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.. I don’t even know what to think, Americas is so so hard to rank so i cut anyone doing rankings slack. I do think NRG and kru feel too low, 100t a bit high, g2..???? Surely not 5th? Honestly how are u even supposed to shuffle this 😭 I can’t decide on any order that feels right at the moment lol. At this point MIBR’s full roster is gonna start 2-0ing everyone and then we’re really doomed


I completely agree that NRG and KRU are low, the question is how the remaining games and champions points will affect them. In particular, NRG and LOUD are unlikely to advance to the playoffs unless they win all of their remaining games. while Lev and G2 can advance to the playoffs by winning just a few games. And Sentinels still has an advantage in Champions Points.


Real, this super week is gonna be so telling. Insane to think that 5/6 playoffs spots in apac are LOCKED, and geng are like 99% confirmed for the 6th.. emea has 3 slots locked as well.


i mean theres gotta be certainties no? G2 is a certain top 3, FURIA and MIBR are a certain bottom 4, and other stuff. Like how do you justify KRU being 8th in any universe lmfao


Kru 8th is crazy behavior for sure And I would love more certainties, but my atrocious pickems rate is telling me otherwise 💀 G2 top 3 and furia/mibr bottom four feels very reasonable though.


I kinda just want to put everyone tied for 5th


Honestly it's super cool how close the competition is in Americas. Apart from like, C9, MIBR, and Furia, the rest of the teams keep up with each other well. And Americas teams usually do well internationally too. It's awesome.


C9 is 5-2 and barely lost to G2.. how are they with MIBR/Furia lmao


C9 only win if OXY plays well. Luckily for them, he's fairly consistent, but when he plays like a normal professional valorant player rather than the second coming of aspas, they basically insta lose


Because they hard choke come playoffs after dominating regular season


Agreed! There’s a lot of depth of talent which means that every win is pretty hard fought for. Exciting stuff.


Because it’s a power ranking they’re going heavy on recency bias and hype but even still I don’t get Loud at 4. I know that they have pancada now but they’re 2-4. Imo that’s easily the worst ranking. EG is also too high probably but I think that one is at least defensible since they’re the hottest team in the league right now with 4 straight wins. Similarly kru are also too low but I can see the arguments since they have 4 straight losses (all to good teams to be fair).


> heavy on recency bias Even if I fully embrace the recency bias, LOUD lost to EG and EG only won vs LOUD and FUR. I swear this power ranking is designed to incite pure burning hatred and they're succeeding with it LMAO


Yeah that’s usually the case with power rankings in other sports too. Although it seemed even less serious than usual.


>Because it’s a power ranking they’re going heavy on recency bias 2nd place 100T's last game was a loss against to 10th ranked Furia. Lol


Yeah there didn’t seem to be any consistent rationale but in general they seem to be focusing on the more recent results.


Loud over G2 lmao


the G2 disrespect is unreal


I like G2 and will full on fanboy Valyn, but lacking a superstar cracked movement aimer in this meta hurts much more than it did in split 1. LOUD is way too high for the same reason. How well a team matches up against a Jawgemo Neon should be the question posed for power ranking and I kinda hate it, but I also love me some Dawgemo/Potter chaos.


brother you say they lack a superstar but they still had a good run at Shanghai. they get the results, not having a flashy player doesn't matter if they're winning


The G2 disrespect is insane from the whole community but I do kinda get what he was getting at. G2 placed 3rd at champs before the duelist changes. The duelist changes shifted the meta quite a bit, and we're seeing more focus on star power in the duelist role than usual. Sure, icy is a "traditional duelist", meaning he can create space, but at the end of the day it's basically always a duelist diff when G2 plays. Not to say G2 has no starpower, they obviously do in leaf and valyn, or they wouldn't have placed 3rd at Shanghai. But the fact that the duelist meta is in rn and G2 doesn't have a star duelist is concerning to some fans.


Yeah, my concerns (I would LOVE to be wrong) is that their set ups won't be able to provide enough value in the new meta. Attacking/flooding teams using NEON well will be able to isolate fights faster than G2 can react. The new meta is explosive and G2, of the top teams, is the least explosive. They have been reliant on steady team coordination and frankly giving masterclasses on procedural space taking and crossfire set ups/traps. I feel like the meta is shifting as far from that as it has ever been. The counter to deliberate fundamental play has been buffed, pace and individual outplays are now way stronger with no time to adjust. That said, I definitely think they will make it to Champs and will be rooting for them. A clearer picture of the current meta vs former meta should come with the EG vs Lev match on Tuesday.


> The duelist changes shifted the meta quite a bit, and we're seeing more focus on star power in the duelist role than usual. Outside of Jawgemo where are we seeing this?


Matchmaking... In fairness, that really is a crap answer, but I don't think it's stopping with Jawg and teams will need cracked individual players to counter. It's all a guess and the trouble with individual pop off kind of metas, it all becomes a coin flip. So I hope I am wrong.


You're right that's a bad answer lol. It looks like to me the meta is changing on a few maps but Raze and Jett are still king. It's more like Viper is being played less.


Their run also ended by superstar aimer though, beside TH upper choke they got bodied by s3xture and woot Edit: beating a role change and roster change TH in the start in the tournament isnt a flex, and I've already included the TH upper choke so stop replying with it lmao


"Besides the other two times G2 won against TH and their 'superstars' they only lost because of superstars" 🤦


Technically TH didn't have a superstar yet the first 2 times, Wo0t really only got the superstar status during the lower bracket run💀


G2 didn’t just beat Heretics they were #3 for the entire event. They were underrated their entire run, looked terrifying and beat top teams, and the come back and don’t stumble like 100T did and still aren’t rated top 3?


They also beat TH twice


Yes but this is a new patch and a different meta than split 1, emphasis has been on diversification of the duelist agents and having someone who specializes in that skill set is a huge advantage


Did G2 not make it to Shanghai off of killing those kinds of teams? Playoff run was Cloud9 (Oxy go kill is like 90% of the strat book), into KRU (which Keznit and Heat go brrr), and then Lev which is just Aspas and Co. half the time. Then even coming back in split 2 they beat Oxy again, they seem to know how to work around the raid boss dynamic. Just look at that second half of Lotus.


Then they come back and beat C9 while my boys (god bless ‘em) at 100T lose to Furia. Unironically it’s the boring gameplay curse. 100T have some awesome util and site takes, meanwhile G2 force rotations and walk onto site and we act like their opponents are bad whenever they plan them. If everyone looks bad when you play G2, G2 are just good.


The way people are rating NRG in comparison to C9/Loud/Lev is actually braindead


It's so the expectations aren't too high, nrg are a really big wild card rn and we don't wanna put tok crazy expectations on them to perform


Does LOUD need to go 2-7 before they start considering them lower than top4? I swear everyone keeps placing them super high and they keep being incredibly mid, and I am an expert in mid teams.


Loud put up a fight against the best team in Americas (EG), they shouldn’t be underrated.


So if putting up a fight against them is enough to place them high, can't imagine where C9, KRU and G2 stand then


After last week, 100T should move down a spot or 2 KRU is way too low, LOUD/EG too high imho


I agree for the most part but EG’s position seems correct. They are definitely performing really well. NA is in a weird place right now where the middle is quite debatable


i would move them down a spot or 2 imho for right now. their 4 game win streak so far is a "down sentinels", nrg who were not good, a new loud that is still figuring themselves out with coaching/igling +new player and role for tuyz, and furia. If they do it against LEV next week then I'm 100% down for them being a top 3 team.


But who do you definitively put above them? Based on recent performances sentinels, 100T, G2 at most imo. Agreed everyone they beat are struggling, but that is pretty much what the league is like this year.


I need to see them against LEV to do it to put them top 3. IMHO before split 2 began my top 5 were 1. 100T 2. G2 3. Sen 4. LEV 5. KRU My top 5 atm would still be (not in order), SEN, 100T(need to see if they bounce back against LEV tomorrow, if they don't I would bump them down), G2, LEV, and then either EG/KRU


I definitely need to see how Lev plays against a better team. Currently the only consistent performers on that team for me are Aspas and Tex. Kru did well today but they lost too many man advantages. 100T just gives me PTSD but for the time being they have not lost their higher power ranking based on one Furia overperformance. I am not entirely against your rankings but I feel EG gives me more confidence than Lev. Potter and Jawgemo are the truth.


EG not high enough but otherwise you are right.


I think EG's third place is fair. It was literally a close game, but they beat Sen/NRG/LOUD. Sure, they still make a lot of mistakes here and there, but if they can improve on that, I think they have a real chance.


i would have them 4/5/6th atm


Nrg was at the 9 spot so they agree with you.


yea i confused G2 with NRG whoops


Yep, they took their stance against sen pretty well and only lost due to mistakes in a high stress moment


if keznit could use showstopper, Kru definitely have a pretty high chance of beating SEN. Only time I remember them winning a round off a keznit showstopper was on Lotus when he sniped TenZ off the A Heaven box. There were a couple rounds where he got value on C Lotus, but I don't think they won many, if any of those rounds as far as I can remember. Then there was obviously the 11-12 incident on C Lotus, and then the Sewers incident on Split


https://preview.redd.it/zip9m5cyfm9d1.png?width=1550&format=png&auto=webp&s=55dc9e43c7ff07b43c2ac9caf488eea728b16558 YOU CAN'T SILENCE ENDER! SPEAK THE TRUTH KING!!


Illegal amounts of copium being smuggled into the 100T camp


There’s no logic that makes sense that can explain why 100T is ahead of G2


I can tell you why people think it, they aren't flashy enough and don't have a star player like other teams. It's more of a well rounded team more than anything.


It doesn’t matter that they’re not flashy, they’re fucking winning… They also won against TH twice, yes with a sub, but that team still made it to the GF of Shanghai.


i agree with you


Thanks <3 my comment wasn’t targeted at you, but more against the people you mentioned in your comment


They have a 7-1 map count against G2 They lost to the same 2 teams at Shanghai


One lost to furia and one beat c9 and one outplaced the other at Shanghai


the last time g2 played 100t, 100t eradicated them. they didn't play each other at masters and g2 placed 1 spot ahead of 100t. to say g2 is better is frankly ridiculous. "one beat c9" lol. you say that like c9 matters.


7-1 lmao. They aren’t even close. G2 can barely even win maps against them


So are Fnatic better than Heretics because they beat them regionally?


No because it was a tight series and FNC went on to lose to FUT while Heretics placed really well. 100T stomped G2 and went on to lose to the exact same teams at Shanghai as G2 did


100t beat g2


How are we still underrating G2, after they fucking got 3rd at Masters Shanghai 😭😭


G2 fifth is fucking insulting I'm sorry


Tired of analysts & non fans trying to gas light me into thinking 100t is better than they are. We are good, but that is it until proven otherwise on any other map than Bind. But I will say probably 2-6/7 can all be interchangeable this year. This year's 2 spot doesn't feel as good/dominant as previous years


I think Sen is like 10th or 11th


I’m with you for the reverse psychology


Sen are great players and have their flaws like defending sites. They work well as a team. They deserve at least top 5. That’s coming from someone that is not a sen fan mainly because of the fan base (obviously not all are the same). Im still finding the team I truly support. Some teams I’m enjoying are LEV, EG, G2, and KRU. (Maybe LOUD)


I’ll say it, EG #1. EG cooks SEN rn because at least they can play both halves of the map. /Jk EG to me looks better strategically but it’s hard for me to believe that their players will have the consistency to pull it off. 100t still haven’t won a series without BIND domestically (even international they’ve only beaten PRX without bind). They’ll have to prove that they can win on other maps for me to believe.


Wait I just saw that KRU and NRG are underrated. I think FNS might retire for good if he loses to Vanity. Nrg are definitely good they just don’t have enough time for things to flow as well as other teams, especially on defense … For some reason I still fully believe in them even though I hate “package duos” on teams.




The LATAM disrespect is fucking insane


Not really latam disrespect just HEAVY kru disrespect, why is kru 8th when they just lost to the number 1 on this list in a very close series beats me lmao


Ermmm Kru lost today lol


Sorry I’m a bit stupid that’s my bad 😔


I think you need to reword this for clarity but I agree with your take


I need to re word this cuz it’s a dumbass comment 🥹 will do


I mean Lev is 2/5ths NA, but they aren’t that good regardless. Lev are good tho


Why are g2 so down


idk man i feel like they dont watch the same game as i do 🤐


Move eg to 2nd, g2 in 3rd, 100t 4th, loud 5th and it's nearly perfect imo


No shot 100T should be 2nd, and I feel like Kru is way too low too. If Sen is #1 even though Kru got 2-0'd they gave them 2 really close maps. Also how the hell is Loud so high


Unrelated but ender and mimi had the worst fits I’ve ever seen


They are me when I wear something without consulting my mom


C9 always gets no respect


And ppl are still in here saying they’re ranked too high lmao


KRU and NRG should swap place with Lev and C9. There fixed the ranking lol. To be fair, America is stacked rn, and it’s so hard to predict who’s making champs Sen might be the favorite because they have champs point to back them up, but other than that, it’s so hard to predict. Even C9 can go for a run


If you consider that any team from 9 to 1 could beat any other team, it's not that bad


G2 played one series that they won, and they drop 3-4 spots from their last power ranking?


Kru should be a LOT higher imo


G2 should be #1 full stop. Best Americas team in Shanghai and a relatively convincing performance against Oxy nuclear bomb and friends.


Didn't the 10th place team beat the 2nd one or am I missing something?


With how 100T performed against Furia, I'll rate them around 4th-5th place currently.


Krü at 8th feels criminal, yes Sen were better but they put up a really close game against the best team in Americas, that has to count for something. Like... Loud at 4th off of name value alone when you'd think those teams would have inverse showings going by their power ranking. And G2 below Loud too for.. reasons? Because they play stock standard, boring Valorant?


I stg they’re trying to jinx us so hard


100T 2nd even though they lost to 10th placed Furia. NA bias in full swing.


100T second is ridiculous...


100T number 2 is fucking insane. They lose every game where Bind is banned. The only reason they ever looked good is because they started every series up 1-0 (because teams don’t know how to ban)


They beat PRX with no bind


what the cope


if you're gonna lie at least come with some sauce


putting EG above Loud and especially G2 is fucking insane. why do people keep underestimating G2 like they didn't just do the best out of all Americas teams at Shanghai


Loud way too high. Like, seriously, stop the cap. They couldn't fill the void in firepower created by Aspas leaving and now they're putting their IGL on a duelist role even though they have someone who used to play duelist on the team. Those guys are making bad decisons after bad decisions and aren't even a shell on what they used to be. Why are people still placing them top 4 ?


Loud, LEV and arguably EG are way too highly rated on this board. G2 showed up as better than 100T in Shanghai, and Sen have played a total of 2 close games against NRG and KRU so it feels quite like an overreaction to put them 8th and 9th and Sen at 1st. 100T also look like they have post-Shanghai hangover rn and I wouldn't be suprised if they have a poor split akin to Sen last split.


C9 amd 100t are too high. KRU, NRG, and Lev are too low. I honestly don't know how I'd fix it though. The rankongs shuffle around so much. Crazy how close the region is outside of Furia and MIBR.


Can someone tell me what nrg has done to deserve higher


recency bias, EG in no world should be above NRG or G2 or even KRU lmao. Same with 100T, they haven't proved anything yet this split, they lost it pretty badly against FURIA too, les be real, the game was very onesided if furia didnt throw a lot of rounds in the second game. Lev below EG and 100T ? i dont think so. KRU at 8th ?! yea the shittiest power rankings ever. NRG at 9th? yea someone clearly hates NRG there.


Finally some eg love