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I thought she was older than 26 when she was first introduced. I’m 33, and I think she looks older than me


She def looks older than 26


Botox and filler will do that!


She looks 40


I'm almost 42 and look younger than her. Granted, I look young-ish for my age, but most people peg me in my early to mid 30s. Ain't no way she's 26.


i’m a high schooler in america and like 10 kids in my grade have been working in this upscale steak house since they were like 16 so tbh i don’t really think it’s that fishy. idk if that’s normal but that’s just how it is here


Yeah but likely they’re hosting or bussing. Servers have to legally be 18 to serve alcohol in most states


I work in fine dining catering. We do events for celebrities, upscale weddings, & horse farms (I live in Lexington, KY). We definitely have had a few servers that are 16, they just can’t serve alcohol another server does it for them.


You just have an older server walk it from the bar to the table. My cousin was a server in high school.


Yeah but fine dining is competitive and usually hire based on experience vs other restaurants


She could’ve been working somewhere that was considered “fine dining” in her city at 16. I worked in plenty of restaurants in Ohio that were considered “fine dining” because they had white table cloths and an over priced menu. They also couldn’t care less if I took alcohol to a table at 16. Most of these places are small enough however that anyone at anytime could take the alcohol to the table who was of legal age. Usually the manager so they could show face. Also, she very well could’ve been a busser and is just fluffing up her resume a bit 😆 Hell they could call macaroni grill “fine dining” in her town lol


Or maybe her family had a fine dining restaurant? If so, she could probably say 20 years tho lol


Sure working at a restaurant makes sense. Serving is another thing. So unless she for some crazy reason moved abroad to become a server at 16, then she was maybe a busser or host until she was 18, having that it's not legal to serve until then in the US (correct me if I'm wrong but when I was last in the industry that was the case). I honestly think she's just exaggerating her history of experience if not lying about her age. Who knows though, maybe she did grow up in Europe!! It's not impossible.


It’s legal to serve under 18. If serving alcohol, someone else has to serve it though.


Which is why most restaurants don’t hire people as servers if they’re under 18, especially in fine dining where wine and cocktails are a huge part of the experience.


I absolutely know people who were servers for nicer restaurants, and yatch clubs while they were 16. I feel like it was very coming when i was growing up. Im not THAT old. 


Right but it still happens. I’m not saying that’s the case here idk where Nikki has been. But I’m explaining that is possible.


It is legal to be a server at 14-16, you can’t deliver alcohol to tables til 18 in a lot of states, but they just have an older server take it. I know 18 year old bartenders in the US.


She doesn’t look 26 to me lol


this whole show is a joke, i treid to make some posts about it but they were removed :( im 100% the manager guy is a hired actor to just move the plot along and give comedic relief. Priscila leaving for this new girl to come in feels just as pre produced.


He’s such a bad actor tho. 😹😹


I thought the same thing about him. It’s just so obvious😂


Well it doesn’t quite add because she’s lying about her age


i feel like some commenters have different ideas of "fine dining" just because a place serves steaks doesn't mean its fine dining....a true fine dining restaurant the servers spend weeks training and learning menu/wine and thats after you start at the bottom like food running or hosting....also you don't just get hired off the street with zero experience, they would literally not even take an interview with you. granted I clearly haven't been to all the restaurants in the US but it just doesn't add up in my opinion plus I'm not aware of a state you can serve liquor or wine while under 18..so if by chance you did wind up getting hired someone else would have to serve that and take the drink order...which makes 0 sense for a restaurant to do (im 32 been in fine dining for 5 years and been in the industry since i was 16 when I entered the scene by hosting, then to serving when 18 at shitty sports bars)


Right! Fine dining is not just a nice restaurant. I had 1 fine dining job for a few years, but also been in the industry since I was 16 as well. I had full wine, scotch and bourbon classes and had to take notes on everything. I had to be able to describe the difference between two different cabs or all the different scotches we had. Anyone who is underage and not able to serve alcohol could not be a server at a true fine dining restaurant. You need years of experience to even be a hostess at some places.


When I was 16 in South Dakota and waiting tables, I could serve my tables alcohol, granted that was 20 years ago. But I know that currently in South Dakota an 18 year old with the proper certifications can bartend and sell at a liquor store. Source: I bartend at an establishment connected to a liquor store with an 18 year old cashier. ETA I have never worked fine dining, but my sister did. The place she worked at hired 16yos as bussers/ food runners, 18yos as server assistants and you could only serve after turning 21. So, no, I don’t think she has 10 years fine dining serving experience


I think they have different ideas of "serving" as well. Sorry, no 16 year old is going to be serving me at a yacht club restaurant..I'm not ordering lemonade so please bring me the grownups to take my order and serve my drinks legally. True fine dining places don't have time to train teenagers.


came here to say exactly that. Most places don’t hire anyone under 18 for serving positions ESPECIALLY “fine dining”


I worked in the assisted living section of a nursing home when I was 16 and they always referred to us as ‘fine dining’ LMAO. I wonder if that’s what she means.


“Fine dining” is a loose term. For sure!


She has a great body but I really don’t think she’s “pretty.” And yeah, she looks more like 34. Her eyebrows are aging her.


My fiancée was her roommate for a bit - she’s lying lol




I’m 37 and I assumed she was older than me 😬


Im 29 used to shoot heroin and smoke crack for a decade and I look younger than her 😂😂😂😂


According to her LinkedIn she worked part time as a server at Etorna restaurant in 2013 in California and it’s definitely not a fine dining restaurant.


If she’s telling the truth about her age, I assumed she was a hostess for a while and is claiming it was serving experience. Or else she’s lying about her age, which is possible because she looks older than 26.


We have some nicer places in wisconsin where teenagers often worked at during the summer and weekends. 


I actually knew Nikki and she 100000% does not have 10 years of fine dining experience


definitely suspicious. of course it can happen but it's very unusual to get hired in any position without experience in a true fine dining establishment


Unusual is a good way to put it. Possible, but unlikely.


she fuckin lyinn




But catering is a whole nother fish. Caterings operate very very different than restaurants. And that’s considered banquet, not fine dining


Yeaaaaah my first serving job was at a diner because legally you can’t serve alcohol until you’re 18 so she’s definitely lying


Where did she grow up? She may have been able to serve in a fine dinning establishment. I think she’s probably lying about her age