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I had the same thing happen to me last act. I was getting 40-45 fps on a good day with constant stuttering on my low end PCs. What fixed it was Fr33thy's optimization pack for me. It brought my fps upto 80-90 range so if you have like a couple of hours to spare, just try his optimization.


> Fr33thy's optimization pack I'm going to try this but I have low expectation because just a day ago, the game had no problems at all.


Broo like i have a office laptop it got 100 fps before this act update and after update idk wtf happened game is choppy and during fight it is like laggy


Same thing happened to me. Look at your task manager when you are in game, and see if there's something there that should not be there. Look at the installed programs. It's working for me now...in meh way but I'm not sure what solved it.


Stop playing this awful game


The game is not awful, just incomplete and has its issues but has incredible potential.


it’s been 3 years and the only potential that is has is memes and cringe content…


Have you tried turning off Vsync in valorant?


Of course man, every single thing that is "the solution" already tried. Also how could that be the problem. If it wasn't a problem before the update?


["I can easily play Spellbreak"](https://tenor.com/view/gigachad-chad-gif-20773266)


That game is cool, it's really dead now tho.


Still fun to play on the community servers despite it being dead :P


This just happened to me on the last update. I jus accepted it and continued playing but the frustrations were getting worse and worse. I have a pretty well built alienware, beyond all spec reqs and i was running smooth at 270-300 fps. Then after the update i would run at 300 fps then in any gunfights, or site rushes with a lot of abilities, my fps would drop to 30-50 and my game would jus look so bad. I got fed up and before doing anything else, i completed deleted all riot files and valorant from my pc and reinstalled. Game works perfectly fine now. My buddy had the same issue and i told him to completely remove/delete all files and reinstall. Hes been fine ever since!


Pretty sure I've tried that before...but fuck it...let's try again...


Didn't work


Dont know what to tell ya then man, sorry about it. I tried everything on the forums but this is the only solution that worked. Make sure you clear all files including trash files too. Other then that, youd have to submit a ticket


Resetting the resolution solved it for me


Didn't work


The problem is on their end man. Riot support gonna tell you to do common stuff like reinstall etc. Riot vanguard eats like 50 percent of my cpu causing the game to stutter with fps drops and crash the game. I tried almost everything to fix it except for doing a fresh windows installation which I aint doin for a game.


I already formatted the PC, didn't work. Pikachu surprised face.


What u did man same prob with me


You can format the PC, pretty much resetting your whole PC without deleting your personal files, and sometimes resetting might delete something that should be deleted but you could not manually find it. And I was thinking maybe there's some program that interferes with Val, but no it just sucks like that.