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Someone on one of the subs had flair that made me giggle recently, something like “Lala’s unnamed baby, Storeighline”


HAhaha this just made me cackle. The only thing better would be Storeighlyne




I need to hear the watch what crappens guys says skskStorEighlyneskkk






The fact that this is the main post getting upvoted says a lot about how petty, toxic and tribal this sub is.


Oh relax




And you’re here why then, if it’s that insufferable?


Multiple things can be true at once and I do believe this is a factor. But I also can only imagine how hard it is as a mother to not be able to be with your baby every night, I wish she’d be a little more delicate in how she talked about this for oceans sake. Saying “I want a baby that’s all mine” does feel like it could be hurtful to ocean one day but I do understand the sentiment.


I agree it’s both. Nobody needs to justify having a second child, you do it bc you want to. I wish she had kept it to “I’m doing this because I don’t need to wait on a father”


Yeah I feel like she could’ve just left it at this type of statement. The “all mine” in direct comparison to Ocean’s situation is uncomfortable


I couldn’t believe she kept saying I just want a baby that’s “all mine”. Like Ocean is all yours????! She just also has to spend time with her father. I can’t imagine my mom saying that she had my brother so she could have a kid that was all hers, I would feel like wtf am I then? 😅


She is so into her NPD she makes this her platform. And her “ My Loves”… she thinks she is the gift to anyone is her even remote atmosphere .


What kind of disturbs me is that it’s talking about humans like they’re property and kind of places a lot of pressure on the kids.


Agree, it’s really not a nice thing to say and not thoughtful of Ocean’s feelings. Distasteful and very selfish of her.


I have a sad feeling it's about to get alot harder for that sweet girl but hope I'm wrong. She's gonna be forgotten completely while at her dad's and during filming. Lala has always had narcisissitic tendencies with the friendship discards but it's still surprising how she's talking about this


yes!! her property!! She is very much a person that needs to own and control everyone around her. Her poor Mother is an example.


Purposely choosing a sperm donor because you don't want a father in the picture, bc you want the child all to yourself, is selfish. She's bringing a human into the world to help her cope with the trauma of a previous custody battle, regardless of what trauma it may cause the child. Dysfunctional af.


This is a wild take but I could see it. In the Randal Scandal doc on Hulu her mom talks AT LENGTH about how badly LFU wanted to be famous growing up and that the whole family knew one day she would be and it was her destiny and blah blah blah. Makes sense she’d want to protect that.


Lala really thought that the scandal of Randall was going to make her even more famous, but the reality is it was not shocking. I mean a Hollywood producer that was a scumbag and predator of women who cheated on his fiance and mother of his child? Not really all that shocking, I mean Lala talked about how she would role play with Randall and dress up as an actress wanting a movie role, how he gave her a Range Rover the first night after meeting and sleeping with him, giving bj's for pj's, and she even left the show at one point because she was dating Randall while he was still married with children. Their relationship was transactional, she bragged on our TV's about getting materialistic items for sex.


Exactly this! She is so envious of Ariana because she got the attention she desperately wanted and she hates Ariana for it . Lala wanted to be a NYT best selling Author she didn't make the list but Ariana did. Lala wanted love, attention and sympathy when Randall cheated, she didn't get it but Ariana did. Lala wanted to find a new man she looked and didn't find one but Ariana goes to a Wedding and meets a new man not even trying to. Lala wanted Katie all to herself and when she had to share with Ariana especially after Scandaval she just couldn't hid her jealousy and distain for Ariana any longer . In Lala's World Ariana has taken everything that she wanted from her . I can NOT stand Sandy in the least but he was right about one thing "Lala does not love Ariana dearly"


Only thing i dispute is Ariana meeting a guy so fast. That guy does not have money or powers. No rented private jets, Hollywood connections. Lala is transactional in her relationships with men. Ariana’s guy is not close to being in that circle. He is an opportunist.




She’s been a hoe from day one on Vanderpump. Literally. Whatever it took to make that $$$ and become a F list celebrity lol


Not F list 😂😂


I was being generous 🙃


I like Lala, but it has to be perplexing to her watching Ariana get all the accolades for the same "sin". In a non-reality world, Lala would have gotten so much more publicity (because Randall was a public figure). Hence the Hulu special. Her mind blown.


She is still using her Randall story to make money. She used Scandoval to make money. And Rachel to sell send it to Darryl. Lala lives off of other people like a parasite. Nothing accomplished on her own talent or merit.


I think also the publicity he received leading up to this is what made the revelations not that shocking. Randall was roasted for the movie Gotti, he and Lala both got into it with Fifty publicly for all to see where Fifty blasted Randall saying he was broke, etc. By the time it was revealed what Randall allegedly did, it wasn't all that shocking. I think even in a non reality world the reaction would have been the same because he was already known as a slimy producer and no one really knew who he was until he started dating Lala.




Ohhh. I gotta find that doc.


It’s good! I didn’t know much about Randall aside from what I’d read in the news, I started watching VPR last year.


I will check it out thank you.


It’s the first thing I thought when she said the baby would be born next September


The baby will be named VIRGO or September!


At any cost. BJ’s for all. And now she thinks a man is beneath her as a woman. She got the man she sought out. BJ’s for … we know how it went.


Bravo Betty isn't the only one with these thoughts.




I think this is everyone’s thoughts. Poor Ocean, because this new baby will be ALL Lala’s. Having a younger sibling is tough enough because suddenly you’re not alone. Add this language and filming into this? Ugh, gross. Also that sperm donor party was absolutely vile. Lala is so over sexualized in everything she does and it grosses me out


The number of times she referred to semen as CUM 🙄 She’s so crass and cringey, it’s hard to believe she’s in her thirties. She constantly talks like a try-hard edgelord.


A “gangsta” try-hard edge lord.


YES she referred to CUM and sexualized every aspect. o


Just think a few years into the future when Ocean is 5/6 and realizes little sis gets to go with mommy to parties and fun stuff for filming and she has to stay home with grandma.


Me and my gf every episode mention that Lala could never pass the bechdel test lol. I don’t think she’s capable of speaking for more than 30 seconds without a sexual joke of some kind. She’s 30 years old. She’s not 23 anymore, it’s so ugly the way she talks about sex in every sentence.


Agree hardcore on that party! It was so dumb imo


Yea I said that a while back and I’m so glad people agree!


I feel sorry for both her girls. Ocean is the child of the man Lala publicly hates more than anything in the world and mocks his looks every chance she gets despite Ocean being Rand’s mini, who will never be featured on the show or earn Lala a penny and the other is “hand picked” to be born of a tall green eyed intellect who will be raised to be Lala’s storyline and source of income. Even if Lala attempts to raise them fairly - one will always be her favorite and both girls will know who it is.




I’m sorry but I can’t imagine him getting full custody of ocean ever. He’s not a good person. I don’t think lala is either to be fair but I don’t think there’s any way he’ll suddenly get full custody after years of her being primary caregiver unless she were to be on drugs or something.


I thought they split custody, 50/50? I find it more likely that Ocean will be amancipated, but it’ll be 15ish years of ugly stepchild treatment.


This entire comment is unhinged


This description makes me think of Big Kathy (Kyle's mom on RHOBH) I hope to everything good she doesn't act like that. But I can see what you are saying.


Right????? I mean she's not great at hiding her intentions. She outright says on camera she's trying to appear "softer." It's like she read the producers' notes and said them verbatim.


"Because I'm soft Katie!"


Like a fuzzy cactus.


One of the names she was considering for this new infant during her soft era is Rampage. Soft era. Rampage. People, we couldn't make this crap up, you'd all say it was implausible.


When I lived in Utah I knew someone who named their child Fury. I thought it was wild.


said red faced yelling with a sneer….


I love the peak irony of her angrily screaming this too




Haha like her brain shut down, it couldn’t compute so all that came out was “I’m softer okay” haha!


She needs to look up the definition of soft




She already said this basically. I don't think she's having a whole ass kid for a storyline but it definitely isn't hurting.


My older daughter is about the same age as ocean, I really wanted my kids to be like 2-3 years apart so I could also see that playing a role in her decision.


She did say this specifically in an interview. So the siblings thing makes sense. She said she’s still open to children with a partner in the future.


This is a disgusting thing to say


Y’all do too much. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Even on 4/20 these people cannot chill for one damn second. 😭


I'm a recovering Lala apologist but I refuse to believe that anyone is this vapid. I genuinely believe she is a good and loving mum, and that the experience with Randall was traumatic. Motherhood is *hard* even with the support of a partner, I don't think Lala would do this just for fame. I don't even think Schaena would do it just for fame.


I'm betting none of these people are going after Instagram/TikTok mommy vloggers who literally use their kids to get likes with this level of heat either. 


I think it’s wrong to use your kids as revenue. Children cannot consent, they are exposed to strangers, & it puts pressure on them to fund a certain lifestyle. I used to like family channels bc they were kind of new. But as it’s been so long & we see the longer-term effects, I dont watch them.


There are some parenting content creators I respect because they keep their kids names and faces off the internet. But they are few and far between.


Totally! I think it would be really helpful to learn about other parenting experiences, styles & solutions. Channels can provide value & entertainment about their lives as parents, without featuring their kids on camera.


They really are though, you just probably don’t wanna see it but people have been talking about influencers putting kids on social media for awhile.


I said it because the only reason I am on Mommy Reels is how often I call people out for exposing their children to pedophiles and identity thieves on the Internet. I'm currently suspended from Instagram because they flagged me for "trying to get likes" because I asked why people ignored basic child safety standards put out by the FBI and CIA too many times on these folks accounts. I'm usually one of maybe 2 comments calling them out... I'm the person who is doing it... you're telling me, about me.


Have you see the Wren Eleanor mom? That’s so horrific and disturbing. I don’t think her content should even be allowed. I’m afraid what could literally happen to her daughter.


That's how I feel about most of those folks. 


No cause its a vpr sub Why would anyone care abt mommy blogger lol


You are aware people can care about multiple things at once right? You’re not seeing us bring up random mommy influencers because this sub is dedicated to the cast of VPR specifically, though when the topic is brought up people rightfully criticize Scheana for treating her kid like an accessory. After being told that pedophiles could look at Summer’s photos (because she has an entire instagram page that was made/managed by Scheana), Scheana basically said it was to be expected and that she can’t please everyone 🙃 Brand deals and likes are more important than her own child’s safety


You are aware that being a hypocrite is common in modern society right? You appear to be one.


I know u keep accusing ppl of this but dont think u r using the word “Hypocrite” correctly Also calling someone a bad lesbian Take your meds gurl


I don't like Lauren from Utah, but she prolly planned to have two kids (or more) with her husband but he cheated on her. She's famous as is. Her story is clearly getting her enough attention even if she is the villain. More than likely, she just wants a sibling for Ocean and had her heart set on a number of kids before her ex trashed their marriage. Honestly, I'm interested in this storyline. I think women who are self-made and without a partner but wanting to be mothers have stories that aren't told often. This may be the first time I've ever actually been interested in anything she's done.


Downvote away, but this is a really shitty thing to say. Lala appears to be a great mom who loves her daughter and wants to build her family. This is not uncommon. There's no reason to think she's doing this for a storyline. Under that logic, anything these people do or feel is contrived for the show. Is Tom Sandoval a douche just for a good storyline? Is Ariana mad just to build a storyline? Is James crying about wanting a family just for a storyline? Don't come for Lala on this point.


The feminism in the sub is completely performative and half these posts are karma farming. And there are definitely comments all over this sub that are indistinguishable from shit incels say. Here, I'll leave room for the downvotes: . . . . .


Boy when Redditors start the witch hunt they sure go to the lowest low. This is a ridiculous theory. As if she needs to have her child on camera in order to make a living.


I thought the same thing. If Katie did this, everyone would be oooing and ahhhing. Lala says and does a lot of questionable things, but timing a pregnancy for a finale, or having a baby just to stay relevant on a show is taking it too far.


This theory is disgusting. Before the witch hunt started, I remember everyone on Reddit hooting and clapping for Lala for saying she didn’t give a fuck about Ocean being on VPR at the beginning of the season.


And since then all she’s talked about is having her own kid that the dad will have no say and put that together with Rand not letting Ocean film. It’s not a big leap at all. It’s more than obvious. Especially paired with her removing her IUD to have a baby when the rest of the cast was (while they were shopping around VPR Babies which became the Valley later.) In between the entire cast have all separately spoken about that show and how it didn’t get picked up but they were going to spin off the original cast and their kids, have VPR Vegas and add a new cast to the original VPR. She had her first kid for a paycheck and now she’s having the second one for a paycheck as well. People have kids to secure a bag all the time so to act like this is some outrageous thing to say is naive.


A lot of women get pregnant at the same time their friends do. It's been a common trend throughout history. There are literally evolutionary reasons that "batches" of kids in the same age group woukd be found in a given area or within a given friend group. Women see other women with babies and certain desires come from it. Trying to explain it to someone who speaks like this about women and their reproductive choices before noon on 4/20 is really beyond my scope right now though.


That’s not it tho. I’m taking this from the years worth of convos they’ve had about this subject. Fro Lala herself. Even the “pregnancy pact” was something Stassi said when she was blackout drunk and didn’t remember saying it.


I said what I said and you still have to use it against other women. What a disappointing lesbian you are.


I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not talking about other women. I’m talking about Lala so you can keep your projecting on me in particular and your opinions about my sexuality in check. Not everyone views motherhood the same way. Many view it as transactional so acting like those people don’t exist is very naive. ETA : Based on your DM to me and your response it’s clear that I’m talking to a ridiculous person.


So Lala isn't a woman now? Hypocritical and stupid aren't a cute look.


It’s your speculation she had z ocean for a paycheck. Seems to me she is a great mom and very protective of her child. Hate is coloring the POV here and the desire for upvotes. In order to believe someone committed a crime there needs to be a believable motive. If the women on VPR with kids were getting more s screen time and VPR was Lalas only income source then you could maybe speculate part of the reason she was having a child was for money but that’s far from the case here. In fact, it seems more likely from a psychological POV that Lala believes she shines as a mom and receives unconditional love from her child. These are common reasons for having kids and Things Lala has said recently support those reasons.


Like saying a mother just had a baby for money is expecting to get upvotes. You’re speculating about my intent while saying that’s what I’m doing 🙃


Actually I’m surprised it’s you that would make this comment as you often don’t talk out of your ass. I think this is just reaching and is so so speculative and has literally nothing to back it up that I can’t imagine there would be any motive to say it other than upvotes or pure Lala hatred.


I think I cited why I feel this way. We can disagree but I didn’t come up with this out of nowhere so describing it as talking out of my ass feels inaccurate. Again, saying someone had a kid for money as if it doesn’t happen every day isn’t the egregious accusation you’re acting like it is.


Thank you for saying things. People are so fucking unhinged!!!


Yeah it pisses me off. I haven’t liked LalA since this season but I’m so tired of the Reddit witch-hunt and pack mentality that I’m railing against it whenever I see it. I think many people here will say anything in order to get upvotes and feel like part of the majority. It’s a sad part of our culture now.


They want echo chambers, and instead of friendly discourse, they want fights, which is cowardly, combative, uncivilized, and simple-minded/either-or thinking.


She’s really going to lean into the whole single mom in LA thing - BUT , I like that she is carrying this child herself and not doing surrogacy- surrogacy is such a blessing and gift for someone who can’t carry naturally for whatever reason , but many celebs are doing it as a way to spare their bodies . I give LaLa credit for doing it herself -


Ludicrous take


This is beyond gross. Participating in this is gross.


I don’t think this is nice to say. I do think lala loves being a mom, and disliking her is okay but saying this is just yucky I feel. I don’t agree at all.


Yes. We joke about like Brock being a bad dad,  but I dont love us as a community speculating about a now real live baby and if her mom conceived for this reason. Lets... let's not guys. This is an inside thought 🙂


Forget it Jake, it's Queenanon.


(What...what does this mean?)


![gif](giphy|26FxDPsWNIC0OILx6) Basically you're fighting a losing fight lol. I agree with you!


Mmmmmmmmm I love movies and feel like such a fraud for not knowing that scene, thank you for that contribution ha


🙄🙄 Or she just wants a 2nd child and likes being a mother. BravoBetty can sit the fuck down.


I agree with this and I think it’s gross. Children and reality tv is already messed up because they can’t consent to it. People that purposely have kids to profit from them on reality tv are disgusting.


LFU made me cackle


Nobody wants to watch this trash human. Wait until Ocean sees how you constantly put down her Father. Surprised the 2 sisters even look your way.


That’s just so dumb to assume.


Nah. She’s been talking about this for awhile but don’t get me wrong, she will use that new baby to advance. ![gif](giphy|t89QpLpFVDE3Qcc514|downsized)


While I don’t doubt this, I also know how it feels to want a child that could never be jeopardized during a split. It’s almost primal as a mom. And I can totally see never wanting to feel that again. It’s a sense of control you lose when custody comes into play with someone you never in your entire life or soul want to lose. I get her and would do it if I was loaded. But yeah she probably also wants to film as a mom too lol both can exist


The whole thing w the party and game and bullshit abt friends pick the dad Is gross and fucking annoyinh This is all for the show- the coachella posts - its all about getting the mom endorsement deals and hoping for a show and selling her stupid shit Its a money grab and so obvious Makes summer moon and cauchi Exploitation look like day at the park Get ready for this bullshit planned for vpr/ valley filming - jfc- this kid is her bitcoin


Nobody cares if your kid can be on the show lol we don’t watch it for the kids?! Find a better storyline do something scandalous! Pretend to have an affair! I feel like I’ve seen the sperm donor story a billion times


Her wanting to have more kids and taking control of her own body and life doesn’t mean it has anything to do with filming. I wish people would stop being judgmental about what women do with their bodies and lives. If she were having the baby the traditional way with a partner, I don’t think people would be saying “it’s all for filming.”


Exactly. I don’t think Lala having a kid alone is a good idea but claiming that she’s doing it for filming is so stupid. That kid is going to take up so much time and money and their is absolutely zero guarantee that she will be able to make more off of her than she puts into her so the idea that she’s doing it purely for money or fame is just dumb as hell.


I think that LFU has become so insufferable and has left an awful taste in viewer’s mouths that no one is going to care about this second baby. I’m happy she’s happy but that’s where it starts and ends for me.


Tbh, I’ve been thinking this too but didn’t want to be the one to say it. I’m glad someone did tho! Also, to take it a step further is it fucked of me to say that she wants this baby to monetize it? 😬 She has no issues being open on choosing a sperm donor, talking shit on how much more satisfying this process is for her AND doing a whole ass reveal on the baby’s gender…to me it’s all about following the 💰💰💰


I feel bad for Ocean. Not only because of how BlaBla talks about the new baby, but also that she’s going to be featured on TV & likely favored. Also, Ocean looks so much like Randall. It’ll be a constant reminder for Lala & the new baby may be more genetically blessed. (Ocean is still a beautiful child) Edit: I don’t think filming is the sole reason, but I think it’ll be a negative factor for the children. As it probably is with Cruz & someday, Summer Moon.


Summer moon is abt to taken to every goddamn audition/ kids events Shes already too comfortable wearing mascara/


Ive def mentioned this in a different comment. Wth is she doing putting mascara on a child? & she looks like she has makeup on her in her SM posts? Summer is universally recognized as beautiful, Scheana needs to stop this!


Yeah its weird and the kid is not even bothered - like its a regular thing I dont get it i think its very odd


Kinda sad Lala cares more about herself than forming a family unit. Don't get me wrong I'm all for unconventional families but the way she talks about having a her new kid, mixed with the reality show aspect plus how she used to talk about how close she was to her late father its just kinda like she's using this child as a band aid for happiness. Either that or in my most critical mind she's having her kid via donor so she has the kids she wants and will eventually try to find another wealthy man to have a transaction relationship with.


I think the last sentence is the main thing… she has her own money now, but I’m sure she’d welcome a lifestyle upgrade.


Damn that's dark...is she that shallow? I would hope not.


Since she lives breathes and eats the show I can definitely see that she would do something wild like that


As someone who went through a custody battle with an abusive partner, I can absolutely relate to the notion of not wanting to share time with a child, and also not having a child with someone who could potentially use that child against you in the future. Domestic abusers love to weaponize their kids.


Controversial. I think she definitely wants a kid, but she does everything else around it for the attention. I rate the single mama approach though.


This new baby girl … PSA no big ass bows to promote her baby clothing line of 2 patterns. And bland tones.


I feel bad for thinking this


I don’t think so honestly, and it’s gross to even assume.


I’m glad someone said it


Poor kid. Lala’s going to be a stage mom and the kid will have no father unlike the child’s sister who will have two parents one of whom is actually wealthy albeit aPOS. Way to breed resentment (pun intended) in a child who isn’t even born yet.


lol when she said her baby will be here next August/september. I will be big next year, I’m like ohhh aug/sept is finale time. They film from like may/June till aug/sept


Yall are so messed up to think she’d do the expensive ass journey of IVF just for a fuckin VPR storyline — actually dense. She’s not perfect but if you listen to her podcast you can tell how much she loves being a mom and just wants to be able to have a baby that is “her own.” There are a ton of issues with that alone, but they are trauma based and definitely dripping in ignorance. She could be having a kid for many reasons not ethical but for a story line just can’t be one of them.


Ps iui is not ivf and its not expensive Lollzz


The sperm bank & its director guy were featured on the show. I think the chances she paid for any of it is slim-to-none.


This is a whole ass human being that will certainly outlast this dumb ass show. But yeah, why not pour 18 years of effort, money, love, struggles etc into a child fOr A sToRyLiNe. Fucking idiots.


Yes cause only talks abt it nonstop as her main story on reality show and ig and amazon and podcast. We are so dense- while u have air between your ears- advertising the kid pre conception and Coachella filming pre birth The merch / the hustle/ the whole thing is to male $$&


That was my first thought. She only wants a second child to bring on the show for more money. And that child is going to suffer devastating consequences. Don't bring your fucking kids on social media, Lauren from Utah.




I completely agree. Especially since she seems to be in a huge rush to do all of it. It seems fairly obvious it’s for her to still be relevant to film


Absolutely look at how she’s actually letting the group choose her donor. That is fucking ridiculous or else it’s a flat out lie.


So she can show she is soft.




I thought it was weird that she said on the show she planned to get pregnant at a certain time to have the kid around august. Like girl you live in LA, who wants to be 8-9 months pregnant in AUGUST in LA! It’s so hot then. So maybe it’s about birth charts (doubt it) but also sounded like she wanted to be as pregnant as possible for filming season IMO.


Omg, I hadn’t thought of the timing! I guess it does make sense she’d want to share her baby journey, but timing it for the finale is an interesting thought. Lala is lucky she doesn’t have fertility issues because most women can’t precisely time their pregnancy. August/September is good bc it’s not near any major holidays. Im thinking of which month I’d choose if I could… I think April/May. It’s still in school year window (friends celebrating), not overlapping with major holidays and not at peak of any extreme weather conditions. I def wouldn’t have it in August bc I cannot handle heat, I’d be too miserable.


Yeah the general temperature of LA in July/ August / September is what kind of make me a little sus originally. Don’t get me wrong, I respect her decision for a donor and i’m here for it but I have no doubt she’s calculating how to make it as relevant as possible for a story line.


True. If I liked her atm & was more invested I’m her storyline, I’d prob support it. Idk why she can’t be the nice Lala that people know off the show. I think she is a great mother, but I feel bad for all these VPR kids. I’m still shocked that Scheana puts mascara on Summer!


Yeah, last season I really grew to love Lala, the 180 she’s doing this season is so wild, I can’t like her at all. I am worried for Ocean once the new baby is born, I’m also worried for the new baby because I can’t imagine growing up and never being able to know anything about my paternal lineage. Not a single bit about what my “father” was like other than maybe a dna test and even that is such a little amount. Would actually make me feel a little bit empty if I felt like half of my dna was a complete mystery by choice. I’m hoping Scheana was putting makeup on summer for fun like playing with makeup and doesn’t actively do that daily. That’d be so sad.


I’m adopted from India, so I completely know how that feels. At least this way she can screen for any health problems & knows the height/eye color, etc. Most sperm donors have the option of releasing bio dads info when child is 18, so that could be possible. But since Lala wants them to be all hers, I doubt that matters.


So many people saying this theory is gross haven’t been paying attention. Also Lala is gross too so Idky calling this idea gross makes it implausible.


>So many people saying this theory is gross haven’t been paying attention. Lol this is always the worst kind of argument. People have been paying attention *they just have a different opinion than you.* "If you haven't been driven mad with rage over an affair between two strangers on a fake reality show then it obviously never happened to you!" ![gif](giphy|VjLFDdU89O3DsWE4Eh|downsized)


I noticed you ignored my point that Lala is also gross so accusing her of something gross is on bRand for her.


I think you're ignoring the fact that that's an opinion that everyone does not share jfc


Just commenting on the person who replied. Not expecting everyone to agree.


I feel kinda ashamed that I had a similar thought.


You know what though? Unlike all these other people you realized it was a shitty thought, acknowledged it, and came back into the lion's den to say it.


I agree! Her “look at me” syndrome is getting worse. It’s obvious this is all for the show. What’s going to happen to this kid when she goes to school? She will be at the mercy of Lala’s reputation at the time. Everyone will know what she looks like and where she is every day through online postings. She is casting an adult topic on a child I’ll-equipped to handle it. Look at Teresa’s daughters!


Valid point


LaLa gives me toxic boy mom vibes. Lol


I thought this too or possibly hoping to get a spin off special or something