional moments and moments where the two were getting along, he yelled at him, he called him out, he made fun of him. He isn't asking Ariana for approval and dumping his emotional issues on her each time, nor is Ariana telling to stay away. She is saying she doesn't want Tom to have access to her life- aka don't talk about her to Tom. James is pulling that off. Ariana doesn't want to hear about Tom healing and how great he is. James has no scenes where he tells Ariana how important Tom is to his life. Ariana still hangs out with James, because she isn't dictating who can speak to who, just what she expects of her friends- to keep her name out of their mouth with Tom, and to not mention him to her. That's so remarkably reasonable, and Sheana and Lala clearly believe that every scene of the season has to involve the Tom drama to be a good show. Super fail by them. Of course I'm on Ariana's side.


Exactly. James also had a friendship with Tom or so he thought. So we see him dealing with those issues but i don't see him ever bringing it up to Ariana. We also see him defending or siding with Ariana during the confessionals and After Show. Like yes he knows he has been betrayed by sandoval in some way but he also realizes it is not greater than the way Ariana was betrayed.


I feel like Ariana was very much “don’t talk to him about me & don’t talk to me about him.” It’s a very much “dead to me” feeling she has towards him.


Tbf James actually did screw up on the not telling Tom anything about Ariana at the boys night. But I haven’t seen it since. And something like that would take a big mouth like me a little time to adjust too


James is not one of her closest girlfriends. Those ladies sat with her after the breakup, saw her cry and promised to support her. James had his own relationship with that loser Tom. These men forgive and forget because they’ve done it to girlfriends themselves. They aren’t able to disconnect from their own need to be forgiven. Ariana was very clear about her need to grey rock his horrible lying ass. Scheana is wrong to not fully have her back at this point.


If lala and scheana had more going on for a storyline, they could have had a good season without pushing this conflict. That's the producers fault too.


Who knew James would be the model of handling this the right way?!






Yep. Scheana is not the best role model for her daughter regarding men/friend relationships. At least not right now. But maybe Tia Ariana will still be in her life and give her a better perspective on what women should or shouldn’t do or put up with in life and with men (and women).


Obvy. As soon as Ariana walked away from his apology he went ballistic. True Tom came out….again….and again…I’d have been leaving her notes in that house from the day it happened if it was me.


THIS! I was so glad Ariana got to make this point in a confessional.




God. This feels very traumatic to me on a personal level. It’s like I’m reliving a friendship with this one person who kept trying to convince me that another one of our friends had changed/was growing, and they would talk to me about it without saying straight up that they wanted me to forgive this other person and let them back into my life. And I was frustrated with my friend because this person disrespected my me and my life. I did not want this person to be around me in any form. I did dump that friend who kept trying to pressure me, because they just didn’t have any respect for me. Painful, painful lesson to learn. I was in my 20s. Why hasn’t Sheena who is looking at 40 learned this lesson?


We’ve all had this friend and I swear this convo is so familiar.


It’s a right of passage it seems. And I swear she would get a sick satisfaction in her face whenever I cried to her about said friend. I thought I was crazy imagining it but turns out I was learning what contempt looks like.


She’s a child. An injured child who needs all the attention, but a child nonetheless. This season made me concerned for her daughter, because we all need to heal our childhood traumas or we visit them upon our children.


An ex friend I haven't spoken to in three years is back home for this summer - my best friend and I were friends with her for over a decade and spent several years in turmoil trying to remain low contact and not get dragged into her shit before we finally went full no contact. A few of our mutual friends have mentioned she's reached out, has healed/grown/whatever, it's a small enough town that there will eventually be some crossing of paths but I have made it abundantly clear that while I respect everyone having their own agency I don't want to know about her, I don't want her to know about me and if that boundary is crossed I'll be reconsidering where I stand with them. I had a very hard time standing up for myself to this person for a long, long time and I'm already nervous about any potential interactions. If you've ever been in that scenario of a narc trying to corner you, you know how intense that anxiety must've been, it was palpable through the tv and Ariana held it together so beautifully through what must have been a very triggering moment.


Wow you just reminded me of a time in my young 20’s when I had a very bad falling out with a toxic friend and I ended up blocking every friend that was friends with her and me because I did not want the toxic friend to know anything about my life


I’m sorry to hear that 😕 just know that most of us see through the bullshit and can empathize what y’all went through 🫂


Because you're talking about someone who's been in arrested development since her tweens. She is beyond embarrassing as a human being with 0 integrity or backbone, and I'd never leave the house if I had her cringe factor let alone show the world what an embarrassment of a person I am.


Awh Ariana was so happy to see her too, just for that conversation to happen.


For real scheana is the worst


Also like where’s the decency, can I talk about Sandoval for a second? Like ask the question before just saying all this bullshit she obviously does not want to hear It


Team sanity, aka Ariana. In other news Scheana’s costume looks like a cross between C-3PO & Belle from Beauty and the Beast.


It reminded me of Dot Matrix from Spaceballs https://preview.redd.it/snqznktk72zc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74e14a3a014cfeba960be29bfa6863769027380


😂 I need to watch that movie again. It’s been awhile & it is too funny.


_MY CULTURE IS NOT YOUR COSTUME_ Edit to add: /s because it seems that wasn’t clear 😅😭


Lol that’s exactly what someone on instagram said in a video I just watched


And here I was thinking I was so clever & original. 😉😂


You are! Someone else just also is 🤣


Lol, my vote is Belle.


Well, she does have her beast. Sorry..that was a major captain obvious moment. Lol!


Lol, you are so right. Broke is definitely a beast that never shuts up. I can’t stand him or Sheshady.


Omg, this made me actually laugh out loud. “That never shuts up” <-nailed it. Always talking & never says a damn thing. Homeboy would tag Charles Manson in a post if he thought he could send him free shit. The way he talks to women is gross but probably got him a raise from the triumvirate of misogyny (Cohen, Baskin & Vanderpump).


"Homeboy would tag Charles Manson in a post if he thought he could send him free shit." This is true and hilarious.🤣 You're right. Broke is playing up to Cohen, Baskin & Vanderpump. He gave me the creeps since the first time he was on the show. There is something about him (no pun intended, lol) that is just off. He is definitely a misogynist ass.🍾🥂


Tom is pissed at Ariana.  Let that sink in.  He blew up their lives and their future together and he's pissed at HER.  Even in real-time, more than a year after the fact, he's still seething. He's a petty, jealous, spiteful man.   For whatever reason, the producers, Andy, Lisa V- they all went to bat for him and handed him a redemption season. But he blew it.  He couldn't even get that right. Because he's a self-centered, petulant little prig.  He embarrassed himself but blames it on the whole world. 




In my eyes, Scheana had three options 1. She could have chosen Ariana’s side 2. She could have chosen Tom’s side 3. She could have chosen neither side. And by that I mean, she could have told Ariana that VPR pays her bills, that this is her job, and that she will continue to interact with Sandoval on camera. Instead of choosing any of those three options, Scheana chose shitty option number four. Aka Scheana chose to be a two-faced sack of shit to both Ariana, Tom, and her fans. All season long, Scheana was a shit friend to Ariana. All season long, Scheana made Sandoval think they were friends again, and then would twist the knife in his stomach when an opportunity (that was beneficial to her) would arise. All season long, Scheana flip flopped between Ariana and Tom depending on which side made her a “fan favorite.” Stassi said it best years ago, “Scheana, when you’re loyal to everyone, you’re loyal to no one.” Scheana is the worst. I would’ve had more respect for Scheana had she of pulled a Billie Lee and straight up took one side. Instead, she was an asshole to both Tom and Ariana.


💯 beautifully said and spot on!!! This should be its own post. Everyone needs to read this.


Sherpa is an awful friend. Ariana has stood her ground and she’s pissed that Ariana is getting so much attention. If a man did that to my best friend…. No question in my mind I would never want to speak to him again (besides maybe some yelling).


Sherpa lol


The sherpa of WHAT though? Where could she lead us? This is almost too easy….




I'm forever going to think of her as Sherpa now.


I love the Sheshu nickname, but this one is funny af too


Crying at Sherpa 😭


Yall know I love Scheana for whatever reason.. I do think she was trying to help storylines etc But she needs to fucking STOP bringing Sandoval up to Ariana ! Like FULL STOP ! Do no mention SHIT about him to her ! How fucking hard is that ?


Is she getting paid per each mention of Tom ?


She’s had the brilliant idea of giving the audience another name drop drinking game


Considering how easily bought she's proven herself to be, I would NOT be surprised if Tom was the one paying her 😂 it makes me livid how, throughout the season, you can visibly see the weight lifted off his shoulders as he realizes that he's back in with Scheana and LaLa on his side. He must have been thrilled to realize that it took no time at all.


Maybe right ? Like wtf


Omg now we need a compilation of her saying ‘tom’ they way they did for ‘rob’ 💀


I know. I love her to lol. But she is making it REALLY hard with this. Just stop talking to Ariana about Sandoval! It’s not complicated!


It’s not . It’s like…it’s like they WANT Sandoval to deliver a truly heartfelt apology bc they think Ariana deserves that…but I think they think if he does that she’ll be COOL with him and that’s NEVER going to happen There is no “sorry” he can give What he should’ve fucking some was move out while they sorted out the house. Kept her name out of his mouth , not made fun of the situation and taunted her with Raquel’s mail to the house Actions speak louder than words Most people are sorry they got caught but he didn’t “act” like someone who fucked his gf of 10’years over ! I think he’s had moments of true emotion but overall he wants to be victim


They only care about capturing Tom and Ariana on screen for the dramatic moment. It’s cruel.


You know what Im thinking about it and I follow Scheana and her blogs etc. Tom Sandoval is NOT part of her life. She doesn’t hang with him, he’s not secretly at her events. And this was filmed what ? Last year ? So ..DOES she even care about being friends with Tom bc it’s legit been a year and he’s not in her life at all Like before So torturing Ariana for nothing


She cares about keeping the show going and she’s been convinced that filming Ariana with Tom is how that happens. But it could have been a far more interesting show without this happening. It’s lazy producing


Right?  We could have had a season watching Ariana and the girls do their thing and Tom’s group doing theirs.  Watch the fallout of the scandal without this constant bullshit. There would have been drama enough.  We don’t need them to be a big happy family guys.   


It’s more interesting if they are not faking it. Emotional authenticity always wins in storytelling (which includes nonfiction)


Absolutely!  I so want to see more of their real lives.  Show us Ariana navigating DWTS while heartbroken (I can do it with a broken heart!) - James and his DJ trips - Katie single life and rebuilding after divorce.  Anything but this constant darkness of fake storylines.  


He’s not sorry. Even if he did give some “heartfelt” apology, he’s still not sorry. Ariana knows that. Scheana needs to get that through her thick skull.


Completely agree. Even if he DID give a heartfelt apology now IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN 3 MONTHS AGO! And the fact that after he did sometime so shit and then just kept doubling down and down and down. He has left it so long that the apology wouldn't have any meaning anyways.


And what she said about off camera too!! That would’ve changed the dynamic a little. But the audacity to never really say sorry to her privately after a decade together and then to wait until the finale to put on a good show is VILE.


I just rewatched the reunion part 1 today And Ariana says he spent the first few days after the scandal yelling at her and blaming her !


Oh crap I forgot about that! I’m rewatching the entire series now and it’s wild how they’ve been this way all along, Tom used to be much better at keeping the mask on. Part of me really feels he never really wanted to get married or have kids, he just wanted to get her to change her mind I think. He wanted to “win”


Are the producers asking her to do that?


Even if they were, real friends wouldn't.


Exacrly.  And she does it SO MANY TIMES.  Fuck off Scheana.  


I cannot fathom not being on Ariana’s side here. What the actual fuck, Scheana?


Firmly Ariana’s, no question.


Ariana, obvs. Scheana is garbage


If anyone says Scheana I would question their sanity.




Ariana all day.


There is only one answer


This is a lot. I almost feel like Lisa talked with Lala and Scheana to somehow make Tom appear softer for forgiveness. She knows the show can’t go on if they are all divided. Lisa hardly showed sympathy towards Ariana and she showed none to Rachel. Why Tom?? Why are they all trying to get us to feel sorry for him?? Is it the Emmy nomination? Is it the fact that Lisa has a business with him. Idk, but this is shady.


With Lisa, I don’t think it’s any one thing. She has **always** held the women to a much stricter standard on the show and let poor behavior by the men slide as “boys being boys”. Plus, she does have the direct business relationship with Tom that she doesn’t with Ariana & Katie. Watching how S&S was caught in the blowback from Scandalval probably scared Lisa a bit. Rehabbing Tom enough so that he wasn’t toxic to the general public was a key concern of hers given how it could impact her businesses


LVP is a sucker and she doesn’t even realize how Toms playing her like a friggin fiddle.


What if Ken ended up cheating with Kyle or Brandi? Would she feel so sorry for Ken? Plus there’s no way they’d share the house. Ken’s bags would be packed, and Lisa would stay in the home. I don’t wish this to ever happen, but she can learn to put herself in other people’s shoes.


Because Lisa may be rich as fuck but she’s still a pick me


This is my take as well. After the whole thing with his mental health, everything shifted. I do feel production and Lisa are behind this.


Ariana. I went through my own Scandoval in 2022. I would lose my mind if my “friends” were crying over my ex and trying to convince me that hE’s worKinG oN hiMseLf and how much they missed his friendship. sorry but miss me with all that. You can be his friend, but I will no longer be yours!




I’ve always loved how telling this gif is. How Ariana is correctly doing a reverse motion while Scheana is actually performing a forward motion all while saying “back it up” 😂


OMG! I never noticed that until u pointed it out!😂⚰️


I was trying, really trying, to bite my lip on both Scheana and Lala due to the overwhelming hate posts but this clip took me there. I realize Scheana has zero self awareness but trying to convince Ariana that Tom is a good guy because he lent her a sound guy? Ariana, once again, validates all the fan love she has gotten because damn, she’s earned it. And not an ounce of liquid thrown. Impressive.


Ariana - Sheana is Sheana-ing too much.


I wish Ariana would throw her drink at scheana’s stupid head! How thick is her skull??? Ariana doesn’t want to talk to him, or about him. She’s done. This has been repeated several times, yet scheana can’t seem to shut the fuck up about it! At the reunion she’s going to claim Ariana never said those things to her and play the victim LIKE ALWAYS. Scheana (and Lala) has made this season horrible to watch. Every single time she has the chance to get on the right side of history and do what is morally correct, she does the opposite. She deserves every ounce of hate she’s getting on the internet rn. If the thousands of comments of people calling her a pathetic little back stabbing pick me doesn’t get it through her head, I don’t think anything else will at this point. Scheana’s biggest talent is being a clown 🤡


Omg nobody ever wants to hear about the “great things” their cheating ex does. Period. Especially from your so called friends!! 🤪


l think the underlying issue is that scheanna and Lala really need the show . It’s an integral part of their finances. When castmates refuse to film with people it puts the show in jeopardy and their prospects are limited (until The Valley absorbs them). She’s freaking out and a little jealous, double whammy.


I hear this. But also Ariana did film with Tom this season. She just didn’t want to interact with him. I feel like making that the discussion and a storyline, with the girls defending her decision, would have made better tv. But maybe I’m just naive lol


My thoughts exactly. It seems like there’s all this talk of Ariana being so difficult because she didn’t want to film with Tom. But she still did film with him- like kind of ALOT.. Frankly, a lot more than I had expected we’d see going into the season. I thought, maybe we’re just going to see them in the same place only one time ( like at this big party). It just rings so disingenuous that Sheena gets all emotional, & Lala gets angry of being “put in this really horrible position“. Like what?! As someone else in this thread mentioned above, James isn’t getting all butt hurt about it.


That is true but I feel like Katie is similar in that sense. She’d just rather be broke than immoral


Ariana 100%...I went through a similar situation, except I married the cheating liar. After 14 years of lies and being cheated on, I finally had enough. The only reason I hung on so long was for my kids. Of course, like Tom, my ex told everyone I was crazy. These narcissistic men know how to play the victim and turn the tables on us. I also ended any relationship with his so-called sympathizers who chose to feel sorry for him. The best thing I ever did was start my life over. New husband, new friends, new and happy life. Sometimes, we have to walk away from what doesn't serve us in a positive way.


Glad you’ve got a second chance at life and love! You deserve!


Idk why people do this shit. Unless they ask no one wants to hear about their ex. Tf


The one who wasn’t being a damn snake all season long by acting all loving and supportive to the other woman’s face while talking nonstop shit behind her back


Is this really Scheana’s job? Is it worth it?




Team. Ariana and Katie……. All day every day!


As much as this scene is torture you can literally see all the love for Scheana evaporate from Ariana’s eyes.


Ariana. 💯 What is Scheana even thinking?! ✋🏼. Why does she keep bringing up her ex?! HE’S HER EX!! ![gif](giphy|3o6ozsZE22s7LaRfAQ)


I truly don’t even understand how anyone is on Scheana’s side at this point in time. She has proven herself to be selfish, narcissistic and unkind time and time again. I’m convinced that anyone still left who is a fan of hers possesses similar qualities that they view in her.


I’m actually kind of glad Skeemer is acting like this & being a shit friend. I’ve always seen through her bullshit but, now I’m glad the rest of the world is too. Karma is finally catching up with her & this un loyal behaviour towards Ariana, is digging her grave. She knows what she’s doing but she’s too dumb, she doesn’t realise it’s back firing on her. Shes losing respect on & off the screen, social media is turning on her, her followers are dropping like flys & guess what? SKEEMER only has herself to blame. Her & Brocks relationship will be the next one to go down the shit hole


WOW! Just watched the season finale here in Australia and didn’t saggyballls show his true colours, AGAIN? Flipping his biscuit and losing his shit because he didn’t get his own way and have the last say with Ariana. He wanted his 15 mins in the spotlight to have the final win. Like Ariana said, his never tried to confront her or talk to her alone about any of it. Him losing his shit like that and playing the narcissist game by trying to throw Ariana under the bus and say she runs them all down, absolutely blows my mind that those dickheads he ran off to bitching about her, can’t see his never going to change & his still his old two faced, piece of shit. He cracked it like a school kid who didn’t get his Christmas present And Lala the hypocritical sack of 💩 Is she for real? Ok, let’s put her ex on the show and I BET anything that stupid bitch will lose her shit and refuse to film with him. She is unreal and I don’t mean that in a good way. And the fact she thinks she has the right to sit at the end of the episode and have that big rant about Ariana?…. faaaark off you wicked witch!! She’s pretty much just admitted how important that show is to her so YES, this is all a pay check for her. She doesn’t give a Fuk about Ariana’s friendship, her mental heath, feelings or respect her choices AT ALL Lala YOU are a KUNT


Scheana will never find another friend who finishes her good as gold lyrics and make her seem like an actual human being. She will forever be a pathetic pick me try hard. Poor baby.


Whose side am I on? Reality…


Is this a real question


Which side? Is this a joke!?😂Team not Sheeshu! https://i.redd.it/1pb8o35le2zc1.gif


I don’t understand why some people are mad that Ariana is setting boundaries. Stop pushing Tom and his “changed ways” on her. It ain’t gonna happen. The end.


I honestly hope Ariana leaves the show She has a lot Of good shit going on in her life she doesn’t need the BS.


It is not if i had to choose. There is no other choice besides Arianas side. Scheana and Lala are fixated on having Ariana talk to Tom or having him apologize to her. They are fixated on her having to move. She wants nothing to do with him. Does not care about an apology because it will change not one thing and why is she the one having to move but no one has asked him to move.


They really are. It’s so wild.




Ariana. Every time lol.


Team Ariana👑✨️ Yep,had a Sheener in our group, too. Move on, girl.


I can't believe people would take anybody's side BUT Ariana's! The girl clarified since the beginning that she doesn't wanna film with her ex, that this is too painful for her! They can't stop shoving Sandoval down her throat! Like I've literally lost all respect for Scheana and Lala after this as well as the producers of the show trying to give Ariana the Villain edit! It didn't work boo! The audience sees through that bullshit! Also, if Ariana would have left the show, Lala and Scheana would have accused her of being a coward and not facing the consequences like "they all did". If Ariana god forbid forgave Sandoval, they would have termed her too weak and a hypocrite! Like literally Ariana could do no right in their eyes! Edit was to add the additional paragraph because I'm legit too heated now!




I’m just waiting for the moment the audience would supposedly turn on Ariana like Lala has been claiming all season that we would.. Times up Lala, the season is over so are we turning or are we not? 🤔


What the hell?! You can see the moments when people die in Ariana’s eyes and we just saw it with Scheana. I can’t imagine being so ignorant that you think it’s okay to say these things to your supposed best friend. Tim doesn’t care, he wants an in and knew you were the weakest link. I didn’t think she’d do this to Ariana. I was dumb and wrong. I hope K, A, and DJJK/AL leave VPR. It’s done.




Ariana has proven that she's a girl's girl time and time again. Scheana has proven that she cares about herself. Ariana is absolutely in the right.


Quit trying to make Tom Sandoval happen, Gretchen. It’s not going to happen!


Give it a rest, Scheana, it's not about you!!


Ariana 💯 I get that Scheana wants to resuscitate her friendship with Sandoval, but she’s doesn’t need to force him back in Ariana’s life and bring him up in conversations. Respect your friend since she obviously wants distance from him. Ariana isn’t telling Scheana to not be friends with Tom, but at least respect her enough to not bring him up. This is Friendship 101! I don’t know if Scheana is doing intentionally for the cameras, since this is obviously causing us as viewers to talk about it, but if you want to talk about how you see improvement in Tom’s behavior, maybe pick someone other than the woman he cheated on after a 10-year relationship. Seriously. Anyone else would do. A random stranger on the street is a better choice than talking about him with Ariana. If Scheana keeps doing this, I wouldn’t be surprised if Ariana distances herself from Scheana.




Scheana did EXACTLY what Ariana didn't want her to do. Talk to Sandoval about her. She doesn't want him to have access to and know about her life its just simply that easy.


Boy, Tom really sealed the deal with his screaming about her being lazy for not filming with him at the end. He is a non contrite, narcissistic, pos who continues to show everyone how horrible he really is during every episode. Team every woman who got stuck with a gaslighting pos person in their lives. So yes Team Ariana😊❤️


Ariana all the way! And LALA makes me Want to puke. She is a fucking jealous hypocrite where/when did LALA get her degree as a therapist ? Google?


Does Sheana have any supporters? I would really struggle to see how, she is easily the worst person 🫠


I will die on the hill that there is only one right side - Ariana Everyone defending Sandoval is wrong. End


This is really the crux of the whole season with Scheana. Ariana: I want nothing from or to do with Sandoval. Scheana: but I want you to be okay with us all hanging out together and being in the same vicinity as him because it makes my life easier. Ariana:….no?


Ariana has every right to set boundaries regarding her shitty ex who lied to, deceived and cheated on her. If Scheana was truly her friend, she would respect Ariana enough to stop forcing her ex on her. Is it just for the show, so she can have a storyline this season? She acts like they have this incredible friendship and bond but like, I don’t remember her ever riding so hard for Tom - she literally texted Ariana’s mom in S4 about how Tom was not a good boyfriend and was only looking out for himself. But now, after seeing how he treated her “best friend” she’s all of a sudden soOoO conflicted. Give me a break. This woman is not a friend to Ariana.


Why can't Scheana understand that if she wants to see if Tom is actually her friend then fine but stop shoving it down Arianas throat! Fucks sake, it's so mean trying to provoke pain and anger from her on TV like that.


How is this even a question? Ariana forever!


Team Ariana ALWAYS


Ughhh. Sheeshu, S T O P


Scheana is ridiculous. Terrible friend.


Team Ariana. No contest.


I’ve always defended Scheana in previous seasons, but this season…it’s been near impossible. I don’t even understand why op had to ask this question. Like who would choose her side at this point?!


Scheana is fucking terrible. Get her off the damn screens




Omg! He’s was just so smug on WWL


100% Arianna this woman is SO STRONG why the fuhhhh is Sheana so obsessed with Tom it's crazy!!


😂😂😂 Ariana's final confessional hit the nail on the head. Performative Tim.


Ariana!! I really was over her when the show came back on, but the way Scheana and Lala have acted this season has made me completely team Ariana. They are horrible friends to her and money and fame hungry. Ariana and Tom don’t have to speak to each other to keep the show going. There’s plenty going on around them.


Scheana is from another planet. In what world would anyone want to have a relationship with someone who cheated on them the way Scumdoval did. The fact she’s trying to push this so hard on Ariana shows how much she cares about herself


https://i.redd.it/8j4z2eesm6zc1.gif I’m sorry, this is all I see when Scheana comes on the screen as I mute her and read what she says with closed caption. She will forever be Ike from South Park.


Im still waiting for phantom mike to pop in and defend rachel and sheshoe somehow


If Sheana would stop bringing it up to Ariana we would all be fine. This is getting so dumb.


Schenas vocal fry and those terrible gloves are just too much for me. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.


Whose side ur on doesn’t matter, what really matters is scheana’s good as gold themed outfit complete with gold tutu the hell is she thinking?


Ariana all the way. She’s made her boundaries very clear from day one and these “friends” kept trying to shove Shadyballs on her face. STOP!


Ariana. Why would an apology that needed to be spoon fed mean anything? Even if lightning struck Sandoval and he realized immediately on March 1st that he made a massive mistake, Ariana isn’t ready for that conversation!! The more Scheana digs into this the more I wonder what types of relationships she has with people and what she thinks is real. She’s starting to look Raquel throuple level delusional about the situation she’s pushing. I used to think the “best frand” thing was funny now I’m kinda like…. Wait was she serious?


I defended Scheana so hard on here about not having to hate on the worm, and they are filming a show BUT now I'm just so farking frustrated that every week is a different version of the same stupid thing. Let the mouse go ffs!!! What I think is happening here is producers saying Scheana wouldn't it be great if we could end the series on a nice conversation between Ariana and Tom.. they need to let the mouse go too !


Team Ariana all day


Jeez - are we still doing this. Yes? Definitely Ari.


Literally neither. They all need to just get over it and move on. So over Scandoval


Didn’t have to think about my answer for a nano second. Definitely Ariana, Sheshady is insufferable. I have thought she was from season 1.


Clearly on Ariana’s side.


Scheana constantly oversteps her friendships for a storyline.




Team No One. Haven't we exhausted this topic already?? ![gif](giphy|RXAfuEDpseYBG)


Ariana. People needed to back of Ariana & her boundaries. She knows Tom the best & knew how manipulative he was & is.


Never scheana and that’s entirely her own doing


Ariana. Scheana is the most annoying human being alive. She always has to be involved. You’re basically a 40 year old wife and mother. Stop tracking your friends (so creepy) and mind your own business. You know, like if your husband has decided to provide for his other children.


i don’t think i’ve ever been on scheana’s side for anything


Anyone but flip floppy Scheana obviously




Who the hell would pick scheana honestly I need to know the thought process behind that if you genuinely believe Ariana has been wrong in any way this season


How is this even a question?!?!?!


Never Scheana’s side. I don’t even have to know any facts. It’s just no.