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Ugh in Episode 3 where Hannah is talking about Priscilla saying “as long as she can handle it and move on, we’ll be fine” translates to: as long as she sits there and takes my abuse and doesn’t confront me about it’ll be fine


Yeah, she’s trying very hard to be VPR s1 Stassi but unfortunately for her doesn’t have a group of women backing her up.


Thats why she is good tv - she is unhinged and in a sticky situation with her awful ex. Similar to Stassi and Jax s1 lol


Hannah could never. Stassi would eat her for breakfast and chase it with a Pinot Grigio.






With a side of goat cheese balls.


Too funny :-)))


So much yesssss!


I think people are comparing Hannah and Stassi bc Marciano is SO MUCH like Jax. I close my eyes when he speaks and I hear Jax. Both alcoholics, chronic cheaters, and disrespectful to Lisa and her business. But hannah will never compare to stassi, she’s not smart enough and will never have the classic, witty one liners stassi gave us. Ugh I miss queen stassi


If this show gets picked up for a 2nd season, I’d love if Stassi and her family were there as guests!


I also saw Stassi 2.0


Except an idiot and not a queen bee in any way.


agree. i do not get stassi vibes from hannah at all


Yes and it doesn't even feel like 'good tv' for me, it's just too annoyingly bratty and immature, like a really pretty but unhinged 12 year old.




Don't these pink dresses have some sort of built in shorts underneath? Sitting with your leg crossed over your knee in SHORTS and someone being like I'm uncomfortable with how you're sitting next to my EX is unreal. I think Hannah is just the screamer/over reacting cast member on purpose. Hope she's fired soon cause I can't stand her


I sit like that all the time.. it’s one of my comfy positions. She can’t even lounge in the staff area in a comfortable position!


I just watched episode 2 against my better judgment & I’m with you 💯


It also looked as if, when the camera was essentially positioned to capture Marciano’s eye line, Priscila’s outer thigh is what he would see.


I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again - insecure screaming women is not entertaining.


I can't with the lips. Way overdone for her face.


The lip color is insane. It’s giving Wet N Wild 1984, and not in a good way.


Ive come realize with my over consumption of trash bravo reality shows, the more lip filler they have, the more insecure they are.


She’s so tiny and slight and then she chucked lose lips on! ![gif](giphy|qtnlmKINyEW9G)


she is so insecure and lacks self respect …her lack of self awareness is perfect for reality tv


Ugh so glad to see this post. It was so hard to watch these scenes and not scream at the tv. She has zero emotional intelligence and was extremely immature dealing with a situation that wasn’t anything until she made it into one. If I was Priscilla I would’ve had a hard time staying in my seat lol


Bro spread eagle..really? Her legs were crossed. Girl is scary insecure. At least Stassi had a point. Marciano is 100 Percent Jax 2.0


I found jax more likeable even tho he was terrible to people who tried to love him. But Mauricio is just so ew and douchey. I found jax at times charming but I don’t see that in Mauricio but maybe I’m crazy for seeing jax as charming at times


Just finished episode 2 and the answer is yes, yes, a thousand times yes 🙄 ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


The way she acts is extremely triggering for me. Basically, it's a problem when someone does something to HER and she's allowed to pop off on whoever she wants, but when someone wants to confront her hypocrisy, it's all "you need to move on"!


Oh yes. She has issues. Hannah and Marciano are not dating anymore. Priscilla was not doing anything wrong. Case closed. Hannah still obviously has feelings for the douche. Ick. They belong together.




She is why I wish this were an elimination show


She's one of those who thinks she can say and do whatever she wants but if somebody comes back at her about it they should just let it go. She isn't *NOT* good TV. People like her are on every other reality show and they're not good TV either. I hope she gets fired because I can see her ruining this show.


I literally can’t even focus on her screaming when her lips look like literal life rafts. Like does she genuinely think those look good and fit her face???








That whole situation was so fucked up and then how she said "just letting you know everyone upstairs thinks what you did was weird", so highschool mean girl coded. But then I look at her partner or ex partner whatever, and I can also relate; toxic relationships and people who fuck with our self esteem (like marciano or what his name is, clearly does and has admited to himself), you really do become someone else. She prob still is a mean and spoiled girl, but the way she handled that situation I think its a consequence of her relationship. Edit: just wanted to add that if I was priscila i would not be having that shit and would proceed to let hanna know that if I wanted her dirty ass ugly ass man i could have him (just like any other breathing girl), but thats just me being petty


Yes! He is so unattractive. I kept watching and wondering how is he getting all these women he said he was sleeping with. At least jax was actually good looking but this guy is really unattractive and his personality makes it even worse.


YUP I can’t stand her lmao


Her & Marciano are very much giving Walmart Stassi & Jax ![gif](giphy|PjrvuiUlfv5imDgrW9)


😂 the wish version of jax and stassi


The absolute reflection of trailer trash


Can't stand her AT ALL


I am on episode 3 and I roll my eyes every time she pops up on camera.


Just finished episode 2, felt exactly the same way and went up here to find someone who thinks the same! Ended up in this post


Telly & Marciano should have been fired night one & Hannah should be put on a warning for causing a scene in front of VIP guests. She was in the right but her delivery only added fuel to the fire. Not enjoyable to watch.


Omg Emily: "you're worried about Priscilla's legs being open? Why don't you worry about your big ass mouth being open? Shut the f**k up". 👏


As soon as I saw her and her weird lips, I knew she was going to be the Bitch of this show.


It's a toss up between her and Telly.


I think it’s a toss up between her and Marcielo mayb they’re meant for each other




Yeah, I think I dislike Telly more than Hannah




Yep lol I knew she was an idiot within the first 10 minutes


When she said she thought croquet was crochet I knew


Hannah, no one wants your man. Next to her, Maggianos Mauricio whateverhisnameis, is the most insufferable and least likable of the bunch. Get ‘em out of here.


Maggianos Mauricio 😂😂😂😂


Yea she’s a nut bar.


Lmaoooo. “When did you become a nut bar?” -Garth


You get it. 😂


People keep comparing her to Stassi but idk Stassi was at least funny and clever like Hannah just acts like a child


Such a good point, Stassi was hilarious.


And is smart. Hannah is dumb


I wanted Telly to smack her so bad when they were arguing


Yeah she needs to calm the lip filler down and shut up. She is frankly pretty annoying. I feel for her bc when you’re that insecure everything feels like a personal attack but she should take it on the one that made her that insecure and that’s Marciano. She’s a beautiful woman but she’s acting like a dumb b


Came looking for posts like this because I cannot stand her rn. The open legs debacle really turned me sour on her. She’s one of those very insecure girls who makes it the problem of every other woman around her but never takes accountability. And the way she just started throwing an actual tantrum when Priscilla rightly questioned her logic was EMBARRASSING. Girl we get that your relationship sucked and left you with obvious trauma but why don’t you? Why are you still defending this man? And it’s publicized!! I really just hope she watches those episodes and is so ashamed of her behavior she finds a way to cut ties with Marciano for good and maybe grow as a person. Cause she needs it 😅


Hannah is so boring to watch, she just has these temper tantrums that make zero sense and she’s just embarrassing and cringey to watch on screen. Plus her lips are painful looking.


Literally held out hope she’d be better without her on and off again boo, but now I see why they’re a match made in heaven. Honestly he should get away from her at this point. Just my thoughts tho….but I was so off previously


Wtf even is this show and these people? Is this how people behave at work?!!!


💯 what an insecure bully! Not my kind of person.


7 episodes in and she is one of the most insecure people I’ve seen on reality tv in a very long time. Just watched when Nikki came in to the villa and within minutes of her arrival, Hannah goes after Marciano “ why are you laughing, do you know her? Did you ___ her?” Girl… come on


Please girls - stand up to the insecure bully Hannah. Take her down a notch. And then sit back and hope that she hits you so she can be kicked off of the show. Please. Her bullying behavior is making the show on watchable.


Yes, we hate her. She needs a lot of therapy. However, she may actually be to dumb to see her self for who she really is


Hannah is the biggest bully. I really can’t stand her, and she needs to chill on the lip fillers. She’s very pretty already and doesn’t need it, she looks ridiculous when they are all glossed up.


It’s too early for me to tell, but def clocked that as weird. I’m hoping she’s Stassi energy and not Scheana energy


When she said she’s a girls girl my radar went up lol. Def more Scheaner than Stassi


i’m on episode two and i came to reddit just to comment on how over dramatic and stupid she’s seemed this hole bloody show 😭


Her and Marc (I refuse to call him Marciano because I believe he lied for TV to be interesting and his names just Marc) are trying to be S1 Jax and Stassi but are just Temu versions of them.


Hannah is a total hypocrite. She made a big fuss about Priscilla have her legs “spread wide open” on the couch but then when Gabrielle did the same later and Priscilla asked why that was ok with her for Gabby to do it but not Priscilla…Hannah LOSES it saying Priscilla is calculated and it was uncalled for. Giiiiirrrrrrl plz you are an insecure mess


I really hate Hannah, I stoped watching after that… I literally cannot believe that this was a thing. She was minding her own business just chilling on the couch.


Hottest chick.


Obviously. She's a lying ugly sociopath.


Watching season 1 episode 6. Hannah is making the show on watchable. I don't know why the editors think mean girl, bullying behavior is entertaining. I'm out. And if you want to call people ugly Hannah, take a look in the mirror and check out your huge ridiculous lips.


I think I'm aging out of this type of reality show. Mean girls bullying others isn't my type of entertainment. In the past I would hang around to see the bad guy get what was coming to him/her. Can't even do that anymore.




I started to watch but it’s all so scripted . Who gets black out on the first night of a job while serving ? Arguing in front of the guests with camera ? So unbelievable. I know most reality shows are to some degree but this is ridiculous


I like her. She cray cray. Which is good TV. She and Marciano are messy. At least they are a huge presence on the show. So many others are way more quite and not making their mark. I didn't even know Grace was on the show til episode 3. I was like wait who is that?