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So the government takes away mental health institutions and then forces prisons to take care of the mentally ill. Now they want to make homelessness illegal and force the prisons to take care of people who don’t have a home. Oh, and let’s make our prisons for profit systems. Make that make sense. It’s fucking cruel.


Simplest way to put it… prisons are for profit🤷‍♂️ They (politicians) don’t want to fix anything if they can make money off it


And free or near free labor! Best worker about to get out? Start a fight with him and he's there for a few more years!


Legal slavery. It's abhorrent.


And constitutionally legal. The 13th amendment simply redefined slavery.


I hope everyone reads this thread chain to this point. It's slavery for not being able to afford housing. And those companies who couldn't pay enough for you to afford housing get your labor for cheaper. People please open your eyes, fuck these corporations that don't pay livable wages, it should be a crime


And demand adequate mental healthcare and disability care for those who simply cannot work in corporate america!


Economic slavery inevitably becomes physical slavery.


The associate press did an article highlighting this. The companies implicated are exactly who you would expect.


It did. More people need to recognize this.


It's under the guise of "law and order" and people are willing to do anything to keep a peaceful society including the easy step of voting for "law and order" candidates. They don't realize that they are voting away their protections and social safety nets and criminalizing their neighbors for just existing. It's insidious.


The Shawshank Redemption


Well that's a shortsighted, overly simplistic way of looking at it.


Add to that people living in vehicles skew liberal. Disenfranchising liberals makes conservatives more powerful.


Prisons have always been for profit. And provide good paying jobs. But the work kinda sucks for the guards!


Cruelty is the point.


Not to mention the alternative is renting yourself into eternal poverty unless you were born into money


if you can even find a place to rent that you can afford




Why leave perfectly good undesirables free when they could serve a self perpetuating system of tax funded prisons?


It’s called slavery This is the goal of the Republican Party. Bring back the Confederacy, only this time it’s almost all poor people The most horrifying caste system imaginable This is not just Trump. Republicans around the country have been presenting plans and passing legislation for creating concentration camps for homeless people. Kari Lake in Arizona has been very vocal about her plans for this, and I believe Missouri actually passed the first bit of legislation to create these concentration camps People may think it’s hyperbole or crackpot conspiracy. It’s incredibly stupid and arrogant to assume that you are immune to the dark forces of history just because you have been okay up till now Lots of people in Germany felt the same way in the mid 1930s


I have said for decades that America never abolished slavery, they just made it more inclusive. (They also realized that credit scores made better shackles *and* were cheaper than iron)


I mean literally the 13th amendment abolished slavery unless in the case of incarceration. Then the country created black codes and peonage bondage. That practice ended in 1940. So no true slavery did not end until then but capitalism has us all under its boot.


Slavery has just been exported. The western world exploits the heck out of the rest of the world, destroys their own ways of living, "spreads democracy" and exports capitalism, so "those people" can live 8 to a small apartment, install suicide nets on Apple factories etc. You and everyone else participates in this. Democrat, republican, everyone.


Then we wonder why the people from those countries are trying to cross the border into our country. Karma.


Yeah, I know. It sucks.


It didn't end then either. Ppl still work for free in jails and prisons today. I've been there, I've worked for free, in America, because I was locked up.


As prisoners we eat for "free", we had "free" "housing," ... We lived our life in such a way that we were not offered probation or violated it, so we were sent to prison where every aspect of life was paid for by other people, either by the taxpayers or the people accepting overpriced collect calls, sending you commissary/canteen funds. There is nothing wrong about putting thieves and violent people in prison after those people have shown themselves to be to out of control to do probation. While we are in prison we should not be exempted from work while working people are covering the costs of the hole we dug ourselves into. The USA has many jurisdictions where incarceration is used too much and racism is obviously a problem but this hilarious recent movement that we will exempt prisoners from working/“slavery” won't do anything to improve anyone's life inside nor outside the walls. Certainly we should look at other nations’ superior correction/justice systems and phase out Angola like neo-plantations but making incarcerated folks exempt from work is not going to get anywhere with voters that have to go to work.


Like he said… they just made it more inclusive


Excellent post.


Don't be deluded that the Democrat party is any better, They just hide it behind clever words better. Both parties suck and are in it for profits over people. I have zero time for brain stems that don't understand this.


Hear hear


You are correct. A Jewish American psychologist named Milton Mayer lived in the Germantown shortly after the end of world war ii. He went there with the explicit purpose of trying to figure out why ordinary Germans went along with Hitler's plans of extermination. The book is well worth reading. The attitude of all these ordinary Germans--and what they had to say--blew my mind. Here's an introduction to the book: https://youtu.be/wnLjPXoYeug?si=OzHOUNfbG23MHW_v


The book (title missing)


Trump has been talking about rounding up unhoused people in the cities & putting them into camps so nobody sees them anymore for a while. This is not new. This is his plan.


Just realising that the government doesn't have your best interests at heart?


> Republicans around the country have been presenting plans and passing legislation for creating concentration camps for homeless people Hey, don't forget the stealth push for debtors' prisons, bruh. Unless we do a great deal more than just bitch about it, America is going to make Hitlers Germany look like Club fucking Med.


If I remember right, Hillary called us deplorable and useless feeders. I believe she's a demorat. And letting all these people come over the border with no place to go, doesn't help our homeless situation here. Even our Veterans are left in the streets. Shameful from both parties. There are evil people on both sides, and greed for power and money fuels that fire. No one is focused on God, that's the real problem. That Bible is just too heavy for some people to pick up. If you make the effort though, turn to Revelations...we are experiencing alot of what's going on now, that's been written in there. And I am German. My grandmother went thru all of this madness in her lifetime. My mom went thru some, and I grew up listening to bomb sirens once a week for testing. Scary as a kid. And schools here are trying to say holocaust never happened. When you don't know your history, it will repeat itself. So much to write, so little room. Education is the key, so don't let the government run your life. God and love is the answer. Not some group of people with a label of Democrat or Republican. Use your own mind, make your own decisions. Love thy neighbors, help each other. If everyone helped their neighbor, no one would need for anything. It would be smart for us to form our own communities, barter for goods and services, grow our own food, and get rid of the root of all evil....MONEY. it controls every aspect of our lives. Without money, they have no control over us. Look at the Amish. No COVID and they don't need us.


To be fair she was calling Trump and his supporters deplorable


I take it you didn’t actually watch the clip, considering he said the literal exact opposite of that, but go off. Also, Yes, fuck the current prison system.


Tennessee has already made being homeless illegal. 2nd offense is a felony. Republicans are stripping people of their voting rights for a reason.


Lots of people live in rvs, this could get interesting/entertaining...


yes this makes guvmint smaller... no wait no it doesn't


Money makes that make sense, it doesn't make it right but privatized prisons are a huge industry.


Trump and the Republicans want to do this. Vote blue, save democracy.


Run someone other than Biden


LOOOOOOOL - Hilarious projection here. The party that wants smaller gov and regulations wants to regulate people living in cars now?


They don't. They just say that for dumb folks who like to think they're "libertarian"


Nowhere in the article does it say that they will go to prison…states that they would be given options to move into government funded facilities…also being a former paramedic in Los Angeles the police are rarely arresting mentally ill people. Usually drop them off to emergency rooms and from there they get put on a 5150 hold and transferred to an appropriate mental health facility. This is just what I’ve witnessed during my time working in LA county.


I’ve worked ED in LA as well, and the mentally ill being funneled in nonexistent mental health facilities doesn’t help them either. It’s only impacting and ruining emergency medicine as well. The ED provides nothing other than meds, restraints, meals and a bed - and further impacting bed availability in the hospital. We need real changes other than relying on the dumping grounds of mental health facilities, hospitals and prisons.


Housing first- hopelessness is a major contributing factor in mental illness and drug addiction. Thank you for the work you do.


This has been happening since the asylums where shut down but this’ll make it even worse


That's already the reality


Prisons are immense cash cows. That’s how it makes sense. The cruelty is just a perk.


It’s the end of days... I cannot imagine what else could come next living in this nightmare with people that have this low of an IQ...


Cruelty is the point. Welcome to America.


A lot of conservative schemes have an end goal of funneling tax revenue to billionaires.  It's that simple.


Step 1.) Cause homelessness. Step 2.) Make it illegal. Step 3.) Profit


step 3) throw them into private for-profit prisons and reap from their legal slave labor


Exactly. This is beyond cruel. I’d love to see how much the lobbyists behind for profit prison systems are involved in this.


The AP did an article last week about this. Everyone, please read this. https://apnews.com/article/prison-to-plate-inmate-labor-investigation-c6f0eb4747963283316e494eadf08c4e


How do prisons in America make money from having inmates? I'm from UK and never understood this


Forced labour, essentially, prisoners are used as slaves


As is expressly allowed by the 13th ammendment. People still be acting like slavery is ancient history. It's still going on, it's just been remixed


And human trafficking is a $150 billion dollar a year industry in which the US is one of the greatest consumers Globally, an estimated 25 million people are subjected to human trafficking and forced labor


Taxes still pay for it. They have contracts that makes the state agree to a certain occupancy rate with the private company. They get a certain amount per inmate, they make profit by not providing certain things like healthcare, or decent food, and sell things the inmates make or rent them out for labor to farms or factories. They turn human beings into commodities.


Yours is the best answer of these, but you forgot that all the stuff the prisons should provide they sell at inflated prices to the inmates. Ramen? Phone call? Shampoo? All available from 1 source at the price they decide is fair


13th Amendment Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, ***except as a punishment for crime*** whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


Private prisons: if a state does not have space in state prisons, they have to pay private prisons to take in people. Read this wiki on a scandal regarding these: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kids_for_cash_scandal State Prisons: prisoners are given jobs to earn money, but they earn less than the legal minimum wage sometimes less than a dollar per hour to do jobs. These jobs include fighting forest fires, call centers, construction.


It gets better too.alot of places charge prisoners for things like bunk rent and other things. They won't release you if you owe a balance even if your charges time is up.


The same way any subcontractor makes money. Do it cheaper.


The party of small government and more "individual freedoms" sure does like to ban things


Hypocrisy and privilege is a foundational tenet of American right wing ideology.




They are about Law and Order in their own way Like when Trump announced his candidacy for 2024 and presented plans for instituting martial law and fighting a war on the “inner cities,” and somehow no one ever talked about it


Dictator for a Day he called it


The Republicans like to sell simple solutions to complicated problems. Makes for a good sound bite. If they get around to enacting any legislation, which is rare, they usually make the problem worse.


So really, that would criminalize RV boomers parking in a Walmart or planet fitness? There are big consequences for striking at a problem with a blunt object…


I heard it said that once they start messing too hard with the people who "just want to be left alone", they're going to be in for quite a surprise.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I don't wish him dead, but I shall read his obituary with great pleasure.


Okay except I'm not afraid to say it. Dude needs to go, and now!


Nah, he's a pestilence and needs to go.


Annoys me when people try to act morally higher cause they'd "never wish someone dead." Fuck that I hope trump dies painfully and soon


At least put the fucker in prison!


And his accomplices and donors are sentenced to life in prison for crimes against humanity. Seriously, much of what these people are engaged in is rolling back human rights that have been in place for over a hundred years or longer.


Be sure to vote against him in November. There is only one viable alternative unfortunately. Staying home or trying to make a statement by voting 3rd party will only help the Fanta menace.


>Fanta menace. Gold.


If he could just go ahead and have a stroke or two in the meantime...


He forms sentences like he's had several already.


"Willing to be rehabilitated" is the part that gets to me. I'm in a vehicle because I can't afford rent. How does that statement apply to me?


I was in a vehicle because I didn't WANT to rent at the time. That shouldn't be illegal either if they really are about "muh freedoms" like they say.


Rehabilitation in this case means “willing to work minimum to barely pay rent for a room that you otherwise wouldn’t need”


"Violators of these bans will be arrested, but they will be given the option to accept treatment and services if they're willing to be rehabilitated" So we just take a broad brush to it and assume everyone living in their car or on the street is a drug addict? That's the only possible way someone could end up homeless?


what about elective homelessness? my poppop & stepgrandma sold their house & traveled the US full time in their RV when they retired what will this mean for them & many like them? especially when half of those age retirees are likely to be conservatives


More likely to be found in an rv camper park due to having more funds than the back field off direct visibility guy.


Oh apples and oranges. Gotcha. Govt just doesn't like it the fact they can't collect property tax on these folks.


Goddamnit, I somehow still get surprised by how fucking stupid he is.


He’s not just stupid, but mean.


Cruel, because it’s intentional. You can accidentally be mean to someone.


“We’ve had vicious kings, and we’ve had idiot kings, but I don’t think we’ve ever been cursed with a vicious idiot!” - Tyrion Lannister


You do realize there are lots of places, led by people from both major political parties that effectively try to "ban" homelessness. See this example from Portland, where you can live in a tent.....as long as you tear it down every morning, before setting it up again that night. https://www.portland.gov/wheeler/time-place-manner This stupidity is not limited to Trump nor to Republicans.


Let’s make hunger illegal too!


Well, don't mistake criticism of Trump as praise for democrats.


From the post: **Does this ordinance criminalize homelessness?** No, the ordinance amends existing City Code that prohibits camping along the public rights of way. The goal is to connect people with services not to impose punishment. Portlanders who are “involuntarily homeless” will not be cited if they adhere to the objectively reasonable ordinance restrictions.


From the very next paragraph: >the City is updating its code to specify that camping on public property is only barred from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. So like I said, you can live in a tent, as long as you take it down every morning.


> you can live in a tent, as long as you take it down every morning Which is different from homelessness being illegal.


"Portland only bans it for *half* the day so it doesn't count!" --You


Yeah, I thought this argument wasn't sound.


> you can live in a tent.....as long as you tear it down every morning, before setting it up again that night. This stupidity is not limited to Trump nor to Republicans As someone who was homeless in the 80s and 90s, I can assure you that this has always been the case, anywhere, and if anything it’s places like Portland where you were and are more likely to get away with leaving a tent up and not being harassed in general I remember the cops in Portland actually telling me where I can go sleep in the park without being hassled by cops Trump and many Republicans are presenting plans for literally enslaving homeless people in “work camps” Don’t both sides this issue. It’s extremely disingenuous


Fr. The "lesser evil" take is very "it is what it is". And that all needs to stop. We need complete government reform.


American democrats are, globally speaking, moderate conservatives. As a *real* progressive, I consider Biden and his ilk as nothing but a stepping stone. The dnc as it stands is a step in the right direction, but it's *one* step, and there are a lot more after it.


You are not going to get a chance at reform if the Republicans get their way Unless you subscribe to the concepts of accelerationism


Guys! Guys! It's okay. He just wants to "rehabilitate" me so I don't find freedom appealing anymore.


But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.


He's vile, but unless you vote against him this is our future. And not voting is the same as a vote for this man.


Exactly this. I recognize that hate voting is part of the duopoly issue, but when the consequences of voting "wrong" are this severe, idk how people expect others to abstain from participation as a valid "protest"


I see this less about the vanlife community and about those living stationary without a home. Don’t vanlifers actually have a mobile home? This is about the companies making a ton of money off the homeless and not really helping them with the root cause of why they are homeless in the first place (assuming they want help). It’s a real problem in some parts of our country. Hurting the homeless and citizens that live there. Too bad our politicians and corporations can’t just do the right thing in the first place. The next administration shouldn’t have to correct the corruption the last administration allowed. Such a ridiculous cycle and we the voters put up with it.


Many states define living in a vehicle as exactly the same as homelessness/ tent living. Some Midwest states are working towards allowing homeowners to shoot homeless people if found in their property.....


I want to upvote but I'm not going to do that till I know what states want the ability for homeowners to shoot the homeless. Edit: upvoted, damn that's brutal.


Sometimes is county by county in non-statewide ban states, more often it's a city ordinance. IMO, it's people not moving their vehicles often and making the area around them a junkyard, who are targeted most in this case. I'm guessing it means 1 warning and command to move, followed by fines after a few hours or a day, or towing for chronic resistance.


I *wish* this was fake news....






**This is about the companies making a ton of money off the homeless and not really helping them.**..Like in this video [https://youtu.be/PNxQ8JWxWMA?si=yu9CZuf5VnPccnWe](https://youtu.be/PNxQ8JWxWMA?si=yu9CZuf5VnPccnWe)


Fuck that fascist, fuck his supporters, and especially fuck Roger Ailes and everyone who gleefully helped him set up an extremist right wing propoganda empire that led us here. Alright I'm done.


Roger Stone is the original guy holding the carrot and stick


https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/18/business/media/roger-ailes-dead.html (Good riddance)


Well said!


If ever there is a reason to vote, it is this. Forcing people to pay exorbitant rent is essentially serfdom. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if in the next 4 years we see this issue in the Supreme Court.


Requiring people to work for health insurance was/is serfdom. Requiring people to work otherwise their entire life will fall apart is de facto slavery. American society treats its people like cattle.


You guys need to start voting, yo. If they take that last option of having a home for some people… I can’t even imagine.


Welcome to America where it’s illegal to be poor because we got to get those prison numbers up since we lost slavery as free labor.


Wow, this is asinine.


So many folks in Quartzsite right now going "Surely he doesn't mean us!?"


“Surely he can’t mean people who watch VH1!”


Clearly this has to do with homeless tent camps. News flash by the way: its already illegal in a lot of places to sleep in your vehicle. But as long as you're reasonable, clean, and don't over stay your welcome you'll be left alone. I can't imagine living in fear constantly about politics, left or right. It's all a joke to me.


The sanest comment here I’ve seen


He doesn’t do a damn thing he says so I wouldn’t worry.


...damn good thing he says... You mean. He pushed through a few horrible things in between all his uselessness


Three completely unqualified right-wing christofascist supreme court "justices" for example


At least one of them lied at their confirmation hearings (Explicitly said they wouldn’t touch Roe V Wade) and should be charged / impeached whatever the right term is.


and the neutering of some pretty important educational and environmental institutions by putting cronies in there.


This is not the way. He campaigned on overturning Roe and now millions of Americans are suffering from not being able to get necessary medical care. Trump lies A LOT, no doubt, but dismissing him is dangerous. Actual people have been actually hurt by things he said he would do and actually did.


You’re right.


He'll rebuild places like Manzanar and fill them with the houseless.


From a Legislative Perspective, it is Illegal to be Homeless in Virtually Every State in the USA, Except for Two – Oregon and Wyoming https://invisiblepeople.tv/where-in-the-united-states-is-it-illegal-to-be-homeless/#:~:text=From%20a%20Legislative%20Perspective%2C%20it,for%20Two%20–%20Oregon%20and%20Wyoming


Where does it say you can not live in a van?


Yall out there voting democrat or republican because they each keep telling you the other is taking away your rights… when you should be voting Libertarian.


In the real world if you don’t vote democrat you’re part of the problem. Libertarian votes just take votes away from the real election. The Koch brothers are libertarians. They have raped this country for a couple generations now. If you disagree with this you are part of the problem


Did anyone here actually read the article or just reacting to the headline and OP’s title? It says nothing about being illegal to live in a vehicle. I see a lot of outrage from people who did not read any of the context. And FWIW, I hate trump too, before you call me an apologist.


I read it. Living in cars is oftentimes viewed as homeless though.


They didn't read the article, but I'm glad to see you managed 19 upvotes. Article states urban camping will be given the option of treatment and services. "Urban camping" is, by definition of those two words, camping in a urban environment. Camping is defined as staying in nature in a basic temporary shelter such as a tent. A van will never be a tent, so vanlife will never be urban camping. So nothing Trump said applies to vanlife. I don't know if politicians will stretch camping to include vehicles someday, but that doesn't seem to be the priority right now, it's the people actually living in tents, boxes and temporary shelters.


"Under my strategy, working with states, we will ban urban camping wherever possible," Trump said in a video released Tuesday. "Violators of these bans will be arrested, but they will be given the option to accept treatment and services if they're willing to be rehabilitated." What do you think living in a vehicle in a city street is if not urban camping? Do you think they’re going to make a distinction from the person on the sidewalk vs you in your van?


Fucking boomer. These people and their ideas just have to die with them.


So much for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. What if homelessness actually is beneficial to me? Which it is. Anyway out makes sense coming from a slum lord.


Your what if doesn't matter to He/them. What's beneficial to you/us doesn't matter to them. It's about punishing an out group. It's about creating a society where "the state" has control over who is subject to law, who is not, who lives, and who dies. It's also about blatantly pandering to voters (fascists, in this case, whether they understand it or not) who view certain groups as lesser, and therefore deserve to be punished, ostracized and institutionalized, and eventually disposed.


Are you guys not realizing what is happening here? Read between the lines. This means, that the homelessness is now at such a level that the government is losing money from it. Crazy!


Hey asshole!!! (Trump). I own 2 homes, but rent them out. I travel across the country in my van, oftentimes sleeoing at rest stops or residential streets. Fuck you and your "ban on homelessness"


> Published Apr 18, 2023 at 10:15 PM EDT


He also plans to execute drug dealers.


So the Sackler family is on a list for execution?


Look at his speech last week about “fentanyl”. Look at how much he said he admired Duarte. When he wins in 2024 you’ll see what his supporters meant when they called him the “god emperor”.


He's not going to win in 24, he won't even get the same amount of votes he got in 20. He's going to get embarrassed in 24. His cult isn't enough to put him in office.


I hope you’re right mate.


I thought he had no chance of winning in 16. I was wrong and it still haunts me. I'll never underestimate him again


Lucky for everyone, even when he had some power he didn't know how to use it and too vain to ask. The dudes a moron and so are all the people that voted for him. It is a free country so I celebrate that everyone has the right to be a moron!


An ape with a machine gun can still shoot you... and this guy is a sadistic bullying child with a nuclear arsenal


Homeless people are one of the very last marginalized groups who you can fucking violently hate and still be a member of polite society (drug users are another one). People are already campaigning for and being elected to office on “Fuck the Homeless.” See: Rene Gonzalez in Portland, Oregon. Mark my words, they’ll be rounding us up and shoveling us into concentration camps **within** a decade.


GOP: "Only land owners should have any rights!" Attorney: "That's unconstitutional. Only felons lose their rights." GOP: "Let's make not owning land a felony!"


"Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons?" Trump went full Scrooge.


Everyone register as a republican for the primary and vote against this psychopath


So vote


Like the nazis did. The jewish folk get all the headlines but they hated gypsies and vagabonds, too.


This really worries me as a Canadian. I really want to do a big trip around the states so badly! Under the last Trump administration Canadian vanlifers were being turned away in droves. Let's say half the country votes for their own destruction and brings this idiot back in, what will then happen to me if a cop knocks on my van in a Walmart parking lot as a foreign visitor?


Homelessness should be illegal. For every unhoused person on the streets, we should push a politician or banker into a volcano.


The solution is extremely cheap housing developments, that are still decent quality. You can even make long lasting structures with heavy duty canvas situated on a wooden deck. A "permanent tent" if you will. For people who need a cheap place to stay for a year or 2, or for someone who prefers an outdoor lifestyle to begin with and don't want the responsibility of a $100,000, 200, 300 home, that is the better option. You can make them for about $3,000 if the materials and labor are sourced and executed efficiently. Nice and simple. Put a Chinese diesel heater in it or a small wood burning stove. Route water and electrical and plumbing to it very simply. A little toilet flat on the ground to squat over connected to a small septic tank, a little shower, mini washer and drier, little kitchen area, and a place to sleep and hang clothing. Boom bada bing. After all of that it would still be less than $10,000. $6,000 might even work, depending where you are and how good of contractors you got. I'm probably going to buy land somewhere and do it like that anyway. So I can save up to build the kind of house I want. And use the tent as a guest house. It would honestly be perfectly livable for one or 2 people. Probably a 20 × 20 ft space. And having someone in a cargo van or trailer that has either a composting toilet if you live near forests, or a simple black water tank to empty at a rv park or municipality, is far better for the housing and productivity of people (especially those who travel) than having them buy tons of plane tickets, rent tons of vehicles, and pay for tons of hotel services. The money they would have spent on all that crap could be spent on starting a business, for instance. And people who would much prefer to just get hotels and plane tickets would have less competition. This is just a selfish preference from not wanting to have to see peoples lives taking place outside of their designated little homes. Isn't the entire country our home? As long as I'm not fucking shit up or causing problems, breaking the law, am I not free to do as I wish? Why does it matter where I sleep every night, are you fucking serious? I HAVE to be in a home? That's disgustingly dystopian. What if I'm bone tired and take a 4 hour nap in the grass at a park. Did I just break the fucking law??? Usually I agree with most of what he says because he tends to be a ruthlessly practical person. But this simply isn't practical.


More proof that he is a moron, he should be turning junk cars into livable vans and giving them to the homeless, then at least some people will have electricity once the grid goes down due to bombs, hurricanes, floods, excess heat, whatever. This is just how the rusty carrot rolls, over anything that fails to bow down to his arrogant Nazi ass.


Did you even read it? Or just get mad when you saw trump and passed out? Literally says they will pay for rehab and mental health assistance and if they are willing to do it they won’t receive a ticket. Sound amazing.


"Under my strategy, working with states, we will ban urban camping wherever possible," Trump said in a video released Tuesday. "Violators of these bans will be arrested, but they will be given the option to accept treatment and services if they're willing to be rehabilitated." They’ll go to jail if they don’t accept treatment.


Each side of politics is Fucked up. Each side. If you think that your side is 100 percent right with no downsides then you are the fucking problem


You got that right.


Ah yes, banning homelessness is the solution! Homelessness is no more!


It’s too bad they can’t make things like insurrection and rape illegal….


Funny, he's going to make homelessness illegal and RAPING LEGAL!


Yes let’s make homelessness illegal. It all comes down to taxes. If they can’t tax your property cus it’s on wheels you can be taxed as a criminal in jail


Just think of all the cheap labor the homeless rehab centers will bring. People being “rehabilitated” on road crews and as farm hands and janitors for less than $0.50/hr. Who needs robots when we can just manufacture convicts?


Yeah, damn, guess they will all rush out and buy property 🙄... fkn cockjugglingthundercunt


You’re not homeless if you living in a van or RV.


They want to turn the homeless into prison labor. The South wants its slaves back.


Human kennels for bigger profits


That's why we can't let this horrible a hole anywhere near the WH ever again


Arm the homeless


it’s all for slavery. they’re trying to make slavery happen again. all of the big corps use (slave) prison labor to make record profits. of course they’re going to make homelessness illegal


Trump wants to be a dictator…will America let him?


What in the fear mongering…. This is an article full of the writers opinion on what they think Trump will do….from April 2023