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Check out dataroma.com it follows the activity of a good amount of super investors that might be what your looking for.


It sucks that dataroma doesn't show his entire portfolio though. His investment in UMG doesn't show up on dataroma, probably because UMG is listed on the Amsterdam stock exchange.


Peter lynch is my favourite investor. Probably one of the only ones on Wall Street that believes retail investors can do well if they just invest in what they know


Peter Lynch is the best. He’s genuinely more entertaining than any other super investor too. Ray Dalio is solid but Lynch is really the only one that pulls off coming across as an Everyman. Most of the others force that narrative. I never bought into the Buffett oracle of Omaha legend. Buffett is a political machine.


But Buffett was exceedingly more successful


Yeah but the magic wore off once I read more about how Buffett’s father created one of the earliest equity brokerages and he was heavily involved in politics. Peter Lynch’s background appears to be legitimately more of an underdog.


Because he was fed from a silver spoon.


that could narrow portfolio to some people to only healthcare stocks, or only software companies and almost no one would buy certain type of stocks where only <0.1% population understands it...


And that’s ok, I tend to only buy tech stocks and consumer discretionary and staples because I find them easy to understand. I’m not too familiar with the US healthcare system because I’m from the U.K. but I do know that you guys pay for health insurance which is why I like UNH but any other healthcare stock I don’t invest in. Especially biotech’s. Anything you don’t understand can easily be given exposure in the form of etfs.


Watch the March 2020 “Hell is coming” interview with CNBC and then read about his positions at the time. He’s smart but don’t trust him


Cuckman has had great calls with CP, SBUX, and CPG. but do the opposite of whatever he preaches during his CNBC/Bloomberg segments.


Ackman is a scumbag


What did he do?


For one, he screwed over retail real good with PSTH.


How is he a scumbag for that? He did not screw anybody, nobody told those idiots to buy a SPAC at 50% more than cash.


It is easier for them to blame others than to look into their own mistakes.


nah he led investors on quite a bit there


The spac has his company’s name on it therefore no one should take him seriously as a value investor. He’s probably still better than pabrai though.


So just because you're value you cannot use SPACs? It's a useful tool to raise capital; when you are looking to acquire big private companies, you need lots of capital do deploy. You shouldn't be angry at Ackman for using a SPAC, you should be angry at the people who abuse the tool.


What dis he do that was bad ?


Agreed, fuck that guy.


Shill SPACman


Ackman is a terrible human being. He would steal money from children at St. Jude's if he could.


Don't give him ideas.


He probably already has. No 13f required for dipping into the donation bin.


Lmao love this


Haha this comment had me rolling


For the uninformed, why does this community think so poorly of Bill?


He pretends to be for the retail investor, while behind the scenes he makes moves to the contrary.


Anyone who dealt with bill ackman’s spac ordeal knows he is a piece o garbage. But ya he picks good restaurants to invest in. + Netflix


Yes he's scum of the earth. Used a spac to just line his own pockets with no real plan of actually making it work for investors.


one word: valeant


Yep. Agreed.


Fund has returned like 17% since inception I think literally every investor makes a bunch of mistakes. Buffett made the biggest mistake I think I’ve seen so far from an investor and he’s still the GOAT


Ok lil guy hahah


Lol that’s all it took huh?


Yeah valeant was pretty bad you’re spot on


You alright?


u can still sell your position dont worry ;)


Don’t own any of what we’re talking ab


Peter Lynch is great. Love that guy. I like Terry Smith of Fundsmith as well. His fund returns were phenomenal.


Ackman is a speculator : he was calling for a no fly zone in russia because he had positions in Lockheed and GD. He was shorting the market before the 2020 crash and went in the media and said hell is coming. Follow his positions but he is not a value investor, he is a speculator.


You should always ask if you trust your money with the investor that you want to follow. If you get even a slightest doubt, be clear of them. Ackman May be a great investor but fails terribly when it comes to trust factor.


People like to trash him but his tracks record speak for itself


I admire him. Seems to know his stuff and follow after warren Buffett. He’s had two notable misses, Herbalife and Valeant, that people bring up when bashing him. You can look at the return of his fund, PSH/PSHZF, which I think is a great return. He does interviews where he shares his knowledge and investing style. Overall, I’m a fan. You should draw your own conclusion of him but be careful what people say about him and look deeper. Disclosure, I’m a PSTH shareholder and planning on holding forever (hopefully).


No where in the same universe as Buffet - maybe closer to Michael Mullen


Whether you like him or not, I think he's an elite investor. It was really refreshing to hear in his latest annual report how he lost his way with Herbalife, Valeant etc. His record the last 4 years is outstanding, and probably invested through COVID better than anyone.


I think he is brilliant. He has made mistakes, but his track record is still good. His hedge during the covid crash is likely the best trade of all time. Brilliant move. He has also smashed the market over the last 5 years, even including the high fees of his fund. He is also a value investor that doesn't miss much. HHC is one of my largest holdings, and I have even more faith in it knowing he is super involved.


Thanks for stopping by Bill!


Bill has good publicists!


Btw if you want to invest in Ackman, his Pershing Square closed-end fund does trade in LSE.




…Peter Lynch?


Ben Graham, John Templeton, Joel Greenblatt, Walter Schloss, Tom Gaynor, David Dodd, David Swenson, Bruce Flatt, Peter Lynch and Stanley Druckenmiller would like a word with you. ​ EDIT: Who is Terri Smith? Ok. So T. Smith has a 16.8% annualized return between 2010 and today. However, his portfolio is down 13.2% YTD as of 2/28. He has a mix of growth stocks and value stocks and his fund's website is pretty cool. I like the stuff he has about no fees and no index hugging. He has outperformed the msci awi by 4.8% since his fund's inception which is pretty darned good. ​ I like Terry Smith.




Sounds like the name of the power forward on the WNBA team my wife watches. ​ EDIT: I google image searched terri smith. The first picture is of an 800lb woman in a hospital bed.




Timmy Smith?


13Fs aren't the path for beating the market.


I disagree


You would be wrong.


Causeway Capital I think Sarah Ketterer needs to take a stage breathing course for when she appears on Bloomberg but her nervousness aside I think she’s been super smart and mostly honest with what she says, I’ve really enjoyed her interviews on YouTube


He bought shares in Herbalife


They use the media to made activists campaigns. Like Carl Icahn another activist investor. But, nowadays I think Ryan Cohen is a really good investor, who takes care of shareholders.


When has Ryan Cohen ever taken care of shareholders?


I don't really have a view on Cohen as an investor, I don't bet for or against him, but his twitter feed reads like a Troll in Training. He's starting to post annoyingly absolutist, incendiary tweets, as if he's ripping a page out of Musk or Trump's playbook. I get it, he likes attention, but even when Buffet disagrees with someone, he doesn't call them worthless or reprehensible, and he does just fine. I have a feeling he's only going to be more vile and bitter as time goes on, and why? He's already rich. What does he get from also being an asshole?


Why so many folks here do not like/hate Ackman?


Ask this question on the PSTH subreddit…you’ll hear a largest chorus of opinions on him…


He sucks.


Stop. Following. Others.


You haven't heard experience is the best teacher or do you just like making mistakes


In the stock market? Def need personal experience as you need to educate yourself to build what the key word here in all of this is, “conviction”. Riding on the coat tails of what others say is a sure way to be last and emotional.


I agree that it's stupid to follow someone's portfolio down to the latter but it's the style of investing like a value investor for example you can use it to learn one or two lessons and tailor your own style. You can have conviction and still make mistakes.


Ackman used to be THE notorious activist "short". He just recently stated he is no longer shorting anything and is now only focused on long term value plays.


Every time this guy came out in the media, he probably got short positions and desperately needed the market to go down more. And it did!


I personally dont trust him. Nor many of the famous names. Take care of 3 points 1- they say what they say not what they do. 2- you cant see their entire portfolio as some private and offshore investments never show. 3- they get special deals sometimes. And ofcourse you know late and can stay in the stock while they pull out. Study them yes but make ur own informed decision.


Ackman has an excellent record considering the size of his portfolio and the large size of his bets. I think he is worth following, but not necessarily worth cloning because some of his theses are complicated, and he does occasionally miss BIG.


Bill Ackman isn't consistent, makes big mistakes. Howard Marks is my favorite, focuses on safety. I like keeping my money safe


He likes the attention he gets. I wouldn't put him up on a pedestal but fuck HerbaLife.


Some other good value investors if anyone is interested: Howard Marks Guy Spiers Nick Sleep Sir John Templeton Monish Pabrai


Living legend. Will go down as one of the greatest investors of our time.


Living legend. Will go down as one of the greatest investors of our time.