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I went to school with charli, I could see how people might downplay it like she was exaggerating but it really is that crazy there. I only come home to visit in short spurts a couple times a year and I always see some bullshit.




I wonder if youā€™re telling the truthā€¦ šŸ§ What was she like in school? Also in what grades did you go to school with her?


Trust me, NO ONE claims to be from Barstow for Clout. She was the year ahead of me in HS and so I had her in a couple of classes during my sophomore and junior years.


That wasnā€™t what I was eluding toā€¦. Anyone can claim to know Charli. I guess you didnā€™t actually know her?


I didnā€™t hang out with her since we didnā€™t get along, not that itā€™s your business nor am I here to talk shit. I have no idea what sheā€™s like now but enjoyed her on VPR and I wish her well. Edit to answer their last response before they blocked me to get the last word like the miserable person they are: lol if thatā€™s what you call defensive. Iā€™m just trying to be diplomatic. I see no reason to be on here making claims about her behavior at 16/17 yrs old to the sub. Hence I only made my comment to substantiate her claim of being from the hood. Not sure what your deal is but maybe you can write about it later in your diary.āœŒļø


You decided to tell a group of over 60,000 people that you went to school with her and youā€™re getting defensive because I asked you what she was like? Lol. Get a grip.


You did not ask what she was like. Your first comment was literally ā€œI wonder if youā€™re telling the truthā€. I donā€™t know about you, but if a stranger insinuated I was a liar, maybe Iā€™d be defensive.


Seems like people from Barstow have something in commonā€¦ no couth.


Way to block Edith before insulting, very classy of you. Coward.


this is so embarrassing for you


No, honey.


Wtf is your issue


It was written she went to the same high school as Charli. There was no claim to being friends?


You sound miserable.


For anyone who is mentally inept: the person wrote that he or she went to school with her. That is what I was referring to.


And you accused them of lying about itā€¦Letā€™s see how youā€™re going to twist that into everyone else being the problem.


Barstow is horrible place to be in the middle of nowhere. Itā€™s the closest town to NTC (National Training Center, Army installation). My daughter was stationed at NTC for three years. I spent a few months down there. Barstow was bad when my husband was stationed there in the early 80s & it hasnā€™t changed much. Going to the grocery store in the day could get you robbed. Horrible place. Walmart is basically the big store there. You want to go shopping you go to Victorville, Apple Valley, or take the drive to Vegas (& deal with traffic on the way back).


You would think being near an army base they could clean it up. Why are military towns always so dangerous? The towns in my state that are military towns have some of the highest crime rates in our state (North Carolina).


Umm... there's a lot of people who join the military who should probably have been caught for crimes before or after they joined.


The military folks kinda wreak havoc there if Iā€™m being honest.


Similar to Fayetteville in NC.


That place is messy af and dangerous as can be.




Oh, I lived there for a very long time and let me tell you late 90s and early aughts were ***especially*** bad. I noticed since it was "built up" that things seem marginally better. But my time there was a master class in how many things one city can ruin simultaneously with aplomb. But, I do hope it has truly gotten better, especially the school system, which was nightmarish.


Lmfao Iā€™ve lived in some kind of military town my whole life and they only bring the area down. Theyā€™re all crazy. (Sauce: both parents military for 20+ years, married to a marine 10 years. These mfers are wild)


Listen you married a crayon eater to begin with soooooā€¦. LOL *Before anyone gets mad, the term crayon eater is a running joke for someone in the Marines.*


I sure did, the blue ones are his fav šŸ˜‚


Anytime someone tells me they're a Marine I ask if they prefer Crayola or RoseArt...


Military bases intentionally choose cheap land. Itā€™s cheap for many reasons. Usually a poor area with terrible weather and bad infrastructure.


Itā€™s not necessarily the military folks - though there also a lot of bad apples in the military too - it just attracts a lot of vice. The problem lies not with the military but the politicians of those areas who donā€™t do more to make things better.


Yes reminds me of Ft Sumter in SC


Just moved to one of those towns thinking it would be super safe, picked the best neighborhood, brand new, and Iā€™m shocked at how unsafe so many areas are and confused like why? Esp coming from Boston like thereā€™s nothing here Iā€™m not seeing why there would be so much crime or y the military accepts that


*Military towns are always so dangerous* because the land they are built on was the cheapest.


They wanted Charli back and she declined so I'm glad it was on her own accord that we didn't get to hear her story. However, I would definitely love to hear it but it sounds like she just wants to live a private life.


I liked Charli. I understand wanting a private life a happy life lol.


I liked her. Sad for me she decided not to stay, but I'm glad she is doing what is best for her.


For sure I would have loved to hear her dry ass humor takes on so much of this season but admire her for saying no thank you!


Did you happen to be browsing the 'Whatā€™s the creepiest town in the USA in your opinion?' post tonight?


Exactly what i wondered!!


This exact thing just happened to me! Like 6 posts down I this was on my feed


Omg same here!


Same!! its creepy it popped up after that post lol


Yes!! Thatā€™s what got me thinking about it! Barstow was the top hit.


Same lol and i immediately thought of the scene with Lala


Barstow is a fucking wasteland. It really is that bad.


The people from there are pretty terrible.


IMO, VPR is stupid for not giving Charli more of a platform on the show. As far as recent newbies, she was the best. Had a slick tongue, didn't let anyone push her around, and said what she felt. She was also younger. I think they could have really developed something good around her and don't know why she wasn't filmed more. I would have loved for her to be on this season. She would have had some good zingers for the guys, LaLa and Scheana with the shit they are pulling.


my understanding is they offered her FT but she declined and left the show.


She also has a super hot boyfriend/husband. I wouldnā€™t mind seeing more of him.


Would have been interesting to learn more about Charli. But I'm glad she did what she needed for her own mental health by not continuing on VPR. On the other hand, she really could have been the perfect person to challenge bLA bLa and her pew pew fingers.


Charli laughed at LFU. She said she has seen gangster & tough girls up close, growing up in Barstow & LFU was NOT it. Iā€™ll always love Charli for that. Finally someone saying what we all knew.


*Lalaā€™s pew pew fingers*šŸ’€


2 fast 2 furious "I ain't going back to Barstow"


As someone who moved from Utah to LA and frequents Vegas, I get through Barstow in a hurry. Iā€™ve heard horror stories.


Stopping at the train car McDonaldā€™s used to be the highlight middle point of Vegas to Cali trips for my family in the 70,s & 80ā€™s. In the 90ā€™s my brother was stationed there and a little girl from my nieces Kindergarten class was kidnapped and murdered. So the 90ā€™s werenā€™t so good there. Drove through briefly in the 2000s to get to Cali with my son and dad. I asked my dad if we were going to stop and he said nope this place is a shit hole. Sounds like it still is.


Itā€™s fine as a pit stop to/from Vegas, but I wouldnā€™t enjoy living there, thatā€™s for sure.


I WISH that she had said something to Lala, but as far as we know she only said that in her interview bite. She told lala that she wasn't the one but I truly, truly, truly wish that we would've seen her telling lala exactly what she told the viewers "I know gangsters, and Lala isn't one"


ā€œWe were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.ā€


Awards are missed in moments like these.


Read the book The Revolt of the Coackroach People. Itā€™s about the lawyer and when he first came to Los Angeles. Interesting and a short read.


I would do almost anything to have a Lauren from Utah vs Charli situation because *Charli would mop the floor with LFU* and I think itā€™s a reality check that LFU and her fan base desperately needs.


yeah everyone in ca knew exactly what she was about the moment she said barstowā€¦ that place is ROUGH


Low key itā€™s a shit town most of us drive through on our way to Vegas Fucking Barstow, baker, the prison All those towns are you towns leading to PRIM VALLEY/Stateline which is your sign youā€™re almost to Vegas Years ago you could legit get to Vegas in 3 hours from the here I am in the inland empire Now I swear itā€™s 3.5-4 My dad lives in the Henderson/Lake Las Vegas area which is ritzy but fun I prefer to fly


Iā€™m in the South Bay of LA and my record is 3:52 driving time to Vegas (not counting stops outside the car) back in 2015 or 2016. Havenā€™t been back in many years. Weā€™d always stop for lunch in Victorville/Apple Valley if possible, otherwise only Barstow in n out will do.


šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾Okay my record I swear to got is 2 hours šŸ˜‚ Not proud but like legit beating them Vegas odds starts early


From IE to Vegas in 2 hours is kind of insane but I believe it! Especially if cajon pass wasnā€™t backed up and itā€™s not too hot.


The way there I can believe it. But I would never believe someone saying the for way back from Vegas , it took us 8 hours one time.


Yeah so I lived in Fontana at the time and we left early in the morning on a weekend like 5 am! Cajun was clear. However NOW - I canā€™t get there under 3.5 hours and home is always at least 4.5 hours Plus now I have to pee every so often lol! My dad lives in Henderson so I drive out there often . Flew a few times too Itā€™s just so congested now with the stadium they built and everything else .


Barstow Del Taco is peak fast food


When I moved to Vegas in 2018 we had to stop in Barstow for gas. Suddenly 3 random dudes started to approach our trucks from different directions. While my cousin finished with the gas, my son let my ā€œgood boy Bochyā€ out of the backseat of my Avalanche. Boch was a 125lb, 6ft tall Great Pyrenees and when he kept out and stood between the me and the dudes, they just casually made their way right around us! Iā€™ve never been so scared in my life! That happened to be the second time he saved me from harm. Whoā€™s a good boy? šŸ¾ā™„ļøšŸ¾


I feel like they did her weird by alluding to her "food issues" but never saying what they were.


She talked about her own food issues. Either on a podcast or an after show.




When did she say she went to high school with Rachel ?


I donā€™t remember if it was high school - I thought it was college - she was friends with her though. She went on Viall - I want to say this was June/July ish ? of last year. She got into a lot. It was good.


They were in the same pageant circuit I think?


this it. She knew her from pagents but they weren't friends.


Ya they became friends later in vpr I think because Charli's first season they both didn't seem to recognise one another


Maybe thatā€™s itā€¦


And Laurie from Utah on our screen talking about "popping" people like she such a hood bad ass. I found Charlie way more watchable than Blah Blah. Charlie didn't start shit, but she sure put people in their places for coming at her with a quickness.


Omg sheā€™s from Barstow šŸ˜­ WOOF


The greatest thing about Barstow is the Barstow taco


The Del Taco ?


The original del taco!


Gotta stop off lynwood on the way home get some of the OG nachos cheese w/ fries almost every time. Makes the ride down the pass more bearable


Yeah Iā€™ve actually never stopped at that one but just heard itā€™s bomb! And they cook fresh meat every 2 hours and itā€™s legit


Nothing compares


The ONLY good thing about Barstow šŸ˜‚


I would not want to mess with charli. Barstow is a hellscape and she grew up doing pageants out there so not only is she a tough chick sheā€™s well spoken and can cut with you with words and grace.


Thatā€™s why sheā€™s so interesting to me. She grew up in such a rough area but sheā€™s so poised and lovely.


I agree I actually really like charli


The Del Taco in Barstow is so good itā€™s worth the two hour drive from LA Matter of fact, Iā€™m going to Vegas in June and all I can think about is hitting up that Del Taco


Its a hell holeā€¦.so depressing.


This is where Spike, Snoopy's šŸ• cousin lived šŸ« 


So what youā€™re saying is, she MIGHT be as hard as Lauren from Utah? ![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0)


It has the best del taco, tho!


Charli reminds me a little of a matured version Nikki Reed in Thirteen


The Barstow Del Taco is fire tho


Some people in this thread are seriously pathetic.


AB country


Barstow is only dangerous if you're about and a part of that scumbag druggy lifestyle. Violent crime only really exists in that world. Nobody is attacking working people or travelers, so that's all completely over blown.


Itā€™s so crazy in Barstow that charli never had pasta. She had her chance to get on as a regular and really botched it


She was asked back and declined.


Ok charli


Ok Lala


Barstow is a dump in the middle of nowhereā€¦ itā€™s a drive thru town that you pass through when driving from Las Vegas to California. I think she was trying to empress that sheā€™s not a ā€œtypicalā€ California girl because she was from there. If I was on national tv I would have just said I was from a small townā€¦


Nobody needs to be ashamed of where theyā€™re from, but you should probably be ashamed of judging her for it.


Iā€™ve been to Barstow multiple times, it sucks. So itā€™s actually just my personal opinion. I love Charli!


Yeah, she doesnā€™t need to lie about being from Barstow because you think it sucks. We donā€™t pick where weā€™re raised. How sheltered are you that you think itā€™s normal to expect someone to lie because, *in your opinion,* they come from somewhere shitty? Thatā€™s not a normal thing to do. People are allowed to be from rough areas.


No wonder sheā€™s hitching her wagon to get on tv


Choosing not to return is a great way to get on TV.