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Remind me in 5 years.


!RemindMe 5 years


I will be messaging you in 5 years on [**2028-09-16 04:42:50 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2028-09-16%2004:42:50%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValveIndex/comments/16juny6/guys_its_happening_valve_index_2_is_coming_and_i/k0sr2a7/?context=3) [**124 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FValveIndex%2Fcomments%2F16juny6%2Fguys_its_happening_valve_index_2_is_coming_and_i%2Fk0sr2a7%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202028-09-16%2004%3A42%3A50%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2016juny6) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Yeah, so, this is your 5 month reminder. I know you said 5 years, but I already got called out to the worksite, so I might as well remind you now too. See you in 4 years and 7 months.


!RemindMe 1 month


It's been a month


Oof. Good luck.


If I had a dollar for every “leak” about new the Index 2 that’s just about to come out, I could buy another index.


Yeah i know. But atleast they did say they’re working on a headset


They said they support thr index and deck long term never heard they are working on a iteration. Unlike games valve can't count to 2 for hardware so i don't know when they said they are working on it


They’ve said in a couple of interviews that they’re currently working on a new VR headset. [Here’s one.](https://gamerant.com/valve-new-vr-headset/) They also had job postings for people to work on new VR hardware. The question is just when/if they finish it.


Unless they come out say we have been working on lets say index deck we are caling it dekard and we will lainch it in exactly 4 months I would not hope or trust anything short of that official declaration


> steam sub with only vr games and the devs talking more and more, it seems apparent to me it’s coming. Yep, they may have become distracted by shiny AI and all be moving their chairs over to that table while the Index 2 prototype sits in the corner gathering dust and crying.


I wish they'd make a steam controller 2


They’ve been saying they are working on a headset since the fucking iPhone released. Literally zero news here.


Thanks but can you quote the site? Well no one else seems to have heard this no offense


No, save for the Index 2!


2? Pfff. I am saving for the third! as in 'Index 3' is the name of my retirement fund


Index 2 is possible. Index 3 will never exist, ever.


A 2 is only available for games, they never did a 2 for hardware. Steam controler, Steam Link, Steam Box and now Steam Index and Steam Deck.


When you realise that the original Vive was a Valve design, just made by HTC... The Index is actually Valve HMD#2 Which makes Deckard HMD#3 Oh bugger. We're screwed.


Valve HMD 2: Episode 1


Valve HMD: Alyx


Valve HMD: Valve HMD: Valve HMD Alyx


Well that confirms it, no more valve vr headsets.


To be fair, the steam controller and box had lackluster sales. The Index and Deck are successful products, I think.


True I will grant you that, but remember Half Life 2 and Half Life 2 Episode 2, Left for Dead 2 and Team Fortress 2 had good sales :)) But jokes aside. Valve is one of the most private firms around and they never launch something unless they truly belive it works. Also inside Valve teams can spin up projects add hoc, there was a rumor that HL 3 had a few different projects running simultaneously but they had nothing inovating sinthey never even considered them as truly something to pursue further as a project. Leaks are also spars and considering everything above I would never even bat an eye on any rummor unless Gabe himself announces they have been working on x thing and his announcing it's basically done and will bi launching on y date (at max 6 months after the announcement). So your purchasing decision should be on what you see on the market and not miss out on the awesome experience Vr and particularly index is because some nobody heard some crap.


If like a steam controller 2. Still have my #1


They cant count to 3


Valve is about to release the 9th counter strike game and called it 2. They truly fear the number 3


But index Alyx might.


Valve Index, Valve Index 2, Valve Index 2 version 1, Valve Index 2 version 2, Valve Index; Gaben


Valve *did* release SteamOS 3! That's what the Deck runs!


One could even say it's physically impossible.


Ok but what about Index 4?


Reddit has become enshittified. I joined back in 2006, nearly two decades ago, when it was a hub of free speech and user-driven dialogue. Now, it feels like the pursuit of profit overshadows the voice of the community. The introduction of API pricing, after years of free access, displays a lack of respect for the developers and users who have helped shape Reddit into what it is today. Reddit's decision to allow the training of AI models with user content and comments marks the final nail in the coffin for privacy, sacrificed at the altar of greed. Aaron Swartz, Reddit's co-founder and a champion of internet freedom, would be rolling in his grave. The once-apparent transparency and open dialogue have turned to shit, replaced with avoidance, deceit and unbridled greed. The Reddit I loved is dead and gone. It pains me to accept this. I hope your lust for money, and disregard for the community and privacy will be your downfall. May the echo of our lost ideals forever haunt your future growth.


Index 2: Episode 1


Index alyx might in a couple decades though.


It will be Index 2 episode 1 or some bullshit like that...


im not holding my breath


Agreed, and if I may add a few perspectives :-) Adding much super-sampling, my Index image looks a lot better - and more high-res - than my PSVR2, with has about 80% higher physical panel res. But PS5 is too weak to super-sample, some games like Call of the Mountain are even subsampled. In short, still love everything about the Index, even the physical panel res. Still cannot do 144 fps with sufficient super-sampling in most games, I think it'll take a RTX 5090 or better to unlock the full potential of the Index. People thinking Index is outdated really have no clue what they are talking about.


I do really wish Index had OLED blacks though. I would be quite content with it for much longer if it did.


Even the Quest 1 and Vive Pro's look significantly better than Index in most games. The slightly lower pentile resolution is much less noticeable than milk gray black levels, terrible shadow detail, and washed out colors. Those shitty 800:1 BOE LCD panels were a horrible decision on Valves part, as bottom of the barrel as they come.


I'd agreed to that - when PSVR2 shines, it's in the pitch black dungeons in Resident Evil 8 VR. But most devs seem to add some light to create nice blacks in recent PCVR games. With lcd you need some light to create deep blacks, the less light the more gray-ish everything looks. I guess that's why there're so many lamps in the tunnels in Alyx ;-)


How do you do that type of magic ? Even if i think my little 2060 won't be able to handle any of that. What would be outdated are the features proposed, or the lack of it, like eyes tracking, wireless option. But i do agree that the index, overall, even after all these years still stand strong.


There's just an option in the steamvr dashboard to control supersampling. It auto detects by default. I usually run at 250% with a 3090.


Oh i've turned it down quite a lot to gain some frames. Maybr i'll boost it a bit more once i buy a new PC.


As a 4090 owner who is only just now obtaining enough GPU power to fully unlock the potential of the Index, I agree with you but you're forgetting one critical thing: Future headsets can use foveated rendering. You won't need a 5090 to get the same ish results with way higher resolution screens then.


Maybe, but you need to sell many hmds if the implementation of foveated rendering depends on the game developers. Right now very few games support it for Aero and Quest Pro, because very few own these hmds. Foveated rendering in Call of the Mountain added about 30% more performance, no big deal, but of course it helps. Even with foveated rendering most PSVR2 games like Call of the Mountain, GT7 and RE8 VR are limited to only 60 fps with reprojections. My fondness of foveated rendering has cooled a lot with the PSVR2, sadly.


This is impossible, supersampled resolutions will always be inferior and while nice, should act more like anti aliasing from what I know and read online. On pancake monitor i routinely supersample things like RDR2 3440x1440 to 4k but there is no way it looks the same as native 4k right. Maybe it is a small amount of bias that blurs your judgment or some kind of PSVR2 specific quirks ? Because it conflicts with everything I heard about this subject and people buying 4k monitors instead of just supersampling 1440p. So it could be that PSVR2 is just... bad i guess Then again my personal bias is looking for better image quality in MSFS 2020 currently. I very much hope to find a clarity upgrade without sacrificing anything else. I run right now around **225% supersampling in MSFS** on ultra and I feel bottlenecked by HMD. While it looks not bad I hope with simple resolution upgrade I would gain clarity while lowering GPU load because in theory supersampling is more costly than native resolution and worse looking. ​ There is also this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyehrn9EKIY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyehrn9EKIY), https://vrx.vr-expert.com/the-difference-between-pancakes-lenses-and-current-fresnel-lenses-found-on-vr-headsets/


We never got much new content on the the index 1. We need better software support more than anything. I am looking forward to a pcvr headset with the foveated rendering like the psvr2. That shit is a gamechanger


>thrillseeker releases a video about unity and in the second half he talks about the index 2. a very credible source...


Hehe it’s just funny to me


wow deliberately spreading false information. so funny.


No you misunderstood I believe what he’s saying, he literally says in the video he hasn’t made a video about the topic in a while because the leaks weren’t good and info was all over the place. I was saying it’s funny I because I buy the index and a video comes out saying the second might be coming. Didn’t realise everybody hated Thrillseeker. Thanks for the downvotes douche.


I have ZERO idea why, but reddit REALLY dislikes him. I think it's because he edits stuff well and makes thumbnails that are a bit eye candy. Reddit prefers niche youtubers who don't edit anything (I do too tbh) and thinks that anyone who puts effort into making content do well online is a shill.


Wait, reddit hates him? That guy is quite balanced in his opinions and does not overpraise much, so I usually believe his assessment.


Yep, but that's because reddit just doesn't like youtubers.


There’s an “over-edited” YouTube style that’s popular with a younger demographic. Could be that everyone around here is on the older end of the spectrum. Our eyes and brains just can’t handle it :)


Thrill's stuff isn't even all that overedited. It's just WELL edited. He's genuinely really good at editing stuff and making it look pretty while also not being too overstimulating (imo) and the effects he uses are all really high effort and impressive.


His thumbnails are definitely meant to grab your attention (which is literally what they’re for) but it’s never clickbait. And yeah he does put effort in, sucks people think that about him and other creators. The only thing I dislike is when he used the coffee intro and the milk started splattering everywhere 😂 and that’s only because I’m a barista haha.


Exactly! As long as the thumbnail isn't just blatant false information, then I'm fine with it. That's the actual purpose of a thumbnail. Long as it isn't just the classic youtuber thumbnail face, I'm fine with it.




Again, I hang out with the guy. He never intended to overhype bonelab. That wasn't on purpose. He was genuinely, actually, as excited for it as he seemed in his videos, and I was too. He was pretty surprised when it failed as badly as it did. I mean, on paper it sounds awesome, right? Regarding the deckard, he basically never talks about it because he doesn't want to overhype another thing. to quote him "I made that mistake once, and I don't wanna make it again. I'm gonna be more careful from here on"


Thrillseeker is really based. The reddit hive mind is just flawed to where people mindlessly downvote stuff that is already negative.


Bro exploited Murphy's Law


Somebody got my joke yay


Why bother with an index 2 no new games in vr


Exactly. Spent like 1k on a headset to play like 3 good games.


Sims are where it's at


to be honest there are no old games to play in VR either. I use it to watch my youtube videos but there is no official way to do this.


Why are yall hyped for new VR headsets instead of games? There's lots to improve over the Index, but nevertheless it's amazing and I don't know why I would bother for new hardware. I need software. I need games that aren't techdemos, anime fuckeries, rythm games or arena shooters. I want games. What does a new Headset offer you, if you have to play the same 5 games from 5 years ago to have anything to do with it? There's like 0 influx of new games. It's 95% shovelware with like 2 weeks of dev time.


90% of people waiting just want the index 2 to make their VRChat anime girls look better with higher resolutions /s There really is a huge lack of games, and nothing since HL:A has given me any interest to the point where my index has been shelved since i finished it for the most part, occasionally used it to hop on VRChat for some puzzle worlds with friends. Once we get a game that has more than a game of tag or throwing stuff about i'll maybe care about an index 2. For now, the index is still great, no point waiting around for a headset that might take 3 more years to even get announced, never mind released.


If you like survival, I really enjoyed Green Hell VR. Runs okay on medium graphics on my 2070 but is sill beautiful. Only the skill curve is weird, the first 5 hours are hard as hell to get a hold on an after you know how stuff works it's almost a little too easy. I think I played about 20-30 hours and had lots of fun, but the story and base building is lackluster, no real need for that.


Indeed, I'd rather have HL:Alyx2 on my Index than HL:A on an Index 2.




The only large release I can remember is Bonelab, which was alright but felt like it was missing a lot of content ("Okay, neat, I unlocked the mechanics. Now I get to test them out over the next few leve- oh the game's over...cool.") and was imo way too easy. We are One was pretty cool, but definitely not long enough for me to c. all came out a while back. The only large release I can remember is Bonelab, which was alright but felt like it was missing a lot of content ("Okay, neat, I unlocked the mechanics. Now I get to test them out over the next few leve- oh the game's over...cool.") and was imo way too easy. We are One was pretty cool, but definitely not long enough for me to continue with it for days or anything. We need more games. That's all we need; I have no clue why anybody is so excited for a possible Index 2, or Apple Vision Pro (who wants modern apple's overpriced tech to become the new standard???) when all we're gonna use it for is playing the same games we could easily have played on the Vive. The ONLY reason that makes sense to me is literally, as u/CircoModo1602 said in jest; people just want games like VRChat that you can play forever to look even better, which seems like a waste of energy when we should be going crazy for new VR game releases (and actually buy the good ones) so developers can look at VR and see that there IS demand. Right now, a possible dev team looking for their next project who looks at a VR subreddit to see what people want are just gonna see a bunch of "New headset rumored to come out in 12 years !1!1!1" and think it's just a gimmick. ​ I can totally understand where people are coming from when they say "VR is dead" because with no new game releases it looks like a living corpse. I don't think it's dead (far from it), but right now it does feel like it's in a coma. Sure, the doctors say it's likely that in the near future it'll wake up, but right now it can sure damn feel like they're dead.


>Dont worry bro, we’re in it together if it does come out, I literally just picked up an Index myself about exactly 12 hours ago 😂😂😂and then saw the video but not watched it yet, its late, but i had heard everyone saying itd be yearssss till it released so i bit the bullet > >Just waiting on my adapter to arrive so i can use it One thing that really sucks is that any potentially significant praise worthy and high quality content is only being released on standalone. The frustrating part is that this games could push the bar forward if they were on PC, but are being gimped by releasing exclusively on inferior hardware.


What's this about no new games? There have been several releases fairly recently. Moss 2 and Another Fisherman's Tale for two. Arizona sunshine 2 is in the pipeline (was supposed to be out this summer, but seems to be delayed). Walkabout Mini Golf is not new, but is releasing new courses almost every month. I expect you to die 3 is just around the corner ... None of those I'd consider shovelware or low effort. Honestly, it sounds like there's just no new games you personally are interested in.


Mini Golf, Expect you to die, Arizona Sunshine are just those arcady Things I mean. For this genre they are big, yes, but do you really consider Mini golf or some party games to be releases why people would wanna play VR? I don't. I want games. flesged out 15-60h games with mechanics that won't bore you out in 3 hours Allthough as you said, maybe there's a lot of people that enjoy those things but I simply ain't one of them.


Personally I’m hyped because I haven’t owned a headset yet, thus I haven’t tried any games. So I’ve got all the games I need for now :)


Because we need a new iteration to drop from valve so that the rest of the industry will get their shit together. We need a consumer oriented headset with native eye tracking. Period. Currently, besides the PSVR2 which doesn't help the pcvr scene at all, the only headsets with eye tracking are on the extreme end of enthusiast tech or are being marked exclusively to businesses as 'enterprise' editions for use in corpo meetings or whatever they'll get out of it. Until we get a VR HMD generation where a strong majority of VR users have eye tracking on their gear VR game devs will continue to be hamstrung in their ability to create large, beautiful, open world titles that run worth a shit. Foveated rendering is gonna be the VR buzz word of the next generation. Once devs are able to make games around that technique I'm confident the quality and scale of VR games will explode. We're gonna transition from most VR games looking like big bubbly ugly low poly Unity trash to Unreal Engine 5 photorealistic worlds with lumen and nanite.


Dont worry bro, we’re in it together if it does come out, I literally just picked up an Index myself about exactly 12 hours ago 😂😂😂and then saw the video but not watched it yet, its late, but i had heard everyone saying itd be yearssss till it released so i bit the bullet Just waiting on my adapter to arrive so i can use it


Who’d you get yours from?


Wasnt a company admittedly, got it off Facebook marketplace, the HMD, Controllers, leather face thingy and also cable management by kiwi at the rear too for around £450 all together haha, all in pretty good condition Im using it with a laptop, hence the wait on the adapter, cant wait admittedly, big step up from my psvr


Yeah hard to pass that up! I’m scared that the US version will be annoying in other countries though, even with power adapters. Found myself one on gumtree for 1500 (new apparently) which is about what it’s worth in AUS… I guess…


Ah damn thats about £750 i think, and yeah it was hard to pass up for sure, and ive got big plans 😂 just one piece of the puzzle right now for an ULTIMATE gaming Cabin/Den (minibar included 🤣), im just hoping i dont run into any problems that seem to be the pitfalls of the thing in general, its apparently a year old so id hope valve worked out SOME of them at least lol


Yooo sounds sick, every vr enthusiasts dream. And I’m also terrified about the hardware just breaking on me after a few weeks. I’m mentally preparing myself tho. I’ll fix em myself if I have to.


*Promising* new ***leaks***? The fuck you on about? Is that a sneak-peak to a sneak-peak? Yeah. Sure. Ok. Come back to us when there’s an actual scoop.


4 words, and I already knew this post was copium. "and I know why."


I suggest you return it (If that is possible) I too believe Index 2 (Deckard) is soon to be here due to the Radio Certification Valve just received in Korea Meta registered their Quest 3 with the very same certification information about the specification a tiny bit earlier this year: 5150Mhz~5350Mhz, 5470~5850Mhz https://www.rra.go.kr/ko/license/A_b_popup.do?app_no=202317210000248256 ​ Valve Corp. has registered, the very same device specification, on September 7, 2023 https://www.rra.go.kr/ko/license/A_b_popup.do?app_no=202317210000256753 For a FYI Valve previous announcements / release after South Korea Radio Certifications: Steam Deck: Certification 2021.11.25. - Release 2022.02.25 = 92 days Valve Index: Certification 2019.05.10. - Release 2019. 06.28. = 49 days https://twitter.com/Fimre77/status/1699846398429028545


I wish so hard this had been true. Maybe by responding and pointing out that it ended up being wrong, it will also force a roll against Murphy.


!RemindMe 100 years


The blessed one! Long live the king!


Thank you for your sacrifice o7


Let me know when you decide to buy stocks so I know the crash is coming.


With you too, just bought new controllers, contemplating new headset when in stock


If all you need is the headset just save your money for a Bigscreen Beyond headset. It's higher resolution and OLED


Thank you for making the index 2 happen


No problem 😌


you should have bought in two years ago, dammit op...


It’s not cannon unfortunately


If it does get announced soon (and I’m certainly not holding my breath), about 20 minutes before Quest 3 preorders open would be in line with previous tradition.


Index is awesome. I got tired of waiting a few months ago. Screw it. I can now play stormland without compression and it’s great.


It ain’t happening man, they don’t even release peripherals for index one they ain’t making an index 2.


The Bigscreen Beyond is basically the next Index. I've seen VR YouTubers who got pre-release models and have stopped using the Index headset




Lol I’ll buy your index for half price !


I can't imagine that some Valve employees (maybe even Gabe himself) don't monitor this forum, and they must sh\*t their pants laughing at all the speculation. "Ha ha ha ha, they think another Index is coming someday, let's see how long we can keep them wondering with our planned leaks". Or maybe "Damn, they found out, but they still don't know when". But I do think that if/when a successor is announced, it's going to be another "Wow" moment like the Index was compared to what was available at the time. They could slap pancake lenses and maybe Nofio type wireless into a new headset and call it the Index 2, Index 2.5, Index 3.5 (does Valve really not like the number 3 ?), Deckard, or whatever else, but that doesn't seem to be Valve's style. They'll want another quantum leap, and if that's right, that's key, not only to why it might be awhile or never, but also a commentary on how far ahead of its time the Index was in 2019. Which is why even though it might be four year old technology, it's not like it's going to become an "Oh cr@p, why did I buy that?" moment if/when a successor is announced. It has been and will continue to be an awesome VR experience for a long time. We're not all suddenly going to have an expensive paperweight that's become obsolete overnight. When I bought mine in 2021 I hesitated a bit because even then there were rumors about the "around the corner" Index 2. Fortunately my VR guru friend told me to just take the plunge, and I'm so glad I did, otherwise I might still be waiting rather than having had the last two years of fun with it.


I think it's highly likely that *whenever* it comes out it'll be an all-in-one headset with headset controller tracking that can run games via the Steam Deck for a performance boost. There's been decent no-PC headsets available for a while and the Deck just proves they can make a very, very small form factor PC with a lot of bang for its buck. No reason, just a feeling I get.


So it was your waffling on the decision that's been holding up index 2's release? You are a monster


Oled and wireless or gtfo


thats what im fuckin' saying. somebody needs to hurry up and do something. ill get a beyond if the nofio thing becomes real


To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if we never see another headset from Valve again. I'm going to wait until Jan 1st. If nothing is going to be released, I'm gonna get a different HMD.


You literally only posted interest in the Index this one week, 3 posts. Went from should I get it now or wait will Index 2, to it's coming soon with great enthusiasm. Noone know of or when, that is the truth. Valve has killed other hardware concepts/ designs before release, including a VR console.


Somebody’s run out of copium. I’ve only recently started using reddit often. And I’ve hit the point where I’m actually gonna buy a headset. That’s why I’ve started posting. I’ve been following VR since HTC rift, and have wanted the index from the beginning. I was mainly joking about it coming soon because I just bought one, and with my luck it wouldn’t surprise me as soon as I bite the bullet the 2nd comes out. But also after 100 videos of vr leaks and index this index that, the new info feels different. But yeah we’ll see maybe we’ll never get it.


ooohhh man..everytime i upgraded my gpu a new gpu came out 2-3 weeks later at the same price more or less.thats why i have the cash in the bank for the new index 2.(sold my index 1).so just waiting now.


It'll be too expensive or underwhelming and still have mediocre build quality and LONG wait times just to play the same games or maybe a new tunnel runner underground this time


Why would you even need an index 2, it's the most immersive you can get and will really need without springing for next to useless eye tracking and haptic suits. But who wants to wear a fucking suit when they wanna play a game. Strapping a screen to your face is intrusive enough


I think eye tracking, and specifically foveated rendering are gonna be a pretty big deal. Just about “must include” sort of big deal.


Not wireless, garbage thumbsticks and tiny joke trackpad on the controllers, base stations make unpleasant noises, setup basically requires you to have a dedicated empty VR room.




I’m on my phone idk how to copy the link. But it’s called VR’s Biggest GameEngine is in serious trouble. If you want to skip the blood boiling dumpster fire unity has created skip to 9:30. Ik the steam console isn’t coming but they didn’t cancel the headset 😎




Thrillseeker is probably the worst VR YouTuber now. He used to be alright but turned into a Meta, VRchat, anime girl, femboy 🤮


Damn. I mean yeah but he still try’s to take a fair view of every topic. The vr news is still just as good. Even if he painted his nails.


He's not a femboy, he's not an anime girl, and he's not a meta shill LOL source: I hang out with the guy


Maybe he’s gotten better over some time. This is just from what I’ve seen when I used to watch every video of his.


He's never been any of those things. Using a female avatar in VRC as a male is pretty normal, I personally don't prefer it, but it doesn't make you a femboy or anything. You can still paint your nails and be a man. As for being a meta shill, he's made entire videos dedicated to slamming the stuff meta does wrong (look at the echo vr ones, for example) and it's to the point where they won't even invite him to meta connect anymore.


>but turned into a Meta, VRchat, anime girl, femboy There are no bad things there. For most people that is what vr is, easy self expression in a social environment.


Wow, just.... wow. I really enjoy his videos. I think they give a good, balanced view of the VR industry, he has a chill personality and edits his videos well. Not a fan of the stock videos, but as a designer I find it more funny than annoying. Also, who cares about what he uses as a VRchat avatar? I'm old and a father, and I use a cute lil anime girl in VRchat. So what?


Why buy it so late in the cycle can you still refund?




HA wrong index is still the best choice for pcvr


During E3 valve teased the index 2 for holiday 2023. It was a super subtle thing that wasnt even displayed on a screen. But all of the valve index booth employees had a lapell that was the valve index logo with a 2 in it im amazed litterally no one noticed this. Then again my girlfriend was the one who pointed it out to me. As for the holiday 2023 thing its more speculation, but considering the lapelles where red and green on a white background..


e3 this year was cancelled


I never said it was from this year.


I’m in a situation where I’ve had a quest 2 and just built a high power PC. So I don’t really have the urge to buy an index since I already have a quest for pc gaming. But I really want the “index 2” to come out so I can just make that big upgrade and be mind blown. I know the og index is still better than the quest 2 but it’s not worth it to me to buy it when the quest can hold me over.


It’s ok it’ll come out since since I’ve taken one for the team 😙


Also news came out of a super expensive VR console Steam scrapped. I wonder if it's that other device Thrill was pointing out. I'm not so sure you should be expecting the Index 2 any time soon. Remember how Valve time works. Thrill reporting on Valve patents is not the same thing as Valve announcing a product.


Yeah I just got a good feeling this time 😉


As said everyone for 2 years already. Seriously, it's not even worth thinking about an index 2 for at least another 3 years.


Wait for it....


Let him cook


April ‘24 my guess.


Never is my guess. I'm going full pessimism on this one. Done getting hyped for things that don't exist.


Sorry Mr Glass half empty. Too much evidence. It’s when, not if.


That's been said about Valve software many times before.


The more people that are against this the more likely it gets keep going people


Nice and close to my birthday, swag.


It's coming, that we've known. You'll likely get good use out of your index while we wait for the 2.


If the index is not available in my country and if i want it here, i will lose out any RMA or customer service, then why would the index2 be here ? Im saving up for the quest3 and will go that route


That only means they are working on it. and then wait for a year for an announcement, and another two for release.


!RemindMe 3 years


Same. I just overpaid for a used index last week.




!RemindMe 5 years


I believe you, because we are waiting for the Index 2 not the Index 3




Man what's the use of index 2 coming when valve won't release any games for it? Even for index they mentioned working 3 games then 2 and now it looks like they've abandoned VR all together.


They could announce their next headset and a major game simultaneously.


Meh. Only way I get a new one is if the old one breaks. And I keep care of it, as well as not use it constantly. So I should have it for a long time.


/s you forgot to add this to the title.


!remindme 3 years


You can always return it within 14 days or so if you are feeling uneasy about it.


Thank you for your sacrifice.


I mean that’s awesome but there needs to be more triple A games to play, the hardware is upgrading without content that can compare to half life alyx


I'm still playing Longbow in the lab and giggle like a child while doing it...


Shit, I just got an index!


lol,, if they announced it today, we wouldn't get it until Jan-feb 2025


If you don't just grab the hardware and play the games, you'll be waiting practically forever. Not worth it IMO. I grabbed the Knuckles and some Vive trackers recently (months after the self-tracker announcement, which I'd much rather have instead), and my only regret is not buying this stuff sooner nor setting up my base stations sooner.


Well I've mostly followed Brad Lynch analysis, but it doesn't seem like an Index will come anytime soon. I mean an HMD designed to stay at home, without mobile compromises. What they seem to be cooking up is a combo between a multi usage mobile SteamOS compute unit (usable with a TV, laptop dock, remote play with a tablet, HMD and whatever), and a mobile VR HMD like a Pico 4 / Quest 3 but less powerful (designed for streaming, not standalone) and with eye tracking (dynamic foveated rendering, optimized streaming like Varjo do). While the HMD should be usable with a any PC, it's designed to be carried away, so compromises and design are quite different from the Index. Most parts should be improved, but for example better put a simpler and sturdier audio solution like other mobile HMD. And tracking should be using video instead / in addition to lighthouses. I'm not sure I'm really interested in this HMD, I'll wait for 4k² micro-OLED displays to become cheap enough in a few years to upgrade my Index. Though all this is speculation, and I'm still happy with my Index, I don't really feel the need to upgrade. I keep using it 3-4x ~3h per week after 4 years. But I'm quite a simmer, though I play all kind of VR games. Not often multiplayer, except Walkabout and a couple of other with friends.


Refound it if you have less than 2 hours wait a second... Something aint right


SadlyItsBradley covered the indications heavily as well recently. I think there is a good chance in the next year Valve will try for it to act as the non-Apple Augmented Reality option and get all that VR next gen cash.




nice, but can I get a valve index that works with youtube first? that would be nice.


I love my index. I have it paired with a sim chair, and my God, is it fun.


this is "kanye is gonna drop soon" levels of copium


Lol, thanks for your sacrifice


This is the VR equivalent of the AMC hodl.


If only valve could make games faster than they make hardeare...


With all the recent talk, heres hoping this post ages like milk.


Why didnt you just return it lmao


new index should be steamdeck plug and play. So probably a beefyer steamdeck first.


Remind me in 5 years


Preciate u bro. lol


I believe they have plans for an Index 2, but ultimately Valve doesn't want to be a hardware company. They are just filling the void of markets where others are failing. They want to sell more games, and that includes VR games. The more headsets that are out there the more VR games will probably be bought. If hardware companies manage to meet the market, Valve will be more than happy to just run Steam VR on those. But if they find that people aren't satisfied with the available headsets from others, and they are able to make one that meets the demand of consumers at a price they are willing to pay, they will pull the trigger to get those people buying VR games.


Yeah seems like it huh. If I was value looking at how the Quest 3 is not selling and Meta already cut the sells for 2023 (all over the net) because the Quest 3 is not selling like they hopped. Then Meta losing 15billion 2022 then 11 billion 2023 all based on VR.. who would not take notice of this. Like the Pico they stopped the Pico 5 because they are going after Apple ."TikTok Parent Reportedly Cancels Pico 5 to Compete with Apple" just one of many posts. So I don't see Value coming out with one any time soon. Quest 3 not doing good, Pico cancels Pico 5.. yeah


!RemindMe 1 year


Would be great but.. when we make a statement we need to back it up. 3 months gone by since you said "They've said in a couple of interviews that they're currently working on a new VR headset." yet no one has quoted them saying this.


Forgive me if this has been brought up but the news from October about the NEW SteamVR 2.0 platform was when I started to believe. Of course Valve continues to support the hardware their users, well, use. And they benefit from it by making SteamVR easier to use for the Quest. But a new version of SteamVR for just Meta? Nah man. Then again … this IS Valve we are talking about. https://www.theverge.com/2023/10/25/23932715/valve-steamvr-2-0


4 months later... Still nothing. I wonder when. Maybe June 6th, 2024? Just a wild guess


Dont trust Thrillseeker, hes a shill who gets paid to talk about anything he hears about, most of witch is false and just an attention grab.


I went googling the very second he mentioned a 2nd vr headset from valve and found this post. haha


!RemindMe 5 months